Solomani Rim War

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caption=The Solomani Sphere after the Solomani Rim War

The Solomani Rim War (990-1002) was a war fought between the Third Imperium and the Solomani Confederation over the question of Solomani independence and control of worlds in the Solomani Sphere. The war lasted 12 years and during that time major fighting occurred in the Alpha Crucis Sector, Diaspora Sector, Old Expanses Sector and the Solomani Rim Sector. The Daibei Sector and Magyar Sector experienced fewer major battles but were impacted none-the-less. The war ended in the Solomani Confederation's defeat and resulted in a significant amount of territory transferred to Imperial control, including the Solomani homeworld of Terra.

The Solomani Confederation declared independence from the Third Imperium in the year 871 and established its capital on Terra. The Imperium did not recognize the claims of the Solomani as a independent state, but did not offer any significant challenge at the time. As the Solomani state increased its discriminatory policies towards non-Solomani the Imperium began to intervene on behalf of systems that petitioned for protection. In reaction to increasing violence in the Confederation claimed worlds the Imperium decreed the Solomani Autonomous Region void in the year 950. Over the next four decades tensions between the two increased until the Third Imperium declared war in the year 990.

Description (Specifications)[edit]


  1. Solomani Confederation
  2. Third Imperium


  1. Alpha Crucis Sector
  2. Daibei Sector
  3. Diaspora Sector
  4. Magyar Sector
  5. Old Expanses Sector
  6. Solomani Rim Sector


  1. Battle of Agidda
  2. Battle of Dingir
  3. Battle of Kagukhasaggan
  4. Battle of Muan Kwoyen
  5. Battle of Zapuushar
  6. Massacre of Kedin
  7. Siege of Terra


  1. Arielle Adair, Grand Admiral of Imperial Navy
  2. Gavin Lykaois Alkhalikoi, Emperor of Third Imperium
  3. Ivan Wolfe, Grand Admiral of Solomani Navy
  4. Lily Magruder, Secretary General of Solomani Confederation (994 - 1004)
  5. Rachel Zhang, Director of Solomani Security
  6. Sergio Bordoni, Secretary General of Solomani Confederation (984 - 993)
  7. Shuki La Pierre, Grand Admiral of Solomani Navy

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

The two Humaniti races, the Solomani of Terra and the Vilani of Vland, have been in a constant struggle of supremacy since they first met on Barnard's Star in -2422. The Terrans defeated the Vilani after a series of Interstellar Wars and founded the Second Imperium. After the Long Night the remnants of the Second Imperium founded the Third Imperium. The Solomani rejoined the Imperium but due to multiple factors decided to secede. The question of Solomani independence and control of former Terran Confederation systems were the driving forces that led to war.

Prelude to War[edit]

There are many causes of the Solomani Rim War. The two sides have experienced constant friction over the four centuries since the Old Earth Union joined the Third Imperium. The primary causes of the war can be attributed to racial tensions between the Solomani and non-Solomani, economic disparity between the Core and the Solomani Sphere, and disagreements over colonization rights.

Solomani and Vilani Relations[edit]

The two Humaniti races have been in conflict with each other since they first contacted each other in -2422. The Vilani were expanding their First Imperium rimward when they bumped into the Terrans at Bernard’s Star. Over the next two centuries the two sides fought a series of wars until the Solomani succeed in overthrowing the First Imperium and establishing the Rule of Man. This short lived successor state collapsed four centuries later and began a dark age that ended with the foundation of the Third Imperium in year 0.

During the Long Night the Solomani systems formed independent Rim States that provided mutual aid to each other. Together they defeated reavers and pirates that attacked the Magyar and Solomani Rim sectors. They maintained the vestiges of technological civilization in the rimward section of the former Imperium.

Near the year 100 the Third Imperium recontacted the Solomani worlds. The Rim States slowly joined the Third Imperium over the next five centuries due to the diplomatic and economic pressures placed on them. This was not a forceful annexation, but not entirely a willing one either.

In 680 the Solomani Party was founded on Terra and in 685 they formed a unified interstellar party, the first of its kind. Their ideology was rooted in the Solomani Cause, a populist distrust of Imperial rule and the manifest destiny of the Solomani race to rule others. This xenophobic belief spread throughout the Solomani population in reaction to the lack of economic development in the region and the mismanagement of the Third Imperium during a series of civil wars.

With the foundation of the Solomani Cause the ethnic conflicts between the two Humaniti races was cemented in nationalism and ideology. To a Solomani radical, any Vilani represented the problems with Imperial rule. After centuries of this xenophobic treatment the average Vilani see the Solomani as racists. This fuels the ongoing tension between the two sides.

The Solomani Cause[edit]

The Solomani Cause is a political ideology rooted in the racist belief that the Humaniti of Terra are uniquely superior over the other Humaniti races, both culturally and genetically, and therefore should govern all the Humaniti. In its most radical form this belief not just advocates for Solomani hegemony on an interstellar scale, but also that other Humaniti should be subservient to all Solomani regardless of social rank. Therefore, even the highest Vilani is below the lowest Solomani. At its least radical, the Cause advocates for self-governance and anti-imperialism.

The concept of Solomani has its roots in the Rule of Man. The first instance of the term’s usage was by Emperor Hiroshi I during an address to the newly conquered former worlds of the First Imperium. At the time the usage was intended to be a unifying word for all Humaniti. Solomani is a Vilani word that has many potential meanings, including the translation of 'All Men' that the Emperor intended. But the word also can be translated to 'Men of Sol', 'Only Men', or 'Sole Men', which implies supremacy of Terrans over the Vilani. Since its first introduction the word has taken on the meaning to of 'Humaniti descended from Terrans' as the Vilani did not adopt the term as a unifying identifier.[1][2]

The Solomani Hypothesis was the beginning of a scientific justification for Solomani superiority. The debate over the origin of the various Humaniti races had settled on two potential candidate worlds, Urunishu and Terra. The scholar Magis Sergei haut-Devroe was able to conclusively prove that Urunishu was not the original homeworld of all Humaniti but a zoo established by the Ancients. Later scholars were able to verify the evolutionary source of Vilani, Zhodani and other Humaniti subspecies as Homo eructus. Archaeological evidence from Ancient sites showed the sudden appearance of Homo sapiens across the galaxy approximately 300,000 years ago, while evidence on Terra showed the first signs of Homo sapiens ancestors up to 5 million years ago.[3][4]

The proof that all 46 Humaniti species were direct descendants of the Terrans established for the first time the theory that the Solomani are the original and true men, and that all others are lesser. A significant portion of the Imperial aristocracy, including the royal family, were of Solomani ancestry. While never explicitly used to justify the existence of the class system the aristocracy of Solomani descent alluded to this information often when advocating for themselves. This flirtation with the ideology of racial supremacy by the upper crust of Imperial society was where Solomani Cause started to take shape.

