Zhodani Consulate

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Library Data Milieu 1116 


The Zhodani give the name Driantia Zhdantia to their interstellar community. The name is commonly translated in Anglic as Zhodani Consulate.

  • Please see Zhodani for more information.

Astronavigational Codes[edit]

A standardized system of astronavigational codes have been used within and without the Zhodani Consulate over its history.

Polity Astronavigational Codes
Polity Survey Code Type Notes
Zhodani Consulate Pre-Imperial ZhCo No standard code None
Zhodani Consulate 1st Survey (300) Zh 2-ltr code None
Zhodani Consulate 2nd Survey (1065) ZhCo 4-ltr code None
Zhodani Consulate

Client State

2nd Survey (1065) CsZh 4-ltr code Some suspect the consulate of using Client States to help vent societal dissent.

Province Codes[edit]

The Zhodani Consulate possesses nine core provinces in 1116.

Province Astronavigational Codes
# Province Date Code Type Notes
1. Province of Chtierabl (1116) ZhCh No standard code Founded in ?.
  • Further remarks...
2. Province of Iabrensh (1116) ZhIa 4-ltr code Founded in ?.
  • Further remarks...
3. Province of Iadr Nsobl (1116) ZhIN 4-ltr code Founded in ?.
  • Further remarks...
4. Province of Jadlapriants (1116) ZhJa 4-ltr code Founded in ?.
  • Further remarks...
5. Province of Meqlemianz (1116) ZhMe 4-ltr code Founded in ?.
  • Further remarks...
6. Province of Obrefripl (1116) ZhOb 4-ltr code Founded in ?.
  • Further remarks...
7. Province of Shtochiadr (1116) ZhSh 4-ltr code Founded in ?.
  • Further remarks...
8. Province of Vlanchiets Qlom (1116) ZhVl


4-ltr code Founded in ?.
  • Further remarks...
9. Province of Colonnade (1116) ZhCa 4-ltr code Founded in ?.
  • Further remarks...

Description (Specifications)[edit]

No information yet available.

A. Goals: 1116[edit]

The primary goals of the Zhodani Consulate are to:

  1. Preserve the Zhodani Psionic Society.
  2. Promote prosperity, happiness, and stability within the Zhodani Consulate.
  3. Encourage and promote the use of Psionics throughout charted space.

B. Symbols: 1116[edit]

  • Consulate Leader: Triumvirate
  • Leadership Home: Grand Forum of the Qlomdlabr
  • Consulate Emblem: Zhodani Triskelon
  • Consulate Anthem: Unknown
  • Consulate Flag: Triskelonic Pendant
  • Consulate Architecture: Unknown
  • Consulate Executive: Qlomdlabr
  • Consulate Legislature: Consulate
  • Consulate Judiciary: Tavrchedl'
  • Consulate Currency: Unknown
  • Consulate Color: Zhodani Blue
  • Consulate Creature: Unknown
  • Consulate Founder: Unknown
  • Consulate Language: Zdetl
  • Consulate Literature: Unknown
  • Consulate Motto: "The Zhodani mind has limitless potential."
  • Consulate Sport: Psionic Games

C. Polity Quick Facts: 1116[edit]

The following overview is available of this polity:

  • Astrography: This polity is located over 8 provinces (Sectors) and 175 subsectors.
  • Astrography: It is located spinward and coreward of the Third imperium.
  • Astrography: This polity is estimated to have about 6,500 world/s and system/s.
  • Capital: The capital of Zhodani Consulate is at Zhdant (Zhodane 2719).
  • Population: This polity is estimated to have a population of 8,065,256 (millions).
  • Population: The most numerous race/s of this polity are: Zhodani members of Humaniti
  • Economy: The economic output (gross product) of this polity is estimated at 47,474,721 (BCr).
  • Economy: The per capita earning of inhabitants in this polity is estimated at 5,886 (Cr).
  • Economy: The resources available in this polity are estimated at 6,365,679 (RU).
  • Economy: The shipyard capacity of this polity is estimated at 8,720 (Mtons)
  • Economy: The Starport Authority population is estimated at 23,719,690 (employees).
  • Military: The armed forces of this polity are estimated at 464,924.80 (BEs).
  • Technology: Most Zhodani worlds are TL 7-11 averaging TL 9-10.
  • Technology: The highest attainable technology level of this polity is estimated at TL-15.
  • Technology: Technology level research in this polity is working towards mastering TL-16.

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

The Zhodani date their empire from the traditional date of the first organized use of psionics on Zhodane, -6731 Imperial, the year of the first olympiad.

  • They achieved jump drive about 1,300 years later, in -5415 Imperial.
  • The expansion of the Zhodani was gradual and uneventful.
  • Although some states on the fringe resisted absorption into the Consulate, most were annexed peacefully.

Political Lineage (1116)[edit]

The Consulate keeps a generally quiet presence throughout Charted Space.

  • Few realize that the modern Zhodani state predates all of the other human major race polities and many of the non-Human ones as well. For instance, the Ziru Sirka was founded considerably after the Consulate, and it has already collapsed and been succeeded several times.
  • And unlike others, the Consulate has remained stable for thousands of years. The Zhodani culture is largely peaceful and allows for non-violent transitions of power. Few other polities can compare to such a lineage.


Ordered List:

  1. Viepchakliashtie Empire (Balkanized Zhdant)
  2. Zhdant World-State
  3. Pre-foundational Zhodani Interstellar State
  4. Zhodani Consulate

Demographics: 1116[edit]

Significant populations of the following sophont races reside within or nearby this polity:


  • Terragens (Non-human Terran races)

History-Era: Milieu 1100[edit]

No information yet available.

