Non-Commercial Vessel

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Naval Commercial
Fleet (B) Independent (C) Defense (D) Auxiliary (E) Trader (A) Resources (J) Liner (M) Freighter (R) Explorer (S)

A Starship Type is a description of the mission statement of a Starship. This should not be confused with Starship Classes, which is a particular design. Each design is usually assigned to a particular type of starship, and each type will usually have many different classes.

A starship type is usually identified by a starship type code, a one to three letter code attached to the starship class or description.

Broad Ship Types[edit]

This category of vessels include civilian non-commercial starships and spacecraft above 100 tons.

This starship category includes vessels whose primary purpose is non-commercial, usually for a local government service or in the service of an empire (i.e. They do not generate revenue from operation). These include civilian law enforcement (paramilitary), customs vessels, and non-military support vessels. Most, but not all, non-commercial vessels have jump capability. Corsairs (pirates) are an exception to the rule since they are clearly commercial in nature, but are not legal or sanctioned, in most cases. Sanctioned corsairs are usually called privateers.

Representative Types[edit]

34 Representative Non-commercial (H) Classes
Class Mission Code TL Tons Jump G Origin Canon Quick ship profile
Class Mission Code TL Tons Jump G Origin Canon Quick ship profile
Condor class System Defense Boat HSVL 15 500 0 6 Non-Aligned Yes. Published, canon starship design. TBD
Eclipse Serpens class Light System Defense Boat HSVL 13 2,000 0 6 Talokan Armed Forces TBD
Ice Pick class Patrol Skiff HPS 11 100 2 4 Distant Fringe No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD
Ice Pick class Patrol Skiff HPS 11 100 2 4 Distant Fringe No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD
Ice Pick class Patrol Skiff HPS 11 100 2 4 Distant Fringe No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD
Ice Pick class Patrol Skiff HPS 11 100 2 4 Third Imperium No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD
KE5 Cataclysm class Patrol Boat HT 10 500 1 5 Korsumug Empire No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. HT-TBD
KE5 Cataclysm class Patrol Boat HT 10 500 1 5 Korsumug Empire No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. HT-TBD
KE5 Cataclysm class Patrol Boat HT 10 500 1 5 Korsumug Empire No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. HT-TBD
Methuselah class System Defense Monitor HMS 12 750,000 0 3 Caliphate of Estalia No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD
Oromet class
System Defense Boat
HSL 11 5,000 0 6 Protectorate of Leset No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. HSL-05S60
Rim Republic class System Defense Boat HSL 9 5,000 0 6 Rim Republic No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD
Roye class System Defense Boat HSVL 10 100 0 6 Non-Aligned No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. HSVL-AP60
Shivva class Patrol Frigate HTP 13 600 4 2 Zhodani Consulate Yes. Published, canon starship design. HTP-FS24
Shivva class Patrol Frigate HTP 13 600 4 2 Zhodani Consulate Yes. Published, canon starship design. HTP-FS24
Sokhkhun class Raider Q-Carrier HQTV 10 400 1 3 Vargr Extents Yes. Published, canon starship design. HQTV-DP31
Temarn class Asteroid Monitor HMP 11 20,000 0 2 Yimin Jiti No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD
Temarn class Asteroid Monitor HMP 11 20,000 0 2 Yimin Jiti No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD
Thaakh class Monitor HML 11 60,000 0 6 Sath Alliance No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD
Thele class System Defense Boat HSVL 9 800 0 6 Firstworlds No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD
Thele class System Defense Boat HSVL 9 800 0 6 Firstworlds No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD
Uffan class Monitor HML 9 4,000 0 1 Uffan Strategic Space Forces No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD
Uffan class Monitor HML 9 4,000 0 1 Uffan Strategic Space Forces No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD
Uffan class Monitor HML 9 4,000 0 1 Uffan Strategic Space Forces No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD
Uffan class Monitor HML 9 4,000 0 1 Uffan Strategic Space Forces No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD
Val Marin class System Defense Boat HSL 10 3,000 0 6 High Senate No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design.
Val Marin class System Defense Boat HSL 10 3,000 0 6 High Senate No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design.
Val Marin class System Defense Boat HSL 10 3,000 0 6 High Senate No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design.
Val Marin class System Defense Boat HSL 10 3,000 0 6 High Senate No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design.
Val Marin class System Defense Boat HSL 10 3,000 0 6 High Senate No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design.
Vernon Powell class
System Defense Boat
HSL 10 700 0 6 Yeeshim (world) No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. HSL-05S60
Xadis class Patrol Ship HTP 11 200 2 2 High Senate No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD
Xadis class Patrol Ship HTP 11 200 2 2 High Senate No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD
Yunus class System Defense Boat HSL 8 3,300 0 5 Khuur League No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD

References and contributors[edit]

This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.