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Line Combatants (Primary - Capital) Escort Combatants (Secondary - Subcapital) Military Auxiliary (Tertiary)
Combat Transport
Combat Support
Mercantile Commercial Ships (Trade & Profit) Non-Mercantile Commercial Ships (Industry & Profit) Non-Commercial Ships (Nonprofit) System Craft (Intrastellar)
Space Station

Liners are a commercial or mercantile spacecraft and starcraft. Some shipping companies refer to themselves as "lines" and their ships, which often operate over set routes according to established schedules, as "liners".

Technical Data.jpg

Library Data Referral Tree[edit]

Please refer to the following AAB Library Data for more information:

  • Speed of Travel

  • Description (Specifications)[edit]

    A Liner is a civilian commercial ship designed for cargo and passenger transport. Liners are usually assigned a Hull Classification of "M". They fill the smallest possible economic niche where regular scheduled freight can regularly be found profitable. Nevertheless, many world-states find it worthwhile to subsidize such trade to ensure its reliability and avoid the vagaries of the interstellar economy.

    Image Repository[edit]

    Merchant Vessel - Subsidized Liner:

    1. The Type M class Subsidized Liner: One of the most common subsidized liner types.
      Sub-Liner-WH-Keith-MT-Imp-Encyclo-Pg-36 03-July-2018a.jpg
    2. A side view of a Codori Prime class Luxury Liner.
      J2 800dT Luxury Liner.jpg
    3. A Tukera Longliner by a highport space station.
      Tukera-LongLiner-The-Trav-Adventure-W-Keith 21-May-2019a.jpg
    4. An image of a Lord Somerset class Subsidized Liner.
      Type-M-Sub-Liner-Ian-Stead 83125581905920 27-Jan-2019a.jpg

    Merchant Vessel - Freighter:

    1. A side view of a Mora class Freighter, also known as a Type MK class Transport.
      Type-MK-RESIZED-Spinward-Marches-Campaign-Pg30 29-July-2019c.jpg
    2. A side view of a sleek Virtue class Light Freighter.
      J-2 1500dT Freighter.jpg
    3. A Borazio class Heavy Freighter plying the trade lanes.
      Borazio-Hvy-Freighter-MGT-RESIZE-Core-Rulebook-pg-124 12-Oct-2019b.jpg
    4. A Deneb class Modular Starship on a trade mission in orbit over a rich world.
      Deneb-Mod-Starship-MGT-1-RESIZE-GA-Starships-LSP-Mod-pg-6 6-Nov-2019b.jpg

    Spectrum of Civil Shipping in Charted Space[edit]

    Spectrum of Civil Shipping in Charted Space: 1105
    Cateogries A-class R-class M-class T-class
    Synopsis Tramp Liner Freighter Transport & Tanker
    Hull Tonnage 100 to 2,499 dTons 100 to 2,499 dTons 2,500 to 999,999 dTons 2,500 to 999,999 dTons or more...
    (...rarely more than 1,000,000) dTons
    Size-Cat ACS ACS BCS & FCS BCS & FCS (rarely WCS)
    Ideal Freight Volume Zero to Low (Hundreds of tons) Medium (Hundreds to Thousands of tons) High (Thousands to Tens of Thousands of tons) Very High (Tens to Hundreds of Thousands of tons)
    Market Unscheduled low volume, high speculation trade routes Mostly scheduled, medium speculation, subsidized trade routes Scheduled medium and high-volume, low speculation trade routes Scheduled high volume trade routes with massive economies of scale, or massive (...usually government) projects
    Rough Market Share 10% 25% 45% 20%
    Area of Influence Cluster or Trace+ Subsector+ Sector Multi-Sector
    Business Fledgling Line Subsector-wide Line & Interface Line Sector-wide Line Multi-sector Line
    Remarks Merchant Princes & Adventurers Scheduled & Subsidized Trade Backbone of Merchant Trade Corporate Bulk Trade
    NOTES: While standards exist, ship naming standards evolve with time and over tech epochs. Class naming comments are only generalizations and many exceptions exist. Trade is heavily affected by local regulations, the rule of law, and local security conditions. WCS-class vessels are not ordinarily used for merchant missions as they are too large and expensive.

