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: The worlds of the universe lie separated by the vastness of space, each alone, and dependent upon its own resources. In the past, a greater community of worlds has existed, promoting a greater good for all its members, and for all those who have interacted with it. The time has now come to reestablish that greater community.             
: The worlds of the universe lie separated by the vastness of space, each alone, and dependent upon its own resources. In the past, a greater community of worlds has existed, promoting a greater good for all its members, and for all those who have interacted with it. The time has now come to reestablish that greater community.             
: On the foundations of the past, in order to promote:                 
: On the foundations of the past, in order to promote:                 
: Safe travel among the stars, the exploration of worlds circling those stars, the pursuit of knowledge, mutually profitable trade and commerce, the active exchange of information and tech the individual pursuit of personal betterment, and the collective pursuit of community good, we hereby re-establish the '''Grand Empire of the Stars'''.  
: Safe travel among the stars, the exploration of worlds circling those stars, the pursuit of knowledge, mutually profitable trade and commerce, the active exchange of information and tech, the individual pursuit of personal betterment, and the collective pursuit of community good, we hereby re-establish the '''Grand Empire of the Stars'''.  

Latest revision as of 21:15, 8 April 2024

Third Imperium Sectors.png

Also called The Imperium. Founded in 0 by Cleon Zhunastu from the Sylean Federation in what is now Core Sector. The Third Imperium is a feudal confederation. Member worlds of the Imperium agree to pay taxes and obey a few fundamental laws which the Imperium promulgates, known as the High Laws. In return, the Imperium agrees to patrol the space between the worlds, to protect interstellar trade, to encourage travel and commerce, and to arbitrate diplomatic relations between worlds. Beyond this, individual worlds are left to their own devices so long as they acknowledge the power of the Imperium to rule the space between the stars.[1]

Imperial power is present on member worlds in the form of Starports, consulates, bureaucratic offices, and bases. Sometimes, larger enclaves of Imperial power are placed where they can enhance the emperor’s strength.

  • This article covers the 1105 period.


The Third Imperium itself is a far-flung empire of 281 subsectors and over 11,000 worlds. [2]

From its founding through the Pacification Campaigns it grew swiftly, then more slowly thereafter, until stability was reached in the 600s, by which time the Imperium had grown past and absorbed almost all of the territory of the First and Second Imperiums. The main exception being to coreward, where territory was lost to the split-off Julian Protectorate and the Vargr Extents.

The Imperium has few laws mostly protecting trade, including banning possession of weapons of mass destruction, slavery, and murder of Imperial citizens. The rest is left to the local planet's or local system's laws. The leadership of the Imperium has trappings of nobility, mainly to have some designated person in charge when crises happen, because—due to communication lags similar to those seen on Terra in the Age of Sail—it takes weeks, months, or even years (depending on origin and destination, and the amount of deliberation required) for messages to traverse the Imperium and get acted upon.


The preamble of the Warrant of Restoration of the Imperium reads:

The worlds of the universe lie separated by the vastness of space, each alone, and dependent upon its own resources. In the past, a greater community of worlds has existed, promoting a greater good for all its members, and for all those who have interacted with it. The time has now come to reestablish that greater community.
On the foundations of the past, in order to promote:
Safe travel among the stars, the exploration of worlds circling those stars, the pursuit of knowledge, mutually profitable trade and commerce, the active exchange of information and tech, the individual pursuit of personal betterment, and the collective pursuit of community good, we hereby re-establish the Grand Empire of the Stars.

Please see Warrant of Restoration for more information.


