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Line Combatants (Primary - Capital) Escort Combatants (Secondary - Subcapital) Military Auxiliary (Tertiary)
Combat Transport
Combat Support
Mercantile Commercial Ships (Trade & Profit) Non-Mercantile Commercial Ships (Industry & Profit) Non-Commercial Ships (Nonprofit) System Craft (Intrastellar)
Space Station

E-class Escorts are vessels intended to protect and assist larger and smaller vessels.

Technical Data.jpg

Library Data Referral Tree[edit]

Please refer to the following AAB Library Data for more information:

  • Speed of Travel

  • Description (Specifications)[edit]

    Escorts: Escorts are vessels intended to protect and assist larger vessels. They are capable of independent action, but are usually assigned to support battleships and cruisers. [1]

    Small starships of up to 20,000 tons intended to be light support craft for larger ships, primarily cruisers. Escorts are also widely used for convoy protection and commerce raiding roles.

    Image Repository[edit]

    Type EB Brigantine:

    1. No image yet available.

    Type EC Escort Corvette & Close Escorts:

    1. A side view of a Hatchet class Light Corvette.
      J2 1000dT Light Corvette.jpg
    2. A Gazelle class Close Escort on patrol.
      Close-Escort-WH-Keith-MT-Imp-Encyclo-Pg-84 03-July-2018a.jpg

    Type EE Line Escort / Multipurpose Escort:

    1. A Droyne Type A7 class Cruiser on patrol in deep space.
      A7-Cruiser-Third-Imperium-CT-RESIZE-Mike-Jackson-pg-6 11-Oct-2019b.jpg

    Type EEM Missile Escort:

    1. A Valor class Missile Corvette preparing to go to battle readiness.
      Valor-CT-RESIZE-FASA-WH-Keith-ACS-v1 14-Oct-2019b.jpg
    2. A Malory Francis class Missile Corvette with its distinctive sensor booms.
      J2 400dT Missile Corvette.jpg

    Type DE Destroyer Escort:

    1. An Agrippa class Destroyer Escort on patrol in deep space.
      Agrippa class Destroyer Escort.jpg

    Type EF Frigate:

    1. No image yet available.

    Type EFE Fleet Escort:

    1. No image yet available.

    Type EG Military Corvette:

    1. The Oegveng class Gunned Corvette is a Vargr very light combatant known for having a dangerous punch.
      Oegveng-CT-RESIZE-TD-7-J-Fugate 14-Oct-2019b.jpg

    Type EH Heavy Escort:

    1. No image yet available.

    Type EL Light Escort:

    1. A Cleaver class Close Escort in side view.
      J2 1000dT Light Corvette.jpg

    Type EM Medium Escort:

    1. A Halaheike class Pocket Warship streaming through hostile space with all weapons blazing.
      Haheike-MGT-RESIZE-Aslan-pg-134 14-Oct-2019b.jpg

    Type ES Sloop:

    1. A Victrix class Multimission Sloop knocking out defensive satellites before a surface mission.
      Vicrtix-Multi-Sloop-TNE-B-McDevitt-RCEG-pg-138 14-Sept-2019h.jpg

    Type EU Superheavy Escort:

    1. A "Sloan" under transit within a Star System.
      Sloan-class Challenge-25-Part-1 17-May-2019a.jpg

    Escort Combatants (Secondary) - The Lightcraft Hierarchy[edit]

    A number of smallcraft and ACS combatants exist:

    1. Smallcraft (F or U) (0 - 99 tons) (* System craft / non-Jump *)
      1. Fighter: Interceptor / Picket (FD / FE / FP / FR) (10 - 50 tons)
      2. Gunboat / Torpedo Boat (GB / MB / BD / BE) (40 - 99 tons)
      3. Light Sloop (ESL) (50 - 99 tons)
    2. Bigcraft (W or Other) (100 tons or larger) (* System vessel / non-Jump *)
      1. Defense Boat (SDB) (100 - 1000 tons)
      2. Sloop-of-War (ESB) (100 - 600 tons)
      3. Brig (EB) (400 - 1000 tons)
      4. System Defense Vessel (SDV) (1000 - 2,499 tons or larger)
    3. Escort (E) (100 - 2,499 tons)
      1. Jump-Sloop (ESJ) (100 - 600 tons)
      2. Close Escort (EC) (300 - 600 tons)
      3. Corvette (EG) (300 - 800 tons)
      4. Escort Frigate (EF) (500 - 2000 tons)
    4. Gunned Frigate (G) (500 - 2000 tons)
    5. Destroyer (D) (1,000 - 2,499 tons or larger)
    6. Colonial Cruiser (C) (1,000 - 2,499 tons or larger)

