Rule of Man
(-2204 to -1776): Rule of Man
- Also known as the Second Imperium.
- Also known as the Terran Imperium.
- The Rule of Man is sometimes abbreviated as ROM.
- Also known (disparagingly) as the Ramshackle Empire.
- Leads to the Long Night.
Allegiance Codes[edit]
Rule of Man
Primary Astronavigational CodesPolity Survey Code Type Remarks Terran Confederation Pre-Third Imperium TC - TeCo
2-ltr code Pre-Second Imperium Rule of Man Pre-Third Imperium RM - RoMa
- RuMa
2-ltr code Second Imperium Anarchy (chaos) - Dissolution
Pre-Third Imperium AN - XX
- AnXX
2-ltr code Post-Second Imperium
Description (Specifications)[edit]
A short-lived interstellar empire formed after the conquest of the Vilani Imperium by the Terrans.
- The conquered territories were under military rule from -2219 to -2204.
- Vilani military forces were incorporated into the Terran forces.
- Terran naval officers took over key posts in the Vilani bureaucracy.
A. Goals: -1776[edit]
- Expansion
- Prosperity
- Survivial
B. Symbols: -1776[edit]
No information yet available.
C. Polity Quick Facts: -1776[edit]
No information yet available.
History & Background (Dossier)[edit]
In -2204, the Terran Secretariat attempted to transfer control directly to Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) and to incorporate the conquered regions into the Terran Confederation. The commander in chief of the Terran Navy, Admiral Hiroshi Estigarribia, realized that the Confederation government could not possibly control the vast territories of the Vilani Imperium. He proclaimed himself Regent of the Vilani Imperium, and Protector of Terra, so both states were now united in the Rule of Man. Nearly all the fleet sided with Estigarribia both because it was composed largely of colonials, who were under-represented under the Terran Confederation government, and because of Estigarribia's careful preparation. The Confederation was dissolved without significant resistance.
- During the Rule of Man, large numbers of humans from Terra and its oldest colonies emigrated throughout the Imperium. People of Terran ancestry or culture (many of them assimilated Vilani) assumed positions of power on most worlds and became industrialists and administrators.
- The problems of sheer size and scientific stagnation, which had brought about the fall of the Vilani Imperium, continued to plague the Rule of Man. The Vilani had coped with the problems of ruling a large empire by a rigid caste system with all citizens rooted permanently in their places, but this system could last only as long as there was no significant external threat. The Terrans did away with this system but were not able to replace it with a new social order. The destruction of the caste system swept away the foundations of society. Key industries fell apart as their workers became free to move elsewhere.
Political Lineage: 1116[edit]
- Terran Path: Balkanized Terra (Nation-states) → United Nations → United Worlds → Terran Confederation → Interstellar Wars → Second Imperium
- Vilani Path: First Imperium → Interstellar Wars → Second Imperium
Ordered List:
- Balkanized Terra (Nation-states)
- United Nations
- United Worlds
- Interstellar Wars
- Second Imperium AKA Rule of Man AKA Terran Imperium
Demographics: -2204[edit]
Significant populations of the following sophont races exist within this polity:
- Humaniti (Human races)
- Terragens (Non-human Terran races)
Historical Eras[edit]
No information yet available.
History: General Overview[edit]
No information yet available.
Major Historical Events Timeline: -1776[edit]
- (-2204): Emperor Hiroshi I assumes the throne of the Rule of Man.
- Upon Estigarribia's death, he was succeeded by his chief of staff, who crowned himself Emperor Hiroshi II. Estigarribia, even though he did not actually assume the crown, is therefore known to history as Emperor Hiroshi I.
- The Terran fleet headquarters on Dingir (Solomani Rim 1222) became the capital of the Rule of Man. The bureaucratic center of the Imperium remained on Vland (Vland 1717), although arrangements were undertaken to gradually transfer it elsewhere.
- The Terran Confederation is dissolved, while being transformed into the Rule of Man.
- (-2204 to -1804): Hub/Ershur becomes the capital of the Rule of Man.
- Hiroshi II transferred all functions of government from both Vland and Dingir to a more centrally located world, renamed bilingually Hub/Ershur. This world was to remain the capital of the Rule of Man for the next four hundred years.
- (-1997): The Rule of Man splits into two factions: the Hub/Ershur Imperium and the Antares Imperium.
- After the death of Empress Elize in -1997, rival factions of the Council of Noble Officers elected rival Emperors ruling from Antares and Hub/Ershur, almost in effect creating two Imperiums, the Hub/Ershur Imperium and the Antares Imperium, although both de facto governments agreed to retain a common currency and monetary system and maintain the fiction that they were merely different factions of the same Imperial government.
- (-1776): Arbitrary date for the collapse of the Rule of Man, which ushers in the Twilight and the Long Night.