Third Imperium: Symbols The Capital of the Third Imperium is at Capital/Core (Core 2118), formerly known as Sylea, and is the location of many of the most important symbols of the Third Imperium:

Polity Quick Facts[edit]

The following overview is available of this polity:

  • Government: Feudal Confederation
  • Astrography: This polity is located over 19 sectors and includes an estimated 10,000 to 12,000 systems.
  • Capital: The capital of this polity is Capital (world).
  • Population: This polity is estimated to have a population of 17,989,466 (millions) (almost 18 trillion inhabitants). The most numerous race/s of this polity are: Races of Humaniti
  • Economy: The economic output (gross product) of this polity is estimated at 138,935,068 (BCr) (almost 139 quadrillion credits). The per capita earning of inhabitants in this polity is estimated at 7,723 (Cr). The resources available in this polity are estimated at 8,629,159 (RU). The shipyard capacity of this polity is estimated at 19,157 (Mtons). The Starport Authority population is estimated at 157,981,050 (employees).
  • Military: The armed forces of this polity are estimated at 2,500,000 (BEs).
  • Technology: The average technology level of this polity is estimated at TL–12. The highest attainable technology level of this polity is estimated at TL–15. Technology level research in this polity is working towards mastering TL–16.


The end of the Third Imperium was hastened by increasingly dangerous power games, which culminated in a Second Civil War.

Political Lineage[edit]

The Third Imperium derives part of the legitimacy from the two previous great interstellar states, the Third Imperium shares only a few characteristics. The territorial area is the primary one.

Historical Eras[edit]

The history of the Third Imperium is generally separated by Sanctioned Imperial Chroniclers into a number of different periods:

Dawn of the Third Imperium 0—119[edit]

The dawn of the Third Imperium started with the founding of the Imperium from the existing Sylean Federation. This period is marked by the quick expansion of the Imperium. The rule of Cleon I, Cleon II, and Artemsus, who oversaw the Pacification Campaigns. The dawn period ends with the completion of the Pacification Campaigns.

The Antebellum Years 120—474[edit]

The Antebellum years are marked by the slowing of the expansion of the Imperium, as the expansion reaches the borders of the other major races. The rule of Martin I, Martin II, Cleon III (the mad), Porfiria and Anguistus (both known for their empire building), Martin III, Martin V, and Nicholle.

The Julian Confederation successfully resists integration into the new Imperium. The Vargr Campaigns fail to produce any new territory, and the Aslan Border Wars conclude with the Peace of Ftahalr.

Civil War 475621[edit]

This period starts with the Assassination of Empress Nichole by Cleon IV. This starts a wave of assassinations of the emperors and an outright civil war. There are more than 20 claimants to the throne and the increasingly disparate factions across the Imperium fall into a brief civil war.

Stability 622939[edit]

The civil war ends with the Regent Arbellatra and then the founding of the Alkhalikoi Dynasty. Also to rule over the imperium are Zhakirov, Margaret I, Paulo I, Tomutov I (who resigned in a scandal), Paula II, Tomutova II, Margaret II. The stability period is a long period of generally peaceful interactions with the neighbors. There are few border conflicts. The Imperium continues to expand the local diplomatic efforts rather than broad sweeping policy and aggressive stances.

The Solomani Crisis 9401002[edit]

The period is marked by increasing crises on the borders of the Imperium. The Empress Margaret II dissolved the Solomani Autonomous Region in 940 setting the stage for the Solomani Rim War. She did not live to see the outcome. Styryx resigns after the Third Frontier War. Leaving Gavin to manage the Rim war and increasing conflicts.

The New Millennium 10031115[edit]

The rule of Gavin and Paulo III wanted to leave his heirs with a stable peaceful Empire and pursued that goal with determination. The rule of Strephon.

  • (1082 to 1084) Fourth Frontier War
  • (1107 to 1110): Fifth Frontier War

Rebellion 11161124[edit]

Started with the assassination of Strephon and the disintegration of the Third Imperium into factions.

History of the Domains[edit]

During the Pacification Campaigns, Emperor Artemsus divided space into six regions, labeled them domains, and appointed an archduke over each of them. To each archduke, he assigned the continuing pacification of the domain’s many systems and their integration into the Imperium. The domains were:

  1. Sylea (Core, Fornast, Massilia, Delphi)
  2. Vland (Corridor, Vland, Gushemege, Dagudashag),
  3. Gateway (Ley, Glimmerdrift Reaches, Gateway, Crucis Margin)
  4. Ilelish(Ilelish, Zarushagar, Reaver’s Deep, Daibei)
  5. Antares (Lishun, Antares, Mendan, Amdukan)
  6. Sol (Dispora, Old Expanses, Solomani Rim, Alpha Crucis).