    Escort vs. Frigate vs. Cruiser?[edit]

    CONFUSING TERMINOLOGY: Escorts are small vessels; they aren't meant to duke it out in line combat situations like cruisers and battleships. They are meant to flexible vessels with strategic mobility, a sort of skirmisher combatant, not meant for the main line.

    The term frigate can be used with different meanings. Most use it as a subset of the escort class of secondary combatants meant to be smaller than a cruiser or destroyer. Others have used it as a near-cruiser class that can weigh tens of thousands of tons. In most applications, it means an ACS or smaller BCS-sized vessel.

    Then there are Cruisers who lack size and hitting power, but typically possess speed and endurance. They cruise or move speedily compared to larger capital ships. These are often small, speedy vessels that hit over weight for their size class, but would stand next to no chance against a naval fleet sized slugger of a combatant. Vessels such as the Lightning class Frontier Cruiser or Broadsword class Mercenary Cruiser are this smaller, latter type, not the larger vessels of the line. In the same vein, man-powered surface vehicles called bicycles are also called cruisers. They are cruisers in name only.

    Strategy & Doctrine (Operations)[edit]

    The mainstay of the escort fleet is the ED series. These escort destroyers are typical of Imperial needs. The ED-13, derived from the ED-12, was relatively unsuccessful, and the naval architects returned to the ED-12 for inspiration for the later ED-14. The EF-12 served as the design basis for two divergent ship types: the escort fleet (...and later escort strike designs) and the escort missile EM-13/-15.

    They often serve on orbital patrols, police operations, garrison duties, and even limited strike missions.

    Supraclass Roles[edit]

    Escorts typically serve the following roles:

    Largecraft & Bigcraft:

    E-class Escort Supraclass Archetypes
    Archetype Type Code
    Assault Gunship (EG)
    Attack Torpedo Boat (EEM)
    Brig (EB)
    Brigantine (EB)
    Close Escort (EC)
    Corvette (EC) or (EG)
    Destroyer Escort (DE)
    Escort (E) (Namesake)
    Escort Corvette (EC)
    Escort Destroyer (DE)
    Fast Escort (EF)
    Fast Attack Craft (EFAC)
    Fleet Escort (EFE)
    Frigate (EF)
    Gunned Escort (EG)
    Gunboat (EG)
    Gunship (EG)
    Ketch (EL)
    Light Fleet Corvette (EG)
    Line Escort (EE)
    Military Corvette (EG)
    Missile Corvette (EEM)
    Missile Escort (EEM)
    Missile Sloop (EEM)
    Multimission Sloop (ES)
    Multi-purpose Escort (EE)
    Multi-role Escort (EE)
    Patrol Cruiser (HT)
    Patrol Ship (HT)
    Pocket Warship (EM)
    Pursuit Ship (HT)
    Rider Escort (BRE)
    Sampan (ES)
    Schooner (ES)
    Sloop (ES)
    Strike Escort (ESE)
    Superheavy Escort (EU)
    Torpedo Ship (EEM)
    Vanguard Escort (EF)
    War Galley (E)

    Size-Class Roles for Lighter Vessels[edit]

    1. Utility Craft (U) (1 to 99 tons)
    2. Light Escort (EL) (100 to 999 tons)
    3. Medium Escort (EM) (1,000 to 1,499 tons)
    4. Heavy Escort (EH) (1,500 to 2,499 tons)
    5. Superheavy Escort (EU) (2,500 or larger tons)
    6. Destroyer (D) (2,500 to 9,999 tons)
    7. Capital Ship (Various) (100,000 or larger tons)

    Military Subcraft[edit]

    Military subcraft (...both smallcraft and bigcraft) are carried by some of these vessels:

    1. Battle Rider (BR)
    2. Combat Barge (WBG)
    3. Combat Transport Smallcraft (UI)
    4. Fighters (F)
    5. Militarized Utility Craft (UQ)