Consulate-Imperium Conflicts (589 to 1110)[edit]

The Third Imperium and Consulate have been involved in a number of conflicts with one another including the following:

  • 1. First Frontier War: The Zhodani first came into conflict with the expanding Third Imperium in the 6th century of the present era.
    • The First Frontier War (589 - 604) marked the beginning of open hostilities, involving all eight coreward subsectors, and lasting for fifteen years.
  • 3. Third Frontier War: The Third Frontier War in (979-986) was also a concerted campaign by the Zhodani to expand into the Spinward Marches. Many Imperials consider the second and third frontier wars to be the same conflict. The Zhodani aren't saying one way or another.
    • Mishandling of the Third Frontier War caused the abdication of Emperor Styryx in 989.
  • 4. Fourth Frontier War: The Fourth Frontier War was little more than a skirmish, compared to earlier conflicts. Neither side was prepared for the war, and an armistice was quickly worked out.
    • The only lasting effect of the war was to shift Esalin (Spinward Marches 0204) from Imperial control to neutral world status.
  • 5. Fifth Frontier War: Latest in the series of Frontier Wars between the Zhodani and the Imperium.
    • Following several years of unrest and provocation, Zhodani forces attacked across the Imperial borders while previously placed guerrillas on selected Imperial worlds began uprisings.
    • Vargr and Sword World forces allied with the Zhodani also participated in the attacks.
    • The armistice, signed in 1110, resulted in the loss of no worlds to the hostiles and returned to the status quo.
    • Please see Fifth Frontier War for more information.

Major Historical Events Timeline: 1116[edit]

These are some of the more important historical events that have affected this polity:

Government & Politics (Leadership)[edit]

The Consulate is defined by its three-tier class system: Proles, Intendants, and Nobles. Proles are not citizens, but have legal rights guaranteed by the higher classes, whose authority is justified by greater psionic potential.

Overview: 1116[edit]

The Zhodani Consulate is characterized as having a high degree of centralization, which sets uniform policies that direct the entire multi-system state and disregards local/planetary differences. The Zhodani Consulate government is usually classified as a Democratic Republic, a form of a Unitary State.

  • The Zhodani Consulate is a democracy and specifically a Democratic Republic. Representatives (called consuls) are elected to ruling councils for one olympiad, with those councils responsible for specific responsibilities within the government. Members of the councils are also given the authority to carry out their programs and orders.

Internal Politics: 1116[edit]

On the surface and to outsiders, the Zhodani often seem to be a very serene and non-argumentative people. Little dissent occurs and few arguments are ever observed until... One begins to attend Supreme Council, where plenty of disagreements and arguments occur with great regularity. The Zhodani are not ones to regularly raise their voices or stomp their feet, but the higher classes certainly argue, even if they do it in a measured, formulaic fashion. A number of political factions, at odds with one another, exist; however, as a society, the Zhodani are able to stay remarkably united in goal and purpose, much more so than other human states. The absolute truth of this can perhaps be disputed, but probably not by the Zhodani!

Zhodani Political Factions[edit]

The nobles elected to the Supreme Council and lower councils are grouped into various factions.

  • Other factions exist although these six are the largest and most powerful interest groups.
Zhodani Political Factions
Faction Central
Anti-Imperialist Party Anti-Imperial Psionics xeno-propagation Colonization Anti-Imperialists are opposed to the Third Imperium as being inherently inimical to the existance of the Consulate, meaning Imperial power should be contained if the Imperium itself cannot be driven out of the Spinward Marches.
  • They believe in covertly destabilizing the Imperium while cultivating allies around the Imperium to contain it.
  • Their efforts to expand the Consulate into Tloql Sector have yielded mixed results.
  • However, their efforts to destabilize the Imperium have yielded subtle results that many think have been incredibly effective.
Colonialist Party Territorial expansion Psionics xeno-suppression Colonization Colonialists believe, like the Expansionists, that the Consulate should expand its borders, although the Colonialists want to expand the Zhodani borders into uninhabited solar systems and onto new planets.
  • They believe in a strong program of colonization and expansion away from Charted Space.
  • Unlike the Expansionists, the Colonialists do not necessarily desire or want to give foreign populations outside the Consulate the benefits of psionics.
Conservative Party Territorial consolidation Psionics xeno-propagation Anti-Colonization
  • Consulate self-defense
Conservatives believe the Consulate has already reached its natural size and generally oppose expansion of its borders.
  • They believe in consolidating Zhodani territory and strengths against an impending disaster prophesized by Zhodani precognitive forecasting.
  • They have been reforming antiquated Zhodani institutions and greatly increasing the efficiency of the civil service.
Destinarian Party Core Expedition promotion Psionics xeno-propagation Colonization Destinarians emphasize the importance of the Core Expeditions.
  • They believe in a strong program of colonization and expansion away from Charted Space.
  • Destinarians are a very spiritual faction and their experiments into expanded consciousness, relativistic manipulation, and macro-social control are very promising.
  • The Core Expeditions have had wildly successful results beyond imagination.
  • Some observers believe that some sort of secret goal underlies the Core Expeditions.
Expansionist Party Territorial expansion Psionics xeno-propagation Colonization Expansionists believe the Consulate should continue to expand its borders so Humaniti and other races can receive the benefits of psionics.
  • They believe in a patient and unrelenting program of colonization and expansion into Charted Space.
  • They were making considerable progress until the Psionics Suppressions occurred.
  • They believe in a strong program of colonization and expansion into Charted Space.
Progressive Party Psionics demo-propagation Psionics xeno-suppression Anti-Colonization
  • Social de-stratification
Progressives believe that more proles should receive psionic training and promotion to the intendant class.
  • They are social reformers and have noted the decreasing numbers of higher classes and a need to de-stratify Zhodani society to build more strength and psionic numbers.
  • Their programs have already shown the viability of widespread psionic training and they estimate that well over 95% of the population could be trained to psionic ability with a program of social inculcation, advanced training, and geneering.
  • They are focused away from territorial expansion, colonization or interstellar relations, a sort of isolationism.
Citizenship & Representation[edit]

In Zhodani society, citizenship and the right to vote is restricted to the Nobility.