- The -1776 date for the end of the Rule of Man is arbitrary, and it notes the financial collapse of the central government, which occurred when the Treasury at Hub/Ershur refused to honor a monetary issue of the branch treasury at Antares. The resulting lack of confidence within monetary circles marked the end of large-scale interstellar trade and of effective governmental power within the Rule of Man. Although the Imperium did not completely fall apart for many years, the Rule of Man had effectively ceased to exist as a viable interstellar community, and the period known as Twilight had begun.
Government & Politics (Leadership)[edit]
When the Terran Confederation defeated the Vilani Empire and created the Rule of Man, it imposed its own local rulers from the ranks of the Terran, and later Rule of Man, Navy. Naval admirals were installed to govern sectors and subsectors, and naval captains took charge of major worlds, while mere naval lieutenants oversaw smaller worlds.[1]
Overview: -1776[edit]
No information yet available.
Internal Politics: -1776[edit]
No information yet available.
Political Factions: -1776[edit]
Interstellar Relations: -1776[edit]
This polity conducts diplomacy and maintains active relations with the following other polities:
- No information yet available.
Allies: -1776[edit]
Positive relations exist with the following other polities:
- No information yet available.
Neutral States: -1776[edit]
Neutral relations exist with the following other polities:
- No information yet available.
Enemies: -1776[edit]
Negative relations exist with the following other polities:
- No information yet available.
Member States: -1776[edit]
The following states have acquiesced part of their sovereignty, thus forming sub-polities, to this supra-polity:
- No information yet available.
Government Structure: -1776[edit]
No information yet available.
A. Executive Branch: -1776[edit]
No information yet available.
B. Legislative Branch: -1776[edit]
No information yet available.
C. Judicial Branch: -1776[edit]
No information yet available.
D. Bureaucracy: -1776[edit]
No information yet available.
E. Military: -1776[edit]
The military arm and civilian supreme executive of this polity are practically the same.
Military & Intelligence (Force Projection)[edit]
No information yet available.
A. Ground Forces: -1776[edit]
No information yet available.
No information yet available.
C. Special Forces: -1776[edit]
No information yet available.
D. Paramilitary Forces: -1776[edit]
No information yet available.
E. Intelligence Agencies: -1776[edit]
No information yet available.
Technology & Trade (Economy)[edit]
No information yet available.
Interstellar Commerce: -1776[edit]
The following businesses operate out of or in this polity:
- No information yet available.
Corporation Listing: -1776[edit]
The following businesses operate out of or in this polity:
- No information yet available.
Interstellar Currency & Finance: -1776[edit]
No information yet available.
Research & Technology: -1776[edit]
By the end of the Rule of Man era, technology had reached a solid tech level of TL13, [2] with prototype TL14 devices available to the miltiary and government. [3] Purely experimental TL15 research was ongoing at the most advances research facilities, much of it at a purely conjectural level, with relatively few actual hand-bult examples at research facilities. [4]
Calendar & Timekeeping (Chronology)[edit]
No information yet available.
Mathematics: -1776[edit]
No information yet available.
Sciences: -1776[edit]
No information yet available.
Worlds & Sectors (Astrography)[edit]
This listing encompasses the worlds in the Rule of Man during the year of (-1776).
- Like many expansionistic polities, the borders of this polity changed rapidly over short periods of warfare, so this astrographic listing only encompasses one snapshot in time, the year -1776 before the downfall and dissolution of this political entity.
Capital/s: -1776[edit]
The capital of this polity is located on this world:
World Listing: -1776[edit]
The following systems and worlds could be found within this polity:
startbacknext(200 listed / 4209 left) |
Sector Map: -1776[edit]
The location of this polity in Charted Space can be found on the following map:
- No information yet available.
Territorial Overview: -1776[edit]
No information yet available.
Territorial Chart Key[edit]
No information yet available.
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- Classic Traveller Supplement 11 Library Data (N-Z)
- Classic Traveller The Traveller Book
- Classic Traveller Alien Module 6: Solomani
- MegaTraveller Referee's Manual Sector Map
- Marc Miller. Marc Miller's Traveller (Imperium Games, 1996), 186.
- Greg Porter. Emperor's Arsenal (Imperium Games, 1997), .
- Marc Miller. Agent of the Imperium (Far Future Enterprises, 2015), . (v1.1 - Annotated)
- Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society 09
- Christopher Griffen. The Third Imperium (Mongoose Publishing, 2021), 60.
- ↑ Marc Miller. Agent of the Imperium (Far Future Enterprises, 2015), 103.
- ↑ Greg Porter. Emperor's Arsenal (Imperium Games, 1997), 86.
- ↑ Greg Porter. Emperor's Arsenal (Imperium Games, 1997), 92.
- ↑ Greg Porter. Emperor's Arsenal (Imperium Games, 1997), 100.