In universities and in high society Solomani only clubs began to spring up across the Imperium. In these organizations the philosophical roots of the Solomani Cause solidified. The ideology used as evidence of Solomani superiority comes from a variety of things: the Terran Confederation’s defeat of the First Imperium, the rapid and independent from Ancient influences development of J-2 and J-3 drives, the Solomani dominance of the Imperial aristocracy, and the lesser collapse of civilization in the Solomani Rim and Alpha Crucis during the Long Night in comparison to the Core. Radicals within the Cause began to see the Imperial aristocracy and royal line as corrupted by Vilani influences and blamed the merging of the two cultures as the cause of the Rule of Man. They argued that if Emperor Hiroshii I had ruled from Terra and remained true to Terran principles, the Long Night would never have occurred, spinning the collapse of the Rule of Man under Solomani leadership as the fault of the conquered Vilani.[5][6]

The Cause began to spread outside of higher society and evolved into a populist movement during the series of Civil Wars from 604 to 622. The mismanagement of the Third Imperium and the failure to deliver on the promises of economic prosperity for the Solomani Rim, Magyar and Alpha Crucis sectors created a breeding ground for anti-imperialist, and therefore anti-Vilani, ideologies amongst the general public. Advocates for the Solomani Cause used this period of discontent to spread their ideology amongst the middle and lower classes.[7]

The Solomani Autonomous Region[edit]

In the year 679 Emperor Zhakirov married Antiama Shiishugina. The Emperor was of Solomani descent, while his bride was of Vilani descent. This merging of the two bloodlines ensured that the Imperium would be ruled by mixed Vilani-Solomani emperors. This was a political move by the royal family to solidify an alliance between the throne and the powerful Vilani industrial families, with the goal of creating stability across the Imperium. However, raising Vilani to prominence in the Imperial government was viewed by adherents of the Solomani Cause as a betrayal of the Solomani people.[8]

The Solomani Movement, the name for advocacy for the Solomani Cause, was born from this event. Initially the movement was as diverse as the systems where it was popular. Small political advocacy groups popped into existence, all of which advocated for increased economic investment and more rapid colonization of the rimward edges of the Imperial border. At the University of Terra, political scientists first developed the political and philosophical foundation for an independent Solomani state.[9][10]

In 685 the first All-Solomani Party Congress was held on Terra, unifying all of the various political parties across the rim into a single interstellar organization, the first of its kind. The Solomani Party was founded on Terra five years earlier and elected to power. It quickly solidified its grip on the Terran government and removed all Vilani influence from the bureaucracy. The congress was convened to bring together all the pro-Solomani political movements in the Solomani Rim, Magyar, Alpha Crucis and Aldebaran sectors, and to court influential members of the corporate and military worlds.[11]

The party was swiftly voted into power on every democratic world in the Rim that contained a substantial Solomani majority. Worlds with non-democratic leadership but sympathetic governments joined the party and major non-governmental organizations such as the Consolidation of Turin, Transstar and Near Bootes Business Association provided support and funding. Worlds where Vilani influences were too powerful to remove through democratic means would experience popular revolutions. By the year 700 the party was in control of over a third of the rimward systems.[12]

Separatist leanings within the Solomani Party were growing. The debate over whether the Solomani worlds could form a self-sufficient state was occurring openly amongst the party leadership. The moderate elements of the movement and Imperial representatives began to meet in order to placate the more radical separatists. In the years 702 to 704 a series of negotiations between the two sides were serious enough to include Empress Margaret I at the table. An acceptable compromise was found where the Empress issued a charter founding the Solomani Autonomous Region.[13]

The Solomani Autonomous Region created a 100 parsec diameter sphere centered on Terra, to be administered by a Solomani elected government. The region would be self-governed, but would continue to be a dominion of the Third Imperium. The Committee of the Solomani Autonomous Region Congress (COMSARC) would be housed on Terra and would replace executive authority in the region with Solomani Party appointee. The Imperium ceded control of starports in the region, but maintained control of Naval and Scout bases. The Imperium would continue to collect taxes and conduct all foreign policy for the region.[14][15][16]

This entity included within it the entirety of the Terran Confederation's original colonies, but also included within it non-Solomani worlds and worlds outside of the current Imperial boundaries. Coreward the Solomani Sphere's furthest extent was the Alurza Subsector of Diaspora. Rimward it extended to the Narmada Subsector of the Aldebaran Sector. Trailing it reached the Spica Sector and Langere Sector, and spinward it reached the Dark Nebula Sector and Ustral Quadrant Sector. A significant Vilani and mixed Vilani-Solomani population were now governed from Terra, and so were significant populations of other non-human races such as Aslan and Vegans.

Over the next two centuries the Solomani Autonomous Region transformed from an Imperial province into a purely Solomani polity. The most immediate effects were felt by the Imperial aristocracy, whose influence over interstellar government was supplanted by Solomani Party congresses. The Archduke of Sol expired without an heir in 716 and the aristocracy was completely extinct by 760, many choosing to flee rather than face persecution by Solomani militants. The non-Solomani population throughout the Sphere suffered indignities at a large scale. Non-Solomani governments were replaced by the Solomani Party, often by coups and revolutions, such as on Easter, Nusku and Quaver. Systems with majority Vilani, Aslan, or Vegan populations were forced to accept Solomani governors. The systems were forced to accept Solomani settlement and the political and civil rights of the non-Solomani were restricted by the new governments.[17][18][19]

The expansion of the Region’s borders was also another point of contention between the two sides. Many rimward settlements, restricted to Solomani only, were established in the Canopus Sector, Aldebaran Sector, Alpha Crucis Sector and Neworld Sector in a race to prevent Aslan and Hiver colonization of the galaxy. Colonization into the Spica, Dark Nebula and Ustral Quadrant sectors breached the borders established by the Region’s charter and in defiance of treaties and agreements established by the Imperium with those races. Multi-system alliances, such as the Bootean League, were permitted to join the Region or form against Imperial policy. The Colonial Navies were used to force non-compliant words to join such as Jardin.[20][21][22]

Solomani Confederation[edit]

In 860 meetings between Solomani and Imperial leadership broke down when Empress Tomutova II refused to be present during negiations over additional demands for Solomani autonomy. In 864 COMSARC began to draft a constitution and establish institutions to replace existing Imperial ones. In 871 the Solomani Confederation was officially declared an independent state. The first General Secretary Noah Kwan was elected and the Sectretariat was established. Over the next five decades any remaining vestiges of the Imperial bureaucracy were replaced by a Solomani one.[23][24]

The Imperium never recognised the independence of the Solomani and insisted the region continued to be under their protection. This did not mean that they did not recognize the threat the new confederation posed. Imperial Naval bases were occupied by the Confederation and to protect their assets the Imperium withdrew further into Imperial controlled space. The Confederation began conducting an emergency building program to create a rival fleet to defend their claims. The absence of the Imperial Navy and the expansion of the Confederation Navy led to rapid subjugation by any remaining worlds not yet under the control of the Solomani Party.[25]

The violence and suppression against the non-Solomani populations led to petitions for direct Imperial rule by many systems, particularly in the Diaspora Sectors, Old Expanses Sectors, and Vegan worlds. Empress Margaret II began to respond to the appeals and deploy the Imperial Navy to protect pro-Vilani revolutions against Solomani rule. The fact that the Imperium considered the Solomani Confederation's claims of independence invalid created the legal justification for these actions. Initially the Confederation Navy avoided direct confrontration but minor skirmishes occurred. Further diplomatic talks broke down between the two sides until the Empress declared the charter of the Solomani Autonomous Region void in 950.[26]

The situation continued to follow the same trajectory during the next four decades through the rule of Emperor Styryx. The Imperium would continue to liberate non-Solomani worlds in the three coreward sectors of the Solomani Sphere and the Confederation continue to construct capital ships. By 989 significant portions of the Solomani claims in Diaspora Sector, Daibei Sector, Old Expanses Sector, and the Concord and Vega subsectors of the Solomani Rim Sector were occupied by the Imperial Navy. In 973 the Shurregaa Civil War broke out, resulting in the loss of over 11 million lives.[27][28]

Course of the War[edit]

The Solomani Rim War occurred over 12 years over six sectors. The first two years of the war was punctuated by swift Solomani gains in the Solomani Rim, Diaspora and Daibei sectors. The following six years were a period of stalemate along the entire front. During the final four years the Third Imperium made steady gains in the three coreward sectors and broke through the front lines into the Solomani Rim and Alpha Crucis sectors culminating in the capture of Terra.