In 589, during the First Frontier War, a seventh domain Deneb (Spinward Marches, Deneb, Trojan Reach, Reft) was established.

Following the civil war, the emperors expressed concern about individuals with powers equaling their own, so they moved to lessen the power of the archdukes in the Imperial government. Because of this, no archduke of Deneb was ever appointed. As a result, the domains came to have little practical significance. Each archduke did retain the power to create knights and baronets.

In the years after the Fourth Frontier War, and after the problems it presented from lags in communication, Emperor Strephon felt a strengthened archduke position could enable the Imperium to more quickly respond in defending the realm. Against the protests and opposition of some prominent members of the Moot, Strephon reestablished the domain as a level in the bureaucracy of the Imperial Navy and returned to the Domain the ability to collect taxes. Still later, Strephon gave the archdukes the ability to legislate and enforce the desires of the emperor on the local level.

History Era: Rebellion[edit]

The Divided Imperium: With the assassination of emperor Strephon and all immediate heirs to the throne in 1116, the resulting turmoil has caused some confusion as to who will succeed Strephon to the throne.

Thus, at the moment, factionalism in the Third Imperium is at an all-time high. Even with the uncertainty of the current moment, the Third Imperium still stands. The archdukes are instituting local stopgap measures until such time as a strong central government can be re-established.

Image Repository[edit]

  1. Overview of the Third Imperium.
    AotI, 2nd Survey-Anotatedjpg.jpeg

Government & Politics (Leadership)[edit]

The Imperium can be best thought of as a form of Feudal Confederation. Member worlds of the Imperium agree to pay taxes and obey a few fundamental laws which the Imperium promulgates, known as the High Laws. In return, the Imperium agrees to patrol the space between the worlds, to protect interstellar trade, to encourage travel and commerce, and to arbitrate diplomatic relations between worlds. Beyond this, individual worlds are left to their own devices so long as they acknowledge the power of the Imperium to rule the stars.

Government Structure[edit]

The Third Imperium holds to classical divisions of governance including executive, legislative, and judicial branches supported by a large bureaucracy and a powerful military. Both the bureaucracy and the military are split into numerous subdivisions. The division of power between the three branches is not equal and the executive, through the person of the Emperor, holds supreme power.

Both the bureaucracy and the military answer to the Emperor although the nature of the feudal confederation creates the following status quo. The bureaucracy is largely subordinate to the Emperor with local parts of its subject to various members of the Imperial Nobility. The core of the military, the Imperial Navy and Imperial Marines, is subordinate to the Emperor while many other parts of the military answer to Sector Dukes and local powers.

Executive Branch[edit]

Executive power for the Third Imperium is vested in the Emperor. The Emperor's power is supreme within the Grand Empire of the Stars.

Legislative Branch[edit]

Legislative power, or deliberative power, for the Third Imperium is largely vested in the Imperial Moot, whose members are composed of the Imperial Nobility.

The Moots deliberations are advisory to the Emperor, and he is wise to heed them. The Moot has only one power: to dissolve the Third Imperium. When this power is brought to bear, it compels compromise between opposing factions. It has the power to examine the qualifications and credentials of any new Emperor and, in unusual situations, to reject them.

Judicial Branch[edit]

Judicial power for the Third Imperium is vested in the Ministry of Justice. The Ministry exercises authority over violations of Imperial law, especially when those violations occur on Imperial territory, including within the extrality boundary of starports.

One of the duties of the High Nobles is to act as judges for all cases brought before the Imperial courts. As judges, they serve to enforce Imperial law, determining guilt and assigning punishments. Cases may be appealed to the next highest nobility rank.

