Ustral Quadrant Sector

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Ustral Quadrant Sector
Uistilrao Dark Nebula Canopus
Ustral Quadrant style="width: 250px; height: 350px; border: solid 1px black;"
map from
Sector Data
No. of Worlds 373
Population 1,057,543 million
Majority Control Aslan Hierate - 40%
Secondary Control Solomani Confederation - 12%
Tertiary Control Other - 48%
Domain TBD
Capital TBD
Gross Sector Product BCr6,050,641
Trade Volume BCr17,753
Imperial Coordinate -2 / -4
This sector has a trade map
This sector has economic data
This sector has sector data
This sector has a climate file
This sector has sector data

Ustral Quadrant style="width: 250px; height: 350px; border: solid 1px black; float: right; clear: left"

The Ustral Quadrant Sector (Imperial coordinates -2/-4), is a border region Rimward of Dark Nebula and Spinward of Canopus sectors.

Description (Specifications)[edit]

No information yet available.

Toponyms: 1105[edit]

This sector has been known by different names to different groups over its existence including the following:

Ustral Quadrant Sector Names
Culture Toponym Polity
Third Imperium Ustral Quadrant Third Imperium
Aslan Ftahtuak Aslan Hierate
Droyne Unknown Droyne Oytrip Yatroy
Hiver Ftahtuak Hive Federation
K'kree Unknown Two Thousand Worlds
Solomani Ustral Quadrant Solomani Confederation
Vargr Ftahtuak Vargr Extents
Vilani Ustral Quadrant Third Imperium
Zhodani Ftahtuak Zhodani Consulate

Linguistic Topography: 1105[edit]

The following languages are among the most commonly used within this astrographic region:

  • Anglic: One of the two official languages of the Third Imperium and an official language of the Solomani Confederation.
    • Various secondary languages of Terran origin can be heard on Solomani worlds.
  • Aslanic: A patois of the Aslan's dominant language of Trokh, utilising Trokh grammar and morphology but with phonology more suited to Human vocalisation. Commonly used by Human societies that have long had contact and exchange with Aslan, noticeably those aided and uplifted by Aslan during the Long Night.
  • Osmani: A distant descendent of ancient Terran Turkish, with a large number of loanwords from Vilani and Trokh.
  • Trokh: The common language of Aslan who conform to the modern Aslan monoculture established after the Aslan Cultural Purge.

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

Various Aslan clans have power here, many part of the Hierate, many external to it. Some of these Exohierate clans deviate greatly from Aslan cultural norms and are considered tahiwihteakhtau (barbarians) by the Aslan of the Hierate. Many other Exohierate clans identify culturally as Aslan and are viewed as khaleao, a decidedly inferior status but not as irredeemable as that of "barbarian".

During the long Aslan Border Wars, human populations overwhelmed by land-hungry Aslan colonisers often retreated here. Today, a number of small multiworld polities are members of the Solomani Confederation.

  • League of Erice: Erice (2819), formerly Umak (2920)
  • Polity of Hollie: Hollie (2611), Gurnek (2713), Tikai (2811)
  • Thalia Alliance: Thalia (2909), Boushi (3008): The first local government to join the Confederation.
  • Welcin Republic: Welcin (3112), Bonher (3213)
  • The Conclave of Joelii once consisted of Joelii (2915), Pliska (2916), and Izir (2917); control of Pliska passed to Iselle and control of Izir to Bowles.

Native Sophonts (NIL): 1105[edit]

The following races (sophont species) are believed to have originated within this area:

  • Humaniti (Human races)
    • Iziri (a Variant Human Race created by Solomani geneticists to aid in colonization of their world)
  • Terragens (Non-human Terran races)
    • None

Demographics: 1105[edit]

Significant populations of the following races (sophont species) reside within this area:

Indigenic Notes[edit]

Notes: The Inyx, a Minor Race of aquatic, parasitic ergivores from Ahriman Sector, control two mega-corporations that have commercial relationships with Aslan clans and Human client states in Ustral Quadrant sector.