990 - 992: Solomani Advances[edit]

In the year 989 the Third Imperium was fatigued after the seven year Third Frontier War which had drawn military resources away from the Solomani Sphere. Emperor Styryx abdicated the throne that year due to his mismanagement of the conflict as well as other crisis that he was no capable of handling. The title of Emperor and all of the authority it held was transferred to Styryx's son Gavin Lykaois Alkhalikoi. During Emperor Gavin's coronation address he made an inflammatory speech about the need to suppress the rebellious Solomani.[29]

The Solomani leadership, Secretary General Bordoni, Grand Admiral Shuki La Pierre, and Director of Solomani Security Rachel Zhang, believed the window of opportunity for defeating the Imperial garrisons was closing due to the Emperor's speech. They lobbied the Secretariat to issue a resolution that reasserted the Confederation's claims to all of the Solomani Sphere. The Confederation Navy was quickly deployed against Imperial occupied systems. Gavin declared war against the Confederation.[30]

During the first two years of the war the Solomani Confederation made rapid advances in the Alpha Crucis, Daibei, Diaspora, and Solomani Rim sectors. Through effective concentration of force the Solomani Navy was able to cause significant losses and retake worlds they had lost over the last 50 years to Imperial police actions. Their blitz was so successful they captured strategically important Imperial Naval bases beyond the border.

Solomani Rim[edit]

At the outbreak of the war the Imperial Navy had a number of Imperial task forces operating deep within the Solomani Rim, primarily in the Concord and Vega subsectors. The creation of a Vegan Autonomous District was part of a pre-war plan by the Imperium to create a forward position deep within the Confederation.[31]

The first battle between the Confederation Navy and the Imperial Navy occurred in the Muan Kwoyen System. The Imperial Task Force 54 was on a mission to deliver supplies to the Vegan world when they were surprised by elements of the Solomani 2nd Fleet. Word of the war had not yet reached the Imperials and therefore they were not prepared for a proper fleet engagement and were defeated. Of the task force only a single Imperial cruiser, the Ischiatic Portent, escaped. The lone Imperial ship was able to cause havoc behind the lines until it was destroyed above Zapuushar by the Solomani heavy cruiser Minsk.[32]

Throughout the sector Imperial forces were taken by surprise. These outnumbered task forces and garrisons were quickly overwhelmed. The Solomani assaulted or sieged Imperial held worlds throughout the Sector. Despite stiff resistance and heavier than expected losses worlds throughout the Vega and Concord subsectors were captured. Civilian casualties were high, particularly for non-Solomani, due to the reliance on bombardments to break the Imperial Army.


The Diaspora Sector had been chosen by the Solomani High Command as the primary objective. The belief was a decisive victory in the sector would force the Imperials to negotiate a peace before they could deploy their reserve fleets. Control of the Alurzan Loop would cut off the isolated Imperial fleets and garrisons further in the Solomani Sphere and force their surrenders.

The whole of the Diaspora Sector Fleet and most of Solomani Rim Fleet were staged to attack the Imperial Diaspora Fleet and capture the forward Imperial Sector Depot that housed the Sector Headquarters. Rear Admiral Ivan Wolfe was tasked with drawing up plans for an offensive prior to the war which required a four prong attack along the axis of The Blight Subsector and Alurza Subsector.[33]

The Solomani High Command coordinated the first two attacks to strike their targets simultaneously. At Mason the Solomani Task Force Tiajama jumped into the system and were immediately set upon by Imperial cruisers stationed there. After a 40 minute battle the Solomani were forced to retreat after suffering substantial casualties. At Mogumba the Solomani Task Force Koniev overwhelmed the system defense boats and proceeded to jump to Remington after refueling. A short 20 minute battle against an Imperial squadron of battlecruisers resulted in a total loss for the Imperials and a significant damage to the Solomani. Remington was captured the same day by orbital bombardment and an assault on the planetary capital. After refueling the remaining ships of the Task Force jumped to the Arrow Rock system, defeating the system defense boats and placed the world under siege.[34]

Task Force Onjou and Task Force Wolfe jumped from Orsk together into Deep Space and refueled. Both jumped simultaneously to their targets in order to hit both at the same time. Task Force Onjou assaulted the Veejay system and the Imperial Naval base there. The Imperial garrison and system defense boats were knocked out and the base captured by the 101st Jump Division after three days. The next day they surprised the Imperial squadron returning from Mason for repairs. Task Force Wolfe jumped into the Layne system. Rear Admiral Wolfe was at the helm of the main axis of attack and therefore outnumbered the Imperial squadron and system defense boats by 3 to 1. A significant victory was achieved but at heavy losses.[35]

The victorious Task Force Wolfe arrived into the Imperial Depot system two weeks later. Sleeper agents of SolSec performed acts of sabotage as the task force jumped into the system. A massive battle unfolded as the large Solomani fleet moved insystem to engage the Imperial Navy stationed there. The entire Imperial fleet was either crippled or destroyed and the Solomani Army arrived to take the Imperial bases. Those that could not be captured were vaporized.[36]

The fast elements of Task Force Wolfe were dispatched to capture the Princess system, which was accomplished after a small skirmish with another Imperial garrison. The three Deep Strike Squadrons consisting of exclusively J-5 capable cruisers and destroyers jumped beyond the front with the mission to cause havoc and perform interdiction against Imperial supplies. They attacked the systems of Feeble, Ekuur, Shaanii, and Kandom destroying merchants, naval auxiliaries and significantly damaging the Imperial Naval base at Ekuur, but were forced to return safely to Solomani controlled territory after taking significant losses at Kandom.[37]

The plan created and executed by Rear Admiral Wolfe was a strategic success with the Imperial Naval shattered in the Diaspora Sector. Mopping up operations in The Blight and Alurza subsectors would continue over the next year. Both Imperial and Confederation resources from the Daibei Sector were diverted into Diaspora. Fighting over the next two years would see steady Confederation advances with the complete capture of the Promise Subsector and Iusea Subsector, the majority of the Ebasha Subsector, and parts of the Shadigi Subsector, Kushga Subsector and Pasdaruu Subsector.