  • Proles and Intendants cannot vote, although they can express their opinions to the Nobility and attempt to lobby or persuade Consuls to specific courses of action.
  • The Zhodani government consists of the following levels of representation:
Zhodani Representation
Name Level Synopsis & Remarks
Council of Ten (Community)
  • (Sub-planetary)
  • (Lowest)
Each community (generally defined as around 50,000 people) elects a council of ten.
  • The local council selects two of its members to serve on the next highest council, generally the world council.
World Council (Planetary) The World council elects two members to the Subsector council.
Subsector Council (Subsector) The subsector council, in turn, elects two members to the Province council.
Provincial Council (Province) The Province councils then each select two of their members to serve on the Qlomdlabr or "Supreme Council" which makes decisions regarding the entire Consulate.
  • Please note that what the Zhodani refer to as a province is comparable to something between an Imperial Sector and an Imperial Domain.
Supreme Council


(Supreme Council)
  • (Highest)
  • (Supra-polity)
The members of a council at any level are called Consuls, and are properly refered to by their level on consulative representation and the title of "Consul."
  • e.g. A Consul of a World council would be properly refered to as a "Planetary Consul." A member of the Qlomdlabr is known as a "Supreme Consul."
  • In common usage, all consuls are simply referred to as "consuls" regardless of their level of representation.

Interstellar Relations: 1116[edit]

This polity conducts diplomacy and maintains active relations with other interstellar powers. Zhodani interstellar relations are, for the most part, an enigma. Zhodani society and culture is simply vastly different to Solomani, Vilani, or even Imperial ideas about the function of ego, ambition, and government. When the Zhodani go to war, their motives often do not seem to obey the customs of realpolitik, and what the Zhodani do during times of peace, is almost entirely confusing to Imperials or Solomani. Whatever they do, the Zhodani are well-planned and organized with a definite, if very mysterious, agenda.

  • The Zhodani maintain embassies and cultural exchange with any state or polity willing to communicate and who are not aggressively and violently hostile... And even then, the Zhodani will sometimes negotiate with such parties.

The Consulate maintains diplomatic relations with all of the major powers, including:

Allied Powers: 1116[edit]

Positive relations exist with the following other polities:

Neutral States: 1116[edit]

Neutral relations exist with the following other polities:

Enemy Powers: 1116[edit]

Negative relations exist with the following other polities:

Member States: 1116[edit]

The following states have acquiesced part of their sovereignty, thus forming sub-polities, to this supra-polity:

Government Structure: 1116[edit]

Executive and judicial functions are performed by a series of councils of varying sizes depending upon the nature of their duties and the size of the area they govern. Each council elects one of its number as chief executive officer, and a number of its members as delegates to the next higher council.

The basic structure of the government is:

  • Qlomdlabr (Supreme Executive of the Zhodani Executive Branch)
    • Zhodani Judicial branch
    • Zhodani Legislative Branch
      • Province Council (Preqlainz or Sector Council)
        • Subsector Council
          • Planetary Council (World Council)
            • City Council
              • Community Council

A. Executive Branch: 1116[edit]

Qlomdlabr (Supreme Executive): The ultimate ruling authority of the Zhodani Consulate is the Qlomdlabr or "Supreme Council." Unlike other councils, where newly elected members replace incumbents, the Supreme Council consists of two groups - the standing council (composed of conventionally elected counculs), and senior members (composed of all former members of the standing council).

Senior members of the council are an advisory body; they provide experience and advise the standing council. Senior members are often offered specific projects to oversee to completion.

Executive power for the Zhodani Consulate is vested in three consuls, one elected each year for a term of one Olympiad by and from the members of the Grand Council. No consul may be elected twice in succession, and retired consuls become life members of the Grand Council.

  • The ultimate ruling authority of the Zhodani Consulate is the Qlomdlabr; the Zhodani Supreme Council. Unlike other councils, where newly elected members replace incumbents, the Supreme Council consists of two groups - the standing council (composed of conventionally elected councils), and senior members (composed of all former members of the standing council).
  • See Grand Council for more information.

B. Legislative Branch: 1116[edit]

Legislative power in the Zhodani Consulate is vested in representatives, called Consuls, are elected to ruling councils for one olympiad, with those councils responsible for specific responsibilities within the government. Members of the councils are also given the authority to carry out their programs and orders.

  • Citizenship, and thus the right to vote), in Zhodani society is restricted to the Nobility.
  • Proles and Intendants cannot vote, although they can express their opinions to the Nobility and attempt to lobby or persuade Consuls to specific courses of action.
  • (Legislative) Councils
    • A city council will elect a number of its members as representatives to a planetary council, and so on up the line through subsector and sector to the Grand Council of the Zhodani.
    • Nominally, each member of a council serves for one Olympiad (three Zhodani years), but in practice, each councilor serves until his replacement arrives and replaces him officially, or until word of his re-election to another term is received.
    • Often times, the district from which a councilor is elected will have only his relatives as voters, and his re-election is virtually assured.
    • Standard practice (when possible) calls for Zhodani councils to submit important questions to a plebiscite of those affected. The principle can be suspended where immediate action is required, but the official, ordering the action, stands responsible to the voters and must justify his actions as soon as possible.