History-Era: Milieu 1100[edit]

The Ustral Quadrant was first settled by Human emigres from Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) during the Interstellar Wars era. By -2204, there were at least seven settlements in subsectors B, C, F, J, and K, all well beyond the border of the Terran Confederation.

Once the Aslan achieved jump drive in -1999, they began to expand across Dark Nebula and the surrounding sectors. After -1180, some of the Solomani worlds in Ustral Quadrant were settled by desperate refugees from the old Terran colonies deeper in the Hierate that eventually fell during the Aslan Border Wars. During this period the Solomani colonies in Ustral Quadrant came under increasing pressure from the expanding Aslan, and over time most of these colonies were gradually absorbed or assimilated.

From 382 to 429 the Imperium undertook the Aslan Mission, a goodwill embassy by the Scout Service to understand the Hierate. As part of the Mission, the IISS provided considerable assistance to the clusters of Aslan worlds in and around the Ustral client states. The Aslan corporation Layaefui, dedicated to exploration, was founded at this time, and adopted many of the IISS standards and procedures for conducting surveys and exploration. Today Layaefui is headquartered in Ustral Quadrant.

Under the Solomani Autonomous Region the humans began pushing back against the Aslan tide. In the 800s subsector governments in Canopus became dominated by Solomani Party regimes; these governments used their new autonomy to forge alliances with and then absorb independent Solomani states in Ustral Quadrant. These newly-strengthened polities began ‘liberating’ worlds in the Aslan buffer zone in violation of Peace of Ftahalr and other long-standing agreements.

Imperial Naval forces in the region found themselves ordered not to intervene as Solomani colonial navy squadrons struck into Aslan space, only to be called into action to defend Imperial worlds against Aslan retaliatory raids. The situation was becoming untenable, and in 835 Empress Paula II ordered the Imperial Navy to pull back entirely from Dark Nebula, Canopus and Ustral sectors, leaving responsibility for defense of these sectors entirely to Solomani colonial fleets.

Following the Solomani Rim War relations between the Confederation and the Hierate did not improve. The Confederation Navy responded forcefully when Aslan clans probed for weakness on the spinward border; in 1007 Ustral was the scene of an inconclusive battle between a Solomani Navy squadron and Aslan warships.

Major Historical Events Timeline: 1116[edit]

These are some of the more important historical events that have affected this sector:

Politics & Diplomacy (Interstellar Relations)[edit]

Politics and business in Ustral Quadrant are dominated by a combination of lucrative trade and sporadic conflict between the Solomani Confederation and the Hierate clans.

The sector is considered part of the Trans-Canopus Reaches.

Polity Listing: 1105[edit]

The following polities can be found within this sector:

Polity Descriptions: 1105[edit]

Here are several synopses of the polities found in this sector:

  1. Alleg: AsIf: "Iyeaao'fte"
  2. Alleg: AsMw: "Aslan Hierate, single multiple-world clan dominates"
  3. Alleg: AsOf: "Oleaiy'fte"
  4. Alleg: AsSc: "Aslan Hierate, multiple clans split control"
  5. Alleg: AsT0: "Aslan Hierate, Tlaukhu control, Yerlyaruiwo (1), Hrawoao (13), Eisohiyw (14), Ferekhearl (19)"
  6. Alleg: AsT1: "Aslan Hierate, Tlaukhu control, Khaukheairl (2), Estoieie' (16), Toaseilwi (22)"
  7. Alleg: AsT2: "Aslan Hierate, Tlaukhu control, Syoisuis (3)"
  8. Alleg: AsT3: "Aslan Hierate, Tlaukhu control, Tralyeaeawi (4), Yulraleh (12), Aiheilar (25), Riyhalaei (28)"
  9. Alleg: AsT4: "Aslan Hierate, Tlaukhu control, Eakhtiyho (5), Eteawyolei' (11), Fteweyeakh (23)"
  10. Alleg: AsT5: "Aslan Hierate, Tlaukhu control, Hlyueawi (6), Isoitiyro (15)"
  11. Alleg: AsT6: "Aslan Hierate, Tlaukhu control, Uiktawa (7), Iykyasea (17), Faowaou (27)"
  12. Alleg: AsT7: "Aslan Hierate, Tlaukhu control, Ikhtealyo (8), Tlerlearlyo (20), Yetahikh (24)"
  13. Alleg: AsT8: "Aslan Hierate, Tlaukhu control, Seieakh (9), Akatoiloh (18), We'okurir (29)"
  14. Alleg: AsT9: "Aslan Hierate, Tlaukhu control, Aokhalte (10), Sahao' (21), Ouokhoi (26)"
  15. Alleg: AsTA: "Tealou Arlaoh"
  16. Alleg: AsTv: "Aslan Hierate, Tlaukhu vassal clan dominates"
  17. Alleg: AsVc: "Aslan Hierate, vassal clan dominates"
  18. Alleg: AsWc: "Aslan Hierate, single one-world clan dominates"
  19. Alleg: AsXX: "Aslan Hierate, unknown"
  20. Alleg: NaAs: "Non-Aligned, Aslan-dominated"
  21. Alleg: NaXX: "Non-Aligned, unclaimed"
  22. Alleg: SoCf: "Solomani Confederation"