    Supraclass Archetypal Roles[edit]

    These vessels typically serve the following archetypal roles:

    E-class Escort Supraclass Archetypes
    Archetype Type Code Exemplar Remarks
    Escort E (Namesake) Gazelle class Close Escort An Escort is an often used term for any ships whose primary focus is on providing escort duty to either military or civilian vessels. These ship range in the 200 to 5,000-ton category. The classification of "Escort" is usually reserved for larger vessels of this class and is often commingled with that of "Fleet Escort", but they lack the ability to support longer term deployments of the later type.
    • E = Escort
    Brigantine EB Analex class Brig None
    • E = Escort
    • B = Brig, Brigantine, etc.
    Corvette EC Ueghzgi class Corvette Standard Corvettes are the smallest class of escort usually massing about 200 tons. Although they do possess jump capability they are more often used as an in system defense asset. Their jump capability gives them a little more flexibility then SDBs and some systems use them as armed couriers. 200 tons on average.
    • E = Escort
    • Corvette
    Escort Corvette EC Fiery class Gunned Escort Escort Corvettes are at the other end of the spectrum from "Fleet Escorts" and only range about 200 - 500 tons. They do not have much in the way of weapons, armor, or crew, but they are usually enough of a deterrent to most pirates, especially smaller ones, that they do fill a valued role in convoy duty. 200 to 5,000 tons.
    • E = Escort
    • C = Corvette
    Close Escort ECE Gazelle class Close Escort Close escorts tend to be one of the smallest class of escort vessel and are primarily found in the 200 - 500 ton range. They are considered to have low endurance and are tend to be cramped, uncomfortable vessels with small crews. Although they are jump capable, they can conserve their resources by clamping to unoccupied hardpoints on other vessels when not in jump space. This feature is source of their designation. 200 to 5,000 tons
    • Originally, the close escort was designed and produced by the Imperium for fleet operations. The small, fast close escorts were committed as the flank screens for cruisers or small fleet task forces. Their speed and size also made them ideal for naval courier and personnel transfer duties. But ultimately, they found their true niche. Many close escorts have been assigned to specific star systems or groups of systems for commerce protection.
    • Close escorts may be encountered in nearly any star system, including in amber and red coded zones, protecting local merchant traffic. Because of this duty, they may be expected to stop much of the local traffic for inspection of cargo and to determine the correctness of ship's papers. Close escorts may also be encountered in nearly any star system in convoy with merchant ships or on naval operations in a task force with larger naval ships.

    Close Escorts (ECE) are very small starships intended for anti-piracy operations in organised squadrons. An example is the Gazelle class Close Escort.

    • E = Escort
    • C = Close
    • E = Escort
    Line Escort EE Type A7 class Cruiser None
    • E = Escort
    • E = Multipurpose, Line, etc.
    Missile Escort EEM Ramrod class Missile Boat Escorts of any size whose primary weapon load is missiles. These are not common vessels and they are usually pair up with other types of escort vessels. When that is the situation, they can add an unsuspecting punch to an unwary opponent.
    • E = Escort
    • E = Multipurpose, Line, etc.
    • M = Missile
    Destroyer Escort DE Chrysanthemum class Destroyer Escort None
    • E = Escort
    • D = Destroyer
    • E = Escort
    Frigate EF Rr'xighik'ker class Frigate None
    • E = Escort
    • F = Frigate
    Fleet Escort EFE P. F. Sloan class Fleet Escort Fleet escorts are small, maneuverable, lightly armed warship, usually in the 1,000 - 5,000 tonnage range. The main difference between fleet escorts and others of the type of vessel is that they tend to be larger and be equipped with fuel scoops and purification plants. They have the jump and maneuver performance to keep pace with the capital ships with which they are assigned. The goal for these vessels is to be able to support fleet deployments and pose the least burdens on fleet supply capabilities. Typical missions include protecting fleet refueling, assault or carrier operations from enemy strike elements. They are noted as necessary but not necessarily glamorous fleet assignments for officers. 200 to 5,000 tons.

    Fleet Escorts (EFE) are the largest of the escorts. They are primarily designed to accompany Imperial fleets. However, some classes have often been sent on independent missions - gunboat diplomacy, showing the flag, orbital support of ground operations, transport of diplomats or refugees, fleet courier operations, and even flagship duty for some smaller squadrons. An example is the P. F. Sloan class Fleet Escort.

