Phidippides class Fast Courier

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Phidippides class Fast Courier
Type: SN Fleet Courier
Category ACS
Size 200 Tons
Hull Configuration Needle Hull
Streamlining Airframe Hull
Tech Level TL–11
Computer Model/3
Jump J-2
Maneuver 6 G
Fuel Treatment Scoops, Processor
Hardpoints 2
Staterooms 10
Crew 9
    Officers 6
    Enlisted 3
High/Mid Passengers 4
Cargo 22.5 Tons
Fuel tank 80 Tons
Origin Terran Confederation
Cost MCr150
Blueprint No
Illustration No
Canon Published, canon design
Designer Loren Wiseman
Design System Interstellar Wars
Era Interstellar Wars
Reference Interstellar Wars 205-206.

The Phidippides class Fast Courier is an interstellar wars era communications ship in service to the Terran Confederation Navy.

Description (Specifications)[edit]

No information yet available.

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

After the Third Interstellar War the Terran Confederation found itself maintaining significant military forces in star systems as far apart as Nusku and Mirabilis. The Terran Navy in particular saw the need to quickly move messages, critical personnel, and small cargoes among its various stations. The Phidippides-class, the leading military courier ships of the era.

The class was retired from active naval service after the Eighth Interstellar War, to be replaced by a variety of jump-3 courier types.

Many examples of the Phidippides-class found their way into private service, to be used as commercial courier ships or even refitted as private yachts.

Class Naming Practice/s & Peculiarities[edit]

Vessel Peculiarities: No information yet available.

Class Naming Practice/s: Ships in the Phidippides-class were named after famous message carriers from Terran history and legend.

Selected Variant Types & Classes[edit]

29 Representative Fleet Courier (SN) Classes[edit]


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GURPS Traveller This ship was originally designed using GURPS Traveller ship design rules.
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