Council Levels (...from lowest to highest):

  • 6. Community Council
Each community (generally defined as around 50,000 people) elects a council of ten.
  • 5. City Council
The local council selects two of its members to serve on the next highest council, generally the world council.
  • 4. Planetary Council (World Council)
The World council elects two members to the Subsector council, who in turn elects two members to the Province council.
  • 3. Subsector Council
The Subsector Council selects two of their members to serve on the Province Council.
  • 2. Province Council (Preqlainz or Sector Council)
The Province (Sector) Councils then each select two of their members to serve on the Grand Council (Qlomdlabr or Supreme Council).
Also called the Qlomdlabr, the Grand Council is the supreme ruling body of the Zhodani Consulate, elected by Zhodani nobles indirectly via a series of councils.
The Supreme Council consists of two groups:
- Sub. 1. Standing Council, composed of conventionally elected councils.
- Sub. 2. Senior Member Council, composed of all former members of the standing council.
- See Qlomdlabr for more information.

C. Judicial Branch: 1116[edit]

Legislative power in the Zhodani Consulate is vested in a series of councils of varying sizes depending upon the nature of their duties and the size of the area they govern. Each council elects one of its number as chief executive officer, and a number of its members as delegates to the next higher council.

  • Standard practice (when possible) calls for Zhodani councils to submit important questions to a plebiscite of those affected. The principle can be suspended where immediate action is required, but the official, ordering the action, stands responsible to the voters and must justify his actions as soon as possible.

Typically, Zhodani society does not expect violence or dishonesty, and most of its enforcement apparatus is devoted to annual check-ups of individual attitudes. Each prole has a caseworker who maintains a file and performs an annual check-up for correct attitudes, as well as feeling for any problems or situations in need of assistance.

Foundations of Zhodani Law & Order
Premise Synopsis Remarks
Precognitive Crime Control Because of the Enforcers' psionic talents, it is possible to detect intentions of a criminal nature before the crime actually occurs, and even intent is considered criminal under Zhodani law. Those crimes which do occur are more often crimes of passion, or derangement. For example, two merchants may honestly disagree on some point of commerce, and it is possible that in their frustration, they may come to blows. This is a crime of passion, not premeditated, and easily resolved by an arbitrator. Or an individual may feel for some reason oppressed by the tasks or responsibilities expected of him, and crack under the strain. Suddenly and unpredictably, he becomes violent and must be restrained by the enforcers.
Crime & Psionic Law Enforcement Enforcement agents find it relatively easy to apprehend criminals, and they are re-educated to more honest values. Within the Zhodani Consulate, crime takes on a different guise than it has in other Human societies. Willful crime by Proles is easily detected and dealt with, and as a result, occurs only infrequently, Any burglar broadcasts his intentions before the fact, and can be detected after the fact as well.
Security & Trust Because of the basic openness and honesty of the Zhodani, the arrangements for security are often minimal. Locks on doors are simple if present at all.
  • Walls and structures are built for protection against the elements rather than against criminal penetration.
  • Even re-education centers (...there are no prisons to speak of) have only loose security arrangements.

D. Bureaucracy: 1116[edit]

The Zhodani way of life primarily functions largely through the employment of:

Zhodani Law Enforcement Officers The Zhodani maintain two main types of police (law enforcement) officers:
Institution Synopsis Remarks
Zhodani Enforcers (Street Police) Enforcers within the community enforce traffic regulations, arbitrate disputes, and watch for disturbances. These enforcers are similar to police, but can detect problem situations in the course of their patrols.
Tavrchedl' (Thought Police) or

"Guardians of Our Morality"

The Tavrchedl are the Zhodani "Thought Police", and are a policing (law enforcement) branch of the Zhodani Government. The Tavrchedl' also function as a paramilitary branch of the Zhodani Consulate Combined Interstellar Forces.
  • This organization is staffed by Intendants and Nobles, and is charged with maintaining correct thought within the population. They are constantly on the alert for aberrant thought. When detected, they home in on its source, apprehend the individual, and take him to a re-education center. There, at a re-education center, psionics are used to monitor the progress of re-education and the individual remains in custody until corrected.
  • To an Imperial it would be easy to look upon the Thought Police as a sort of secret police oppressing the masses. To the Zhodani, this is not the case. They are instead a respected community service. Even its clients feel relieved after being located and assisted back to normalcy. That, of course, is how they are supposed to feel.
  • Some call them "spooks."

E. Military: 1116[edit]

The military of this polity is subordinate to the civil executive of this polity.

Military & Intelligence (Force Projection)[edit]

The Zhodani Military is formally known as the Zhodani Consulate Combined Interstellar Forces, and is one of the most potent militaries in known space.

  • The Zhodani Military maintains both a formal, standing army of active service, the Zhodani Consulate Combined Interstellar Forces, as well as a reserve system, the Zhodani Consulate Auxiliary Guard, of auxiliary military forces for call-up upon need.
  • Nobles and Intendants serve as officers, in most command positions, while Proles overwhelmingly form enlisted rank and file, who mostly serve as combat arms (infantry) and in support roles (logistics, maintenance, etc.).
  • Please see Zhodani Consulate Combined Interstellar Forces for more information.

A. Ground Forces: 1116[edit]

The Zhodani maintain well-trained and supplied armies and navies of considerable size.

B. Naval Forces: 1116[edit]

The Zhodani maintain well-trained and supplied armies and navies of considerable size.

The Zhodani do not have an Xboat system.

  • Naval bases are directly linked by relay stations using fast couriers that also carry government mail.
  • The equivalent of scout bases are simply naval bases that are oriented toward supporting survey or exploration operations.
  • Please see Zhodani Navy for more information.

C. Special Forces: 1116[edit]

Zhodani Consular Guard: The premier military unit of the Zhodani military is the Consular Guard, a corps of psionically-trained troops with the near-unique ability to psionically teleport beyond enemy lines or straight into the vulnerable nodes in their enemy's military forces.

