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Base Information
Classification Omnivore/gatherer
Status Minor Race
Locomotion Walker
Body Form
Confluence Non-humanoid
Bio-Identenoid Alien
Size 1.2 meters
Languages Native Language
Social Structure Oligarchy
Technological Epoch TL:7-9
Psionic potential Standard
Origin World
Homeworld location Lhshami (Reaver's Deep 2111)
StarportC Routine: No Construction, Major Repair, Unrefined fuel
Size5 Medium (8,000 km, 0.40g - 0.57g)
Atmosphere7 Standard (tainted)
Hydrographics7 Wet World 70%
Population7 Moderate (60 million)
Government9 Impersonal Bureaucracy
Law4 Moderate Law (no light assault weapons)
Tech Level8 Pre-Stellar (superconductors)
Primary Star G0 V M4 V
Atmosphere Standard (tainted)
Off-world presence No
Zoetic individuals Yes
Reference Ascent to Anekthor 49-50.
Canon Yes
Also see

The Lhshana of Lhshami (Reaver's Deep 2111) are a technologically developing Minor Non-Human Race with a Non-humanoid appearance.

Physiology & Environment[edit]

Descended from omnivore/gatherer stock, the Lhshana are small (1.2 meters in height), trilaterally symmetrical intelligent sophonts. Tentacular appendages over each leg give them excellent manipulative abilities; a sensory cluster on each tentacle provides organs for sight, hearing, smell, taste, and infrared vision for each limb. The mouth is located ventrally, and serves only for ingestion; breathing is through a number of breathing orifices located in pairs under each tentacle.

History & Background[edit]

The pre-civilized Lhshana were dominated by the Saie during the Saiean empire period, and traditions of that vanished race's actions are found in Lhshana folklore and mythology. Civilization on Lhshami was given a boost, first by technology introduced by the Saie, and later by human Reavers who visited the world during the Long Night.

Psychology & Philosophy[edit]

An unaggressive, contemplative race, the Lhshana have enjoyed a fairly stable civilization for over 2,000 years, and had achieved some elements of TL–9 by the time they were contacted by Principality of Caledon merchant explorers in 598. They have never shown any great interest in space or exploration, and had not invented any sort of space flight at the time of the first Caledonian contact.

Lhshana artists are capable of shaping certain native crystals into designs which produce certain specific emotional responses. Representational art is virtually unknown, but Lhshana touchstone sculptures are a highly prized artform, commanding high prices offworld.


This race is primarily located in the following areas:
Charted Space:


The homeworld of this race is:

World Listing[edit]

Significant communities of this race are known to dwell within the following systems and worlds:

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