Thaku Fung Sector

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Thaku Fung Sector
Gakghang Uncharted Rzakki

map from
Sector Data
No. of Worlds 196
Population 12,289 million
Majority Control Barren World (SP Break) - 54%
Secondary Control Solomani Preserve - 26%
Tertiary Control Non-Aligned - 19.5%
Quaternary Control Imperial Client State - 0.5%
Domain Solomani Preserve
Capital Havensmith
Gross Sector Product BCr27,636
Trade Volume BCr15
Imperial Coordinate -3 / +5
This sector has a trade map
This sector has economic data
This sector has sector data
This sector has sector data

Thaku Fung Sector, also known as Zhiaqrqiats Sector and formerly known as Sigma Zephyrus Sector, is located coreward of the Vargr Extents, on that region's spinward end. This is the edge of what is usually considered Charted Space.

Description (Specifications)[edit]

The Vargr Extents and Zhodani Consulate both make claims to this region, but of the two, only the Vargr have colonies actually within the sector, so their name has precedence in the eyes of the Imperial Interstellar Scout Service.

This sector was largely uninhabited until -1685, when the Solomani Preserve colony ships arrived. Most of Charted Space still thought it was mostly barren until 1103, when an IISS scout reached Havensmith and got away again with sector maps.

Toponyms: 1105[edit]

This sector has been known by different names to different groups over its existence, including the following:

Thaku Fung Sector Names
Culture Toponym Polity
Third Imperium Thaku Fung Third Imperium
Aslan Zhiaqrqiats Aslan Hierate
Droyne Unknown Droyne Oytrip Yatroy
Hiver Zhiaqrqiats Hive Federation
K'kree Sigma Zephyrus Two Thousand Worlds
Solomani Sigma Zephyrus Solomani Confederation
Vargr Thaku Fung Vargr Extents
Vilani Thaku Fung Third Imperium
Zhodani Zhiaqrqiats Zhodani Consulate
  • The Zhodani know this as the Zhiaqrqiats Sector.
  • Solomani once knew this as Sigma Zephyrus Sector.

Linguistic Topography: 1105[edit]

The following languages are among the most commonly used within this astrographic region:

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

By coincidence (as detailed in Solomani Preserve), as of 1105 most of the sophonts of this sector use the same year numbers as the Imperial Calendar.

The history of this sector is largely the history of the Solomani Preserve. See that entry for more information.

Native Sophonts: 1105[edit]

The following races (sophont species) are believed to have originated within this area:

Demographics: 1105[edit]

Significant populations of the following races (sophont species) reside within this area:

Historical Eras[edit]

By coincidence (as detailed in Solomani Preserve), as of 1105 most of the sophonts of this sector use the same year numbers as the Imperial Calendar.

The history of this sector is essentially the history of the Solomani Preserve. See that article for details.

Major Historical Events Timeline: 1116[edit]

These are some of the more important historical events that have affected this sector:

Politics & Diplomacy (Interstellar Relations)[edit]

No information yet available.

Polity Listing: 1105[edit]

The following polities can be found within this sector:

Polity Descriptions: 1105[edit]

Here are several synopses of the polities found in this sector:

  1. Alleg: Xx: "Unexplored" NaXX (technically surveyed, but the Solomani Preserve enforces their lack of habitation)
  2. Alleg: Na: "Non-Aligned, Human-dominated" NaHu
  3. Alleg: Va: "Non-Aligned, Vargr-dominated" NaVa
  4. Alleg: Rc: "Rho Cluster" RhCl
  5. Alleg: Sp: "Solomani Preserve" SoPr

Many of the unclaimed worlds are under the protection of the Solomani Preserve, which keeps them uninhabited to serve as a buffer against the majority of Charted Space.

Imperial Territory: 1105[edit]

This sector is not an Imperial possession.

  • 0.5% is controlled by the Third Imperium.
  • 99.5% is controlled by non-Imperial powers.
  • There is 1 Imperial client state system in this sector.

Trade Routes (Economic Astrography)[edit]

The following astrographic features and trade routes can be found within this area:

Mains, Branches & Arms[edit]

Clusters & Traces[edit]

  • No information yet available.

