Utility Craft

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Line Combatants (Primary - Capital) Escort Combatants (Secondary - Subcapital) Military Auxiliary (Tertiary)
Combat Transport
Combat Support
Mercantile Commercial Ships (Trade & Profit) Non-Mercantile Commercial Ships (Industry & Profit) Non-Commercial Ships (Nonprofit) System Craft (Intrastellar)
Space Station

U-class Utility Craft or Ships, whether smallcraft, bigcraft, or otherwise... are ships used to perform routine work such as tugs, ferries, and the like.

Technical Data.jpg

Library Data Referral Tree[edit]

Please refer to the following AAB Library Data for more information:

  • Speed of Travel

  • Description (Specifications)[edit]

    U-class Utility Craft are among the most commonly encountered smallcraft within Charted Space. Utility bigcraft are also common, but far less so than their vastly more numerous smallcraft cousins. Utility craft can be specialized for every sort of mission possible, but multipurpose craft are ubiquitous. Militarized versions are known as UQ-class military boats. [1]

    There is a huge used market for such vessels and almost every shipyard and large starport posses a variety of Universal Manufacturing Templates (UMT's) to build these light vessels. [2]

    Image Repository[edit]

    Type UE Life Boat / Escape Pod:

    1. A side view schematic of a Deliverance class Lifeboat.
      J0 50dT Lifeboat.jpg
    2. A small, sleek Marrel Veckor class Lifeboat, popular with the Distant Fringe.
      J-0 20dT Lifeboat Pinnace.jpg

    Type UI Troop Transport Smallcraft:

    1. A Coeus class Assault Pinnace approaching a Tethys class Mercenary Transport and preparing to dock.
      Tethys-CT-RESIZE-Keith-FASA 19-Oct-2019b.jpg
    2. A side view of a Gallant class Assault Shuttle smallcraft.
      J0 80dT Assault Shuttle.jpg
    3. Two Paulos class Troop Transports streaking to targets, one engaging its non-standard stealth device.
      Paulos-Troop-Transport-CT-RESIZE-P-Jaquays-Supp-9-pg-24 07-Sept-2019b.png

    Type UIB Boarding Craft:

    1. No exemplar yet available.

    Core Smallcraft - Type UMB Ship's Boats:

    1. A stock Ship's Boat image by a famous starcraft artist.
      Ships-Boat-WH-Keith-MT-Imp-Encyclo-Pg-34 03-July-2018a.jpg
      1. A Songbird class Ship's Boat.
        J0 40dT Ship's Boat.jpg
      2. A side view image of the hardy Leo class Ship's Boat.
        Leo-class-Ships-Boat-IMAGE-Ade-Stewart-T5 08-Aug-2019a.jpg

    Core Smallcraft - Type UMC Cutters:

    1. A stock Cutter or Modular Cutter image by a famous starcraft artist.
      Mod-Cutter-WH-Keith-MT-Imp-Encyclo-Pg-35 03-July-2018a.jpg
      1. Two Bathysphere class Prospector's Cutters making planetfall.
        Bathypshere-class-Boyd-Stone-THUMB-T5-Jim-K 08-Aug-2019b.jpg
      2. An Apollo class Runabout.
        J0 50dT Runabout.jpg
      3. A Bubble class Fuel Cutter cruising through the icy debris of a gas giant's planetary ring.
        Bubble-Fuel-Cutter-T5-RESIZE-Boyd-Stone 02-Sept-2019b.jpg
      4. A Modular Cutter exiting the hangar of a Type C class Mercenary Cruiser.
        MODULAR-CUTTER-docking-CT-Fighting-Ships-Pg-21 06-Sept-2018b.jpg
      5. A Broadsword-class deploying a Modular Cutter.
        Broadsword-near world by shawndriscoll-dbbij3b (1).png

    Core Smallcraft - Type UMG Gigs:

    1. A stock Gig image by a famous starcraft artist.
      1. A Goblin class Gig.
        J0 10dT Gig.jpg
      2. A Darlene class Gig under spaceflight.
        Gig-Darlene-PARTIAL-IMAGE-P-Jaquays-Fighting-Ships-Pg-27 05-Sept-2018a.jpg

    Core Smallcraft - Type UML Launch / Life Boats:

    1. A stock Launch image by a famous starcraft artist.
      Launch-WH-Keith-MT-Imp-Encyclo-Pg-34 03-July-2018a.jpg
      1. A Constance class Launch.
        J0 50dT Launch.jpg
      2. A small, sleek Marrel Veckor class Lifeboat.
        J-0 20dT Lifeboat Pinnace.jpg
      3. A Damgarrii class Passenger Launch approaching a lab ship. View from the aft.
        Damgarrii-class-Shuttle-CT-pg-8-Death-Station 16-May-2019a.jpg
      4. A Tomar class Industrial Mining Launch equipped with two 15-ton Ore Pods, a kind of Cargo Container.
        Tomar-class-Ind-Launch-IMAGE-Tom-Mouat-Fan 20-July-2019b.jpg

    Core Smallcraft - Type UMO SLow Pinnaces:

    1. A Slow Pinnace image by a famous starcraft artist.
      Slow-Pinnace-WH-Keith-MT-Imp-Encyclo-Pg-35 03-July-2018a.jpg

    Core Smallcraft - Type UMP Pinnaces:

    1. A stock Pinnace image by a famous starcraft artist.
      Pinnace-WH-Keith-MT-Imp-Encyclo-Pg-34 03-July-2018a.jpg
    2. A Coeus class Assault Pinnace approaching a Tethys class Mercenary Transport and preparing to dock.
      Tethys-CT-RESIZE-Keith-FASA 19-Oct-2019b.jpg
      1. A Narva class Pinnace.
        J0 20dT Pinnace.jpg
      2. A Caroline class Heavy Pinnace.
        J0 30dT Heavy Pinnace.jpg
      3. The MC&S Engineering Sternplatz class Refueling Pinnace with it's bulky, yet portable Fuel Treatment Plant.
        Sternplatz-Pinnace-CT-RESIZE-D-Sering-Starships-and-Spacecraft-pg-27 9-Sept-2019b.png

    Core Smallcraft - Type UMS Shuttles:

    1. A stock Shuttle image by a famous starcraft artist.
      Shuttle-WH-Keith-MT-Imp-Encyclo-Pg-35 03-July-2018a.jpg
      1. A Shuttle AKA Fast Shuttle leaving orbit for a spaceport.
        Shuttle-WH-Keith-MT-Imp-Encyclo-Pg-32 03-July-2018a.jpg
      2. Excellence class Fast Shuttle.
        J0 90dT Fast Shuttle.jpg
      3. A Type 423 class Cargo Shuttle returning planetside from a moduleship hangar.
        Type-423-CT-RESIZE-Ken-Simpson-Doom-Singing-Star-pg-57 18-Oct-2019b.jpg

    Core Smallcraft - Type UMW Slow Boats:

    1. A Slow Boat image by a famous starcraft artist.
      Slow-Boat-WH-Keith-MT-Imp-Encyclo-Pg-34 03-July-2018a.jpg

    Type UN Medical Craft:

    1. The Camel class Medical Launch is a first responder smallcraft. This is a simple deck plan for the vessel.
      Camel-CT-DECK-PLAN-Poster 27-Oct-2019d.jpg
    2. An Olyora class Medevac Pinnace in orbit preparing to render first aid to wounded planetary combatants.
      Olyora-Aslan-Medevac-Pinnace-CT-RESIZE-pg-7 15-Oct-2019b.jpg

    Type UY Combat Support Smallcraft:

    1. An Aslan Yaeai class Recon Pinnace under spaceflight.
      Yaeai-Aslan-Pinnace-CT-THUMB-FASA-As-Merc-Ships-pg-7 15-Oct-2019c.jpg

    Strategy & Tactics (Doctrine)[edit]

    Utility craft are generally not built to function in more than a self defense role. Except against lightly armed pirate or marauder vessels, evasion is the general order of the day. The mission of utility craft is to perform a variety of useful roles: interface transport, light scouting, light cargo transport, passenger conveyance, and a variety of other utility roles.