The rimward subsectors of the Daibei Sector, Gaarlorn, Hermes, Narya and Orvon, were partially granted to the Solomani Autonomous Region. Many of the worlds in this region of the Solomani Sphere were settled by Solomani during the Rule of Man, but substantial Aslan and Vilani populations also settled the region. It was not as strategically important as the Diaspora Sector so therefore did not have as large of garrisons stationed along the front.

The Confederation offensive and victories in the Diaspora sector drew resources away from Daibei. The Confederation Navy used this gap in Imperial defenses to capture the Tukera Cluster, and its Naval base at Temeraire, and most of the Daibei Rimward Corridor, with the Naval bases at Byers World and Harmony. With these victories the Solomani were in control of the two main routes into the Magyar Sector and the Imperial worlds in the rimward side of the Woomera Gulf were in danger of encirclement.

Old Expanses[edit]

Due to the Confederation's initial focus on the Daibei and Diaspora Sectors, and the grinding group combat in the Alpha Crucis Sector, the Old Expanses did not experience any significant fighting. With encouragement from SolSec pro-Solomani insurrections and guerrilla operations sprung up on worlds with significant Solomani populations that had been occupied by Imperial forces, triggering a handful of minor civil wars.

Alpha Crucis[edit]

The Imperial Navy was deployed within the Alpha Crucis Sector prior to the outbreak of war to protect the non-Solomani populations of certain worlds. This was primarily in the Ximenes Subsector and McKenzie Subsector. The Alpha Crucis Sector Fleet was bolstered by the Cthonia and Consolidation of Turin Home Guards and quickly routed the Imperial Navy forces that were deployed too far from the Imperial borders to receive timely reinforcements.

The number of worlds with majority non-Solomani populations that had overthrown the Solomani Party with support by the Third Imperium was significant and required mopping up by the Confederation Army. This prevented the Navy from exploiting their initiative and chase the Imperial Navy into the Old Expanses Sector. The Shurregaa civil war was brought to a sudden end when the Confederation Army deployed tactical nuclear weapons against the pro-Imperial forces.[38]

993 - 998: Stalemate[edit]

After two years of successful offensives the Solomani shifted their attention to the Old Expanses Sector. An invasion was launched into that sector and experienced higher than anticipated resistance from the Imperial defenders. The grinding battles in the Old Expanses Sector and the continuation of fighting in the Diaspora Sector were hallmarks of this five year period of stalemate.

The Confederation Navy would suffer significant fleet losses while the Imperial Navy was able to reinforce their position with neighboring sector fleets. Ground combat between the Confederation Army and the Imperial Army devolved into trench warfare on many worlds. While the Confederation was able to construct new capital ships and find more recruits in the highly patriotic Alpha Crucis Sector to reinforced their losses, they were not able to compete the Imperium's ability to do the same.

By 995 the Imperial Navy held superiority in the Old Expanses Sector and were on the offensive. They conducted systematic planet hopping campaigns to retake worlds, which kept their fleets concentrated in fewer systems. The Solomani defended each of these worlds to the bitter end and caused significant damage to the Imperial Navy and Army in the process. Nonetheless, late in 998 the Solomani Navy was at a breaking point.

Solomani Rim[edit]

After 993 there was no Imperial presence in the Solomani Rim Sector. The mop up operations of any Imperial captured worlds were over by the year 992. During this period the Solomani Rim Sector Fleet was deployed to the Diaspora and Old Expanses sectors. Small guerilla movements by anti-Solomani organizations were present on a number of worlds. The most significant was on the Suleiman world that tied up three Confederation Army divisions throughout the war.[39]


At the start of 993 the Confederation had control of all of the former Solomani Sphere and Imperial worlds beyond. Both the Confederation Navy and Imperial Navy were fatigued and reinforcing. The Alurzan Loop continued to be the forefront of the conflict within the Sector. The Confederation High Command was happy with their current positions and had no intention to make additional offenses further into the Alurza Subsector. Both sides conducted raids beyond the border with the intention of disrupting merchant shipping to the frontline worlds.

The Secretariat was able to bully the Secretary General Bordoni into committing the Confederation into an offensive into the Old Expanses Sector to keep the Alpha Crucis Sector beyond the range of Imperial raiders. This included diverting the Solomani Rim Sector Fleet from the Diaspora Sector, leaving only the Diaspora Sector Fleet and elements of the Daibei Sector Fleet behind.

The Imperial Navy reinforced the Diaspora Sector with the Imperial 1st Fleet. In 996 the Imperium began to conduct offensive operations in the Alurza Subsector and the Kushga Subsector. The Solomani High Command was under orders to fully defend every border world which prevented Vice Admiral Wolfe from concentrating the smaller Confederation Navy against either of the two offensives. Substantial losses for both sides occurred on Princess and Affuel during Imperial invasions that eventually resulted in defeat for the Solomani Army.

By the end of 998 the Imperium had recaptured the entirety of the Kushga, Alurza and Pasdaruu subsectors. The front line had reached St. James, Flehemu, Thicket, and Promise.


After 993 both belligerents shifted their attention to the fronts in the Diaspora and Old Expanses leaving both sides too stretched thin in the Daibei Sector to conduct offensive operations. What little fighting occurred was concentrated in the Zhemi Arm of the Daibei Rimward Corridor and consisted of raids against highports in border systems.

Old Expanses[edit]

In 993 the Secretariat interfered in military command and insisted that the Confederation High Command invade the Old Expanses Sector. High Command wanted to concentrate their forces in the Diaspora Sector and take advantage of their momentum there. The Secretariat wanted instead the capture of the former Old Expanses worlds that were once a part of the Solomani Sphere and to move the front line away from the Alpha Crucis Sector to keep it out of range of Imperial raiders.

The Solomani Rim Sector Fleet was redeployed to the Promise Subsector and to invade the Thoezennt Subsector with the objective to capture Hodg, Burlta, and Sh' Lur. The Confederation Navy was able to capture these worlds with relative ease because their defense was tasked with the Imperial Navy elements that had been destroyed at Depot in the Alurza Subsector and the two parsec gap to the coreward worlds of the subsector left them isolated from reinforcements. Therefore the planets could be safely bombarded from orbit until they submitted. Only on Sh' Lur was the Confederation Army forced to land where they faced very stiff resistance from the major Vilani population.

The Alpha Crucis Sector Fleet, bolstered by the Home Guards of Cthonia and Turin, had two objectives. The capture of Buhle and Macis in the Nicosia Subsector would destroy the elements of the Imperial Old Expanses Sector Fleet on the rimward side of the Hite Gap and make defending the trailing flank of the Diaspora Sector simpler. The bulk of the fleet was to invade the highly populated Cobham Spur of the So Skire Main of the So Skire Subsector, which would free the largest grouping of worlds under Imperial occupation.

The Imperial Old Expanses Sector Fleet was relatively unscathed since the start of the war and had been reinforced by the Delphi Sector Fleet. Elements of the 17th Fleet had also started to gather at the Vaward Naval Base. The Imperium therefore outnumbered the Confederation significantly. The Solomani advantage lay in experience with naval combat after five decades of guerilla warfare and the Solomani Rim Sector Fleet's experiences in the Wolfe offensive of 990.

