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* ''[[Dakaar Corporation]]''
* ''[[Dakaar Corporation]]''
* ''[[Larleaftea Hryawaowya]]''
* ''[[Larleaftea Hryawaowya]]''
* ''[[Ling-Standard Products]]'': Imperial megacorporation. ''LSP'' operate the large Imperial shipyards at [[Concorde (world)|Concorde]] and [[Kaagin (world)|Kaagin]]. ''LSP'' has been exerting political pressure to obtain lanthanum mining rights on [[Lurammish (world)|Lurammish]] but has encountered fierce local resistance.
* ''[[Ling-Standard Products]]'': Imperial megacorporation. ''LSP'' operate the large Imperial shipyards at [[Concorde (world)|Concorde]] and [[Kaagin (world)|Kaagin]]. ''LSP'' has been exerting political pressure to obtain [[lanthanum]] mining rights on [[Lurammish (world)|Lurammish]] but has encountered fierce local resistance.
[[File:Caledon_Ventures.jpg|200px]] [[File:Dakaar.jpg|200px]] [[File:Larleaftea_Hryawaowya.jpg|200px]]
[[File:Caledon_Ventures.jpg|200px]] [[File:Dakaar.jpg|200px]] [[File:Larleaftea_Hryawaowya.jpg|200px]]

Revision as of 08:18, 23 May 2024

Reaver's Deep Sector
Ealiyasiyw Ilelish Daibei
Reaver's Deep style="width: 250px; height: 350px; border: solid 1px black;"
map from Travellermap.com
Dark Nebula
Sector Data
No. of Worlds 366
Population 744,139 million
Majority Control Non-Aligned - 47%
Secondary Control Pocket Empires - 26%
Tertiary Control Third Imperium - 20%
Quaternary Control Aslan Hierate - 5%
Quiniary Control Solomani Confederation - 2%
Domain Domain of Ilelish
Aslan Hierate
Balkanized Space
Solomani Sphere
Capital Marlheim (world)
Gross Sector Product BCr3,980,385
Trade Volume BCr19,700
Imperial Coordinate -2 / -2
This sector has a trade map
This sector has economic data
This sector has sector data
This sector has a climate file
This sector has sector data

Reaver's Deep style="width: 250px; height: 350px; border: solid 1px black; float: right; clear: left"

Reaver's Deep Sector -- often known by the more logical but technically incorrect Reavers' Deep -- (and as Aeitle Sakh in Trokh) is a frontier region lying along the Imperial border.

This sector is sometimes misnamed as Reavers Deep or Reavers' Deep.

Description (Specifications)

Reaver's Deep Sector is of low overall Stellar Density, typical of galactic stellar distribution near Zone II, and borders the Great Rift.

  • This area is an extremely dynamic crossroads known for interstellar cultural exchanges including those of several major powers:
  • It is also dotted with Pocket Empires.
  • It has a particularly long history of sophont cultural exchange and much of this history has been lost or only remains in spotty records and myth.

Toponyms: 1105

This sector has been known by different names to different groups over its existence including the following:

Reaver's Deep Sector Names
Culture Toponym Polity
Third Imperium Reaver's Deep Third Imperium
Aslan Aeitle Sakh Aslan Hierate
Droyne Unknown Droyne Oytrip Yatroy
Hiver Aeitle Sakh Hive Federation
K'kree Unknown Two Thousand Worlds
Solomani Reaver's Deep Solomani Confederation
Vargr Reaver's Deep Vargr Extents
Vilani Reaver's Deep Third Imperium
Zhodani Aeitle Sakh Zhodani Consulate

Linguistic Topography: 1105

The following languages are among the most commonly used within this astrographic region:

  • Anglic: One of the two official languages of the Third Imperium and an official language of the Solomani Confederation.
    • Caledonian Anglic; the variant used in the Principality of Caledon.
      • Gheldaght: A ceremonial Caledonian language dating to ancient Terra and retained as a matter of pride.
  • Aslanic: A patois of the Aslan's dominant language of Trokh, utilising Trokh grammar and morphology but with phonology more suited to Human vocalisation. Commonly used by Human societies that have long had contact and exchange with Aslan, noticeably those aided and uplifted by Aslan during the Long Night.
  • Common Iltharan: The predominate language of the Iltharan people; although less widespread than it once was, its influence is apparent across several subsectors.
  • Kdaar (Platt-based Reavers Cant): The language of the Grand Duchy of Marlheim, an Anglic-based "cant" over a base of a language called Platt.
  • Reavers Cant: Any of a number of dialects developed by reaver parties and pirate nations during the Long Night.
  • Trokh: The common language of Aslan who conform to the modern Aslan monoculture established after the Aslan Cultural Purge.
  • Vilani (language): One of the two official languages of the Third Imperium.
  • Virsashi: The primary language of the Virushi, a prominent Minor Race influential within local Imperial culture.

History & Background (Dossier)

During the Long Night, this region of space was dominated by petty warlords and pirates, who were collectively referred to as the Reavers. Expansion of the Aslan Hierate and Third Imperium along the sector's borders put an end to the Reaver activity, though the numerous neutral worlds of the sector provide haven for pirates and criminals to this day.