Rifts, Voids & Jump Bridges[edit]

Other Astrographic Features[edit]

  • No information yet available.

Worlds, Systems & Sectors (Political Astrography)[edit]

Capital/s: 1105[edit]

Sector Summary: 1105[edit]

The Thaku Fung sector has 196 worlds with an estimated combined population of 12 billion, a per capita income of Cr2,247, and a total economy of BCr27,616. These worlds originate an interstellar trade of BCr10 through 34 starports (5 Class A, 8 Class B, 13 Class C, 8 Class D) employing 6,235 people. Driving this interstellar trade are 11 Agricultural (Ag) worlds, three Non-Agricultural (Na) worlds, three Pre-Agricultural (Pa) worlds, four Pre-Industrial (Pi) worlds, three Rich (Ri) worlds, and one Industrial (In) world. The governments in Thaku Fung maintain five Scout bases, five Naval bases, one Military base, and one Corsair base. The average technology level is 1 (with most between 0 and 5). The highest technology level is 14 at Geokha (Thaku Fung 3210).

The Thaku Fung sector contains 201 stars and 2,130 identified planets; 169 monostellar systems, 13 binary systems, two trinary systems, and no systems with four or more stars. 153 of the 196 systems (78%) have native gas giants. There are six Asteroid (As) belts, 11 Desert (De) worlds, ten Garden (Ga) worlds, nine Ice-capped (Ic) worlds, 31 Poor (Po) worlds, 28 Vacuum (Va) worlds, and ten Water (Wa) or Ocean (Oc) worlds.

Thaku Fung has an estimated population of 12 billion distributed across two High population (Hi) worlds, three Moderate population (Ph) worlds, 21 Non-industrial (Ni) worlds, eight Low population (Lo) worlds, and 146 Barren (Ba) worlds. The highest population worlds are Rrourzdaekh (Thaku Fung 2739) and Havensmith (Thaku Fung 2315). The population consists primarily of 3 sophont groups.

3 identified sophont populations in Thaku Fung



The Unknown has jurisdiction over 123 worlds with an estimated combined population of 700 million, a per capita income of Cr3,660, and a total economy of BCr2,562. These worlds originate an interstellar trade of BCr0 through 2 starports (0 Class A, 1 Class B, 1 Class C, 0 Class D) employing 25 people. Driving this interstellar trade are no Agricultural (Ag) worlds, no Non-Agricultural (Na) worlds, one Pre-Agricultural (Pa) world, one Pre-Industrial (Pi) world, no Rich (Ri) worlds, and no Industrial (In) worlds. The average technology level is 0 (with most between 0 and 1). The highest technology level is 11 at Corst (Thaku Fung 1501).

The Unknown has an estimated population of 700 million distributed across no High population (Hi) worlds, two Moderate population (Ph) worlds, no Non-industrial (Ni) worlds, no Low population (Lo) worlds, and 121 Barren (Ba) worlds. The highest population worlds are Seed (Thaku Fung 1206) and Corst (Thaku Fung 1501). The population consists primarily of 1 sophont group.

Solomani Preserve[edit]

The Solomani Preserve has jurisdiction over 48 worlds with an estimated combined population of 2 billion, a per capita income of Cr8,005, and a total economy of BCr17,299. These worlds originate an interstellar trade of BCr6 through 11 starports (2 Class A, 2 Class B, 5 Class C, 2 Class D) employing 5,705 people. Driving this interstellar trade are six Agricultural (Ag) worlds, no Non-Agricultural (Na) worlds, one Pre-Agricultural (Pa) world, no Pre-Industrial (Pi) worlds, two Rich (Ri) worlds, and one Industrial (In) world. The governments in the Solomani Preserve maintain four Scout bases, two Naval bases, and one Military base. The average technology level is 2 (with most between 0 and 6). The highest technology level is 12 at Havensmith (Thaku Fung 2315).