  • The Consular Guard is an elite force serving the same role as special forces, commandos, veteran or other specialized troops in other militaries. Consular Guard units are fully the equivalent of the Third Imperium's Imperial Marines, and like the Marines specialize in first response with their own dedicated military transport, potent well-equipped logistics, and organic combat support at all levels (air defense, artillery, communications, etc.). A Consular Guard force can quickly deploy, arrive at a combat zone, and engage the enemy.
  • The Consular Guard is mostly staffed by Nobles and Intendants, limiting its size. Strict training requirements (...including the achievement of very high physical, mental and pisonic fitness levels), fewer than one in three graduate from Consular Guard training, is also a size-limiting factor. The ZSNLF serve as the fleet's elite ship borne forces, each corvette and frigate has a squad with some drones and warbots.
  • The Third Imperium's Imperial Marines have most often been the Consular Guard's most competent enemy and common foe. The rivalry between the two forces is well known.

D. Paramilitary Forces: 1116[edit]

Tavrchedl' Paramilitary: As a Zhodani para-military organization, the Tavrchedl' serves several roles supportive of the military in peacetime, and as a military government on occupied worlds (...until they can be absorbed into the Zhodani Consulate) during wartime.

  • The Tavrchedl' are also charged with locating and removing agents of external powers from the Zhodani Consulate.
  • During the Frontier Wars, the Thought Police were responsible for the administration of occupied Imperial worlds. Zhodani military governments are concerned primarily with maintaining a safe and docile population, and proven methods of achieving such a condition include some brutal exploits to prove they are serious, followed by inclusion of locals into the governing process.
  • Apprehended suspects (people) often receive a quick re-education and then take their position with sincerity and dedication to the Zhodani cause. To the rest of the population, the individual appears to be brainwashed or coerced.
  • Please see Tavrchedl' for more information.

E. Intelligence Agencies: 1116[edit]

Tozjabr military intelligence AKA Zhodani Consular Intelligence Service.

SORAG Intelligence Service[edit]

(Non-canon) SORAG is a sort of unofficial intelligence service for the Zhodani Consulate. The stated purpose of SORAG is to observe the progress of emerging interstellar societies, using overt surveillance methods. While SORAG officially uses overt intelligence gathering methods, many believe that covert intelligence gathering methods are also used, if not in a deniable fashion. SORAG is not directly affiliated with any military organization.

  • Please see SORAG for more information. This material has been declared non-canonical by Marc Miller.

Technology & Trade (Economy)[edit]

No information yet available.

Technology Timeline: 1116[edit]

A rough timeline of technological achievement is as follows:

  • TBD

Interstellar Commerce: 1116[edit]

No information yet available.

Corporation Listing: 1116[edit]

The following businesses operate out of or within this polity:

Interstellar Currency & Finance: 1116[edit]

No information yet available.

Research & Technology: 1116[edit]

  • Zhodani Communication (Fast Courier) Command: The Zhodani do not have an Xboat system. Naval bases are directly linked by relay stations using fast couriers that also carry government mail. Naval bases and depots exist on important or threatened worlds.
  • Zhodani Exploration & Survey Authority (Naval Sub-branch): The equivalent of scout bases are simply naval bases that are oriented toward supporting survey or exploration operations.

Calendar & Timekeeping (Chronology)[edit]

Zhodani Calendar

Timekeeping Basic Units[edit]

No information yet available.

Mathematics: 1116[edit]

The majority of the Zhodani Consulate has standardized on a Base-10 system of mathematics, including mathematical logic, arithmetic, statistics, particle mechanics, and other branches of mathematics.

Sciences: 1116[edit]

The majority of the Consulate possess an advanced knowledge of the sciences that includes:

  • A formalized method of scientific inquiry.
  • Zhodane (planetary) and Space sciences, including astronomy, cosmology, and geosciences.
  • Social sciences, including psychology and sociology.
  • Life sciences, including biology.
  • Physical sciences, including chemistry and physics.
  • Formal sciences, including mathematics and logic.
Zhodani World Classification[edit]

The Zhodani have a formal system of planet classification:

  • Forbidden (Interdicted) Worlds: (...equivalent to Imperial Red Zones) have access prohibited by the Consulate. Some examples of forbidden worlds include:
    • Ancient sites
    • Most military sites of the Zhodani Consulate Combined Interstellar Forces including bases, depots, and the like.
    • Military training grounds
    • Planetary bombardment test ranges
    • All Intelligence facilties
    • Secret Consular research stations
    • Many elite training centers for Psionics
    • Interdicted worlds
    • Extremely hostile or dangerous sophonts and/or cultures
    • Sources of rare or valuable resources
  • Unabsorbed (Sequestered) Worlds: (...equivalent to Amber Zones) are claimed and governed by the Consulate but not absorbed into the mainstream Zhodani culture. Essentially they are permanently unabsorbed worlds. Reasons for a world to be dsignated as unabsorbed include:
    • Hostile or dangerous lifeforms (creatures)
    • Hostile or dangerous sophonts and/or cultures (minor races)
    • By request of a sophont culture and/or society (minor races)
    • Biological Quarantines (Plague or contagious pathogens)
    • Dangerous environments (Exotic, insidious, and/or corrosive atmospheres)
    • Highly vulcanistic worlds (Dangerously worlds of high geological activity: Volcanos, lava, acidic seas, etc.)
  • Reservation (Circumscribed) Worlds: (...equivalent to Amber Zones) belong to friendly non-Human races that have signed binding treaties with the Consulate. Another possibility for reservations include areas of ecological or scientific importance. Some of these areas might include:
    • Friendly sophontic races with binding treaties
    • Garden worlds containing suspected biorganic treasures (New medicines, foodstuffs, etc.)
    • Worlds containing source materials for the manufacture of Anagathics
  • Zhodani (Mainstream) Worlds: (...equivalent to Green Zones) are astrographic locations over which the Zhodani Consulate holds sovereignty (control) and are considered accessible to the public. These worlds include the vast majority of the Zhodani Consulate including nearly all highly-populated worlds that conduct trade and/or interstellar commerce. Some of these worlds include:

Trade Routes (Economic Astrography)[edit]

The following astrographic features and trade routes can be found within this polity:

Mains, Branches & Arms[edit]

  • No information yet available.