    Supraclass Roles[edit]

    Utility Ships typically serve the following roles:

    Civilian Smallcraft & Bigcraft:

    U-class Utility Craft (Civilian) Supraclass Archetypes
    Archetype Type Code
    Barge (WB)
    Boarding Shuttle (UQ)
    Customs Pinnace (UM)
    Cutter (UM)
    Drone (UD)
    Employee Shuttle (UM)
    Escape Pod (UE)
    Expeditionary Smallcraft (UK)
    Fast Cutter (UM)
    Ferry (GU) (Bigcraft)
    Fuel Lighter (UF)
    Fuel Pinnace (UF)
    Fuel Skimmer (UF)
    Fueling Shuttle (UF)
    Gig (UM)
    Heavy Lander (UM)
    Heavy Pinnace (UM)
    Heavy Tug (GU) (Bigcraft)
    Hunter's Launch (UK)
    Industrial Mining Launch (UG)
    Industrial Smallcraft (UG)
    Interplanetary Shuttle (UMS)
    Launch (UM)
    Lifeboat (UE)
    Longboat (U)
    Medical Smallcraft (UN)
    Modular Cutter (UM)
    Modular Ship's Boat (UM)
    Multipurpose Utility Craft (UM)
    Pinnace (UM)
    Private Smallcraft (UY)
    Refueling Shuttle (UF)
    Remote Fuel Scavenger (UG)
    Research Smallcraft (UL)
    Runabout (UM)
    Safari Smallcraft (UK)
    Science Lander (UL)
    Ship's Boat (UM)
    Shuttle (UM)
    Skiff (UM)
    Slow Boat (UM)
    Slow Pinnace (UM)
    Special Mission Smallcraft (UZ)
    Towing Vessel (UT)
    Tug (GU) (Bigcraft)
    Tug (UT) (Smallcraft)
    Utility Craft (U) (Namesake)

    Military Smallcraft & Bigcraft:

    Related Military Craft Supraclass Archetypes
    Archetype Type Code
    Boarding Smallcraft (UIB)
    Combat Barge (WBI)
    Combat Transport Smallcraft (UI)
    Excluding Escort (Bigcraft) (E)
    Excluding Fighters (F)
    Excluding Gunship (Bigcraft) (EG)
    Militarized Utility Craft (UQ)

    Most Common Standardized Smallcraft Types[edit]


    1. Cutter (50-ton)
    2. Fighter (10-ton)
    3. Launch (20-ton)
    4. Pinnace (40-ton)
    5. Ship's Boat (30-ton)
    6. Shuttle (95-ton)
    7. Slow Boat (30-ton)
    8. Slow Pinnace (40-ton)

    Smallcraft Speed Regimes[edit]

    • M:1-3 G = Slow Speed Smallcraft
    • M:3-4 G = Average Speed Smallcraft
    • M:5-6 G = Fast Speed Smallcraft

    Supraclass Archetypal Roles[edit]

    These vessels typically serve the following archetypal roles:

    U-class Utility Craft Supraclass Archetypes
    Archetype Type Code Exemplar Remarks
    Utility Craft U Damgarrii class Passenger Launch Utility Craft or Utility Smallcraft are an entire grouping of smallcraft displacing less than a hundred tons and only equipped with NAFAL drives. They are not equipped with FTL jump drives. These light craft perform a very wide variety of utility missions and roles.
    • U = Utility, Multipurpose, etc.
    Drone Smallcraft UD Zip class Courier Drone Mesodrone. A completely automated smallcraft utility craft will generally be this type, with any other subtype of U-class added afterward. For instance, an industrial drone is typically UDG rather than UG or UGD.
    Escape Pod / Life Boat / Small Launch UE SK-3 class Lifeboat It is one of the smallest spaceships in common use. They typically displace 20 tons or less. Although its primary function is to serve as a life craft in the event that evacuation is required, it can also be used to transport passengers. While many launches perform a utility role as well as life boat and/or escape pod duties, most Type-UE-class smallcraft are specialized to only perform escape pod and/or life boat duties. Any utility capabilities are an afterthought.
    Fuel Shuttle UF Bubble class Fuel Cutter Fuel shuttles or lighters are smallcraft that perform a variety of fuel-purposed missions although the most common act to perform wilderness refueling tasks and then ferry fuel back to a largecraft mothership. Others refine fuel, carry it around like miniature tankers, or otherwise do useful things. They also have bigcraft cousins.
    Industrial Smallcraft UG Tomar class Industrial Mining Launch UG-class smallcraft perform a variety of industrial (G-class duties) and prospecting (J-class duties) missions and roles including belter-related duties. Many are equipped to extract, process, or transport ore across the distances of a star system.
    • U = Utility, Multipurpose, etc.
    • G = Great Industrial
    Combat Lander / Combat Transport Smallcraft UI Sturmge class Assault Shuttle Combat Transport smallcraft or combat landers are smallcraft tasked to bring fighting men, soldiers, mercenaries, marines, etc. to the surface combat environment under fire. Many also carry combat equipment, AFVs, supplies, and/or carry weapons to suppress defenders.
    • U = Utility, Multipurpose, etc.
    • I = Infantry Lander, Combat Transport, etc.
    Boarding Smallcraft UIB Barrister's Gavel class Boarding Gig Boarding smallcraft are combat transport smallcraft focused on boarding actions in space, rather than on delivery to planetside. They will typically not carry vehicles larger than an individual soldier, since they would not fit in a typical target's corridors. Likewise, any mounted weapons are typically to secure the docking, and are not able to fire into the target's corridors to support the boarding.
    • U = Utility Smallcraft
    • I = Infantry Lander, Combat Transport, etc.
    • B = Boarding
    Expeditionary Smallcraft UK Denuli class Hunting Launch Expeditionary smallcraft are specialized utility craft designed to support the operations of expedition ships. They can range from specialized colony support craft, to stealthy first contact craft designed to unobtrusively observe newly discovered sophont societies, to hunting launches for safari ships, and a variety of other craft.
    • U = Utility, Multipurpose, etc.
    • K = Kiswahili (Name of Terran language used in an area where many significant safari expeditions occurred. Also known as Swahili)
    Research Smallcraft UL Boquist class Research Pinnace Research smallcraft are specialized utility craft used to conduct scientific research, laboratory experiments, science lander missions, and a variety of missions designed to support science vessels. [3]
    • U = Utility, Multipurpose, etc.
    • L = Laboratory
    Multipurpose Utility Craft UM Damgarrii class Passenger Launch UM-class Utility Smallcraft form the bulk of smallcraft constructed within Charted Space. They are carried by the majority of starfaring vessels and are easy to construct with Universal Manufacturing Templates (UMT's) stocked at almost every shipyard. Even the least popular designs have dozens of variants, and the most popular might have a hundred or more popular variants. They are multipurpose craft, easily adaptable to carry cargo, passengers, or other needed goods. [4]
    • U = Utility, Multipurpose, etc.
    • M = Multipurpose
    Ship's Boat (30-ton) UMB Cigiysna class Ship's Boat The ship's boat is a small vessel ordinarily carried to perform odd jobs and minor operations for a larger ship. [5]
    Cutter (50-ton) UMC Mineral class Cutter The modular cutter is designed to carry one of many modules available Three are the ATV module, which includes an operational ATV; the fuel module, which serves as a fuel skimming vehicle and storage tank; and the open module, which can be customized for passenger couches, fuel, cargo space, cabins, or staterooms. [6] Cutters are considered the smallest vessel associated with independent military command. As such, cutter commanders are called "captain." Cutters are used in a variety of military and civilian settings. Although they can fill similar roles to those of the pinnace, they are more likely to be found as work boats and ferrying supplies and equipment around the system.