Imperial Territory: 1105[edit]

This sector is not an Imperial possession.

  • 0.00% is controlled by the Third Imperium.
  • 100.00% is controlled by non-Imperial powers.

Polity Notes[edit]

The Aslan Hierate holds a little more than six subsectors, with the Uiktawa clan and its vassals, Ftawsteaoihair and Hweolriya, controlling the Ustral frontier as well as a few colonies further rimward. The Solomani Confederation holds approximately two subsectors.

  • The balance of Ustral includes non-aligned worlds and three interstellar client states of the Hierate: Tealou Arlaoh, which controls 10 systems in I and M subsectors; Iyeaao'fte, which controls 36 systems in I, J, M, and N subsectors, and Oleaiy'fte, which controls 36 systems in K, O, and P subsectors, as well as territory in Canopus Sector.

Trade Routes (Economic Astrography)[edit]

The following astrographic features and trade routes can be found within this area:

Mains, Branches & Arms[edit]

Clusters & Traces[edit]

Rifts, Voids & Jump Bridges[edit]

Other Astrographic Features[edit]

  • No information yet available.

Worlds, Systems & Sectors (Political Astrography)[edit]


No information yet available.

Capital/s: 1105[edit]

  • The capital of Aslan Hierate is at Khteaiwiyftei (Ustral Quadrant 1333).
  • The capital of Aslan Hierate is at Ehfya (Ustral Quadrant 2838).

Sector Summary: 1105[edit]

The Ustral Quadrant sector has 373 worlds with an estimated combined population of 1,057 billion, a per capita income of Cr5,752, and a total economy of BCr6,080,524. These worlds originate an interstellar trade of BCr15,269 through 322 starports (64 Class A, 90 Class B, 118 Class C, 50 Class D) employing 2,468,900 people. Driving this interstellar trade are 54 Agricultural (Ag) worlds, 21 Non-Agricultural (Na) worlds, 34 Pre-Agricultural (Pa) worlds, 41 Pre-Industrial (Pi) worlds, 28 Rich (Ri) worlds, and 18 Industrial (In) worlds. The governments in Ustral Quadrant maintain 60 Military bases, 49 Naval bases, 44 Clan bases, and 21 Tlaukhu bases. The average technology level is 8 (with most between 6 and 11). The highest technology level is 14 at Khtekhteirl (Ustral Quadrant 0706), Alrirleih (Ustral Quadrant 0708), Hkourlaiw (Ustral Quadrant 0810), Isei (Ustral Quadrant 1203), Uisi (Ustral Quadrant 1408), and Heasairlui (Ustral Quadrant 1503).