Native Sophonts: 1105

The following races (sophont species) are believed to have originated within this area:

Demographics: 1105

Significant populations of the following races (sophont species) reside within this area:


Major corporations active across this sector include the following:

Caledon Ventures.jpg Dakaar.jpg Larleaftea Hryawaowya.jpg

Historical Eras

Historical Overview: It has a particularly long history of sophont cultural exchange and much of this history has been lost or only remains in spotty records and myth.

History-Era: 1100

Non-Canon: Little is known of the early history of the Deep. It is fairly certain that the Ancients visited several planets in this region; artifacts proving this have been discovered at a number of sites within the Deep.

  • Near the end of the Pax Vilanica, when the First Imperium was beginning to feel the strain of age and decay, various Imperial governors along the frontiers began secretly recruiting barbarian mercenaries beyond the borders to support their bids for power. One such governor in the region known today as the Daibei Sector is believed to have sent expeditions into the Deep, where his people made contact with the Saie culture. Technical assistance was dispatched to the Saie world to give them the capacity to build weapons and starships that would make them useful to the governor's planned rebellion. Soon after these advisors were dispatched, however, violence erupted in the province. In the fighting that followed, the governor perished and the secret of the Saie was lost to the Imperium. The advisers continued to supply their charges with technology, being unable to return home without aid.
  • The Saie, an aggressive, expansionistic race, used their new technology to establish a small empire in the Caledon, Riftrim and Nightrim subsectors. They overextended themselves in the process and, in a widespread civil war, their empire collapsed. Because they were spread thin, the Saie culture vanished almost without a trace. Even the identity of their homeworld and all records of their physical appearance were lost, buried amid confused myths and legends among the races that they had conquered.
  • It was during the period of the Interstellar Wars, when the Vilani and the young, vigorous Terran Confederation first came into collision, that humans of Terrestrial extraction first arrived in the Deep. Settlers seeking refuge from the war-ravaged worlds near Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) made an epic journey that ultimately ended with the discovery and colonization of Caledon (Reavers' Deep 1815), in the Caledon subsector. Other Terrans followed later, during the years of the Second Imperium (the Rule of Man, after Terra conquered the Vilani empire). The Deep was explored and a few worlds were settled, but the region remained largely open and uninhabited.
  • When the Second Imperium in its turn collapsed (largely due to the inherited problems of the previous Vilani regime), the Long Night fell. Interstellar government and communication alike passed away, except in individual areas where a few strong men could hold on to isolated outposts of civilization. It was during the later stages of the Long Night that the Reavers appeared in the Deep; petty warlords or pirates who scraped together a few space worthy starships and used them to loot backward worlds or to seize and hold small empires. Though the same sort of thing happened outside the Deep as well, these freebooters flourished in the Deep long after the rising tide of civilization had put an end to the majority of their brethren, elsewhere.
  • The Third Imperium to trailing and the spreading Aslan clans to spinward each expanded into the Deep at about the same time. The Reavers faded as ships of these two groups began to explore and conquer the Deep and the Aslan Border Wars broke out. The conclusion of the wars established a neutral region between Aslan and Imperial Space through the middle of the Deep. This area remains largely independent, though considerable influence is still wielded by the neighboring powers. A few client states or small interstellar governments are present, like the Principality of Caledon and the Carrillian Assembly, but many worlds cling fiercely to their traditional independence and there are even a few freebooters left to carry on the romance of the Reaver legend.

Major Historical Events Timeline: 1116

These are some of the more important historical events that have affected this sector:

Politics & Diplomacy (Interstellar Relations)

This area is an extremely dynamic crossroads known for interstellar cultural exchanges including those of several major powers including:

It is also dotted with Pocket Empires.

  • It has a particularly long history of sophont cultural exchange and much of this history has been lost or only remains in spotty records and myth.

Polity Listing: 1105

The following polities can be found within this sector:

Polity Breakdown: 1105

These polities hold the following counts of worlds/systems under control:

Polity Descriptions: 1105

Here are several synopses of the polities found in this sector:

  1. Alleg: AsMw: "Aslan Hierate, single multiple-world clan dominates"
  2. Alleg: AsSc: "Aslan Hierate, multiple clans split control"
  3. Alleg: AsT0: "Aslan Hierate, Tlaukhu control, Yerlyaruiwo (1), Hrawoao (13), Eisohiyw (14), Ferekhearl (19)"
  4. Alleg: AsT1: "Aslan Hierate, Tlaukhu control, Khauleairl (2), Estoieie' (16), Toaseilwi (22)"
  5. Alleg: AsT3: "Aslan Hierate, Tlaukhu control, Tralyeaeawi (4), Yulraleh (12), Aiheilar (25), Riyhalaei (28)"
  6. Alleg: AsT4: "Aslan Hierate, Tlaukhu control, Eakhtiyho (5), Eteawyolei' (11), Fteweyeakh (23)"
  7. Alleg: AsT6: "Aslan Hierate, Tlaukhu control, Uiktawa (7), Iykyasea (17), Faowaou (27)"
  8. Alleg: AsT9: "Aslan Hierate, Tlaukhu control, Aokhalte (10), Sahao' (21), Ouokhoi (26)"
  9. Alleg: AsTv: "Aslan Hierate, Tlaukhu vassal clan dominates"
  10. Alleg: AsWc: "Aslan Hierate, single one-world clan dominates"
  11. Alleg: CaAs: "Carrillian Assembly"
  12. Alleg: CaPr: "Principality of Caledon"
  13. Alleg: CaTe: "Carter Technocracy"
  14. Alleg: CsCa: "Client state, Principality of Caledon"
  15. Alleg: CsIm: "Client state, Third Imperium"
  16. Alleg: DuCf: "Confederation of Duncinae"
  17. Alleg: GdMh: "Grand Duchy of Marlheim"
  18. Alleg: ImDi: "Third Imperium, Domain of Ilelish"
  19. Alleg: IsDo: "Islaiat Dominate"
  20. Alleg: LyCo: "Lanyard Colonies"
  21. Alleg: NaAs: "Non-Aligned, Aslan-dominated"
  22. Alleg: NaHu: "Non-Aligned, Human-dominated"
  23. Alleg: NaXX: "Non-Aligned, unclaimed"
  24. Alleg: SoCf: "Solomani Confederation"
  25. Alleg: UnHa: "Union of Harmony"