    Gig (20-ton) UMG Goblin class Gig These vessel are normally carried on other ships. They are larger than lifeboats and have the capacity to carry passengers and freight. They have a variety of other designations including Launch, Jolly Boat, and confusingly Ship's Boat.
    • U = Utility, Multipurpose, etc.
    • M = Multipurpose
    • G = Gig
    Launch (20-ton) UML Constance class Launch The launch is one of the smaller spacefaring craft, and is often carried by another vessel to serve as a lifeboat. [7] Launches are typically smaller craft, but can still perform a very useful multipurpose utility role when needed. While some launches are specialized for the escape pod or life boat role, a huge percentage of commercial launches are of the multipurpose variety. Militarized UQ-class versions exist as well, typically with upgraded military electronics and light weaponry. [8]
    • U = Utility, Multipurpose, etc.
    • M = Multipurpose
    • L = Launch
    Slow Pinnace (40-ton) UMO Slow Pinnace The slow pinnace is similar to a pinnace but is slower because more space is allocated for passengers and cargo, so less space is available for power plant and maneuver drives. [9] Speed= G:1-3.
    • U = Utility, Multipurpose, etc.
    • M = Multipurpose
    • O = SlOw Pinnace
    Pinnace (40-ton) UMP Ziiguysna class Pinnace The pinnace is a larger, farther-ranging non-starship capable of holding passengers and small vehicles. [10] Small craft or boat of interplanetary (though not interstellar) capability. Approximate displacement: 40 tons. The Pinnace is a larger version of the ship's boat, capable of 5 Gs acceleration, carrying up to 8 passengers and displacing 40 tons. It has a fuel tank capacity of 12 tons and an equal cargo capacity. Pinnaces are usually armed with one beam or pulse laser in a non-turret mount. In some cases, a missile launch rack is installed instead. This vessel is the preferred craft for customs enforcement and policing.
    • U = Utility, Multipurpose, etc.
    • M = Multipurpose
    • P = Pinnace
    Shuttle (95-ton) UMS Intruder class Shuttle The shuttle is a larger interplanetary passenger vessel. [11] Shuttles are normally used to access planetary surfaces, or other ships. They are often used by ships which themselves are not capable of landing on planetary services themselves. Large shuttles, up to 95 tons, are capable of 3 Gs of acceleration, and can carry up to 30 passengers and 80 tons of cargo. Fast Shuttles are generally smaller with more thrust in the 5 to 6 G range.
    • U = Utility, Multipurpose, etc.
    • M = Multipurpose
    • S = Shuttle
    Slow Boat (30-ton) UMW Slow Boat The Slow Boat is a small vessel ordinarily carried to perform odd jobs and minor operations for a larger ship. [12] Speed= G:1-3.
    • U = Utility, Multipurpose, etc.
    • M = Multipurpose
    • W = SloW Boat
    Medical Smallcraft UN Camel class Medical Launch Medical smallcraft serve as utility crafts for medical ships. They haul patients back and forth, perform first aid, rescue, and a variety of other life-saving roles and missions. Some are specialized to track down pervasive alien pathogens or hunt down and destroy plagues. At any rate, they serve medical largecraft or provide some measure of medical capability for non-medical largecraft.
    • U = Utility, Multipurpose, etc.
    • N = mediciNe
    Militarized Utility Craft UQ Yaeai class Recon Pinnace Militarized smallcraft are relatively rare, but often perform important combat support functions such as communication relay points, sensory reconnaissance, logistics management, and a number of other important roles.
    • U = Utility, Multipurpose, etc.
    • Q = Quartermaster, Combat Support, Logistics, etc.
    Private Smallcraft UY Type UY class Private Smallcraft Any smallcraft for private or personal use that does not fit one of the other categories (in particular, not Industrial Smallcraft), and typically operates independently rather than supplementing operations of a larger ship. In other words, anything that would fit in Y-class except for being a smallcraft of less than 100-tons. Being smallcraft, these are more often the property of the working class and/or small business owners, and thus less luxurious. [13]
    • U = Utility, Multipurpose, etc.
    • Y = Yacht, Private Vessel, etc.
    Special Mission Smallcraft UZ Xenon class Heavy Fighter Special mission smallcraft perform a wide variety of very specialized smallcraft missions as alien technology demonstrators, prototypes, experimental craft, test ships, and a variety of very small production run craft.
    • U = Utility, Multipurpose, etc.
    • Z = Special (...last letter of Anglic alphabet, a catchall category)
    NOTES: There is semantic overlap between many of the classes and codes. Some codes organize by mission or capability, others by size and tonnage, and yet others by other characteristics.