    These are relatively low displacement vessels (1-10,000tons) designed to support larger squadrons of ships. They are typically deployed for support and play a defensive role for the formation. The usually have the jump and maneuver performance to keep pace with the capital ships with which they are assigned. They might be tasked with protecting fleet refueling, assault, or carrier operations from enemy strike elements. They are noted as necessary but not necessarily glamorous fleet assignments for officers. [2]

    • E = Escort
    • F = Fleet, Combat Support, Strategic, etc.
    Military Corvette EG Fiery class Gunned Escort None
    • E = Escort
    • G = Gunned
    Heavy Escort EH Blade class Frigate A Heavy Escort is a size-displacement category which includes vessels that weigh between 1,500 to 2,499 tons.
    • E = Escort
    • H = Heavy
    Light Escort EL Ekawsiykua class Escort A Light Escort is a size-displacement category which includes vessels that weigh between 100 to 999 tons.
    • E = Escort
    • L = Light
    Medium Escort EM Chrysanthemum class Destroyer Escort A Medium Escort is a size-displacement category which includes vessels that weigh between 1,000 to 1,499 tons.
    • E = Escort
    • M = Medium
    Sloop ES River class Sloop TBD
    • E = Escort
    • S = Sloop, Superheavy, Strike, etc.
    Superheavy Escort EU No exemplar yet available. TBD
    • E = Escort
    • U = sUperheavy
    Patrol Cruiser HT Shivva class Patrol Frigate Patrol Ships (sometimes AKA Patrol Boats) are usually smaller vessels, lightly armed or unarmed, but generally with plenty of sensors, designed to maintain order in an area of space among people and ships who are inclined to be orderly in the first place. They tend to be used for space-traffic, safety and compliance patrols in areas without a lot of armed threats; a Patrol Boat may have enough firepower to deter minor threats, but isn't usually employed in places where even minor threats are likely.
    • H = Security Vessel
    • T = paTrol
    NOTES: There is semantic overlap between many of the classes and codes. Some codes organize by mission or capability, others by size and tonnage, and yet others by other characteristics.

    History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

    Escorts are the smallest, capable warships that are still capable of viable interstellar force projection.

    Selected Variant Types & Classes[edit]

    Military Vessel - Escort - Brig:

    1. Type EB class Brig
      1. Antarian class Brig
      2. Aurgniv class Brigantine
      3. Blass class Brig
      4. Kalaron class Brig
      5. KE6 Plague class Brigantine
      6. League class Brig
      7. Rule of Man class Brig
      8. TC6 Bisak class Brigantine
      9. TC7 Tongal class Brigantine

    Military Vessel - Escort - Close Escort:

    1. Type EC class Close Escort
      1. Athune class Close Escort
      2. Breaker class Corvette
      3. Bunker class Close Escort
      4. Convoyer class Close Escort
      5. Cozzi class Corvette
      6. Durt class Escort Corvette
      7. Egek'aa class Corvette
      8. Emerald class Escort Corvette
      9. Eradicator class Escort Corvette
      10. Esqua class Escort Corvette
      11. Gazelle class Close Escort
      12. Gem class Close Escort
      13. Grisha class Corvette
      14. Hatchet class Light Corvette
      15. Hopkins class Escort Corvette
      16. Javelin class Escort Corvette
      17. Jimenez class Escort Corvette
      18. KE8 Blockade class Lancer
      19. KE9 Unleashed class Escort Corvette
      20. Kotaka class Escort Corvette
      21. Lancer class Corvette
      22. Malcolm class Corvette
      23. Mongoose class Close Escort
      24. Patrol class Close Escort
      25. Qatan class Escort Corvette
      26. Risa class Close Escort
      27. Shalis class Patrol Corvette
      28. Sieno class Close Escort
      29. Sii'kha class Escort Corvette
      30. Stalwart class Corvette
      31. Sultanhisar class Escort Corvette
      32. TC9 Forgald class Escort Corvette
      33. Toad SR7T class Yacht / Warsloop
      34. Type CE class Close Escort
      35. Type EC class Corvette
      36. Vaward class Close Escort
      37. Wasinki class Corvette
      38. Wyvern class Escort Corvette
      39. Xebec class Explorer