    Strategy & Tactics (Doctrine)[edit]

    Subsidized Liners are commercial or mercantile starcraft. They typically cover low to medium volume trade routes with medium risk speculation. Such routes are key to pocket empires as needed services so they are often subsidized to encourage market growth. They are not intended for military use and have little recourse other than to flee for their lives if confronted by corsair vessels or other hostiles. [1]

    Supraclass Roles[edit]

    Liners typically serve the following roles:
    Largecraft & Bigcraft:

    R-class Liner Supraclass Archetypes
    Archetype Type Code
    Armed Liner (RF)
    Cargo Hauler (RC)
    Cargo Liner (RC)
    Carrier Liner (RV)
    Clipper (RI)
    Container Ship (RC)
    Cruise Ship (RPL)
    Fast Subsidized Merchant (RF)
    Fat Liner (RC)
    Freight Carrier (RC)
    Freight Liner (RC)
    Frontier Liner (RF)
    Heavy Liner (RH)
    Impromptu Troop Transport (RF)
    Interstellar Cruise Liner (RP)
    Interstellar Cruise Ship (RP)
    Interstellar Liner (RP)
    Jumpliner (R)
    Light Liner (RL)
    Liner (R) (Namesake)
    Longliner (R)
    Low Transport Liner (RP)
    Luxury Liner (RPL)
    Luxury Star Liner (RPL)
    Medium Liner (RM)
    Merchant Liner (R)
    Modular Subsidized Merchant (R)
    Modular Trader (R)
    Nonstandard Trade Liner (RTN)
    Passenger Liner (RP)
    Passenger Transport (RP)
    1. Colonist (KC)
    2. Tourist (RP)
    3. VIP (RPL)
    Provincial Transport (RF)
    Space Liners (R)
    Starliner (R)
    Starmerc Armed Liner (RF)
    Subsidized Liner (R)
    Subsidized Merchant (R)

    Supraclass Archetypal Roles[edit]

    These vessels typically serve the following archetypal roles:

    R-class Liner Supraclass Archetypes
    Archetype Type Code/s Exemplar Remarks
    Far Liner R2 Petty class Subsidized Merchant Built to range longer endurance, farther routes.
    • R2 = Regular at J-2
    Fast Liner R3 Kolomyia class Fast Liner None
    • R3 = Regular at J-3 or higher
    Cargo Liner /
    Cargo Cruiser
    RC Jose Cadiz Royal Galleon class Cargo Carrier A starship primarily for transporting cargo freight subsidized by local government, often connecting developing or newly discovered areas.
    • C = Cargo
    Heavy Liner RH Vespir class Heavy Liner A Heavy Liner is a size-displacement category that includes vessels that weigh between 1,500 to 2,499 tons.
    • H = Heavy
    Clipper RI Aurora class Clipper A starship meant for speedy transport of passengers and high value goods.
    • I - clIpper
    Light Liner RL Lightning class Frontier Merchant A Light Liner is a size-displacement category that includes vessels that weigh between 100 to 999 tons.
    • L = Light
    Medium Liner RM Mora class Freighter A Medium Liner is a size-displacement category that includes vessels that weigh between 1,000 to 1,499 tons.
    • M = Medium
    Passenger Liner RP Bastien class Subsidized Liner A starship liner equipped for transporting passengers.
    • P = Passenger
    Luxury Liner /
    Cruise Liner
    RPL King Richard class Interstellar Liner A starship liner equipped for sumptuous luxury living, primarily for transporting passengers
    • P = Passenger
    • L = Luxury
    Merchant Liner /
    Trade Liner
    RT Lord Somerset class Subsidized Liner Merchant Liners are general-purpose design starships, intended to carry both passengers and freight. They are larger than the Far Traders intended for cargoes over 200 tons and over a dozen passengers
    • T = Trade
    Nonstandard Trade Liner RTN Maorin Junker class Merchant None
    • N = Nonstandard
    Carrier Liner RV Ghost Galleon class Cargo Ship A liner specialized in carrying other starships, smallcraft, and other spaceworthy cargoes, usually via hangars or external mounts. In many cases, these external mounts give them the cargo capacity of a RM or RH despite their actual tonnage classifying them as RL, which helped prompt a separate code. They often rarely need to dock at a highport save to refuel. If refined fuel and cargo for their next destination are available near their breakout point, they may swap out cargo, refuel, and jump away, with speed and efficiency comparable to an Express Boat, blurring the border with the X class. The chief differences are, these vessels can also be used to rescue ships that have lost propulsion (up to their cargo capacity), and they can serve (most often for pirates or pocket empires) as makeshift carriers for small fighter squadrons.
    • V = carrier (see article for explanation)
    NOTES: There is semantic overlap between many of the classes and codes. Some codes organize by mission or capability, others by size and tonnage, and yet others by other characteristics.