    History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

    Spaceflight typically begins in most sophont societies with chemically-fueled rocket programs. As new fuselages are experimented with, typically by the TL:7-9 tech epoch, reusable airframes and new engines (drives) come into use. These are the first utility craft, space shuttles, launches, spaceplanes, and the like. Eventually they culminate in SSTO (Single Stage to Orbit) craft, which are direct lineal predecessors to today's utility craft, albeit with vastly less capable hulls and drives. [14]

    Contemporary TL:13-15 utility craft are often equipped with G-drives, Heplar thrusters, and advanced fly-by-wire flight controls. They can lift mass into orbit and beyond at such low costs that TL:7-9 spacers would be aghast. Many can be used for short endurance intrasystem spaceflight to moons, mining colonies, agricultural colonies, research stations, or other planets of note with a star system. And most have standard docking clamps and airlocks to be used as subcraft to a wide variety of space and starcraft. [15]

    Selected Variant Types & Classes[edit]

    Civilian Ship- Smallcraft - Utility Craft:
    Type U class Utility Craft Civilian Vessel - Smallcraft - Life Boat:

    1. Type UE class Life Boat
      1. Deliverance class Lifeboat
      2. Interstellar Lifesaver class Lifeboat
      3. KSbA Model A-23 class Lifeboat
      4. Longevity class Lifeboat
      5. Marrel Veckor class Lifeboat
      6. Model 292 class Life Boat
      7. Reliant class Lifeboat
      8. Reprieve class Escape Pod
      9. SK-3 class Lifeboat
    2. Type UF class Fuel Shuttle
      1. Bubble class Fuel Cutter
      2. Last Armada class Fuel Shuttle
      3. Louis & Clark class Fuel Pinnace
      4. Parthenopinnace Fuel Shuttle
      5. Sternplatz class Refueling Pinnace
      6. Tadpole class Fuel Shuttle
      7. Zheug class Fueling Shuttle
    3. Type UG class Industrial Smallcraft
      1. Bathysphere class Prospector's Cutter
      2. Prospector class Remote Fuel Scavenger
      3. Tomar class Industrial Mining Launch
    4. Type UK class Expeditionary Smallcraft
      1. Denuli class Hunting Launch
    5. Type UL class Research Smallcraft
      1. Boquist class Research Pinnace
      2. Last Armada class Survey Shuttle
    6. Type UMB class Ship's Boat
      1. Cigiysna class Ship's Boat
      2. Gemcutter class Ship's Boat
      3. Generic Ship’s Boat
      4. Leo class Ship's Boat
      5. Songbird class Ship's Boat
      6. Type ZSB class Ship's Boat
    1. Type UMC class Cutter
      1. Apollo class Runabout
      2. Diamond class Modular Cutter
      3. Garrag class Modular Cutter
      4. Generic Modular Cutter
      5. GX class III Modular Cutter
      6. Inthe class Modular Cutter
      7. Lushina class Fast Cutter
      8. Mineral class Cutter
      9. Mule class Modular Cutter
      10. Seragh class Cutter
    1. Type UMG class Gig
      1. Darlene class Gig
      2. Generic Gig
      3. Goblin class Gig
      4. Pratt class Gig