The Confederation experienced a quick victory in the Nicosia Subsector because the Imperium had redeployed the majority of the Old Expanses Sector Fleet beyond the Hite Gap at Xezor, leaving only small rear guard detachments behind to the slow any Solomani advance. When the Confederation Navy began to consolidate an invasion fleet in Seliga and Gresham Imperial spies sent intelligence coreward to forewarn the Imperial defenders. The Solomani found the Imperial Navy base in Macis had been sabotaged by the retreating Imperial defenders and fought a short battle above Buhle before the Imperial rear guard retreated across the Hite Gap.

In the So Skire Subsector the Confederation Navy experienced the most significant resistance so far this war. There were to be two axis of attack, one to capture Sontar then Di Meola, the second to capture Janazzo, Cleland, and Tuer. Once both completed their objectives they were to coordinate an attack against Peart to destroy the last of the Imperial bases in the So Skire Main. The trailing flank found that Sontar was more defended than expected and suffered substantial losses before disengaging into deep space. The spinward flank were able to destroy the system defense boats of Janazzo and Cleland with few losses, but the worlds refused to surrender. Three quarters of the Confederation Army attached to that flank were forced to deploy against those planets and became bogged down.

After the offensive against the So Skire Subsector ground to a halt the Solomani admiralty insisted that the fleet withdraw from the Subsector and devote its resources to exploit their forward positions in other parts of the front. The Secretariat again refused to allow Secretary General Bordoni to change the plans for the Old Expanses insisting that every world in the Solomani Sphere needed to be defended, even those that had been under Imperial control for 50 years. Thus the Confederation Navy and Army redeployed more elements, including the Magyar Sector Fleet, to the So Skire Main. The Secretary General would lose his seat due to the poor outcomes of the war in the year 993 to Lily Magruder.[40]

Over 994 and 995 the Confederation Army was able to subdue the garrisons on Janazzo and Cleland after the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons. The Confederation Army landed on Schotz, Tuer, Cobham and Peart during 995 and 996 after the Confederation lost a considerable number of capital ships defeating the system defense boats and the bolstered Imperial Navy. These invasions would be the highwater mark of the Confederation offensive in the Old Expanses Sector.

In 997 the Imperial 17th Fleet had gathered at Atkins and was poised to begin offensive operations in the So Skire Main. Imperial High Command was aware the Solomani Confederation had stretched itself thin and was in a position to defend everywhere at once and therefore that the Imperium had the initiative to determine where they exploit a concentration of force. The plan was simple, bring enough forces to bear in each system the Confederation Navy was located to pin them, use Di Meola as a gateway into the rear and force the Confederation Navy to thin itself out even more. Then use their numerical superiority to attack the besiegers at each system to regain control of space. By the end of 998 the Confederation Navy was spent.

Alpha Crucis[edit]

At the start of the year 993 the Alpha Crucis Sector was within easy range of Imperial raiders. That year Imperial cruisers slipped past the Solomani Navy and destroyed highports at lightly protected Solomani controlled worlds before slipping back into Imperial space. After the front moved further into the Old Expanses Sector during the Solomani invasion of that sector it become safe from direct Imperial attacks. Nonetheless anti-Solomani guerrilla campaigns were waged in the Ximenes and McKenzie subsectors, but were kept in check by the SolSec paramilitaries and elements of the Confederation Army. [41][42]

998 - 1002: Imperial Advances[edit]

In 998 the Confederation front line collapsed in the Old Expanses Sector after five brutal years of stalemate. The Imperial Navy changed its strategy from capturing every Solomani controlled world to attacking only key military bases and industrial worlds. In the year 1000 the Imperial Navy entered the Solomani Rim Sector and Magyar Sector. In 1001 they entered the Alpha Crucis Sector. The war ended in the year 1002 after the capture of Terra and the destruction of the Solomani Grand Fleet.

Old Expanses[edit]

Near the end of 998 the Confederation Navy in the Old Expanses Sector collapsed. The fleet was too spread thin to defend against the larger and more concentrated Imperial 17th Fleet. The Imperial Navy gained complete space superiority in the So Skire Subsector during 998 as the Solomani retreated towards the Alpha Crucis Sector, who left behind substantial elements of the Confederation Army. The Imperial High Command had changed their strategic goals and did not commit more than a few battalions of Imperial Marines to assist the already engaged elements of the Imperial Army with defeating the Confederation Army.

The 17th Fleet was redeployed Promise Subsector of the Diaspora Sector because it was to be used in the upcoming major offensive planned for 999. Instead the Old Expanses Sector Fleet was tasked with mopping up operations in the So Skire Subsector and to repel the Solomani from the Nicosia Subsector. The Confederation Navy conducted the largest mass evacuation in recorded history in 998 from the So Skire Sector and Nicosia Subsector during Operation Hegira. Over one billion pure Solomani civilians and industrial equipment were shipped into the Alpha Crucis Sector, leaving many worlds with almost no one except for non-Solomani or pro-Imperial Solomani.

In 999 the Imperial Navy began its massive offensive to strike deep into the Solomani Sphere. The Nicosia Subsector was not a part of the main offensive so it was left to the Old Expanses Sector Fleet to conduct operations there. True to the new Imperial strategy the fleet did not engage in protracted sieges of Solomani controlled worlds, but instead focused on capturing or destroying the Confederation Navy bases and depots. Only the system of Buhle was captured with the assistance of pro-Imperial rebels.

By the end of 1000 the entirety of the Old Expanses Sector was again under Imperial control. The Solomani governments in the Sector were forced to surrender due to pro-Imperial insurrections that they did not have the manpower to suppress without the Confederation Army. The surrounded elements of the Confederation Army in the So Skire Subsector fought bitterly until the very end, but the lack of supplies made this more and more difficult.


In the opening of 999 the Diaspora Sector again became the focus of the Solomani Rim War. The Imperial Navy had developed an offensive that would focus on capturing key worlds in the Diaspora Sector using the 1st Fleet and 17th Fleet, while using the local sector fleets to create pockets around the Solomani fleets. The two large fleets would rapidly advance towards the Vegan worlds to liberate them, and then converge on Terra to capture the politically and symbolically important world.

The 17th Fleet had been redeployed from the Old Expanses Sector into the Promise Subsector. It was staging at the Gorky Naval Base, resupplying and reinforcing their ships. The 1st Fleet was deployed at the Flehemu Naval Base in the the Ebasha Subsector. The two fleets were to attack simultaneously with the 1st Fleet to attack the Hijiri Subsector before moving into the Suleiman Subsector and deeper into the Solomani Rim Sector. The 17th Fleet was to attack the Khulam Subsector and move into the Solomani Rim via the Concord Subsector.

In the Hijiri Subsector the 17th Fleet commenced its offensive by moving against Cumber, the capital of the Cumberan Trade Collective, and destroying the highport and orbital construction yards. Orbital bombardment and a ground invasion initiated, but the maintenance of space superiority was left for the Diaspora Sector Fleet. The 17th Fleet continued their advance by jumping to Pettelli and Cole, but other than the capture of the highport of Carl's World neither planet was invaded. The fleet jumped into the Alki system to engage the Confederation naval base and elements of the Confederation Navy stationed there. A short battle ensued with substantial losses for the Solomani and the planet was placed under siege in the same manner of Cumber. The 1st Fleet continue their advance by completing the two jump trip into Khasiigu to destroy the Confederation Navy base located in the system.