Clusters & Traces[edit]

  • No information yet available.

Rifts, Voids & Jump Bridges[edit]

  • No information yet available.

Other Astrographic Features[edit]

  • No information yet available.

Worlds & Provinces (Political Astrography)[edit]

The Zhodani Consulate is divided into eight preqlainz (provinces), also known as sectors outside the Consulate.

  • Provinces (sectors) are an intermediate level between the Sector Council and the Supreme Council on Zhdant.
  • Zhodani Provinces do not follow the grid-like system that Domains do in the Imperium.

Capital/s: 1116[edit]

The capital of this polity is located on this world:

World Listing: 1116[edit]

The following systems and worlds can be found within this polity:

200 of 684 World articles in Zhodani Consulate
A'ie Jelde  •  Aazhia  •  Ababl (Zi 0407)  •  Abajiachiats  •  Abrjdepl  •  Abrzhdedl  •  Ache  •  Achiatlie  •  Addax  •  Adl  •  Adltsap  •  Adrablsish  •  Adrazhiaql  •  Adrdochdachia  •  Aekoblprebr  •  Aeprzhdaziepr  •  Aflebshaql  •  Afltibr  •  Afrria  •  Afrzhal  •  Aiak  •  Ail Ashe  •  Ajadnench  •  Ajdemch  •  Akzdedriats  •  Al  •  Alenzh  •  Alepzdibia  •  Amaxu  •  Anchief  •  Anchiefl  •  Anchish Riatl  •  Anjazolvliad  •  Anshdem  •  Ants  •  Anzchiefr  •  Ao-dai  •  Apla  •  Apllestenzh  •  Aqsha  •  Arikrfekr  •  Asmodeus  •  Astanch  •  Atlyazh  •  Atonshplenz  •  Atsa  •  Aviadrpi  •  Avrrsiabl  •  Ayssthon  •  Azh  •  Azhierebr  •  Azhtliprsha  •  Azzhdof  •  Badredlons  •  Bafanzabr  •  Baklderiedlfrenzh  •  Balin  •  Banzstotl  •  Baotchij  •  Bapenj  •  Bartsel  •  Batlpat  •  Bazhoakl  •  Befta  •  Bemnamezh  •  Beviadl  •  Bezdeplie  •  Bieiazhanz  •  Biezchodl  •  Blachtefl  •  Blentstadl  •  Blianjpots  •  Blibrvritlekryepr  •  Blichshe  •  Bra'tlidl  •  Brapliaa  •  Brazde  •  Brenzhstel  •  Brezaiafl  •  Brezh  •  Brianchvrench  •  Bribrzhaldloq  •  Britliesav  •  Brkralifl  •  Brnzens  •  Brovlekal  •  Cantrel  •  Chabob  •  Charqapl  •  Chavlzhdoblshet  •  Chaz Shtia  •  Chechedrsta  •  Chedranjviatvre  •  Chenchoz  •  Chiadrshedepr  •  Chiaqlneqr  •  Chiashov  •  Chieplans  •  Chivtsram  •  Chrnzhponshchti  •  Chronor  •  Chtakrchieshrienshla  •  Chtalekl  •  Chtatspier  •  Chtechedl  •  Chtej  •  Chtenzhyofre  •  Chteqjedr  •  Chteqriakl  •  Chtevlbe  •  Chtezfrie  •  Chtiadl  •  Chtialchtachtiesh  •  Chtianshkrets  •  Chtintse  •  Chtiqkleapr  •  Chtostit  •  Chtozhoqrkrensh  •  Chwistyoch  •  Chyia Nedlkel  •  Cipango  •  Clan (SM 1103)  •  Dablrel  •  Dadetlal  •  Daflanzhr  •  Daknatstiant  •  Dalkr  •  Datliatl  •  Dedrtlidratl  •  Defltlakr  •  Defridlie  •  Deifr  •  Dentszimar  •  Depriale  •  Deshvlo'o  •  Devliensh  •  Dezitl  •  Diafriapl  •  Diazhtia  •  Diekech  •  Dieoq  •  Diliefidr  •  Ditlfinch  •  Divre  •  Dlaeie  •  Dlants Zdiqef   •  Dlarezhrbl  •  Dlashte  •  Dlatsviel  •  Dlentsiviepl  •  Dlianzhfetlstiq  •  Dlieblafia  •  Dliepl  •  Dlifiabeb  •  Doblrenj  •  Dovre'  •  Draklteshse  •  Drants  •  Draplja  •  Dratldieve  •  Drepadze  •  Dretl Chtaons  •  Drieglechzen  •  Drietlqliata  •  Dripliestavl  •  Drovrbro'  •  Drunshu  •  E'zhdets  •  Ea (Kn 0507)  •  Eardaqr  •  Ebamplench  •  Eberish  •  Ebljodla  •  Eblonzyerefl  •  Ebrfliemfia  •  Echedr  •  Echrets  •  Edldieflsh  •  Eflia'chal  •  Eiantqia  •  Eiaprtej  •  Ejoshcheakl  •  Eljiechfadr  •  Eltlets  •  Enjtodl  •  Ens Zhdo  •  Entbieb  •  Enzhiavl  •  Enzhliep  •  Enzhna  •  Enzhra  •  Enzstits  •  Epfintsez  •  Epfintsplrz  •  Eplob  •  Eqdleshtaql  •  Eqiatl  •  Eqklrbiens  •  Erjdanzhqledl  •  Errere  •  
startbacknext(200 listed / 484 left)