    Military Vessel - Escort - Line Escort:

    1. Type EE class Line Escort
      1. Estalia class Multipurpose Warship
      2. Glorious Light class Fleet Escort
      3. Grummond class Fleet Escort
      4. Intrepid class Line Escort
      5. Kite class Line Escort
      6. Nusret class Light Escort
      7. Sabre class Multipurpose Sloop
      8. Type A7 class Cruiser
      9. Warrior class Fleet Escort
      10. Windune class Sloop of the Line

    Military Vessel - Escort - Missile Escort:

    1. Type EEM class Missile Escort
      1. Admiral Gorshkov class Missile Corvette
      2. Ballista class Solar Sailor
      3. Barnard's Star class Missile Boat
      4. Berghoff class Missile Boat
      5. Black Rock class Missile Frigate
      6. C-9 class Missile Corvette
      7. Jaradin class Missile Corvette
      8. Kalaron class Missile Sloop
      9. Kyle Strum class Missile Corvette
      10. Malory Francis class Missile Corvette
      11. Richtofen class Missile Corvette
      12. Silversun class Missile Corvette
      13. Type 056 Jiangdao class Missile Corvette
      14. Type ECM class Missile Corvette
      15. Valor class Missile Corvette

    Military Ship - Warship- Destroyer Escort :

    1. Type DE class Destroyer Escort
      1. Agrippa class Destroyer Escort
      2. Aurdesko class Destroyer Escort
      3. Chrysanthemum class Destroyer Escort
      4. Fer-de-Lance class Destroyer Escort
      5. Gable class Destroyer Escort
      6. Ipltsiedle class Destroyer Escort
      7. Isokaze class Destroyer Escort
      8. Lucifer class Destroyer Escort
      9. Moshulu class Destroyer Escort
      10. Mossip class Destroyer Escort
      11. Nederland class Destroyer Escort
      12. Shamshir class Destroyer Escort
      13. Snow class Destroyer Escort
      14. Type D47 class Destroyer Escort
      15. Type HDE class Destroyer Escort
      16. Tyrian Lordship class Destroyer Escort
      17. Velroi class Escort Destroyer
      18. Zdieench class Destroyer Escort
      19. Zhdits class Destroyer Escort
      20. Zhosibadle class Destroyer Escort

    Military Vessel - Escort - Frigate:

    1. Type EF class Frigate
      1. Accel class Light Frigate
      2. Chaiik class Frigate
      3. Dead Sun class Frigate
      4. Draper class Frigate
      5. Eraser class Frigate
      6. Ghost class Frigate
      7. Hazard class Frigate
      8. Idris class Frigate
      9. KE11 Ancestor class Frigate
      10. Kinunir class Vanguard Cruiser
      11. Krivak class Frigate
      12. Last Armada class Fast Escort
      13. Leedos class Frigate
      14. Mangle class Frigate
      15. Maurus class Frigate
      16. Montgomery class Frigate
      17. Musuna class Frigate
      18. Naga class Frigate
      19. Nevato class Frigate
      20. Nonsuch class Patrol Frigate
      21. Nowa Sol class Frigate
      22. Oorlog Jacht class Frigate
      23. Pilum class Frigate
      24. Plasma Storm class Frigate
      25. Revenge War Sloop class Corvette
      26. Rr'xighik'ker class Frigate
      27. S-17r class Frigate
      28. Sardis class Frigate
      29. Se Koez class Frigate
      30. Surprise class Light Frigate
      31. Taranil class Patrol Frigate
      32. TC10 Kalsop class Frigate
      33. Type 053H Xiamen class Frigate
      34. Type G class Frigate
      35. Type VF class Frigate
      36. Uxkoong class Frigate
      37. Yubari class Frigate

    Military Vessel - Escort - Fleet Escort:

    1. Type EFE class Fleet Escort
      1. Callus Heart class Fleet Escort
      2. Delta Max class Fleet Escort
      3. Dredlezhdr class Fleet Escort
      4. Ejdle class Fleet Escort
      5. Gvurrnakhth class Fleet Escort
      6. Ietlzhdrzhdrkre class Fleet Escort
      7. Iron Boot class Fleet Escort
      8. KE10 Rapacious class Fleet Escort
      9. Type FE class Fleet Escort
      10. Zuugalish class Fleet Escort