The Solomani Preserve has an estimated population of 2 billion distributed across one High population (Hi) world, no Moderate population (Ph) worlds, six Non-industrial (Ni) worlds, two Low population (Lo) worlds, and 25 Barren (Ba) worlds. The highest population world is Havensmith (Thaku Fung 2315). The population consists of 3 sophont groups.

Non-Aligned, Human-dominated[edit]

There are 16 Non-Aligned Human-dominated worlds in Thaku Fung with an estimated combined population of 310 million.

Non-Aligned, Vargr-dominated[edit]

There are eight Non-Aligned, Vargr-dominated worlds in Thaku Fung with an estimated combined population of 9 billion.

Client State, Third Imperium[edit]

The Client States of the Third Imperium in Thaku Fung encompass one world with an estimated population of less than 1 million.

World Listing: 1105[edit]

The following systems and worlds can be found within this area:

196 Worlds in the Thaku Fung Sector
Aethrie  •  Agallug  •  Anagathica  •  Asid  •  Astusl  •  Bath  •  Beegrass  •  Bridgeholm  •  Buchipu  •  Cajofie  •  Ceeceecee  •  Chage  •  Cogh  •  Corst  •  Crest  •  Cuboossoo  •  Deoxide  •  Digmore  •  Dredgelund  •  Drilat  •  Dry Mine  •  Eesi  •  Everswim  •  Evostat  •  Faenekho  •  Farmaire  •  Fie's Teeth  •  Firepit  •  Fouste  •  Gaesya  •  Geokha  •  Giv  •  Goosenap  •  Griipu  •  Havensmith  •  Heavybelt  •  Hydrax  •  Icelin  •  Kaecha  •  Kewaerie  •  Kiden  •  Ksoekhtse  •  Kuch  •  Lag  •  Lew  •  Liesse  •  Margie  •  Mawn  •  Miikhi  •  Miiprie  •  Moice  •  Mokustasy  •  Muddle  •  Nass  •  Noswim  •  Ootr  •  Phi's Reward  •  Port Bleak  •  Priruk  •  Pug  •  Rouno  •  Rrourzdaekh  •  Rustbreeze  •  SP Break 0131  •  SP Break 0134  •  SP Break 0135  •  SP Break 0136  •  SP Break 0231  •  SP Break 0331  •  SP Break 0332  •  SP Break 0337  •  SP Break 0338  •  SP Break 0427  •  SP Break 0431  •  SP Break 0435  •  SP Break 0527  •  SP Break 0528  •  SP Break 0533  •  SP Break 0536  •  SP Break 0539  •  SP Break 0630  •  SP Break 0632  •  SP Break 0638  •  SP Break 0639  •  SP Break 0725  •  SP Break 0726  •  SP Break 0730  •  SP Break 0827  •  SP Break 0830  •  SP Break 0837  •  SP Break 0915  •  SP Break 0926  •  SP Break 0934  •  SP Break 0936  •  SP Break 1034  •  SP Break 1036  •  SP Break 1039  •  SP Break 1128  •  SP Break 1217  •  SP Break 1223  •  SP Break 1227  •  SP Break 1231  •  SP Break 1232  •  SP Break 1240  •  SP Break 1325  •  SP Break 1327  •  SP Break 1329  •  SP Break 1333  •  SP Break 1339  •  SP Break 1438  •  SP Break 1518  •  SP Break 1528  •  SP Break 1532  •  SP Break 1537  •  SP Break 1726  •  SP Break 1736  •  SP Break 1812  •  SP Break 1825  •  SP Break 1932  •  SP Break 1933  •  SP Break 1934  •  SP Break 2033  •  SP Break 2034  •  SP Break 2036  •  SP Break 2123  •  SP Break 2124  •  SP Break 2127  •  SP Break 2130  •  SP Break 2131  •  SP Break 2321  •  SP Break 2323  •  SP Break 2331  •  SP Break 2427  •  SP Break 2436  •  SP Break 2521  •  SP Break 2537  •  SP Break 2601  •  SP Break 2604  •  SP Break 2624  •  SP Break 2720  •  SP Break 2726  •  SP Break 2729  •  SP Break 2802  •  SP Break 2834  •  SP Break 2902  •  SP Break 2915  •  SP Break 2924  •  SP Break 2925  •  SP Break 3008  •  SP Break 3012  •  SP Break 3024  •  SP Break 3026  •  SP Break 3106  •  SP Break 3108  •  SP Break 3109  •  SP Break 3115  •  SP Break 3116  •  SP Break 3128  •  SP Break 3130  •  SP Break 3204  •  SP Break 3209  •  SP Break 3211  •  Sahare  •  Seed  •  Skyfish  •  Smij  •  Smoke  •  Spinlight  •  Sprout  •  Summergust  •  Syuspine  •  Tak  •  Talienda  •  Thoobess  •  Uthuethou  •  Uue  •  Vapor  •  Viemae  •  VoidBridge 1  •  VoidBridge 2  •  VoidBridge 3  •  VoidBridge 4  •  VoidBridge 5  •  VoidBridge 6  •  VoidBridge 7  •  VoidBridge 8  •  VoidBridge 9  •  VoidBridge A  •  VoidBridge B  •  VoidBridge C  •  Wanwater  •  Whippoorwill  •  Yehootu  •  Yeree  •  Yessiigh  •  Zueueudzoe  •  