Imperial Territory: 1105

This is an Imperial frontier area.

  • 16.00% is controlled by the Third Imperium.
  • 84.00% is controlled by non-Imperial powers.

Trade Routes (Economic Astrography)

The following astrographic features and trade routes can be found within this area:

Mains, Branches & Arms

  • There are no mains (clusters or groups of clusters with more than 40 systems) in Reaver's Deep.

Clusters & Traces

The following clusters and/or traces (in whole or in part) are found in this sector:

Rifts, Voids & Jump Bridges

Other Astrographic Features

Worlds, Systems & Sectors (Political Astrography)


Reaver's Deep Sector is of low overall Stellar Density, typical of galactic stellar distribution near Zone II, and borders the Great Rift.

  • Reavers' Deep contains 16 subsectors, though four of these (Farift, Riftdeep, Riftrim and Gulf) are technically a part of the Great Rift and have only a thin scattering of stars.
  • The other twelve subsectors are more normal in stellar concentration, averaging close to thirty worlds per subsector.
  • Sector located at astrographical coordinates (-2, -2).

Capital/s: 1105

The capital or capitals of this area is/are located at:

  • The capital of Principality of Caledon is at Caledon (Reaver's Deep 1815).
  • The capital of Islaiat Dominate is at Islaiat (Reaver's Deep 0221).
  • The capital of Grand Duchy of Marlheim is at Marlheim (Reaver's Deep 1230).
  • The capital of Confederation of Duncinae is at Duncinae (Reaver's Deep 1624).
  • The capital of Carrillian Assembly is at Carrill (Reaver's Deep 2330).
  • The capital of Carter Technocracy is at Carter (Reaver's Deep 1740).
  • The capital of Lanyard Colonies is at Lanyard (Reaver's Deep 1938).

Sector Summary: 1105

The Reaver's Deep sector has 366 worlds with an estimated population of 744 billion, a per capita income of Cr5,353, and a total economy is BCr3,983,003. These worlds originate an interstellar trade of BCr17,120 through 301 starports (47 Class A, 79 Class B, 129 Class C, 46 Class D) employing 3,512,100 people. Driving this interstellar trade are 93 Agricultural (Ag) worlds, 24 Non-Agricultural (Na) worlds, 37 Pre-Agricultural (Pa) worlds, 36 Pre-Industrial (Pi) worlds, 64 Rich (Ri) worlds, and 23 Industrial (In) worlds. The governments in Reaver's Deep maintain 67 Naval bases, 62 Military bases, 18 Scout bases, six Clan bases, and two Tlaukhu bases. The average technology level is 8 (with most between 5 and 10). The highest technology level is 14 at Concorde (Reaver's Deep 2218), Gerim (Reaver's Deep 2416), Khakhan (Reaver's Deep 3220), Carrill (Reaver's Deep 2330), and Roaa (Reaver's Deep 0237).

The Reaver's Deep sector contains 524 stars and 4,123 identified planets; 215 monostellar systems, 144 binary systems, seven trinary systems, and no systems with four or more stars. 333 of the 366 systems (90%) have native gas giants. There are ten Asteroid (As) belts, ten Desert (De) worlds, 45 Garden (Ga) worlds, 15 Ice-capped (Ic) worlds, 51 Poor (Po) worlds, 31 Vacuum (Va) worlds, and 13 Water (Wa) or Ocean (Oc) worlds.

Reaver's Deep has an estimated population of 744 billion distributed across 49 High population (Hi) worlds, 44 Moderate population (Ph) worlds, 154 Non-industrial (Ni) worlds, 45 Low population (Lo) worlds, and 16 Barren (Ba) worlds. The highest population worlds are Khakhan (Reaver's Deep 3220), Islaiat (Reaver's Deep 0221), Roaa (Reaver's Deep 0237), O'eatoaea (Reaver's Deep 0235), Maijarra (Reaver's Deep 0320), and St. George (Reaver's Deep 2616). The population consists of 16 sophont groups including 12 native sophonts.