The 1st Fleet left Gorkey for the Confederation Navy based located in Lefiguura, destroyed it, than jumped for Quarry. After capturing the highport of Quarry and refueling the fleet jumped to Mitchell followed by Montezuma, capturing the highports along this path. From Montezuma the 1st Fleet had three targets to strike, all three of which were potentially heavily defended. They split the core elements of the fleet into two, the first jumping for the industrial world of Gresham and the second for the first of two Confederation Navy bases at Dijon. The Gresham system defense boats and a cruiser squadron of the Confederation Navy were able to destroy a few Imperial capital ships before being disabled themselves. The highport and orbital construction yards were destroyed, and that planet placed under siege by elements of the Diaspora Sector Fleet. The battle at Dijon caused fewer losses for the Imperium than the battle at Gresham and the marines captured the Confederation Navy base and the highport. Both fleets jumped to Sofar and overwhelmed the defenders of that Confederation Navy base as well. Once the 1st Fleet had regrouped the made the two jump trip to Kelvin, destroyed the systems orbital construction platforms, and jumped to Zapuushar in the Concord Subsector.

As the 1st Fleet and 17th Fleet were advancing along their two axis of attack they were supported by elements of the Diaspora Sector Fleet. When major crossroads were reach elements of that fleet were detached to either siege worlds or to attack other targets. This strategy was used to isolate the Confederation Navy that was stationed on the front lines of the Iusea Subsector and The Blight Subsector. When word reached the Confederation Navy of important worlds falling on their flanks they made a desperate attempt to return to the Solomani Rim and would stumble into these sector fleets. In most cases the Solomani would jump into a system where the Imperium had already captured or destroyed the Navy base or highport of that system, forcing them to refuel in the wilderness. This cost valuable time and permitted the Imperium to ambush these fleets while in their vulnerable state. The entirety of the Diaspora Sector was not captured by the Imperium until the end of 1000.

Solomani Rim[edit]

The Imperial Navy reached the edges of the Solomani Rim Sector during 999 after a series of rapid advances through the Diaspora Sector. The Confederation Navy was in full retreat from the Old Expanses Sector and the Diaspora Sector, but many found themselves cut off and were forced to surrender. It was becoming clear that the Confederation was likely to lose the war soon.

In reaction to the Imperial Navy approaching the Solomani Rim Sector a number of hidden insurrectionist groups triggered revolutions or coups against the Solomani Party. In the Ultima Subsector the worlds of Amkhalarug and Darrukesh experienced revolutions, the first ending in disaster for the resistance due to SolSec infiltration and the second resulting in a strong anti-Solomani government that began to introduce pogroms against the Solomani colonists. The worlds of Easter and Xiwa in the Concord Subsector both collapsed into civil war as the Imperium moved into that region of the Rim.[43]

The plan for the 1st Fleet and the 17th Fleet remained the same, attack only Confederation Navy bases and high value industrial planets to deny the Solomani the ability to supply their fleet and to replace their losses. The fighting in the Solomani Rim was fierce and harder than they had experienced thus far. The 1st Fleet was tasked with the Suleiman Subsector with their primary targets of Coriolanus, Ascalon, Imarir, Shaabipili and Suleiman. Unlike in the Diaspora Sector the Imperial Navy could not rely on a sector fleet to perform clean up operations and was forced to conduct more lengthy invasions of each world. One of the last planets to fall, Suleiman, did so in early 1001 due to a local resistance group with assistance of the Imperial Marines. The 17st Fleet was to invade the Concard Subsector with the targets of Zapuushar, Gunashnan, Cambria, Ephemir, Eleusis, Aspidistra, and Khiirshag. In 1001 the Solomani forces in the Concord Subsector were defeated. [44]

With the Imperials in close proximity and the Confederation in full retreat popular uprising sprung up deeper in the Solomani Rim. Many Vegan worlds, including Muan Gwi, overthrew their Solomani oppressors. The Vilani populations of Nisinasha and Darrukesh, and the Aslan of Sarmaty did the same.[45]

The 17th Fleet was able to quickly follow up its victory in the Concord Subsector into the Vega Subsector and the Esperance Subsector to liberate the Vegan worlds, which established a strong industrial base for the Imperials. The 1st Fleet advanced extremely rapidly through the Alderamin Subsector as the defenseless Solomani worlds surrendered the moment the Imperial Navy jumped into the system. Entering the Albadawi Subsector via the Rim Main they experienced tougher resistance from the remnants of the Confederation Navy as they dashed for the key strategic world Kidashi, which they did in 1001 and immediately besieged. An assault on that planet would result in its capture in 1002 after the deaths of half a million soldiers and ten million civilians.[46]

After the fall of the Vegan worlds the Confederation Navy consolidated their remaining fleets into the Grand Fleet under the command of Grand Admiral Ivan Wolfe. The Solomani High Command had changed their strategy from defending each world to defending only key industrial worlds in reaction to the Imperial Navy's strategy. This fleet was able to defeat the 17th Fleet twice in 1002 as it advanced out of the Vegan worlds towards Terra, once at Kagukhasaggan and once at Agidda. The victory at Agidda blunted the 17th Fleet's advance and forced them to regroup.[47][48]

After placing Kidashi under siege the 1st Fleet was making an approach towards strategically and symbolically important world of Dingir. With the 17th Fleet licking its wounds, Grand Admiral Wolfe made the jumps to Dingir to meet the 1st Fleet and attack it while it could not be supported. Unfortunately he was not aware that the 17th Fleet was able to reorganize itself quick enough to give chase to the Grand Fleet. The Battle of Dingir commenced as the 1st Fleet and the Grand Fleet struggled for over a week over the system. The battle was lost for the Solomani when they were surprised by the sudden arrival of the 17th Fleet and they were forced to disengage after taking significant losses. They retreated to the Capella Subsector in order to regroup and repair.[49][50]

With the defeat of the Grand Fleet the path to Terra lay wide open. The combined 1st and 17th fleets jumped to Terra. Imperial High Command believed that Terra must be captured in order to force the Solomani to surrender before they could rally and bring to bear fresh squadrons from elsewhere in the Confederation. In the second half of 1002 the Siege of Terra commenced with the Imperial Navy jumping into the system and destroying the system defenses. The Imperial Marines and Imperial Army conducted the largest ground operation in Imperial history as they landed on Terra. The last of the defenders on Terra were forced to surrender on 313-1002. [51]

Alpha Crucis[edit]

Prior to 1001 the Alpha Crucis Sector was spared any large scale fighting. With the change in Imperial strategy to avoid lengthy sieges against Solomani strongpoints the sector was to be bypassed by the bulk of the Imperial Navy. This was due to the fact that the systems in the sector were mostly populated by Solomani and they were notably patriotic supporters of the war. Additionally, the home guard of worlds such as Cthonia and Turin were not simple planetary militias. Therefore it was clear that an invasion of the sector would be exactly the type of war the Imperials were avoiding.