    Civilian Ship- Smallcraft - Utility Craft:

    1. Type UML class Launch
      1. Constance class Launch
      2. Damgarrii class Passenger Launch
      3. Generic Launch / Lifeboat
      4. Gillow class Launch
      5. Last Armada class Launch
      6. Rodgers class Skiff
      7. Stead class Modular Launch
      8. Venters class Launch
    1. Type UMM class Modular Utility Craft
      1. Generic Modular Cutter
      2. Inthe class Modular Cutter
      3. Stead class Modular Launch
    2. Type UMP class Pinnace
      1. Caroline class Heavy Pinnace
      2. Ciigusna class Pinnace
      3. Generic Pinnace
      4. Narva class Pinnace
      5. Type ZSP class Pinnace
      6. Ziiguysna class Pinnace

    Civilian Ship - Smallcraft - Utility Craft:

    1. Type UMS class Shuttle
      1. Aanz class System Shuttle
      2. Andrew class Commercial Shuttle
      3. Carrus class Shuttle
      4. Ciigusna class Shuttle
      5. Crawm class Shuttle
      6. Deployment Shuttle
      7. Excellence class Fast Shuttle
      8. Generic Shuttle
      9. Intruder class Shuttle
      10. Olympian class Shuttle
      11. Rosendal class Shuttle
      12. Traissthurdusa class Rocket
      13. Type 423 class Cargo Shuttle
      14. Vanguard class Shuttle

    Civilian Vessel - Smallcraft - Medical Craft:

    1. Type UN class Medical Smallcraft
      1. Camel class Medical Launch
      2. Druse class Assault Lander
      3. Mont-PC class Patrol Cutter
      4. Olyora class Medevac Pinnace
    2. Type UQ class Militarized Utility Craft
      1. Yaeai class Recon Pinnace

    Civilian Ship - Private Vessel - Utility Craft - Private Smallcraft:

    Ship Summary List[edit]

    Some of the most commonly used vessels in this role or these roles include:

    8 Representative Utility Craft (U) Classes
    ClassMission CodeTLTonsJumpGOriginCanonQuick ship profile
    ClassMission CodeTLTonsJumpGOriginCanonQuick ship profile
    Cigiysna class Ship's Boat UM 12 30 0 2 Hive Federation Yes R-3S10
    Constance class Launch UM 9 50 0 2 Distant Fringe R-5A20
    Goblin class Gig UM 9 10 0 2 Distant Fringe M-1A20
    Intruder class Shuttle UM 14 30 0 6 Zhodani Consulate No
    Mal'Gnar class Assault Skiff UIA 12 20 0 1 Mal'Gnar Primarchic No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD
    Mineral class Cutter UMC 9 50 0 4 Third Imperium Yes
    Mk 41 Mod 0 class Torpedo UD 10 0 0 8 Third Imperium Yes. Published, canon starship design. TBD
    Ship's Boat UMB 9 30 0 6 Third Imperium Yes UMB-3U60
    Showing 1 to 8 of 8 entries

    1 Representative Drone Smallcraft (UD) Classes
    ClassMission CodeTLTonsJumpGOriginCanonQuick ship profile
    ClassMission CodeTLTonsJumpGOriginCanonQuick ship profile
    Mk 41 Mod 0 class Torpedo UD 10 0 0 8 Third Imperium Yes. Published, canon starship design. TBD
    Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries

    0 Representative Lifeboat / Escape Pod (UE) Classes
    No results

    0 Representative Fuel Shuttle (UF) Classes
    No results

    0 Representative Industrial Smallcraft (UG) Classes
    No results

    1 Representative Combat Transport Smallcraft (UI) Classes
    ClassMission CodeTLTonsJumpGOriginCanonQuick ship profile
    ClassMission CodeTLTonsJumpGOriginCanonQuick ship profile
    Mal'Gnar class Assault Skiff UIA 12 20 0 1 Mal'Gnar Primarchic No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD
    Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries

    0 Representative Boarding Craft (UIB) Classes
    No results

    0 Representative Expeditionary Smallcraft (UK) Classes
    No results

    0 Representative Research Smallcraft (UL) Classes
    No results

    6 Representative Multipurpose Utility Craft (UM) Classes
    ClassMission CodeTLTonsJumpGOriginCanonQuick ship profile
    ClassMission CodeTLTonsJumpGOriginCanonQuick ship profile
    Cigiysna class Ship's Boat UM 12 30 0 2 Hive Federation Yes R-3S10
    Constance class Launch UM 9 50 0 2 Distant Fringe R-5A20
    Goblin class Gig UM 9 10 0 2 Distant Fringe M-1A20
    Intruder class Shuttle UM 14 30 0 6 Zhodani Consulate No
    Mineral class Cutter UMC 9 50 0 4 Third Imperium Yes
    Ship's Boat UMB 9 30 0 6 Third Imperium Yes UMB-3U60
    Showing 1 to 6 of 6 entries

    1 Representative Ship's Boat (UMB) Classes
    ClassMission CodeTLTonsJumpGOriginCanonQuick ship profile
    ClassMission CodeTLTonsJumpGOriginCanonQuick ship profile
    Ship's Boat UMB 9 30 0 6 Third Imperium Yes UMB-3U60
    Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries

    1 Representative Cutter / Modular Cutter / Runabout (UMC) Classes
    ClassMission CodeTLTonsJumpGOriginCanonQuick ship profile
    ClassMission CodeTLTonsJumpGOriginCanonQuick ship profile
    Mineral class Cutter UMC 9 50 0 4 Third Imperium Yes
    Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries

    0 Representative Gig (UMG) Classes
    No results

    0 Representative Launch (UML) Classes
    No results

    0 Representative Slow Pinnance (UMO) Classes
    No results

    0 Representative Pinnace (UMP) Classes
    No results

    0 Representative Shuttle (UMS) Classes
    No results

    0 Representative Slow Boat (UMW) Classes
    No results

    0 Representative Medical Smallcraft (UN) Classes
    No results

    0 Representative Militarized Utility Craft (UQ) Classes
    No results

    0 Representative Private Smallcraft (UY) Classes
    No results

    0 Representative Special Mission Smallcraft (UZ) Classes
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    References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

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    This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.
    1. Information provided to the library by Maksim-Smelchak
    2. Information provided to the library by Maksim-Smelchak
    3. Information provided to the library by Maksim-Smelchak
    4. Information provided to the library by Maksim-Smelchak
    5. Marc Miller. Imperial Encyclopedia (Game Designers Workshop, 1987), 78.
    6. Marc Miller. Imperial Encyclopedia (Game Designers Workshop, 1987), 79.
    7. Marc Miller. Imperial Encyclopedia (Game Designers Workshop, 1987), 78.
    8. Information provided to the library by Maksim-Smelchak
    9. Marc Miller. Imperial Encyclopedia (Game Designers Workshop, 1987), 79.
    10. Marc Miller. Imperial Encyclopedia (Game Designers Workshop, 1987), 79.
    11. Marc Miller. Imperial Encyclopedia (Game Designers Workshop, 1987), 80.
    12. Marc Miller. Imperial Encyclopedia (Game Designers Workshop, 1987), 78.
    13. Information provided to the library by Maksim-Smelchak & Adrian Tymes
    14. Information provided to the library by Maksim-Smelchak
    15. Information provided to the library by Maksim-Smelchak