The Ministry of Justice also runs the Imperial Prison System to house convicted criminals. The Ministry appoints Agents to travel throughout the Imperium to investigate specific cases and to ensure fair and impartial administration of justice. Most of these agents act with the direct authority of the Minister or the noble hearing a case.


Imperial power is present on member worlds in the form of consulates, bureaucratic offices, bases, and sometimes, larger enclaves of Imperial power are located where they can enforce the Emperor’s will.


The military is subordinate to the Emperor.

  • Please see Military & Intelligence (Force Projection) tab for more information.

Political Factions[edit]

The following are some of the best known factions within the Imperial Moot:

Interstellar Relations[edit]

The Imperium conducts diplomacy and maintains active relations with many other polities.

Allied Powers[edit]

Positive relations exist with the following other polities:

Neutral States[edit]

Neutral relations exist with the following other polities:

Enemy Powers[edit]

Negative relations exist with the following other polities:

Member States[edit]

The following organizations and states have acquiesced part of their sovereignty, thus forming sub-polities, to this supra-polity:

Military Intelligence[edit]

The Third Imperium is widely regarded as retaining the largest and most powerful military in Charted Space. The Imperial High Command, an organization in equal stature to the civilian ministries, oversees all the military operations. The High command divides into the Imperial Navy and Imperial Armies and Marines. The high command is answerable only to the Emperor.

While the centralized Third Imperium maintains an Imperial military, the Imperium, is by nature, a feudal government, and nearly every power-holder under the Emperor maintains additional private militaries if they can. These forces can be called upon and even pressed into the service of the Imperial military.

Ground Forces[edit]

The Unified Armies of the Third Imperium, or Imperial Army is divided into sector-sized units (one per sector) with the civilian command given to the Sector Duke. The Imperial High Command determines Imperium wide policies affecting the Imperial Army while the sector dukes determine the more local strategies. Tactical decisions are left to the Imperial Army commanders.

Naval Forces[edit]

The Imperial Navy is recognized as unmatched throughout all of Charted Space. The Navy patrols the interstellar highways and maintains the stability of the interstellar trade order while maintaining enough distance and cultural tolerance for some very diverse cultures to prosper.

Imperial Marines[edit]

The Imperial Marines are the smallest of the three armed forces. Attached to, and reliant on the Navy for transportation, they serve as the forces protecting the naval elements. The Marines are a quick reaction force, backed up by the Imperial Navy, to handle any disturbance or trouble.

Paramilitary Forces[edit]

Related paramilitary institutions that support the Imperial military includes:

  • Colonial naval forces, raised by the local worlds for local defense
  • Mashkim (System or Planetary Police)
    • Ducal Security Forces
    • Mainworld Security Forces (Constabulary)
  • Mercenaries
    • Irregular "For Hire" Mercenaries
    • Regular Contractual Mercenaries

Intelligence Agencies[edit]

A related intelligence-gathering institution that supports the Imperial military includes:

Imperial Interstellar Scout Service
The IISS mandate is to map the Imperium and the surrounding worlds. This naturally includes a collection of intelligence of interest to everyone. Imperial Intelligence branch of the IISS is the group concerned with the collection and collation of intelligence information.
Imperial Naval Intelligence
The INI is primarily concerned with military intelligence; it tracks starship and troop operations, and can mount intelligence-gathering activities into all parts of the Imperium.
Imperial Ministry of Justice
The MOJ is primarily concerned with Imperial society; it has contacts with the court systems of the worlds of the empire, and it has an intelligence network that concentrates on criminal activity. The MOJ is especially valuable when dealing with the criminal elements of the empire and can offer great rewards (in terms of amnesty or pardon) to those who support its mission.

Technology & Trade[edit]

The Imperium maintains a very high level of interstellar trade and uses the Imperial Military to maintain the safety of the spaceways.

Technology Timeline[edit]

A rough timeline of technological achievement is as follows:

Interstellar Commerce & Trade[edit]

Interstellar commerce and trade are the foundation of the Third Imperium and such trade is considered of vital importance to the Emperor. Great efforts are extended to provide a stable and secure environment in which to trade. While trade is regulated to a degree, the commercial environment on the interstellar scale is largely laissez faire and is often far more regulated by local duchies and world or system governments than by the Imperium itself. As long as the Imperium receives its share, the other details are left to local governments.