16 identified sophont populations in Reaver's Deep


Non-Aligned, Human-dominated

There are 150 Non-Aligned Human-dominated worlds in Reaver's Deep with an estimated population of 129 billion.

Third Imperium, Domain of Ilelish

The Third Imperium, Domain of Ilelish has jurisdiction over 57 worlds with an estimated population of 169 billion, a per capita income of Cr8,048, and a total economy is BCr1,360,175. These worlds originate an interstellar trade of BCr5,161 through 49 starports (12 Class A, 18 Class B, 17 Class C, 2 Class D) employing 935,350 people. Driving this interstellar trade are 18 Agricultural (Ag) worlds, three Non-Agricultural (Na) worlds, three Pre-Agricultural (Pa) worlds, six Pre-Industrial (Pi) worlds, ten Rich (Ri) worlds, and two Industrial (In) worlds. The governments in Third Imperium, Domain of Ilelish maintain 19 Naval bases, and ten Scout bases. The average technology level is 9 (with most between 6 and 11). The highest technology level is 14 at Concorde (Reaver's Deep 2218), Gerim (Reaver's Deep 2416), and Khakhan (Reaver's Deep 3220).

The Third Imperium, Domain of Ilelish has an estimated population of 169 billion distributed across eight High population (Hi) worlds, five Moderate population (Ph) worlds, 20 Non-industrial (Ni) worlds, 11 Low population (Lo) worlds, and one Barren (Ba) world. The highest population worlds are Khakhan (Reaver's Deep 3220), St. George (Reaver's Deep 2616), and Gerim (Reaver's Deep 2416). The population consists of 4 sophont groups including three native sophonts.

Principality of Caledon

The Principality of Caledon has jurisdiction over 22 worlds with an estimated population of 30 billion, a per capita income of Cr5,236, and a total economy is BCr158,800. These worlds originate an interstellar trade of BCr1,030 through 21 starports (7 Class A, 6 Class B, 8 Class C, 0 Class D) employing 307,295 people. Driving this interstellar trade are four Agricultural (Ag) worlds, three Non-Agricultural (Na) worlds, six Pre-Agricultural (Pa) worlds, four Pre-Industrial (Pi) worlds, seven Rich (Ri) worlds, and two Industrial (In) worlds. The governments in Principality of Caledon maintain 15 Military bases, 11 Naval bases, and one Scout base. The average technology level is 9 (with most between 8 and 11). The highest technology level is 12 at Stirling (Reaver's Deep 1415), Douglass (Reaver's Deep 1617), Caledon (Reaver's Deep 1815), and Victory (Reaver's Deep 2017).

The Principality of Caledon has an estimated population of 30 billion distributed across two High population (Hi) worlds, six Moderate population (Ph) worlds, seven Non-industrial (Ni) worlds, one Low population (Lo) world, and no Barren (Ba) worlds. The highest population world is Cuillin (Reaver's Deep 1613). The population consists of 1 sophont groups.

Carrillian Assembly

The Carrillian Assembly has jurisdiction over 21 worlds with an estimated population of 14 billion, a per capita income of Cr7,635, and a total economy is BCr107,457. These worlds originate an interstellar trade of BCr3,157 through 21 starports (5 Class A, 6 Class B, 8 Class C, 2 Class D) employing 681,960 people. Driving this interstellar trade are eight Agricultural (Ag) worlds, two Non-Agricultural (Na) worlds, three Pre-Agricultural (Pa) worlds, three Pre-Industrial (Pi) worlds, four Rich (Ri) worlds, and one Industrial (In) world. The governments in Carrillian Assembly maintain eight Military bases, and five Naval bases. The average technology level is 9 (with most between 7 and 11). The highest technology level is 14 at Carrill (Reaver's Deep 2330).

The Carrillian Assembly has an estimated population of 14 billion distributed across two High population (Hi) worlds, three Moderate population (Ph) worlds, 11 Non-industrial (Ni) worlds, one Low population (Lo) world, and no Barren (Ba) worlds. The highest population worlds are Lanixohn (Reaver's Deep 2033) and Carrill (Reaver's Deep 2330). The population consists of 1 sophont groups.

Non-Aligned, unclaimed

There are 18 Non-Aligned unclaimed worlds in Reaver's Deep with an estimated population of 210 million.

Aslan Hierate, single one-world clan dominates

The Aslan Hierate, single one-world clan dominates has jurisdiction over 18 worlds with an estimated population of 136 billion, a per capita income of Cr6,109, and a total economy is BCr830,901. These worlds originate an interstellar trade of BCr957 through 15 starports (5 Class A, 3 Class B, 4 Class C, 3 Class D) employing 151,340 people. Driving this interstellar trade are two Agricultural (Ag) worlds, four Non-Agricultural (Na) worlds, two Pre-Agricultural (Pa) worlds, four Pre-Industrial (Pi) worlds, four Rich (Ri) worlds, and one Industrial (In) world. The governments in Aslan Hierate, single one-world clan dominates maintain six Clan bases, and two Tlaukhu bases. The average technology level is 9 (with most between 7 and 12). The highest technology level is 14 at Roaa (Reaver's Deep 0237).