The following systems and worlds can be found within this polity:

No world articles for Zhodani Client State worlds

Sector Map: 1116[edit]

The location of this polity in Charted Space can be found on the following map:

  • The following table lists the Provinces near the Consulate see articles on the other empires for provinces (sectors) in their Domains:
  • Blue Provinces (Sectors) are mostly Zhodani Controlled, Red (pink) Provinces are Imperial, Green are Vargr, Yellow are Aslan, Hivers are Purple, Solomani are Orange, and the K'kree are Green:
Sectors Near the Consulate





Core Expedition











Stinj Tianz Bliardlie Zhiensh Savria Datsatl Ianshaplzdier Zhiaqrqiats

Zhodani Periphery

Viajlefliez Bleblqansh Driasera Dalchie Jdatl Chit Botshti Anzsidiadl Zheranzanj

Zhodani Border

Brieplanz Sidiadl Zdiedeiant Stiatlchepr Itvikiastaf Tlabrieish Tzahdapl

Zhodani Core

Pliabriebl Eiaplial Zhdant
  • Capital
Tienspevnekr Ziafrplians Briakqra' Dravr

Zhodani Border

Tsadra Davr Tsadra Yiklerzdanzh Afachtiabr Iakr Tloql Nieklsdia


Chiep Zhez Shiants Chtedrdia Steblenzh Zhdiakitlatl Idrflania Bransakral

Core Expedition Map (Provinces)[edit]

This table outlines the Provinces along the Core Expedition route which has over many expeditions gone some 5,000 parsecs towards the core, this outlines only the main claimed territory. The expeditions range far beyond what is shown on this table.

Core Expedition Sectors Coreward: Top of Chart Rimward: Bottom of Chart
Province X = (-7) Y = (+#) Notes
Undesignated Etlnchofr 34 Third Core Expedition
Undesignated Zabrziklezh 33 Third Core Expedition
Undesignated Kozhdanzhinz 32 Third Core Expedition
Undesignated Flablenti 31 Third Core Expedition
Undesignated Setjefrshiatl 30 Third Core Expedition
Undesignated Kiafldliezhjol 29 Third Core Expedition
Undesignated Tsafrnchia 28 Third Core Expedition
Undesignated Ienjaz 27 Third Core Expedition
Undesignated Vedrabr 26 Third Core Expedition
Undesignated Driaglgiazlats
Limit of Early
Zhodani Exploration
25 Third Core Expedition
Undesignated Brianch 24 Third Core Expedition

Dliea 23 Third Core Expedition
Pofdriblnchitl 22 Third Core Expedition
Nevlieri 21 Third Core Expedition
Tatlnjaie 20 Third Core Expedition
Bliatsiebl 19 Third Core Expedition
Favkranish 18 Third Core Expedition
Zhenzhbrivtlo 17 Second Core Expedition
Vikrvidrvria 16 Second Core Expedition
Plontarbli 15 Second Core Expedition
Azhpliabl 14 Second Core Expedition
Prinjobliedl 13 Second Core Expedition
Ia 12 First Core Expedition
Zietssha 11 First Core Expedition
Proanz 10 First Core Expedition
Tsebntsiatldlants 9 First Core Expedition
Chtierabl 8 First Core Expedition
Sector 95 Sector 7 Charted Space
Sector 05 Sector 6 Charted Space
Zhiensh 5 Charted Space
Driasera 4 Charted Space
Zdiedeiant 3 Charted Space

Territorial Overview: 1116[edit]

The Zhodani Consulate has a proud and vast lineage of societal growth and accomplishment.

Zhodani Territorial Comparisons (-6731 to Present)
(Excludes most Core Expedition territory)
# Sector Pre-Vilani

(-6731 to -4046)


(-4045 to -2204)


(-2204 to -1776)


(-1776 to 0)


(0 to Present)

Province Notes
i. TOTALS: 012 Sectors 017 Sectors
022 Sectors
039 Sectors
022 Sectors
035 Sectors
057 Sectors
023 Sectors
098 Sectors
121 Sectors
023 Sectors
170 Sectors
193 Sectors
9 Provinces The Consulate contemplates its growth and expansion considering the following factors:
  • Focus on exploration
  • Materiel limitations
  • Precognitive direction
  • Preservation of Psionic culture
  • Security
1. Afachtiabr Sector Held: Partial Held: Partial Held: Partial Held: Partial Held: Partial Colonnade