Corporation Listing[edit]

The following businesses operate out of or in this polity:

Interstellar Currency & Finance[edit]

The Imperium uses the Imperial Credit as its currency. The Credit is well-known for its stability and ability to hold value.

Research & Technology[edit]

Scientific research is of great importance to the Third Imperium and the government conducts vast experiments to refine and develop existing technology.

Calendar & Timekeeping[edit]

The Third Imperium maintains a standard calendar, which sets a timekeeping baseline for all parts of the Imperium.

Calendar Specifications: Imperial dates count from the year of the founding of the Third Imperium, specifying the year zero as a holiday year.

  • Dates before that are negative; dates after that are positive, usually with the sign suppressed.
  • Imperial dating uses a Julian system for specifying days.
  • Each day in the year is consecutively numbered beginning with 001.
  • Thus, in the year 1105, the first day of the year is 001-1105.
  • Weeks of seven days and months of 28 days are used to refer to lengths of time, but rarely to establish dates.

Trade Routes[edit]

No information yet available.

Worlds & Sectors[edit]

The Third Imperium controls vast swathes of Charted Space. Some have called the Third Imperium an Empire of many Dukes. A complicated system of governance developed over a several millennia timespan of the three Imperiums and has the following characteristics:

Third Imperium Political Astrography
# Division Name Ruler Remarks
1. Imperium

(Entire Imperium: All of the sectors)

Empire Politic Emperor Highest Astrographic Division.
2. Domain

(Several sectors with size differences)

Domain Archduke Most powerful nobles short of the Emperor.
3. Sector

(Sixteen subsectors)

Realm Sector Duke Extremely powerful nobles
4. Subsector

(A subsector with possible additional worlds)

Duchy Subsector Duke
  • Duke
Powerful and very capable nobles.
5. Cluster or Trace

(Several worlds)

  • Viscounty
Count Promising nobles.
6. World


Marquisate Marquis Fledgling nobles
  • Lowest Astrographic Division.


The capital of this polity is located on this world:

World Listing[edit]

The following systems and worlds can be found within this polity:

200 of 8554 World articles in Third Imperium
'Tlak  •  'Twee  •  049-949  •  092-007  •  110-796  •  119-404  •  134-635  •  146-685  •  182-466  •  183-361  •  277-542  •  283-931  •  349-942  •  354-123  •  409-704  •  457-973  •  530-053  •  531-210  •  558-617  •  570-432  •  572-108  •  586-281  •  614-048  •  627-301  •  693-470  •  706-900  •  720-018  •  728-907  •  750-857  •  768-781  •  805-111  •  815-205  •  846-395  •  900-790  •  911-851  •  947-394  •  960-604  •  971-852  •  A'a'suni  •  A'niaqoro  •  Aad  •  Aadkha Na  •  Aadkhien  •  Aadshas  •  Aaugkhuur  •  Aagun  •  Aahasu  •  Aakhorn  •  Aaki  •  Aakmi  •  Aalimru  •  Aalir  •  Aaluggidira  •  Aam (Da 1604)  •  Aamigim  •  Aamikhiizam  •  Aamuri  •  Aanad  •  Aandii  •  Aandimar  •  Aaneru  •  Aankhesin  •  Aanshi  •  Aapu  •  Aardimash  •  Aarirshir  •  Aarishuu  •  Aarkhiin  •  Aarliidla  •  Aarshisuud  •  Aaruu Zi  •  Aarza Kand  •  Aarze  •  Aasamlaga  •  Aashagaka  •  Aashma  •  Aashrikan  •  Aawn  •  Aazuni  •  Ababat  •  Abact  •  Abaelou  •  Abalakova  •  Abalesk  •  Abarre  •  Abbayi  •  Abeare  •  Abell  •  Aberlocht  •  Abeskun  •  Abir  •  Above  •  Abse-eb  •  Abydos (De 1116)  •  Acastre  •  Accent  •  Accokeek  •  Accra (Di 2604)  •  Achemadon  •  Acheron (Fo 1536)  •  Ackang  •  Acmed  •  Acorn (Di 2835)  •  Acrolund  •  Acropolis (Da 1336)  •  Adabicci  •  Adadbo  •  Adaim  •  Adakhem  •  Adan  •  Adanac  •  Adapam  •  Adar (Hi 0104)  •  Adaskaglu  •  Adawi  •  Addis  •  Adele  •  Adep 5  •  Ader  •  Aderveen  •  Adeshur  •  Adguu Uun  •  Adia (Il 0708)  •  Adia (Il 1203)  •  Adigigi  •  Adik  •  Adinett  •  Adkaash  •  Adkhi  •  Adlashidu  •  Adli  •  Admalaknii  •  Admidar  •  Adophak  •  Adrian  •  Adryanne  •  Adukar  •  Adukgin  •  Aduulikgaa  •  Aeldra  •  Aeradposa  •  Aerok  •  Aescby  •  Aeschylus  •  Aethelberht  •  Aevan  •  Affinity  •  Affuel  •  Afrend  •  Ag  •  Aga Sugek  •  Agaaga  •  Agaagaku  •  Agada  •  Agagir  •  Agalamgur  •  Aganak  •  Agar  •  Agari (Il 2224)  •  Agaru  •  Agate  •  Agathe  •  Agdam Gii  •  Agdarmi  •  Agduu  •  Aggen  •  Agi  •  Agidda  •  Agiisha  •  Agiruur  •  Agkha  •  Agmergar  •  Agnakhong  •  Agnald  •  Ahadi  •  Ahhunsal  •  Ahri  •  Ahwai  •  Ai Jabry  •  Aiaiyal  •  Aibeshma  •  Aice  •  Aight  •  Aigun  •  Aihtekhtea  •  Aiish  •  Ailean  •  Ainor Lisea  •  Aintrin  •  Ainu  •  Airleas  •  Aisha  •  Aisteaya  •  Ajjeig  •  Aka Gee  •  Akaalun  •  Akaguugi  •  Ake (Vl 1736)  •  Akerm  •  Akeyolarix  •  
startbacknext(200 listed / 8354 left)
  • Domains: A list of Domains of the Archdukes.
  • Sectors: Shows all sectors in the Imperium.

Sector Map[edit]

Third Imperium Sectors.png

Political Divisions[edit]

Territorial Organization:

  • The Imperium’s territory is divided into sectors.
  • These are, in turn, divided into subsectors and systems.
  • Groups of sectors, called domains, have been created above the sector level.
  • Some parts of sectors are further subdivided into duchies and counties.
  • Frontier areas are sometimes designated districts and later given more formal subsector designations as development occurs.

Territorial Overview[edit]

The Third Imperium covers 28 sectors many of which were occupied by the previous imperiums. Key for the table.