The Aslan Hierate, single one-world clan dominates has an estimated population of 136 billion distributed across three High population (Hi) worlds, two Moderate population (Ph) worlds, five Non-industrial (Ni) worlds, one Low population (Lo) world, and no Barren (Ba) worlds. The highest population worlds are Roaa (Reaver's Deep 0237) and O'eatoaea (Reaver's Deep 0235). The population consists of 1 sophont groups.

Client state, Third Imperium

The Client states of the Third Imperium in Reaver's Deep encompasses 15 worlds with an estimated population of 67 billion.

Islaiat Dominate

The Islaiat Dominate has jurisdiction over 13 worlds with an estimated population of 141 billion, a per capita income of Cr4,265, and a total economy is BCr601,434. These worlds originate an interstellar trade of BCr138 through 12 starports (3 Class A, 3 Class B, 5 Class C, 1 Class D) employing 97,375 people. Driving this interstellar trade are two Agricultural (Ag) worlds, no Non-Agricultural (Na) worlds, three Pre-Agricultural (Pa) worlds, two Pre-Industrial (Pi) worlds, two Rich (Ri) worlds, and no Industrial (In) worlds. The governments in Islaiat Dominate maintain four Military bases, and two Naval bases. The average technology level is 8 (with most between 6 and 10). The highest technology level is 13 at Islaiat (Reaver's Deep 0221).

The Islaiat Dominate has an estimated population of 141 billion distributed across two High population (Hi) worlds, three Moderate population (Ph) worlds, six Non-industrial (Ni) worlds, one Low population (Lo) world, and no Barren (Ba) worlds. The highest population worlds are Islaiat (Reaver's Deep 0221) and Maijarra (Reaver's Deep 0320). The population consists of 1 sophont groups.

Union of Harmony

The Union of Harmony has jurisdiction over 13 worlds with an estimated population of 22 billion, a per capita income of Cr1,254, and a total economy is BCr28,392. These worlds originate an interstellar trade of BCr426 through 11 starports (3 Class A, 2 Class B, 3 Class C, 3 Class D) employing 82,090 people. Driving this interstellar trade are three Agricultural (Ag) worlds, no Non-Agricultural (Na) worlds, one Pre-Agricultural (Pa) world, no Pre-Industrial (Pi) worlds, four Rich (Ri) worlds, and one Industrial (In) world. The governments in Union of Harmony maintain three Military bases, and two Naval bases. The average technology level is 7 (with most between 5 and 9). The highest technology level is 12 at Gustave (Reaver's Deep 0737).

The Union of Harmony has an estimated population of 22 billion distributed across three High population (Hi) worlds, one Moderate population (Ph) world, three Non-industrial (Ni) worlds, two Low population (Lo) worlds, and no Barren (Ba) worlds. The highest population world is Khea (Reaver's Deep 0733). The population consists of 2 sophont groups.

Solomani Confederation

The Solomani Confederation has jurisdiction over nine worlds with an estimated population of 3 billion, a per capita income of Cr8,050, and a total economy is BCr25,495. These worlds originate an interstellar trade of BCr1,607 through 9 starports (4 Class A, 3 Class B, 2 Class C, 0 Class D) employing 274,560 people. Driving this interstellar trade are two Agricultural (Ag) worlds, two Non-Agricultural (Na) worlds, no Pre-Agricultural (Pa) worlds, one Pre-Industrial (Pi) world, one Rich (Ri) world, and one Industrial (In) world. The governments in Solomani Confederation maintain four Naval bases, and four Military bases. The average technology level is 10 (with most between 9 and 12). The highest technology level is 13 at Moibeal (Reaver's Deep 2939).

The Solomani Confederation has an estimated population of 3 billion distributed across one High population (Hi) world, one Moderate population (Ph) world, four Non-industrial (Ni) worlds, one Low population (Lo) world, and no Barren (Ba) worlds. The highest population world is Avalon (Reaver's Deep 3238). The population consists of 1 sophont groups.

Grand Duchy of Marlheim

The Grand Duchy of Marlheim has jurisdiction over eight worlds with an estimated population of 8 billion, a per capita income of Cr5,043, and a total economy is BCr42,616. These worlds originate an interstellar trade of BCr936 through 8 starports (1 Class A, 2 Class B, 5 Class C, 0 Class D) employing 215,510 people. Driving this interstellar trade are three Agricultural (Ag) worlds, no Non-Agricultural (Na) worlds, one Pre-Agricultural (Pa) world, one Pre-Industrial (Pi) world, two Rich (Ri) worlds, and two Industrial (In) worlds. The governments in Grand Duchy of Marlheim maintain four Military bases, and three Naval bases. The average technology level is 9 (with most between 7 and 10). The highest technology level is 11 at Marlheim (Reaver's Deep 1230).

The Grand Duchy of Marlheim has an estimated population of 8 billion distributed across two High population (Hi) worlds, one Moderate population (Ph) world, two Non-industrial (Ni) worlds, one Low population (Lo) world, and no Barren (Ba) worlds. The highest population worlds are Pendang (Reaver's Deep 1231) and Marlheim (Reaver's Deep 1230). The population consists of 1 sophont groups.