    History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

    The government may subsidize larger commercial vessels (built on type 600 hulls or larger), primarily to assure consistent service to specific worlds. These subsidized merchants are generally assigned a specific route connecting from 2 to 12 worlds of varying characteristics. The route will generally be determined before a subsidized merchant is purchased, to allow tailored design features as may be necessary. When a subsidized merchant is ordered, the ship captain must make the 20% down payment, with the government assuming responsibility for the payments upon delivery, and taking 50% of the gross receipts of the ship while in service. The ship captain is responsible for all expenses and costs of operation. [2]

    Subsidized merchants are also subject to mobilization (...and use as auxiliaries) in the event of emergency or hostilities. At the end of 40 years, the vessel is completely paid off, and full title passes to the ship captain, but the vessel remains subject to mobilization in case of government need. [3]

    Selected Variant Types & Classes[edit]

    Civilian Ship - Merchant Vessel - Subsidized Merchant - Fast Liner:

    1. Type R3 class Fast Liner AKA Fast Liner
      1. Condor class Subsidized Liner
      2. Kolomyia class Fast Liner

    Civilian Ship - Merchant Vessel - Subsidized Merchant - Cargo Liner:

    1. Type RC class Cargo Liner AKA Cargo Liner
      1. Borazio class Heavy Freighter
      2. Coyotl class Bulk Hauler
      3. Deneb class Modular Starship
      4. Dlaftpar class Cargo Liner
      5. Jose Cadiz Royal Galleon class Cargo Carrier
      6. Kyan Maru class Freighter
      7. Magnadon class Provincial Merchant
      8. Oukhaha class Bulk Hauler
      9. Trader class Provincial Transport
      10. Triad class Merchant

    Civilian Ship - Merchant Vessel - Subsidized Merchant - Heavy Liner:

    1. Type RH class Heavy Merchant AKA Heavy Liner
      1. Vespir class Heavy Liner

    Civilian Ship - Merchant Vessel - Subsidized Merchant - Clipper:

    1. Type RI class Clipper AKA Clipper
      1. Aurora class Multimission Clipper
      2. Maggart class Clipper
      3. Spartan class Modular Merchant

    Civilian Ship - Merchant Vessel - Subsidized Merchant - Light Liner:

    1. Type RL class Light Liner AKA Light Liner
      1. Athelstan class Merchant
      2. Lightning class Frontier Merchant
      3. Prosperity class Freighter
      4. Zoe Barrett class Trader

    Civilian Ship - Merchant Vessel - Subsidized Merchant - Medium Liner:

    1. Type RM class Medium Liner AKA Medium Liner
      1. Gamma Haden class Liner
      2. Mora class Freighter
      3. Seeker class Armored Merchant
      4. Star Merchant class Liner
      5. Type MK class Transport

    Civilian Ship - Merchant Vessel - Subsidized Merchant - Passenger Liner:

    1. Type RP class Passenger Liner AKA Passenger Liner
      1. Ad Astra class Subsidized Liner
      2. Bastien class Subsidized Liner
      3. Brilliance class Long Liner
      4. Comet Coffin class Low Transport
      5. Giiphicih class Liner
      6. Horizon class Passenger Liner
      7. Stellar class Liner
      8. Type HP class Passenger Liner
      9. Type M class Subsidized Liner

    Civilian Ship - Merchant Vessel - Subsidized Merchant - Luxury Liner:

    1. Type RPL class Luxury Liner AKA Luxury Liner
      1. Astral Splendour class Luxury Liner
      2. Celestial Star class Liner
      3. Codori Prime class Luxury Liner

    Civilian Ship - Merchant Vessel - Subsidized Merchant - Merchant Liner:

    1. Type RT class Trade Liner AKA Trade Liner
      1. Eakhau class Merchant
      2. Gold of Zurrian class Long Liner
      3. Margaret class Longliner
      4. Petty class Subsidized Merchant
      5. Pride of Vland class Long Liner
      6. Queen class Modular Subsidized Merchant
      7. Shianjo class Liner
      8. Stubbie class Subsidized Merchant
      9. Tukera class Longliner
      10. Type RT class Longliner
      11. Virtue class Light Freighter