Iadr Nsobl

This is a Zhodani Consulate frontier sector.
2. Anzsidiadl Sector Frontier Frontier Frontier Held: Minority Held: Minority Iadr Nsobl This is a Zhodani Consulate frontier sector.
3. Briakqra' Sector Frontier Frontier Held: Minority Held: Minority Held: Minority Iadr Nsobl This is a Zhodani Consulate frontier area.
4. Chit Botshti Sector Frontier Frontier Held: Minority Held: Partial Held: Partial Shtochiadr This is a Zhodani Consulate frontier area.
5. Dalchie Jdatl Sector Frontier Frontier Held: Minority Held: Partial Held: Partial Shtochiadr This is a Zhodani Consulate frontier area.
  • This area is noted for the presence of several spatial anomalies.
6. Driasera Sector Frontier Held: Minority Held: Partial Held: Partial Held: Partial Obrefripl This is a Zhodani Consulate frontier sector.
7. Eiaplial Sector Held: Partial Held: Partial Held: Partial Held: Partial Held: Partial Meqlemianz This is a Zhodani Consulate frontier sector.
  • This area is partially held by many small independent powers known as pocket empires.
8. Iakr Sector Held: Partial Held: Partial Held: Partial Held: Partial Held: Partial Iadr Nsobl This is a Zhodani Consulate frontier sector.
  • This sector is also known elsewhere as Foreven Sector.
  • This area is partially held by many small independent powers known as pocket empires.
9. Itvikiastaf Sector Held: Full Held: Full Held: Full Held: Full Held: Full Shtochiadr This is a Zhodani Consulate core sector.
10. Sector 05 Sector Frontier Held: Minority Held: Partial Held: Partial Held: Partial Obrefripl This is a Zhodani Consulate frontier area.
11. Sector 95 Sector Frontier Held: Minority Held: Partial Held: Partial Held: Partial Obrefripl This is a Zhodani Consulate frontier area.
12. Sidiadl Sector Held: Partial Held: Partial Held: Partial Held: Partial Held: Partial Meqlemianz This is a Zhodani Consulate frontier sector.
  • This area is noted for its high level of industrialization and colonization.
13. Steblenzh Sector Frontier Held: Minority Held: Minority Held: Partial Held: Partial Colonnade This is a Zhodani Consulate frontier area.
14. Stiatlchepr Sector Held: Full Held: Full Held: Full Held: Full Held: Full Iabrensh This is a Zhodani Consulate core sector.
  • This area is noted for its distinct culture, notably different within the Consulate, a rare occurrence.
15. Tienspevnekr Sector Held: Full Held: Full Held: Full Held: Full Held: Full Jadlapriants This is a Zhodani Consulate core sector.
16. Tloql Sector Frontier Frontier Held: Minority Held: Minority Held: Minority Iadr Nsobl This is a Zhodani Consulate frontier area.
17. Tlabrieish Sector Frontier Frontier Held: Minority Held: Partial Held: Partial Shtochiadr This is a Zhodani Consulate frontier area.
18. Tsadra Sector Held: Partial Held: Partial Held: Partial Held: Partial Held: Partial Meqlemianz This is a Zhodani Consulate frontier sector.
  • This area is partially held by many small independent powers known as pocket empires.
19. Yiklerzdanzh Sector Held: Partial Held: Partial Held: Partial Held: Partial Held: Partial Colonnade

Iadr Nsobl

This is a Zhodani Consulate frontier sector.
  • Control of this area is split between two provinces.
  • This area is partially held by many small independent powers known as pocket empires.
20. Zdiedeiant Sector Held: Full Held: Full Held: Full Held: Full Held: Full Iabrensh This is a Zhodani Consulate core sector.
  • This area is noted for the presence of a significant rift.
21. Zhiensh Sector Frontier Held: Minority Held: Partial Held: Partial Held: Partial Obrefripl This is a Zhodani Consulate frontier sector.
22. Zhdant Sector Held: Full Held: Full Held: Full Held: Full Held: Full Jadlapriants This is a Zhodani Consulate core sector.
  • This sector is also known elsewhere as Zhodane Sector.
  • It is well known for containing the capital of the Consulate.
23. Ziafrplians Sector Held: Majority Held: Majority Held: Majority Held: Majority Held: Majority Iadr Nsobl This is a Zhodani Consulate core sector.
  • The Thirz Empire has a significant presence in this area in 1116.

Territorial Chart Key[edit]

Chart Key
Sector World % Color Significance Notes
Frontier sector 0% (No color) Little No ownership. Possible influence. Often client states.
Lost sector 0% (No color) Little Former possession. Often referred to by Zhodani name.
Minority sector 1% to 10% (Light Blue) Significant Minority owned. Typically a frontier area.
Partial sector 11% to 50% (Light Blue) Very significant Partially owned. Typically a frontier area.
Majority sector 51% to 90% (Zhodani Blue) Great Majority owned. Typically a core sector.
Full sector 91% to 100% (Zhodani Blue) Crucial Fully owned. Typically a core sector.

Province Listing: 1116[edit]

A Zhodani Province is a similar sector grouping when compared to the Imperial Domain.

  • Although the Zhodani often keep over-sized or irregularly shaped provinces in comparison.

The nine provinces are:

Sector Listing: 1105[edit]

  1. Afachtiabr Sector AKA Far Frontiers Sector
  2. Anzsidiadl Sector AKA Ghoekhnael Sector
  3. Briakqra' Sector AKA Gvurrdon Sector
  4. Chit Botshti Sector
  5. Dalchie Jdatl Sector
  6. Driasera Sector
  7. Eiaplial Sector
  8. Iakr Sector AKA Foreven Sector
  9. Itvikiastaf Sector
  10. Sector 05 Sector
  11. Sector 95 Sector
  12. Sidiadl Sector
  13. Steblenzh Sector AKA Vanguard Reaches Sector
  14. Stiatlchepr Sector
  15. Tienspevnekr Sector
  16. Tloql Sector AKA Spinward Marches Sector
  17. Tlabrieish Sector AKA Knoellighz Sector
  18. Tsadra Sector
  19. Yiklerzdanzh Sector
  20. Zdiedeiant Sector
  21. Zhiensh Sector
  22. Zhodane Sector
  23. Ziafrplians Sector

Initial Stage Core Expedition:
Please see Core Expedition for a full sector listing.

  1. Azhpliabl Sector
  2. Bliatsiebl Sector
  3. Chtierabl Sector
  4. Dliea Sector
  5. Favkranish Sector
  6. Ia Sector
  7. Nevlieri Sector
  8. Plontarbli Sector
  9. Pofdriblnchitl Sector
  10. Proanz Sector
  11. Prinjobliedl Sector
  12. Tatlnjaie Sector
  13. Tsebntsiatldlants Sector
  14. Vikrvidrvria Sector
  15. Zhenzhbrivtlo Sector
  16. Zietssha Sector


This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.