The Ustral Quadrant sector contains 540 stars and 4,176 identified planets; 216 monostellar systems, 147 binary systems, ten trinary systems, and no systems with four or more stars. 295 of the 373 systems (79%) have native gas giants. There are eight Asteroid (As) belts, 18 Desert (De) worlds, 18 Garden (Ga) worlds, 11 Ice-capped (Ic) worlds, 55 Poor (Po) worlds, 33 Vacuum (Va) worlds, and 23 Water (Wa) or Ocean (Oc) worlds.

Ustral Quadrant has an estimated population of 1,057 billion distributed across 47 High population (Hi) worlds, 29 Moderate population (Ph) worlds, 178 Non-industrial (Ni) worlds, 71 Low population (Lo) worlds, and four Barren (Ba) worlds. The highest population worlds are Isei (Ustral Quadrant 1203), Khoastarl (Ustral Quadrant 2502), Iuiheasear (Ustral Quadrant 0732), Khteaiwiyftei (Ustral Quadrant 1333), Hraihkaleawao (Ustral Quadrant 1534), and Hlayo (Ustral Quadrant 1401). The population consists primarily of 6 sophont groups including three native sophonts.

6 identified sophont populations in Ustral Quadrant


Aslan Hierate and Clients[edit]

The Aslan Hierate and its client states have jurisdiction over 232 worlds in the sector with an estimated combined population of 811 billion, a per capita income of Cr6,198, and a total economy of BCr5,026,679. These worlds originate an interstellar trade of BCr8,892 through 202 starports (42 Class A, 53 Class B, 77 Class C, 30 Class D) employing 1,396,280 people. Driving this interstellar trade are 36 Agricultural (Ag) worlds, 13 Non-Agricultural (Na) worlds, 25 Pre-Agricultural (Pa) worlds, 23 Pre-Industrial (Pi) worlds, 19 Rich (Ri) worlds, and 13 Industrial (In) worlds. The governments in the Aslan Hierate and its client states maintain 44 Clan bases, 23 Military bases, 22 Naval bases, and 21 Tlaukhu bases within the sector. The average technology level is 9 (with most between 6 and 11). The highest technology level is 14 at Khtekhteirl (Ustral Quadrant 0706), Alrirleih (Ustral Quadrant 0708), Hkourlaiw (Ustral Quadrant 0810), Isei (Ustral Quadrant 1203), Uisi (Ustral Quadrant 1408), and Heasairlui (Ustral Quadrant 1503).

The Aslan Hierate and its client states have an estimated population of 811 billion within the sector, distributed across 35 High population (Hi) worlds, 22 Moderate population (Ph) worlds, 110 Non-industrial (Ni) worlds, 38 Low population (Lo) worlds, and one Barren (Ba) world. The highest population worlds are Isei (Ustral Quadrant 1203), Khoastarl (Ustral Quadrant 2502), Iuiheasear (Ustral Quadrant 0732), Khteaiwiyftei (Ustral Quadrant 1333), Hraihkaleawao (Ustral Quadrant 1534), and Hlayo (Ustral Quadrant 1401). The population consists primarily of 2 sophont groups.

Non-Aligned, Aslan-dominated[edit]

There are 88 Non-Aligned Aslan-dominated worlds in Ustral Quadrant with an estimated combined population of 89 billion.

Solomani Confederation[edit]

The Solomani Confederation has jurisdiction over 50 worlds in the sector with an estimated combined population of 156 billion, a per capita income of Cr3,664, and a total economy of BCr571,688. These worlds originate an interstellar trade of BCr4,086 through 44 starports (11 Class A, 14 Class B, 12 Class C, 7 Class D) employing 675,490 people. Driving this interstellar trade are ten Agricultural (Ag) worlds, four Non-Agricultural (Na) worlds, six Pre-Agricultural (Pa) worlds, ten Pre-Industrial (Pi) worlds, two Rich (Ri) worlds, and three Industrial (In) worlds. The governments in the Solomani Confederation maintain 13 Military bases and eight Naval bases within the sector. The average technology level is 8 (with most between 5 and 11). The highest technology level is 14 at Joelii (Ustral Quadrant 2915).