    Military Vessel - Escort - Military Corvette:

    1. Type EG class Military Corvette
      1. Antarian class Corvette
      2. Banya class Light Fleet Corvette
      3. Berka class Heavy Fleet Corvette
      4. Fiery class Gunned Escort
      5. Flare class Gunboat
      6. Foxtrot class Corvette
      7. Gunbuster class Corvette
      8. Kalaron class Corvette
      9. KE7 Virulent class Corvette
      10. Kodan class Corvette
      11. Lakr class Corvette
      12. Lawful Means class Corvette
      13. Menace class Corvette
      14. Ming class Corvette
      15. Oegveng class Gunned Corvette
      16. Polaris class Corvette
      17. Rule of Man class Gunboat
      18. TC8 Nedric class Corvette
      19. Type RG class Assault Gunship
      20. Ueghzgi class Corvette

    Military Vessel - Escort - Heavy Escort:

    1. Type EH class Heavy Escort
      1. Analex class Heavy Brig
      2. Blade class Heavy Frigate
      3. Eslar class Heavy Frigate
      4. Hogan class Frigate
      5. Honor class Frigate
      6. Hotspur class Sloop of War
      7. Hygiea class Heavy Frigate
      8. Insanity class Sloop of War

    Military Vessel - Escort - Light Escort:

    1. Type EL class Light Escort
      1. Biter class Close Escort
      2. C-4 class Interceptor
      3. Chasseur class Close Escort
      4. Cleaver class Close Escort
      5. Edinburgh class Light Frigate
      6. Eitehr class Frigate
      7. Ekawsiykua class Escort
      8. Freya class Patrol Cutter
      9. K'Thud class Warship
      10. Kalarak class Lancer
      11. Kalaron class Escort
      12. Kearsarge class Close Escort
      13. Lancer class Light Escort
      14. Oppenheimer class Light Escort
      15. Osa class Missile Sloop
      16. Plokl class Escort
      17. Primarch class Ketch
      18. Reckless Errand class Close Escort
      19. Rift class War Galley
      20. Samardin class Patrol Sloop
      21. Sargon class Close Escort
      22. Turku class Light Escort
      23. Type 043 Yuan class Mine Countermeasure Ship
      24. Type-21 class Missile Sloop
      25. Wolf class Strike Escort
      26. Yarra class War Sloop

    Military Vessel - Escort - Medium Escort:

    1. Type EM class Medium Escort
      1. Border Prowler class Provincial Cruiser
      2. Cyclone class War Corvette
      3. Halaheike class Pocket Warship
      4. Kao Chu class Medium Escort

    Military Vessel - Escort - Sloop:

    1. Type ES class Sloop
      1. Antarian class Schooner
      2. Belton class Sampan
      3. Castle class Sloop
      4. Flower class Sloop
      5. KE4 Horde class Sloop
      6. Predator class Sloop
      7. River class Sloop
      8. Rule of Man class Schooner
      9. TC4 Attaray class Schooner
      10. TC5 Galores class Sloop
      11. Victrix class Multimission Sloop

    Military Vessel - Escort - Superheavy Escort:

    1. Type EU class Superheavy Escort
      1. Dead Sun class Frigate
      2. Dunfermline class Light Frigate
      3. Hazard class Frigate
      4. Krivak class Frigate
      5. P. F. Sloan class Fleet Escort

    Ship Summary List[edit]

    Some of the most commonly used vessels in this role or these roles include:

    32 Representative Escort (E) Classes
    Class Mission Code TL Tons Jump G Origin Canon Quick ship profile
    Class Mission Code TL Tons Jump G Origin Canon Quick ship profile
    Biter class Close Escort EL 11 500 2 2 Sword Worlds Confederation EL-ES22
    C-4 class Interceptor EL 11 300 1 4 Chanestin Kingdom No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. EL-S41
    Cerberus class Gunboat EB 12 500 3 5 Charted Space No HT-S553
    Chaiik class Frigate EF 11 800 2 6 Sath Alliance No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD
    Estalia class Multipurpose Warship EE 10 700 1 5 Caliphate of Estalia No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD
    Flare class Gunboat EG 10 300 1 6 Winston Democracy No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. EG-CS61
    Ghost class Frigate EF 14 1,000 4 6 Katowice Conquest No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. EF-KU64
    Hotspur class Sloop of War EH 12 2,000 2 5 Unity of Sed No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD
    Hygiea class Heavy Frigate EH 12 2,000 3 6 Sorority of Hygiea No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD
    Insanity class Sloop of War EH 11 1,600 2 6 Solomani Confederation No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD
    K'Thud class Warship EL 9 700 1 1 Akras No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. EL-GU11
    Kalarak class Lancer ELM 9 200 1 1 Union of Garth No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD
    KE11c Ancestor class Frigate EF 12 1,100 3 6 Korsumug Empire No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. EF-LS63
    KE6c Plague class Brigantine EB 12 600 3 4 Korsumug Empire EB-6P43
    KE9c Unleashed class Escort Corvette EC 12 900 3 5 Korsumug Empire No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. EC-S953
    Kinunir class Vanguard Cruiser EF 15 1,200 4 4 Third Imperium Yes. Published, canon starship design. EF-MU44
    Kodan class Corvette EG 15 700 4 6 Third Imperium No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. EG-GU64
    Kodan class Corvette EG 15 700 4 6 Third Imperium No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. EG-GU64
    Leedos class Frigate EF 11 1,200 2 6 Yimin Jiti No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. FG-MS62
    Mongoose class Close Escort EC 12 300 2 5 Sudi Verisian Navy No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD
    Musuna class Frigate EF 11 2,000 2 2 High Senate No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD
    Phoebe class Armored Escort EB 12 600 3 4 Charted Space No EB-6P43
    Sii'kha class Escort Corvette ECE 11 400 2 6 Sath Alliance No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD
    Sirocco Converge class Attack Boat E 9 3,000 0 6 Uffan Strategic Space Forces No information yet available.
    Sirocco Converge class Attack Boat E 9 3,000 0 6 Uffan Strategic Space Forces No information yet available.
    Taranil class Patrol Frigate EF 10 1,600 1 1 Maujen Defense Bureau No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD
    TC5 Galores class Sloop ES 11 500 2 4 Trooles Confederation No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. ES-5S42
    TC6 Bisak class Brigantine EB 11 600 2 2 Trooles Confederation No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. EB-6S22
    TC6 Bisak class Brigantine EB 11 600 2 2 Trooles Confederation No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. EB-6S22
    Turku class Light Escort EL 12 400 3 5 The Reach No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD
    Type A7 class Cruiser EE 13 1,000 3 3 Droyne Oytrip Yatroy Yes. Published, canon starship design. EE-KU33
    Yarostnaya Ataka class Combat Sloop E 10 200 1 5 Maujen Defense Bureau TBD

    5 Representative Brigantine (EB) Classes
    Class Mission Code TL Tons Jump G Origin Canon Quick ship profile
    Class Mission Code TL Tons Jump G Origin Canon Quick ship profile
    Cerberus class Gunboat EB 12 500 3 5 Charted Space No HT-S553
    KE6c Plague class Brigantine EB 12 600 3 4 Korsumug Empire EB-6P43
    Phoebe class Armored Escort EB 12 600 3 4 Charted Space No EB-6P43
    TC6 Bisak class Brigantine EB 11 600 2 2 Trooles Confederation No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. EB-6S22
    TC6 Bisak class Brigantine EB 11 600 2 2 Trooles Confederation No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. EB-6S22

    3 Representative Close Escort / Escort Corvette (EC) Classes
    Class Mission Code TL Tons Jump G Origin Canon Quick ship profile
    Class Mission Code TL Tons Jump G Origin Canon Quick ship profile
    KE9c Unleashed class Escort Corvette EC 12 900 3 5 Korsumug Empire No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. EC-S953
    Mongoose class Close Escort EC 12 300 2 5 Sudi Verisian Navy No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD
    Sii'kha class Escort Corvette ECE 11 400 2 6 Sath Alliance No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD

    2 Representative Line / Multipurpose Escort (EE) Classes
    Class Mission Code TL Tons Jump G Origin Canon Quick ship profile
    Class Mission Code TL Tons Jump G Origin Canon Quick ship profile
    Estalia class Multipurpose Warship EE 10 700 1 5 Caliphate of Estalia No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD
    Type A7 class Cruiser EE 13 1,000 3 3 Droyne Oytrip Yatroy Yes. Published, canon starship design. EE-KU33

