Huntress class Bounty Hunter

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Huntress class Bounty Hunter
Type: HH Bounty Hunter
Category ACS
Size 100 Tons
Hull Configuration Wedge Hull
Streamlining Streamlined Hull
Tech Level TL–12
Computer Model/2
Jump J-2
Maneuver 2 G
Hardpoints 1
Staterooms 2
Low Berths 4
Crew 1
High/Mid Passengers 4
Cargo 5 Tons
Fuel tank 20 Tons
Origin Third Imperium
Cost MCr47.23
Blueprint Yes
Illustration Yes
Canon Published, non-canon design
Designer Diane & Richard John
Design System High Guard
Era 1105
Reference White Dwarf #70

The Huntress class Bounty Hunter is a specialized TL–11 Bounty Hunter Vessel.

Description (Specifications)[edit]

The Huntress is a popular ship among bounty hunters. Built from converted surplus Type-SN ships, it’s a well-equipped design and no two are alike. With a dedicated workshop and med bay it allows the bounty hunter to be self-sufficient on a mission. Room is on board for 4 captives in cold berths and four in cells. The other stateroom is usually used for extra crew or a low security risk bounty.

Normal crew consists of one Pilot.

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

No information yet available.

Selected Variant Types & Classes[edit]

29 Representative Courier (SN) Classes[edit]


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Classic Traveller This ship was originally designed using one of the Classic Traveller ship design rules:
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