Imperial Territorial Overview
Sector Third Imperium Domain Remarks
TOTALS: 28 Sectors 7 Domains
Alpha Crucis Sector Held: Partial Domain of Sol This is a frontier area. The Solomani Confederation controls this sector following the Solomani Rim War.
Antares Sector Held: Majority Domain of Antares This is a frontier area. The sector was mostly incorporated during the Julian War and the Julian Protectorate still holds territory here. The Lesser Rift serves as a natural defensive barrier here.
Core Sector Held: Full Domain of Sylea This is a core sector. The Imperial Capital is located here.
Corridor Sector Held: Majority Domain of Vland This is a frontier area. The Vargr Extents contest this area in 1116.
Dagudashaag Sector Held: Full Domain of Vland This is a core sector.
Daibei Sector Held: Majority Domain of Ilelish This is a frontier area. The Solomani Confederation has a presence following the Solomani Rim War.
Deneb Sector Held: Majority Domain of Deneb This is a frontier area. The Vargr Extents have a presence in this area in 1116.
Delphi Sector Held: Majority Domain of Sylea This is a core sector. The Delphi rift serves as a natural defensive barrier here.
Diaspora Sector Held: Full Domain of Sol This is a core sector.
Empty Quarter Sector Held: Partial Domain of Antares This is a frontier area. The Lesser Rift serves as a natural defensive barrier here. The Julian Protectorate and some of its constitute states hold territory here.
Fornast Sector Held: Full Domain of Sylea This is a core sector.
Glimmerdrift Reaches Sector Held: Partial Domain of Gateway This is a fringe border area. The Imperium has half a subsector of member worlds in this sector.
Gushemege Sector Held: Majority Domain of Vland This is a core sector.
Hinterworlds Sector Held: Minority Domain of Sol This is a fringe border area. There are three Imperial worlds in the sector, administered from the Domain of Sol, but not actually part of any domain.
Ilelish Sector Held: Full Domain of Ilelish This is a core sector. The Great Rift serves as a natural defensive barrier here separating the Third Imperium from the Aslan Hierate.
Ley Sector Held: Majority Domain of Gateway This is an Imperial frontier area.
Lishun Sector Held: Full Domain of Antares This is a core sector. The Vargr Extents have a presence in this area in 1116.
Magyar Sector Held: Partial Administered from Domain of Sol This is a frontier area. It was an important battleground during the Solomani Rim War. The Solomani Confederation controls this since the Solomani Rim War.
Massilia Sector Held: Full Domain of Sylea This is a core sector.
Mendan Sector Lost Domain of Antares Listed as one of the sectors of the Domain of Antares, the sector was part of the Julian War and never incorporated into the Third Imperium.
Meshan Sector Lost Domain of Antares Listed as one of the sectors of the Domain of Antares, the sector was part of the Julian War and never incorporated into the Third Imperium.
Old Expanses Sector Held: Full Domain of Sol This is a core sector. The Solomani Confederation has a presence in the sector since the Solomani Rim War.
Reaver's Deep Sector Held: Partial Domain of Ilelish This is a frontier area. This is the border sector between the Imperium and the Aslan Hierate.
Reft Sector Held: Majority Domain of Deneb
Domain of Vland
This is a frontier area. This sector is noted for and named after the Great Rift. Control of this sector is split between two Imperial domains.
Solomani Rim Sector Held: Majority Domain of Sol This is a frontier area. This territory was conquered by the Third Imperium from the Solomani Confederation during the Solomani Rim War.
Spinward Marches Sector Held: Majority Domain of Deneb This is a frontier area. This sector is noted as the site of multiple Frontier Wars with the Zhodani Consulate
Trojan Reach Sector Held: Partial Domain of Deneb This is a frontier area.
Verge Sector Held: Majority Domain of Ilelish This is a Core Sector. The Great Rift serves as a natural defensive barrier here separating the Third Imperium from the Aslan Hierate.
Vland Sector Held: Full Domain of Vland This is a core sector.
Zarushagar Sector Held: Full Domain of Ilelish This is a core sector.

Allegiance Codes[edit]

A wide variety of astronavigational codes have been used within and without the Imperium over its history. At least two major surveys by the IISS, the First Survey and Second Survey have helped to evolve this system.

Third Imperium Primary Astronavigational Codes
# Polity Survey Code Type Remarks
i. Sylean Federation Pre-Imperial SylFed / SF No standard code Pre-Imperial foundational state. Founded -650.
ii. Sylean Federation Pre-Imperial SyFe No standard code Pre-Imperial foundational state. Founded -650.
iii. Sylean Federation 1st Survey (300) Sy 2-ltr code SyFe (Sy) became the 3rd Imperium
I. Third Imperium 2nd Survey (1065) Im3I
  • ImXx
4-ltr code Add last 2 letters for Domain.

e.g. ImDs: Imperial, Domain of Sol.