    Civilian Ship - Merchant Vessel - Subsidized Merchant - Non-standard Merchant Vessel:

    1. Type RTN class Nonstandard Merchant Liner
      1. Arachnid class Non-standard Merchant Vessel
      2. Maorin Junker class Merchant
      3. Type MN class Non-standard Merchant Vessel

    Ship Summary List[edit]

    These are among the most common liners found around Charted Space:

    82 Representative Liner (M) Classes
    ClassMission CodeTLTonsJumpGOriginCanonQuick ship profile
    ClassMission CodeTLTonsJumpGOriginCanonQuick ship profile
    Aekguthang class Assault Cutter MN 12 20 0 3 Vargr Extents No
    Assault Lander class Marine Gig MN 15 20 0 1 Third Imperium
    Bastien class Subsidized Liner MK 12 600 3 1 Third Imperium Yes
    Besouro Valente class Personnel Transport M 11 12,000 2 1 Terran Confederation M-0AS12
    Blakeway class First Response Vessel MM 100 0 4 Third Imperium Yes MM-AL40
    Brilliance class Long Liner M 14 800 4 2 Third Imperium Yes
    Brilliant Gem class Cruise Liner MV 14 36,117 5 1 Krax Confederation No
    Camel class Medical Launch M 15 20 0 1 Third Imperium No M-2S10
    Celestial Star class Luxury Liner M 15 2,000 6 1 Third Imperium
    Codori Prime class Luxury Liner M 11 800 2 2 Distant Fringe M-HB22
    Coeus class Assault Pinnace MN 13 20 0 5 Third Imperium No A-2S60
    Condor class Racing Yacht MY 15 100 6 3 Third Imperium Yes
    Condor class Subsidized Liner M 13 400 3 1 Third Imperium
    Coyotl class Bulk Hauler M 13 2,000 2 3 Infinity League A-VU32
    Deliverance class Lifeboat MM 9 50 0 2 Distant Fringe MM-5A20
    Dragon class Yacht MY 14 300 3 2 Third Imperium No
    Elysium class Passenger Barge MK 10 1,000 0 3 Distant Fringe MK-KA30
    Eshpadir class Orbital Installation MW 15 500 0 0 Third Imperium No
    Excellence class Fast Shuttle M 7 90 0 3 Distant Fringe M-9A30
    Flyer class Diplomatic Courier MC 13 100 3 5 Darrian Confederation
    Gaia class Luxury Liner M 11 10,000 2 3 Distant Fringe
    Gallant class Assault Shuttle MN 11 80 0 5 Distant Fringe MN-8A50
    Giiphicih class Liner M 15 1,200 2 1 Hive Federation Yes M-MU12
    Glimmerdrift class Subsidized Liner M 12 600 3 1 Third Imperium No MK-FU13
    Gold of Zurrian class Long Liner M 15 1,000 4 1 Third Imperium M-KS14
    Governor class Yacht MY 13 900 4 2 Council of Heads
    Great Eastern class Troop Transport MN 15 50 0 3 Third Imperium Yes MN-5S30
    Horizon class Passenger Liner M 11 6,000 2 3 Distant Fringe
    Iigicih class Embassy Ship MK 14 1,200 2 1 Hive Federation Yes
    Independence of the Stars class Interstellar Liner M 15 154,407 4 4 Third Imperium M-0KP44
    Interstellar Lifesaver class Lifeboat MM 10 10 0 2 Terran Confederation Yes
    K'Bam class Assault Lander M 8 8 0 1 Akras
    Kahk'rik'kreng class Yacht MK 12 6,000 3 1 Two Thousand Worlds Yes
    Kihrvak Platoon Drop Ship class Marine Cutter M 15 50 0 3 Third Imperium
    King Richard class Interstellar Liner M 11 5,000 2 1 Third Imperium No
    KSbA Model A-23 class Lifeboat MM 8 10 0 2 Third Imperium No
    Lady Charlotte class Yacht MY 15 200 1 1 Third Imperium No
    Lady of Shallott class Yacht MY 9 200 1 1 Third Imperium No
    Longevity class Lifeboat M 15 100 1 1 Third Imperium No
    Lord Baltimore class Yacht MY 15 200 4 4 Third Imperium Yes
    Lord Somerset class Subsidized Liner M 12 600 3 1 Third Imperium No
    Mal'Gnar class Assault Skiff M 12 20 0 1 Mal'Gnar Primarchic
    Maranatha class Yacht MY 12 200 1 1 Third Imperium No MY-BB11