The Solomani Confederation has an estimated population of 156 billion within the sector, distributed across seven High population (Hi) worlds, two Moderate population (Ph) worlds, 29 Non-industrial (Ni) worlds, three Low population (Lo) worlds, and no Barren (Ba) worlds. The highest population worlds are Thalia (Ustral Quadrant 2909), Rangel (Ustral Quadrant 3004), Vilnius (Ustral Quadrant 3209), and Pliska (Ustral Quadrant 2916). The population consists primarily of 3 sophont groups including two native sophonts.

Non-Aligned, unclaimed[edit]

There are three Non-Aligned unclaimed worlds in Ustral Quadrant with an estimated combined population of less than 1 million.

World Listing: 1105[edit]

The following systems and worlds can be found within this area:

106 Worlds in the Ustral Quadrant Sector
Aachen  •  Adere  •  Aeahaihluil  •  Ahosoieireawa  •  Aieilarl  •    •  Aikoutruaaii  •  Aiyfiyhyehkea  •  Aldaya (UQ 2803)  •  Alrirleih  •  Aluiwi  •  Aoereiw  •  Aoowyelrisaia  •  Araulis  •  Ausiwuaeaai  •  Auye  •  Bedurlu  •  Bonher  •  Boushi  •    •  Bowles  •  Brasis  •  Cavallo  •  Cermara  •  Deep Blue  •  Doyle  •  Drasha  •  Eaaihyolo  •  Eakhekhi  •    •  Ehfya  •  Eihkyele  •  Elsa  •  Erice  •  Erlou'a  •  Euase  •  Frise  •  Fyuwul  •  Grahame  •  Grammle  •  Gurnek  •  Hamiss  •  Heasairlui  •  Hkor  •  Hkourlaiw  •  Hlayo  •  Hollie  •  Hraihkaleawao  •  Htailr  •  Hwuaea  •  Ikhtar  •  Iristaorleih  •  Isei  •  Iselle  •  Itzama  •  Iuiheasear  •  Iyhter  •  Iywyol  •  Izir  •  Joelii  •  Kasru  •  Keahei  •  Kemit  •  Kheiel  •  Khoastarl  •  Khteaiwiyftei  •  Khtekhteirl  •    •  Kranthar  •  Le-Tsu  •  Ligh  •  Limahi  •  Lovenia  •  Lyttin  •  Malaga (Us 2610)  •  Mollison  •  Montov  •  Oaeaaw  •    •  Ontinal  •  Opova  •  Oui  •  Pallos  •  Pliska  •  Poul  •  Rangel  •  Rindanu  •  Riyaihta  •  Sheu  •  Soafealeihai  •  Socorro  •  Sorenson  •  Steae  •  Steaseaoisoal  •  Susteaeakh  •  Taoahaiw  •  Thalia  •  Tikai  •  Tilden Belt  •  Touukhaurl  •  Tysaro  •  Uihiwiysear  •  Ullsom  •  Umak  •  Varise  •  Vilnius  •  Wa'yurleaha (UQ 2418)  •  Wabaska  •  Welcin  •  Yare  •  Ylasea  •  

Subsector Listing: 1105[edit]

The following subsectors can be found within this sector:

  1. Subsector A: Alrirleih Subsector
  2. Subsector B: Heasairlui Subsector
  3. Subsector C: Yewoiauehoah Subsector
  4. Subsector D: Thalia Subsector
  5. Subsector E: Stiy Subsector
  6. Subsector F: Hlol Subsector
  7. Subsector G: Aeahaihluil Subsector
  8. Subsector H: Iselle Subsector
  9. Subsector I: Ftea Subsector
  10. Subsector J: Ouateahaaorl Subsector
  11. Subsector K: Kemit Subsector
  12. Subsector L: Adere Subsector
  13. Subsector M: Ihtaois Subsector
  14. Subsector N: Khteaiwiyftei Subsector
  15. Subsector O: Oolyasiyl Subsector
  16. Subsector P: Ehfya Subsector

Territorial Overview: 1105[edit]

The following table details the subsectors within this area:

  • No information yet available.

Territorial Chart Key[edit]

No information yet available.


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