Confederation of Duncinae

The Confederation of Duncinae has jurisdiction over seven worlds with an estimated population of 145 million, a per capita income of Cr3,972, and a total economy is BCr576. These worlds originate an interstellar trade of BCr24 through 7 starports (1 Class A, 1 Class B, 5 Class C, 0 Class D) employing 21,260 people. Driving this interstellar trade are five Agricultural (Ag) worlds, no Non-Agricultural (Na) worlds, no Pre-Agricultural (Pa) worlds, two Pre-Industrial (Pi) worlds, three Rich (Ri) worlds, and no Industrial (In) worlds. The governments in Confederation of Duncinae maintain five Military bases, and two Naval bases. The average technology level is 8 (with most between 6 and 10). The highest technology level is 11 at Duncinae (Reaver's Deep 1624).

The Confederation of Duncinae has an estimated population of 145 million distributed across no High population (Hi) worlds, no Moderate population (Ph) worlds, three Non-industrial (Ni) worlds, no Low population (Lo) worlds, and no Barren (Ba) worlds. The highest population worlds are Invermory (Reaver's Deep 1622), Vincit (Reaver's Deep 1327), Just (Reaver's Deep 1625), and Fulton (Reaver's Deep 1524). The population consists of 1 sophont groups.

Non-Aligned, Aslan-dominated

There are four Non-Aligned Aslan-dominated worlds in Reaver's Deep with an estimated population of 17 billion.

Client state, Principality of Caledon

The Client states of the Principality of Caledon in Reaver's Deep encompasses four worlds with an estimated population of 10 million.

Lanyard Colonies

The Lanyard Colonies has jurisdiction over four worlds with an estimated population of 8 million, a per capita income of Cr1,750, and a total economy is BCr14. These worlds originate an interstellar trade of BCr1 through 4 starports (0 Class A, 3 Class B, 0 Class C, 1 Class D) employing 505 people. Driving this interstellar trade are two Agricultural (Ag) worlds, no Non-Agricultural (Na) worlds, no Pre-Agricultural (Pa) worlds, no Pre-Industrial (Pi) worlds, no Rich (Ri) worlds, and no Industrial (In) worlds. The governments in Lanyard Colonies maintain one Military base. The average technology level is 8 (with most between 7 and 10). The highest technology level is 11 at Lanyard (Reaver's Deep 1938).

The Lanyard Colonies has an estimated population of 8 million distributed across no High population (Hi) worlds, no Moderate population (Ph) worlds, four Non-industrial (Ni) worlds, no Low population (Lo) worlds, and no Barren (Ba) worlds. The highest population world is Morgan (Reaver's Deep 2038). The population consists of 1 sophont groups.

Carter Technocracy

The Carter Technocracy has jurisdiction over three worlds with an estimated population of 4 billion, a per capita income of Cr3,811, and a total economy is BCr16,413. These worlds originate an interstellar trade of BCr74 through 3 starports (1 Class A, 2 Class B, 0 Class C, 0 Class D) employing 66,430 people. Driving this interstellar trade are no Agricultural (Ag) worlds, one Non-Agricultural (Na) world, one Pre-Agricultural (Pa) world, no Pre-Industrial (Pi) worlds, one Rich (Ri) world, and no Industrial (In) worlds. The governments in Carter Technocracy maintain three Military bases, and one Naval base.

The Carter Technocracy has an estimated population of 4 billion distributed across one High population (Hi) world, one Moderate population (Ph) world, one Non-industrial (Ni) world, no Low population (Lo) worlds, and no Barren (Ba) worlds. The highest population world is Carter (Reaver's Deep 1740). The population consists of 1 sophont groups.

World Listing: 1105

The following systems and worlds can be found within this area:

367 Worlds in the Reaver's Deep Sector
300-207  •    •  815-205  •  Abramo  •  Aerin  •  Ahyolyo  •  Aikhiy  •  Alledra  •  Anatar  •  Andalusia (RD 0110)  •  Andiros  •  Angela  •  Angelika  •  Ankara (RD 2812)  •  Annan  •  Aosewa  •  Araby  •  Aries  •  Arrecife  •  Arthur  •  Asden  •  Astorga  •  Astoria (RD 2622)  •  Atiyr  •  Auikali  •  Avalon (RD 3238)  •  Ayers (RD 2839)  •  Bakuur  •  Balyff  •  Banff  •  Beltene (RD 2203)  •  Bergland  •  Bhasad  •  Boran  •  Botany Bay (RD 1734)  •  Brandon (RD 1632)  •  Brighton (RD 1020)  •  Brittany  •  Bryn  •  Budwick  •    •  Caere  •  Caithness  •  Calcutta  •  Caledon  •  Campbell (RD 0406)  •  Carlisle  •  Carrill  •  Carter  •  Cassandra  •  Cerer  •  Cesare  •  Chantrae  •  Chenzen  •  Claverse  •  Collins World  •  Concorde  •  Coventry (RD 1723)  •  Coventry (RD 3207)  •  Cuillin  •  Culloden  •  Cuslets  •  Cyne  •  Dakaar  •  Daken  •  Danelag  •  Datinar  •  Davighar  •  De Bilburgh  •  De Garthe  •  Delilah  •  Despite Tears  •  Devonia  •  Dhroma  •  Diablo (RD 2423)  •  Dirk  •  Dirtball  •  Doom (RD 2412)  •  Doria  •  Douglass  •  Dran (RD 1129)  •  Dran (RD 2136)  •  Drellesarr  •  Drenslaar  •  Drexilthar  •  Drinsaar  •  Drusilla  •  Dughur  •  Dunbarton  •  Duncinae  •  Dundee  •  Dunmarrow  •  Dutrissal  •  Ea (RD 1225)  •  Eakoi  •  Earlo  •  Eeaaira  •  Eihewasei  •  Eilis  •  Ekaftouh  •  Ekhiwua'ea  •    •  Ellerton  •  Emmaline  •  Enicel  •  Esekheali  •  Estrington  •  Eustauf   •  Failraoiya  •  Faranim  •  Fask  •  Fergus (RD 2014)  •  First Law  •  Firth  •  Fort William  •  Freedom (RD 1036)  •  Freehold (RD 2825)  •  Fulton  •  Gaajpadje  •  Gaargir  •  Galloway (RD 0538)  •  Garrison  •  Gash (RD 2116)  •  Gavza  •  Gerim  •  Germaine  •  Ghost (RD 3115)  •  Ghule  •  Glenelg  •  Glenshiel  •  Gobi (RD 1139)  •  Gofannon  •  Gralyn  •  Gramarye  •  Grampia  •  Grendal  •  Griffin (RD 1839)  •  Gustave  •  Halo (RD 0805)  •  Havant  •  Hela (RD 2721)  •  Hernne  •  Herod  •  Hesiyha  •  Hiatt  •  Hihlas  •  Himalaya  •  Hoa  •  Hoffman  •  Hope (RD 2526)  •  Horacio  •  Horste  •  Houndd  •  Hrealeiwea'  •  Hrike  •  Hrou (RD 0923)  •  Htalrea (RD 1226)  •  Icarus  •  Ikuna  •  Ildrissar  •    •  Inura  •  Invermory  •  Irlaggur  •  Iron Angel  •  Iskara  •  Islaiat  •  Istieru  •  Iwioiar  •  Ixion  •  Janet  •  Jasyn  •  Jefferson  •  Just  •  Kaagin  •  Kaanash  •  Kaaniir  •  Kaduggur  •  Kaihadd  •  Kambarage  •  Kamloops  •  Kassia  •  Kawa  •  Kelly  •  Keltia  •  Khagish  •  Khaiuiwelra  •  Khakhan  •  Khan (RD 0817)  •  Khea (RD 0733)  •  Khishali  •  Khtaao  •  Khtaoreh  •  Khteaouw  •  Khtearie  •  Khtehkaaoas  •  Khyaleiftaoher  •  Kieffer  •  Kimberly  •  Kingston (RD 1428)  •  Knoydart  •  Koath  •  Kolath  •  Kraan  •  Kremmling  •  Kteieaelal  •  Kurat  •  Kylian  •  Kyshana  •  Lajanjigal  •  Lanark  •  Lanisteg  •  Lanixohn  •  Lanyard  •  Laroaetea  •  Laurence (RD 0415)  •  Lavnia  •  Leaa  •  Lestrow  •  Lhshami  •  Linda  •  Lindritar  •  Linsiber  •  Lise  •  Loki (RD 0212)  •  Lore  •  Loren (RD 2311)  •  Los  •  Luiwaiwuah  •  Lurammish  •  Luushakaan  •  Lyo  •  Lyresse  •  Lysiches  •  MacBeth  •  Maiden (RD 2920)  •  Maijarra  •  Marianne  •  Marie  •  Marion  •  Markos  •  Marlheim  •  Mauve  •  Mecca (RD 3130)  •  Mer  •  Merisun  •  Metzler  •  Mingo  •  Mirak  •  Miranda  •  Mirinda  •  Mirlea  •  Moibeal  •  Mooney  •  Morenba  •  Morgan  •  Morristown  •  Mulkins  •  Mull  •  Narisagiir  •  New Covenant  •  New Eden  •  Nexus (RD 3226)  •  Nimbus  •    •  O'eatoaea  •  Oakhahyolerl  •  Oba  •  Oceanus  •  Oihoiei  •  Oirue'ea  •  Oloih  •  Oloma  •  Olympus (RD 3021)  •  Opitan  •  Orkney (RD 2919)  •    •  Outpost (RD 1926)  •  Pagosa  •  Palanay  •  Paradise (RD 1137)  •  Pauline  •  Pendang  •  Pentland  •  Petzina  •  Phontramus  •    •  Pulou  •  Purgatory (RD 2239)  •  Purity  •  Quentin  •  Qusen  •  Ranald  •  Rau  •  Razzia  •  Rejhappur  •  Reynolds  •  Rhys  •  Rintarna  •  Roaa  •  Roakhoi  •  Rob Roy  •  Rock (RD 2214)  •  Rose  •  Rosemont  •  Rothman  •  Roye  •  Rutherglen  •  Sabana  •  Santol  •  Sarrad  •  Scapa  •  Scotia  •  Sean  •  Shamas  •  Shannon (RD 1113)  •  Sharrik  •  Sheffield  •  Shetland  •  Sian (RD 2234)  •  Skye  •  Solomon  •  St. Denis (RD 1031)  •  St. George (RD 2616)  •  Stirling (RD 1415)  •  Stonehaven  •  Storm (RD 1404)  •  Stuart (RD 1716)  •  Svalbard  •  Synoft  •  Syreon  •  Tahoawiywyaw  •  Takhiykhuw  •  Taraan  •  Tashrakaar  •  Tearlach  •  Tee'airlakho  •  Tembo  •  Teyl  •  Tharrill  •  Thekar  •  Theodora  •  Therad  •  Tolde  •  Tower (RD 2519)  •    •  Traneer  •  Tsanesi  •    •  Tulena  •  Turin (RD 0409)  •  Urlaqqash  •  Uta  •    •  Venice  •  Verini  •  Veroch  •  Vesech  •  Vetzeal  •  Vichy  •  Victory (RD 2017)  •  Vincit  •  Virshash  •  Vyjiid  •  Wells (RD 3211)  •  Wihea  •  Winewood  •  Winnetka  •  Wisaaran  •    •  Yaggoth  •  Yaoueai  •  Yarhfahl  •  Yedidah  •  Yonder  •  Zabaloc  •  Zack  •  Zemlya  •    •  