    Marrel Veckor class Lifeboat M 9 20 0 2 Distant Fringe M-2S20
    Mender-of-Herds class Hospital Ship MM 14 500 3 5 Two Thousand Worlds MM-ES53
    Model 292 class Life Boat M 15 100 0 1 Third Imperium
    Nebula class Starliner M 14 9,000 5 1 Third Imperium
    Olympian class Cruise Liner M 11 10,000 2 4 Distant Fringe
    Olyora class Medevac Pinnace MM 14 60 0 6 Aslan Hireate No MM-6L60
    Orowani Deep Space class Light Liner M 11 6,000 2 2 Distant Fringe M-06P22
    Parthenolab class Bio-Construction Vessel MM 13 400 2 2 Solomani Confederation GCB-DU22
    Prancing Poni class Charter Yacht MY 12 200 2 1 Third Imperium Yes
    Pride of Vland class Long Liner M 13 1,000 4 1 Third Imperium No M-KS14
    Rake II class Yacht MY 13 400 4 2 Third Imperium
    Raptor class Combat Lander MN 13 20 0 3 Third Imperium Yes
    Reliant class Lifeboat MM 11 20 0 1 Third Imperium No
    Relief class Hospital Ship MM 13 3,300 4 4 Third Imperium
    Rock class Touring Ship MY 9 300 1 1 Third Imperium Yes K-CP11
    Royal class Interstellar Liner M 11 5,000 2 1 Third Imperium Yes
    Sapphire Moon class Moduleship M 14 13,363 1 1 Krax Confederation No
    Shuvalivashtu class Luxury Liner M 15 5,000 4 1 Third Imperium
    SK-3 class Lifeboat MM 15 20 0 1 Third Imperium No
    Songbird class Ship's Boat M 9 40 0 4 Distant Fringe M-4A40
    Star Butler class Yacht MY 12 300 2 3 Rule of Man YK-CS32
    Star class Merchant Liner M 15 1,000 2 1 Third Imperium No
    Starblade class Executive Yacht MY 11 200 2 4 Distant Fringe MY-BS24
    Stellar class Liner M 14 600 3 1 Third Imperium
    TC00a Porter class Gig M 10 20 0 2 Trooles Confederation M-1A20
    TC02 Grave Endeavor class Dropship MN 11 20 0 3 Trooles Confederation
    TC04 Valkyrie class Dropship MN 11 40 0 3 Trooles Confederation
    Type HE class Embassy Ship MK 15 800 2 1 Hive Federation Yes
    Type M class Subsidized Liner MK 13 600 3 1 Third Imperium Yes MK-FU13
    Type RT class Longliner M 13 1,000 4 1 Third Imperium Yes M-KS14
    Type UY class Private Smallcraft MY 10 10 0 2 Third Imperium MY-1S20
    Wanderer class Luxury Yacht MY 11 200 2 3 Distant Fringe MY-BS23
    Xeekr'kir! class Merchant M 11 6,000 2 1 Two Thousand Worlds Yes
    Xeng Kirr class Space Ark MQ 15 1,000,000 6 1 Two Thousand Worlds
    Xerxes class Armed Packet Ship MK 12 300 3 3 Third Imperium MK-CS33
    Xiong class Drop Boat MN 13 50 0 3 Sindalian Empire
    Yaeai class Recon Pinnace M 14 60 0 6 Aslan Hierate No M-6L60
    Yawl class Troop Carrier MN 12 400 1 1 Old Worlds
    Ziiguysna class Pinnance MN 15 40 0 6 Hive Federation Yes
    Showing 1 to 82 of 82 entries

    0 Representative Fat Liner (R1) Classes
    No results

    0 Representative Far Liner (R2) Classes
    No results

    0 Representative Fast Liner (R3) Classes
    No results

    0 Representative Cargo Liner (RC) Classes
    No results

    0 Representative Heavy Liner (RH) Classes
    No results

    0 Representative Clipper (RI) Classes
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    0 Representative Light Liner (RL) Classes
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    0 Representative Medium Liner (RM) Classes
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    1 Representative Passenger Liner / Longliner (RP) Classes
    ClassMission CodeTLTonsJumpGOriginCanonQuick ship profile
    ClassMission CodeTLTonsJumpGOriginCanonQuick ship profile
    Comet Coffin class Low Transport RP 14 100 3 2 Third Imperium RP-AS23
    Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries

    0 Representative Luxury Liner (RPL) Classes
    No results

    0 Representative Merchant Liner / Trade Liner (RT) Classes
    No results

    0 Representative Nonstandard Trade Liner (RTN) Classes
    No results

    35 Representative Carrier Liner (RV) Classes
    ClassMission CodeTLTonsJumpGOriginCanonQuick ship profile
    ClassMission CodeTLTonsJumpGOriginCanonQuick ship profile
    Aurora class Multimission Clipper RV 12 2,080 5 2 Reformation Coalition Yes
    Brown class Jump Ship RV 15 5,000 6 1 Third Imperium Yes R-05P16
    Clii Argu class Common Transport RV 15 20,000 6 1 Third Imperium Yes RV-0BU13
    Conrad class Towing Vessel RV 13 200 2 2 Third Imperium
    Corporate class Range Carrier RV 11 75,000 2 1 Distant Fringe
    Deneb class Modular Starship RV 12 300 2 2 Third Imperium No RV-CS22
    Distribution class Commercial Carrier RV 11 30,000 2 1 Third Imperium
    Dwarf class Starport Lift Tug RV 15 10,000 0 3 Third Imperium
    Endeavor class Ship Transporter RV 11 30,000 2 1 Distant Fringe
    Ghost Galleon class Carrier Liner RV 11 600 2 3 Terran Confederation RV-FS32
    Heyan Rose class Freight Tractor RV 14 300 3 1 Third Imperium No RV-FU23
    High Liner class Bulk Freighter RV 12 5,000 2 1 Bright Conclave
    Inthe class Modular Cutter RV 9 50 0 2 Third Imperium RV-5S60
    K'Slice class Attacker Tender RV 8 68 0 1 Akras
    Kalaron class Assault Scout RV 11 100 2 2 Union of Garth
    Leander class Space Tug RV 15 600 6 6 Third Imperium No
    Maggart class Clipper RV 12 2,750 5 2 Reformation Coalition Yes
    Marius class Ship Transporter RV 11 30,000 2 1 Distant Fringe
    Modular Cutter RV 50 0 4 Third Imperium Yes UMC-5S40
    Nirvana class Modular Dropship RV 14 40 0 4 Third Imperium RV-4S40
    Oukhaha class Bulk Hauler RV 12 1,600 2 1 Aslan Hierate Yes
    Owatarl class Tender RV 12 600 2 1 Aslan Hireate Yes RV-FP12
    Planetoid Hauler class Cargo Ship RV 9 990 0 1 Terran Confederation R-AP10
    Purcell class Express Boat Tender RV 10 1,000 1 1 Third Imperium Yes RV-KU11
    Revolver class Modular Liner RV 12 300 2 2 Third Imperium RV-CC22
    Roca Maestro class Modular Ore Hauler RV 12 2,500 0 4 Third Imperium R-02U40
    Sagacity class Bulk Freighter RV 12 5,000 2 1 Distant Fringe
    Sao class Heavy Merchant RV 11 7,945 2 1 Rim Republic
    Smeeppi class Carrier RV 9 400 1 2 Akras
    Taorl class Riftliner RV 10 20,000 3 1 Aslan Hierate Yes
    Three Sisters class Heavy Jump Transport RV 13 990,000 1 1 Principality of Caledon
    Wingtruck class Interface Craft RV 12 20 6 Third Imperium UM-2A60
    WP-768 class Jump Shuttle RV 12 200 3 2 Third Imperium Yes
    Yedidah class Fleet Tender RV 9 4,000 1 1 Khan World League
    Zahzicih class Q-ship RV 15 400 2 4 Hive Federation Yes
    Showing 1 to 35 of 35 entries

    References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

    62px-Information icon.svg.png This article is missing content for one or more detailed sections. Additional details are required to complete the article. You can help the Traveller Wiki by expanding it.
    This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.
    1. Information provided to the library by Maksim-Smelchak
    2. Marc Miller. Starships (Game Designers Workshop, 1977), 7.
    3. Marc Miller. Starships (Game Designers Workshop, 1977), 7.