    0 Representative Missile Escort (EEM) Classes
    No results

    7 Representative Frigate (EF) Classes
    Class Mission Code TL Tons Jump G Origin Canon Quick ship profile
    Class Mission Code TL Tons Jump G Origin Canon Quick ship profile
    Chaiik class Frigate EF 11 800 2 6 Sath Alliance No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD
    Ghost class Frigate EF 14 1,000 4 6 Katowice Conquest No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. EF-KU64
    KE11c Ancestor class Frigate EF 12 1,100 3 6 Korsumug Empire No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. EF-LS63
    Kinunir class Vanguard Cruiser EF 15 1,200 4 4 Third Imperium Yes. Published, canon starship design. EF-MU44
    Leedos class Frigate EF 11 1,200 2 6 Yimin Jiti No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. FG-MS62
    Musuna class Frigate EF 11 2,000 2 2 High Senate No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD
    Taranil class Patrol Frigate EF 10 1,600 1 1 Maujen Defense Bureau No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD

    0 Representative Fleet Escort (EFE) Classes
    No results

    3 Representative Military Corvette (EG) Classes
    Class Mission Code TL Tons Jump G Origin Canon Quick ship profile
    Class Mission Code TL Tons Jump G Origin Canon Quick ship profile
    Flare class Gunboat EG 10 300 1 6 Winston Democracy No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. EG-CS61
    Kodan class Corvette EG 15 700 4 6 Third Imperium No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. EG-GU64
    Kodan class Corvette EG 15 700 4 6 Third Imperium No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. EG-GU64

    3 Representative Heavy Escort (EH) Classes
    Class Mission Code TL Tons Jump G Origin Canon Quick ship profile
    Class Mission Code TL Tons Jump G Origin Canon Quick ship profile
    Hotspur class Sloop of War EH 12 2,000 2 5 Unity of Sed No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD
    Hygiea class Heavy Frigate EH 12 2,000 3 6 Sorority of Hygiea No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD
    Insanity class Sloop of War EH 11 1,600 2 6 Solomani Confederation No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD

    5 Representative Light Escort (EL) Classes
    Class Mission Code TL Tons Jump G Origin Canon Quick ship profile
    Class Mission Code TL Tons Jump G Origin Canon Quick ship profile
    Biter class Close Escort EL 11 500 2 2 Sword Worlds Confederation EL-ES22
    C-4 class Interceptor EL 11 300 1 4 Chanestin Kingdom No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. EL-S41
    K'Thud class Warship EL 9 700 1 1 Akras No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. EL-GU11
    Kalarak class Lancer ELM 9 200 1 1 Union of Garth No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD
    Turku class Light Escort EL 12 400 3 5 The Reach No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD

    0 Representative Medium Escort (EM) Classes
    No results

    1 Representative Sloop (ES) Classes
    Class Mission Code TL Tons Jump G Origin Canon Quick ship profile
    Class Mission Code TL Tons Jump G Origin Canon Quick ship profile
    TC5 Galores class Sloop ES 11 500 2 4 Trooles Confederation No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. ES-5S42

    0 Representative Superheavy Escort (EU) Classes
    No results

    0 Representative Destroyer Escort (DE) Classes
    No results

    7 Representative Patrol Cruiser (HT) Classes
    Class Mission Code TL Tons Jump G Origin Canon Quick ship profile
    Class Mission Code TL Tons Jump G Origin Canon Quick ship profile
    KE5 Cataclysm class Patrol Boat HT 10 500 1 5 Korsumug Empire No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. HT-TBD
    KE5 Cataclysm class Patrol Boat HT 10 500 1 5 Korsumug Empire No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. HT-TBD
    KE5 Cataclysm class Patrol Boat HT 10 500 1 5 Korsumug Empire No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. HT-TBD
    Shivva class Patrol Frigate HTP 13 600 4 2 Zhodani Consulate Yes. Published, canon starship design. HTP-FS24
    Shivva class Patrol Frigate HTP 13 600 4 2 Zhodani Consulate Yes. Published, canon starship design. HTP-FS24
    Xadis class Patrol Ship HTP 11 200 2 2 High Senate No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD
    Xadis class Patrol Ship HTP 11 200 2 2 High Senate No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD

    References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

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    This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.