Subsector Listing: 1105

The following subsectors can be found within this sector:

  1. Subsector A: Farift Subsector
  2. Subsector B: Riftdeep Subsector
  3. Subsector C: Riftrim Subsector
  4. Subsector D: Gulf Subsector
  5. Subsector E: Hryaroaa Subsector
  6. Subsector F: Scotian Deep Subsector
  7. Subsector G: Caledon Subsector
  8. Subsector H: Nightrim Subsector
  9. Subsector I: Keiar Subsector
  10. Subsector J: Ea Subsector
  11. Subsector K: Drexilthar Subsector
  12. Subsector L: Urlaqqash Subsector
  13. Subsector M: Uhtaa Subsector
  14. Subsector N: Eakoi Subsector
  15. Subsector O: Drinsaar Subsector
  16. Subsector P: Fahlnar Subsector

Territorial Overview: 1105

The following table details the subsectors within this area:

Territorial Overview
# Subsector Name Worlds /


Allegiance Sub-Allegiance/s Sub-Polities Remarks
1. Subsector A Farift 10 Non-Aligned Tlyetrai Assembly TBD This area is largely held by many small independent powers known as World-States.
  • Nearly a half of the subsector consists of unclaimed worlds.
  • The Great Rift is a dominant astrographic feature in this subsector.
2. Subsector B Riftdeep 12 Non-Aligned None None This area is largely held by many small independent powers known as World-States.
  • Nearly a quarter of the subsector consists of unclaimed worlds.
  • The Great Rift is a dominant astrographic feature in this subsector.
3. Subsector C Riftrim 11 Non-Aligned None None This area is largely held by many small independent powers known as World-States.
  • More than a quarter of the subsector consists of unclaimed worlds.
  • The Great Rift is a dominant astrographic feature in this subsector.
4. Subsector D Gulf (RD D) 12 Non-Aligned Third Imperium None This is an Imperial frontier area.
  • Nearly a quarter of the subsector consists of unclaimed worlds.
  • The Great Rift is a dominant astrographic feature in this subsector.
5. Subsector E Hryaroaa 28 Non-Aligned Islaiat Dominate Khan World League This area is largely under Aslan influence.
6. Subsector F Scotian Deep 27 Principality of Caledon Non-Aligned Third Imperium The Principality of Caledon, a large Pocket Empire and Imperial ally, dominates this subsector.
  • The Great Rift is a dominant astrographic feature in this subsector.
7. Subsector G Caledon 29 Principality of Caledon Non-Aligned Third Imperium The Principality of Caledon, a large Pocket Empire and Imperial ally, dominates this subsector.
8. Subsector H Nightrim 28 Third Imperium Non-Aligned Dienbach Grÿpen This is an Imperial frontier area.
9. Subsector I Keiar 24 Aslan Hierate Islaiat Dominate Non-Aligned This is an Aslan Hierate frontier area.
10. Subsector J Ea 26 Non-Aligned Confederation of Duncinae Grand Duchy of Marlheim This is an Imperial frontier area.
11. Subsector K Drexilthar 27 Non-Aligned Third Imperium Carrillian Assembly This is an Imperial frontier area.
12. Subsector L Urlaqqash 28 Third Imperium Non-Aligned Carrillian Assembly This is an Imperial frontier area.
  • The Carrillian Assembly, a large Pocket Empire, is a significant polity is this subsector.
  • This subsector is well known as the location of the homeworld of the Virushi, a well-known species prized throughout the Imperium for their talented doctors.
13. Subsector M Uhtaa 27 Aslan Hierate Union of Harmony Non-Aligned This is an Aslan Hierate frontier area.
14. Subsector N Eakoi 27 Non-Aligned Union of Harmony Grand Duchy of Marlheim This area is largely held by many small independent powers known as World-States.
15. Subsector O Drinsaar 25 Non-Aligned Carrillian Assembly Third Imperium This area is largely held by many small independent powers known as World-States.
16. Subsector P Fahlnar 25 Solomani Confederation Non-Aligned Carrillian Assembly This is an Solomani Confederation frontier area.

Territorial Chart Key

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