Conflict was still present, especially in the Ximenes Subsector and McKenzie Subsector, where the largest concentrations of Vilani resided. Anti-Solomani guerrilla groups would rise up and be brutally crushed by SolSec and the Solomani Army. The most egregious example of this Solomani repression would occur on the Cofax world where a genocide against the native sophant species of the Mockmole resulted in the complete extinction of the race. [52]

By 1001 the Imperial Navy had made rapid advances into the Solomani Rim Sector and the Confederation Navy had been consolidated into the Grand Fleet. The Solomani war assets in Alpha Crucis were diverted to the Solomani Rim Sector leaving mostly home guard forces to the defense. The Imperial task forces with the role of encircling the Confederation military was free to begin moving into the sector, with the primary goal of liberating the Vilani worlds in the two coreward subsectors. The first major engagement in the sector was the raid against the Kedin system where an orbital bombardment caused the death of 20 million civilians. Further raids and small engagements continued throughout 1001.[53]

Late in 1001 Imperial task forces invaded the Ximenes Subsector and the McKenzie Subsector from both the Old Expanses and the Solomani Rim. Over the next year the remnants of the Confederation 69th fleet was destroyed in the McKenzie Subsector leaving only system defense boats to defend the Solomani worlds. The Imperial Navy would jump into systems, threaten orbital bombardment and offer terms of surrender to the Solomani governors. Typically the governors would refuse to hand over the planets leading the battering of the home armies from space. The following invasions by Imperial marines would often by supported by popular uprisings. By the end of 1002 the two subsectors were mostly under Imperial control with the sole exception of the Shurregaa system.

In 1002, after the capture of Terra and the retreat of the Grand Fleet, the Imperial navy was free to change its focus to the Alpha Crucis Sector. Probing attacks into the Orichalc Subsector, Denebola Subsector and Ziusudra Subsector resulted in the capture of a handful of systems by Imperial forces. Imperial high command was prepared to launch a full scale invasion of the Orichalc Subsector with the goal of capturing Cthonia, but the armistice was signed before the operation could begin.[54]


In the last four years of the war the majority of the Daibei Sector remained an afterthought for both sides. By 998 the majority of both fleets in had been sent to reinforce the heavy fighting in the Diaspora Sector. The Confederation was not as concerned with defending the Vilani majority worlds in the sector over the more critical Solomani majority worlds in the Solomani Rim Sector, and the Imperium's plans for the late war did not include any major offenses in the Daibei Sector.

The exceptions were the strategically important Confederation Navy bases at Cruxway and Orvon. Left alone those bases could be used by the Confederation Navy against the exposed flank of the Imperial 1st Fleet. In 999, as the 1st Fleet conducted its offensive in the Diaspora Sector, Imperial raiders jumped into both systems. These hit and run attacks destroyed the highports and naval facilities, but invasions were not conducted.

By the end of 1001 the entirety of the Confederation Navy stationed in the Daibei Sector had been recalled to join the Grand Fleet and prepare for the defense of Terra. The occupations of former Imperial worlds were ended suddenly as the Solomani garrisons simply evacuated without a fight. Over 1002 Imperial task forces in the Daibei Sector began to jump into Solomani Confederation systems to force the capitulation of the local governments. They discovered the Confederation Navy had mostly abandoned their facilities and that most of the systems were happy to rejoin the Imperium rather than remain majority Vilani worlds under Solomani rule.

All of Zhemi, Mulaar, Dudin, Cruxway, Orvon and Narya were captured in this fashion. Only the armistice's signing in 1002 did the Imperial advances in the sector end in the Hermes and Gaalorn subsectors.


The Magyar Sector had avoided the impacts of the war until the last year prior to the armistice. It was distant from the initial front and was not a priority of the Imperial Navy during the offensive towards Terra. The worlds were also settled mostly by pure Solomani and therefore were not attractive targets for the Imperial Navy while their strategy was to avoid length invasions and sieges. The size of the Magyar Rift also prevented the Solomani worlds within the sector from experiencing the hit and run attacks from Imperial raiders.

After the liberation of the Vegans in 1001 the Imperium was free to divert task forces off of the 1st Fleet and the Diaspora Sector fleet to capture Solomani worlds that were now isolated from Terra. The typical strategy was to jump into a system, dispatch any system defenses and destroy the highport, and finally demand the surrender of the system under the condition the Solomani installed governors would not lose their positions of power. Given the course of the war going against the Confederation many willingly accepted the offers.

The Confederation Navy that was stationed in the Magyar Sector had been consolidated into the Grand Navy in 1002, and therefore were not in a position to oppose the small Imperial task forces. This allowed the Imperium to capture a significant portion of the Sector without much bloodshed. By the time the armistice was signed they had advanced as far as the New Mars Subsector and Cluster Subsector.


The Imperial high command had anticipated that the fall of Terra would result in an immediate capitulation of the Solomani, but the decentralized Confederation did not operate on the same model as the Imperium. The highly patriotic people of the Alpha Crucis Sector were continuing to resist the Imperium at every world and the worlds Rimward of Terra, who had never been Imperium subjects, were not willing to be conquered. The Imperial Navy and Army were exhausted and had halted at the approximate former borders of the Third Imperium along the Rimward Gap.[55][56]

The Solomani moderates had previously been in backchannel peace talks with the Imperium prior to the fall of Terra, but those conversations had broken down when the Imperium invaded the Solomani homeworld. Radicals wanted the Grand Fleet to immediately prepare a counter-attack and recapture Terra at any cost, but Grand Admiral Wolf and the rest of the Solomani high command did not believe they could without an unrepairable lose of lives and ships. The moderates and realists won the debate, convincing the radicals that a break in hostilities would give the Confederation time to rebuild their fleet and recapture their lost territory at a later time.[57]

The negotiations were to be held in the system of Smade's Planet between Grand Admiral Wolfe and Admiral Adair. The two admirals arrived in the system of on their respective flagships and began the process of discussing the end of hostilities. An agreement was reached between the two sides with an assumption that formal peace talks between diplomats would occur at a later point.[58]

A formal peace treaty was never signed as the Confederation was not willing to renounce their claims on former Solomani worlds and the Imperium refused to recognize that the Solomani Confederation was an independent political entity. Instead the armistice was informally agreed to be extended indefinitely.[59]


The Solomani Rim War ended with Imperial occupation of 25% of the Solomani Sphere, including most importantly the Solomani homeworld of Terra. The Solomani Confederation was beaten, but not broken, and remained for all intents an independent state. The Imperium had been victorious and achieved its primary goal of recapturing the former Imperial worlds and liberating the minority populations that had been suppressed under Solomani rule, but it had stretched its military reserves thin and made it vulnerable to its other enemies.

The Solomani Confederation would establish a new capital in the Home system. The influence of the Aldebaran and Alpha Crucis grew due to economic policies promoting industrial growth in worlds far from the border with the Imperium. The Confederation military was strengthened by the reorganization of the Home Guard into a centralized system expected to meet minimum standards, which now could serve as a source of reserves for the Confederation Navy and Army, and were more prepared to defend their own systems.

The fate of minority races within the Confederation worsened after the end of the war. The memory of the revolts against Solomani rule that toppled many of the planets spurred SolSec and the Ministry of Economics to forcefully resettle non-Solomani rimward. At least 40 million Vilani were displaced by these programs and they found themselves forced into ghettos on the frontier planets. The refugees from the Old Expanses Sector, Ximenes Subsector, and McKenzie Subsector were settled in their place in the old border worlds.