Subsector Listing: 1105[edit]

The following subsectors can be found within this sector:

Territorial Overview: 1105[edit]

The following table details the subsectors within this area:

Territorial Overview
Subsector Name Worlds /


Dominant Allegiance Remarks
Subsector A Nest 16 Rho Cluster This area contains the trailing portion of the Rho Cluster, and some independent worlds.
Subsector B Warding Beak 19 Solomani Preserve This is a frontier region of the Solomani Preserve.
Subsector C Second Wing 13 Solomani Preserve This is a core region of the Solomani Preserve.
Subsector D Stasis Tail 18 Solomani Preserve This is a frontier region of the Solomani Preserve.
Subsector E Smoke 11 Non-Aligned This area has many unaligned colony worlds, though the Corsair Lyceum is pressuring Fie's Teeth, resulting in an impromptu military coalition among worlds in this area to resist.
Subsector F Crest Minirift 4 Non-Aligned This area is largely devoid of systems. Only one of the worlds is inhabited.
Subsector G Old Perch 15 Solomani Preserve This area is largely empty, but is the oldest and most developed region of the Solomani Preserve. Between these factors, as of 1105 it has almost as many VoidBridges as systems. For many centuries after the Preserve's founding, it contained the entire Solomani Preserve.
Subsector H Fallow 6 Barren Worlds This is a largely empty, and completely uninhabited, area.
Subsector I Firepit 14 Non-Aligned This area was never intensely populated. The Empress Wave left only two worlds in this region with sophont population, neither of them in any position to care about affairs beyond their systems, a state that persists as of 1105.
Subsector J Phi's Sauna 9 Barren Worlds This area contains the legendary Hell World final resting place of Phi, who mutinied from the Solomani Preserve's colonization fleet near the end of their journey. Nobody lives here now, save for occasional archaeological expeditions.
Subsector K Cheaters' Route 9 Barren Worlds This area holds the core portion of the Cheaters' Route, a trade route between the Solomani Preserve and the Vargr Extents. It is deliberately uninhabited; Solomani Preserve presence to maintain the Solomani Preserve Break Worlds is typically most intense in this region.
Subsector L Vargrwall 10 Barren Worlds This area is unpopulated, and serves as one of the primary Solomani Preserve Break Worlds regions.
Subsector M Gnuukechk 18 Barren Worlds This area is unpopulated, and serves as one of the primary Solomani Preserve Break Worlds regions.
Subsector N Reurrkechk 14 Barren Worlds This area is unpopulated, and serves as one of the primary Solomani Preserve Break Worlds regions.
Subsector O Kiden 13 Vargr Extents Though sparsely populated and with no worlds part of any interstellar polity, this area can be considered part of the coreward edge of the Vargr Extents.
Subsector P Rrourzdaekh 7 Vargr Extents Though sparsely populated and with no worlds part of any interstellar polity, this area can be considered part of the coreward edge of the Vargr Extents.

References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

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