  • Please see domain astronavigational codes information below.
1a. Third Imperium

Client State

2nd Survey (1065) CsIm 4-ltr code Client States have not yet been formally made full members of the Imperium.
  • Many host Imperial military, naval, and/or scout bases despite this informality.

Domain Codes[edit]

The Third Imperium possesses seven domains in 1116.

Third Imperium Domain Astronavigational Codes
# Domain Survey Code Type Remarks
1. Domain of Sylea 2nd Survey (1065) ImDc 4-ltr code Established in 000.
2. Domain of Vland 2nd Survey (1065) ImDv 4-ltr code Established in 076.
3. Domain of Gateway 2nd Survey (1065) ImDg 4-ltr code Established in 079.
  • An underdeveloped frontier area and a crossroads between several Major Race polities.
  • The K'kree threaten this domain.
4. Domain of Ilelish 2nd Survey (1065) ImDi 4-ltr code Established in 081.
5. Domain of Antares 2nd Survey (1065) ImDa 4-ltr code Established in 110.
  • An old frontier and later source of conflict with the Julian Protectorate.
  • Also the location of military defeats and several lost sectors.
  • The Vargr threaten this domain.
6. Domain of Sol 2nd Survey (1065) ImDs 4-ltr code Established in 111.
7. Domain of Deneb 2nd Survey (1065) ImDd 4-ltr code Established in 589.

Cultural Region Codes[edit]

Some parts of the Third Imperium have divergent cultures from the mainstream sensibilities of the Imperium and it has become expedient to develop a federalized system of Imperial Cultural Regions to better meet the needs of these divergent regions. Some of these regions hold official imprimatur from the Emperor while others hold a less official status:

Third Imperium Imperial Cultural Region Astronavigational Codes
# Region Survey Code Type Remarks
1. Amec Protectorate 2nd Survey (1065) ImAP
  • ImAp
4-ltr code Third Imperium, Amec Protectorate (Dagu)
2. Atsah Cultural Region 2nd Survey (1065) ImAC 4-ltr code Independent Aekhu Vargr
3. Darmine Cultural Region 2nd Survey (1065) ImDC 4-ltr code
4. Geonee Cultural Region 2nd Survey (1065) ImGC 4-ltr code
5. Hezeraek Cultural Region 2nd Survey (1065) ImHC 4-ltr code
6. Jonkeereen Cultural Region 2nd Survey (1065) ImJC 4-ltr code
7. Lancian Cultural Region 2nd Survey (1065) ImLR 4-ltr code
  • Established in ???.
  • Culturally associated with the Lancians.
  • A long rebellious area.
8. League of Antares 2nd Survey (1065) ImLA
  • ImLa
4-ltr code Third Imperium, League of Antares (Anta)
9. Luriani Cultural Association 2nd Survey (1065) ImLC
  • ImLc
  • ImLu
4-ltr code Third Imperium, Luriani Cultural Association (Ley/Forn)
  • Established in ???.
10. S'mrii Cultural Region 2nd Survey (1065) ImSC 4-ltr code
  • Established in ???.
11. Suerrat Cultural Region 2nd Survey (1065) ImSR 4-ltr code
  • Established in ???.
10. Sydymic Cultural Region 2nd Survey (1065) ImYC 4-ltr code
  • Established in ???.
11. Sylean Worlds 2nd Survey (1065) ImSW
  • ImSy
4-ltr code Third Imperium, Sylean Worlds (Core)
  • Established in ???.
12. Tapazmal Cultural Region 2nd Survey (1065) ImTC 4-ltr code
  • Established in ???.
13. Thaggeshi Cultural Region 2nd Survey (1065) ImGC 4-ltr code
  • Established in ???.
14. Vegan Autonomous District 2nd Survey (1065) ImVD
  • ImVd
4-ltr code Third Imperium, Vegan Autonomous District (Solo)
  • Established in ???.
15. Vilani Cultural Region 2nd Survey (1065) ImIC 4-ltr code
  • Established in ???.

See also[edit]

Third Imperium[edit]


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