In the occupied worlds the Imperium was able to conduct a peaceful transition of power on worlds where non-Solomani were the majority, but were forced to place the other worlds under strict military rule. The Vegan Autonomous District was founded within the Solomani Rim Sector with its capital at Muan Gwi and was provided complete control over their worlds on the condition of free passage for Imperial citizens and goods. Pro-Solomani terrorist organizations such as the Phoenix Project and the Rule of Terra continue to plague the Imperium on majority Solomani worlds.[60][61][62]

The relations between the Confederation and the Imperium would thaw over the next decades as merchants began to travel between the two states again. While no formal peace was signed the armistice stood until 1117 with the outbreak of the Second War for Solomani Liberation. [63]

Major Historical Events Timeline: 990 to 1003[edit]

This is some of the more important history associated with this event:


This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.
  1. Martin Dougherty. Aliens of Charted Space Volume 2 (Mongoose Publishing, 2020), 16.
  2. John HarshmanMarc Miller. Solomani (Game Designers Workshop, 1986), 7.
  3. John HarshmanMarc Miller. Solomani (Game Designers Workshop, 1986), 2-3.
  4. David L. Pulver. Solomani Rim (Mongoose Publishing, 2012), 9-10.
  5. John HarshmanMarc Miller. Solomani (Game Designers Workshop, 1986), 10.
  6. David L. Pulver. Solomani Rim (Mongoose Publishing, 2012), 7.
  7. John HarshmanMarc Miller. Solomani (Game Designers Workshop, 1986), 10.
  8. John HarshmanMarc Miller. Solomani (Game Designers Workshop, 1986), 10.
  9. John HarshmanMarc Miller. Solomani (Game Designers Workshop, 1986), 10.
  10. David L. Pulver. Solomani Rim (Mongoose Publishing, 2012), 8.
  11. David L. Pulver. Solomani Rim (Mongoose Publishing, 2012), 8.
  12. David L. Pulver. Solomani Rim (Mongoose Publishing, 2012), 8,13.
  13. Martin Dougherty. Aliens of Charted Space Volume 2 (Mongoose Publishing, 2020), 22.
  14. Martin Dougherty. Aliens of Charted Space Volume 2 (Mongoose Publishing, 2020), 23-24.
  15. David L. Pulver. Solomani Rim (Mongoose Publishing, 2012), 8.
  16. John HarshmanMarc Miller. Solomani (Game Designers Workshop, 1986), 10.
  17. Martin Dougherty. Aliens of Charted Space Volume 2 (Mongoose Publishing, 2020), 22-23.
  18. Jon F. Zeigler. Rim of Fire (Steve Jackson Games, 2000), 54.
  19. Martin Dougherty. Solomani Front (Mongoose Publishing, 2021), 114-115.
  20. Martin Dougherty. Aliens of Charted Space Volume 2 (Mongoose Publishing, 2020), 22-24.
  21. Jon F. Zeigler. Rim of Fire (Steve Jackson Games, 2000), 56.
  22. Martin Dougherty. Solomani Front (Mongoose Publishing, 2021), 115.
  23. Martin Dougherty. Aliens of Charted Space Volume 2 (Mongoose Publishing, 2020), 24-25.
  24. David L. Pulver. Solomani (Mongoose Publishing, 2012), 66.
  25. Martin Dougherty. Aliens of Charted Space Volume 2 (Mongoose Publishing, 2020), 25-26.
  26. Martin Dougherty. Aliens of Charted Space Volume 2 (Mongoose Publishing, 2020), 26-28.
  27. Martin Dougherty. Aliens of Charted Space Volume 2 (Mongoose Publishing, 2020), 28-29.
  28. David L. Pulver. Alpha Crucis Sector (Mongoose Publishing, 2012), 26.
  29. Alvin Plummer. "The Lords of the Quarter, 993 Imperial Quarter." Stellar Reaches 13 (2011): 13.
  30. Martin Dougherty. Aliens of Charted Space Volume 2 (Mongoose Publishing, 2020), 29.
  31. Martin Dougherty. Aliens of Charted Space Volume 2 (Mongoose Publishing, 2020), 29.
  32. Martin Dougherty. Solomani Front (Mongoose Publishing, 2021), 116.
  33. Michael Taylor. Fighting Ships of the Solomani (QuikLink Interactive, 2009), 5,9.
  34. Michael Taylor. Fighting Ships of the Solomani (QuikLink Interactive, 2009), 9-10.
  35. Michael Taylor. Fighting Ships of the Solomani (QuikLink Interactive, 2009), 11.
  36. Michael Taylor. Fighting Ships of the Solomani (QuikLink Interactive, 2009), 11-12.
  37. Michael Taylor. Fighting Ships of the Solomani (QuikLink Interactive, 2009), 12.
  38. Martin Dougherty. Solomani Front (Mongoose Publishing, 2021), 239.
  39. David L. Pulver. Solomani Rim (Mongoose Publishing, 2012), 53.
  40. David L. Pulver. Solomani (Mongoose Publishing, 2012), 69.
  41. David L. Pulver. Solomani (Mongoose Publishing, 2012), 69.
  42. David L. Pulver. Alpha Crucis Sector (Mongoose Publishing, 2012), 14.
  43. David L. Pulver. Solomani Rim (Mongoose Publishing, 2012), 10,46,57,58.
  44. David L. Pulver. Solomani Rim (Mongoose Publishing, 2012), 51-54,58.
  45. David L. Pulver. Solomani Rim (Mongoose Publishing, 2012), 10.
  46. David L. Pulver. Solomani Rim (Mongoose Publishing, 2012), 10,14,82.
  47. David L. Pulver. Solomani Rim (Mongoose Publishing, 2012), 10,14.
  48. David L. Pulver. Solomani (Mongoose Publishing, 2012), 70.
  49. David L. Pulver. Solomani (Mongoose Publishing, 2012), 70.
  50. David L. Pulver. Solomani Rim (Mongoose Publishing, 2012), 10.
  51. David L. Pulver. Solomani (Mongoose Publishing, 2012), 70-72.
  52. David L. Pulver. Alpha Crucis Sector (Mongoose Publishing, 2012), 28.
  53. David L. Pulver. Alpha Crucis Sector (Mongoose Publishing, 2012), 14.
  54. David L. Pulver. Alpha Crucis Sector (Mongoose Publishing, 2012), 15.
  55. David L. Pulver. Solomani Rim (Mongoose Publishing, 2012), 10.
  56. David L. Pulver. Solomani (Mongoose Publishing, 2012), 72.
  57. David L. Pulver. Solomani (Mongoose Publishing, 2012), 72.
  58. David L. Pulver. Solomani Rim (Mongoose Publishing, 2012), 10-11,107.
  59. David L. Pulver. Solomani (Mongoose Publishing, 2012), 72.
  60. David L. Pulver. Solomani (Mongoose Publishing, 2012), 72-74.
  61. David L. Pulver. Alpha Crucis Sector (Mongoose Publishing, 2012), 15.
  62. David L. Pulver. Solomani Rim (Mongoose Publishing, 2012), 11-12.
  63. Peter G. CelellaJames Holden. Solomani & Aslan (Digest Group Publications, 1991), 26.