Emperors of the Third Imperium

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(0 to Present): Emperors of the Third Imperium

  • The Emperor is the Supreme Ruler of the Third Imperium.
  • The following are the Emperors of the Third Imperium. See individual entries for each Emperor.
  • Please note that the appellation Emperor is a unisex (genderless) title within the Third Imperium. Although some female Emperors have still adopted the old Terran term Empress or its Vilani (language) equivalent.

Term Etymology[edit]

  • Terran Anglic origin: From Old French empereor (Modern French empereur), from Latin imperator ‎(“emperor; commander”), from imperare ‎(“to command”).
  • The Vilani term for Emperor is Karun (Anglic: Karun).
  • The Vilani term for an inheriting Prince or heir is Karand (Anglic: Karand).
  • See also: Karunargur


The rulership of the Third Imperium has been troubled a number of times over its more than a millennium of existence. The office of the Emperor is not infallible and both good and bad rulers have assumed power. Thankfully, many of the Emperors and Empresses have been enormously talented and capable rulers. While the office is not officially hereditary, in practice, it has often functioned best under dynastic succession.

Entitlement Synopsis[edit]

Above the range of noble ranks is the Emperor and the Imperial Family. The noble family may include princes, princesses, dowagers, and other noble titles. The spouse of an Emperor or Empress is technically the "Empress Consort" or "Emperor Consort" or "Prince Consort", but in common everyday usage the females are simply refereed to as "Empress" but the males have an issue should their title be shortened as to claim to be "Emperor" is treason!

  • The Emperor is the ultimate object of thousands of oaths of loyalty and fealty.
  • The full proper form of address for the Emperor is: "His Imperial Majesty <NAME>, Prime Lord of the Armed Forces, Archduke of Sylea, President of the Moot, Appellate Extraordinary, Defender of the Marches, Emperor of the Core, the Gateway, the Marches, Vland, Ilelish, Antares, and the Rim." [1] Note that the Emperor also personally holds the titles of Marquis of Usdiki and Baron of Sylea.

Emperors of the Third Imperium[edit]

The following individuals have ruled the Third Imperium:

Emperors of the Third Imperium Imperial Crest
Cleon I • Cleon II • Artemsus • Martin I • Martin II • Cleon III • Porfiria • Anguistus • Martin III • Martin V • Nicholle • Cleon IV • Jerome • Jaqueline I • Olav • Ramon I • Constantus • Nicolai • George • Barracks Emperors • Cleon V • Joseph • Donald • Emdiri • Catharine • Ramon II • Jaqueline II • Usuti • Marava • Ivan • Martin VI • Gustus • Arbellatra • Zhakirov • Margaret I • Paulo I • Tomutov I • Paula II • Tomutova II • Margaret II • Styryx • Gavin • Paulo III • Strephon

Imperial Dynasties[edit]

Imperial historians most commonly group the rulers of the Third Imperium into five categories:

Imperial Dynasties
# Name Type Reign Remarks
1. Zhunastu Dynasty Dynastic (0 to 54)

(244 to 245)

House Zhunastu founded the Third Imperium and was a particular powerhouse until it met its end.
  • The Zhunastus were conquerors and men of powerful will and ambition.
2. Lentuli Dynasty Dynastic (54 to 244)

(245 to 475)

House Lentuli were known as empire-builders, rulers with foresight and exquisite planning.
3. Non-dynastic Emperors Non-dynastic (475 to 606) The Non-dynastic Emperors helped to build the Third Imperium by expanding its borders.
4. Emperors of the Flag Pseudo-dynastic (606 to 622) The Emperors of the Flag were all strongmen, but they uniformly lacked any lasting power.
5. Alkhalikoi Dynasty Dynastic (629 to Present) Empress Arbellatra founded a strong dynasty and House Alkhalikoi still holds the reigns of power in 1116.
  • The Alkhalikois have led wisely and are well regarded.

Expanded Imperial Ruler Matrix[edit]

Imperial historians sometimes differ in how they count the rulers of the Third Imperium, but the following data holds general consensus:

Expanded Imperial Ruler Matrix
# Emperor/Empress Reign Dynasty Remarks
1. Cleon I 0-53 Zhunastu Emperor Cleon I founded the Third Imperium under fire and sword.
  • His strength is still seen and appreciated throughout the Empire though his line has largely ended.
2. Cleon II 53-54 Zhunastu Emperor Cleon II was not well regarded in his time.
  • He abdicated the Empire in favor of his brilliant chancellor.
  • Later Imperial historians are discovering that he may have been far more accomplished than previously thought.
3. Artemsus 54-166 Lentuli Emperor Artemsus was a brilliant chancellor and then an equally accomplished Emperor.
  • His Pacification Campaigns helped to build the early empire although many of those astrographic regions still harbor dissent.
4. Martin I 166-195 Lentuli Emperor Martin I bit off more than he could chew.
5. Martin II 195-244 Lentuli Emperor Martin I built the Grand Palace of Martin II, a marvel of its times.
  • He also fought the Vargr Campaigns, which were key to early Imperial expansion.
6. Cleon III 244-245 Zhunastu Emperor Cleon III was the last hope of House Zhunastu to reclaim rulership of the Imperium.
  • He was popularly known as Cleon the Mad and barely lasted two years in office.
  • His inept leadership helped spawn the Right of Assassination, a portent of future disaster.
7. Porfiria 245-326 Lentuli Empress Porfiria reestablished Lentuli Dynasty and held a long, relatively stable reign.
8. Anguistus 326-365 Lentuli Emperor Anguistus was particularly known for wise rule and empire-building.
9. Martin III 365-456 Lentuli Emperor Martin III helped cement the name of House Lentuli as empire-builders.
  • His long rule was relatively peaceful and he built up much of the Imperial infrastructure.
  • It fell to Martin III to crush the Ilelish Revolt (418 to 435) and its challenge to Imperial authority.
10. Martin V 456-457 Lentuli Emperor Martin V ruled for but two years.
  • The details of his demise are still kept secret these many centuries later.
11. Nicholle 457-475 Lentuli Empress Nicholle ruled during hard times.
  • Her sometimes brilliant rule was flawed by moments of indecision which led to her downfall and the rise of the Right of Assassination, a portent of future disaster.
12. Cleon IV 475-555 non-Dynastic Emperor Cleon IV broke the Lentuli dynasty and started a series of Non-dynastic Emperors.
13. Jerome 555-582 non-Dynastic Emperor Jerome lived and died by Right of Assassination.
  • The Empire spread its borders during his rule and dealt with multiple waves of ihatei.
14. Jaqueline I 582-606 non-Dynastic Empress Jaqueline I achieved extensive expansion of the Rimward Fringe of the Imperium.
  • Terra of Sol was reintegrated into the Imperium in 588 during her reign.
15. Olav 606-609 Emperors of the Flag Grand Admiral Olav hault-Plankwell, the Emperor Olav, was a mighty man of arms and vision.
  • He broke the rule of the non-Dynastic Emperors, but couldn't prevent the ascension of the Emperors of the Flag.
  • His victory in the First Frontier War set the pace for many more Imperial triumphs.
16. Ramon I 609 Emperors of the Flag Emperor-hopeful Ramon I treacherously usurped his leader, Emperor Olav, and slew him only to rule for but a fleeting time.
17. Constantus 609-610 Emperors of the Flag Emperor Constantus, self-proclaimed emperor by supposed Right of Assassination of Ramon I, ascends to the Iridium Throne without support of Moot.
  • Upon the assassination of Emperor Ramon I, the IISS headquarters issues a directive requiring the Scouts to remain neutral in the Civil War.
18. Nicolai 610-612 Emperors of the Flag Emperor Nicolai, self-proclaimed emperor by supposed Right of Assassination of Constantus, ascends to the Iridium Throne without support of Moot.
19a. George 612-613 Emperors of the Flag Emperor George, self-proclaimed emperor by supposed Right of Assassination of Nicolai, ascends to the Iridium Throne without support of Moot.
19b. Barracks Emperors 613-615 Emperors of the Flag The Barracks Emperors, self-proclaimed emperors by supposed Right of Assassination, ascend to the Iridium Throne several times without support of Moot.
20. Cleon V 615-618 Emperors of the Flag Emperor Cleon V, re-established the Right of Assassination by murdering the last of the Barracks Emperors, ascends to the Iridium Throne without support of Moot.
21. Joseph 618 Emperors of the Flag Emperor Joseph, self-proclaimed emperor by supposed Right of Assassination of Cleon V, ascends to the Iridium Throne without support of Moot.
22. Donald 618 Emperors of the Flag Emperor Donald, self-proclaimed emperor by supposed Right of Assassination of Joseph, ascends to the Iridium Throne without support of Moot.
23. Emdiri 618-619 Emperors of the Flag Emperor Emdiri, self-proclaimed emperor by supposed Right of Assassination of Donald, ascends to the Iridium Throne without support of Moot.
24. Catharine 619 Emperors of the Flag Emperor Catharine, self-proclaimed emperor by supposed Right of Assassination of Emdiri, ascends to the Iridium Throne without support of Moot.
25. Ramon II 619 Emperors of the Flag Emperor Ramon II, self-proclaimed emperor by supposed Right of Assassination of Catharine, ascends to the Iridium Throne without support of Moot.
26. Jaqueline II 619 Emperors of the Flag Emperor Jaqueline II, self-proclaimed emperor by supposed Right of Assassination of Ramon II, ascends to the Iridium Throne without support of Moot.
27. Usuti 619-620 Emperors of the Flag Emperor Usuti, self-proclaimed emperor by supposed Right of Assassination of Jaqueline II, ascends to the Iridium Throne without support of Moot.
28. Marava 620 Emperors of the Flag Emperor Marava, self-proclaimed emperor by supposed Right of Assassination of Usuti, ascends to the Iridium Throne without support of Moot.
29. Ivan 620-621 Emperors of the Flag Emperor Ivan, self-proclaimed emperor by supposed Right of Assassination of Marava, ascends to the Iridium Throne without support of Moot.
30. Martin VI 621 Emperors of the Flag Emperor Martin VI, self-proclaimed emperor by supposed Right of Assassination of Ivan, ascends to the Iridium Throne without support of Moot.
31. Gustus 621-622 Emperors of the Flag Emperor Gustus, self-proclaimed emperor by supposed Right of Assassination of Martin VI, ascends to the Iridium Throne without support of Moot.
32. Arbellatra (Regent)
Alkhalikoi Empress Arbellatra is probably the most beloved ruler of all Imperial history.
33. Zhakirov 666-688 Alkhalikoi Emperor Zhakirov's marriage to Antiama in 679 marked and cemented an alliance between the Alkhalikoi Dynasty and the business interests of the Imperial Core.
34. Margaret I 688-736 Alkhalikoi Empress Margaret I built the Consortium Trinary, three companion spheres near the Imperial Palace, in 729 to celebrate the hundredth birthday of the structure.
35. Paulo I 736-767 Alkhalikoii Emperor Paulo I reigned over a period of peace and prosperity, particularly with the Zhodani Consulate.
36. Tomutov I 767-768 Alkhalikoi Emperor Tomutov I ruled for less than two years amongst strife and scandal.
37. Paula II 768-836 Alkhalikoi Empress Paula II inherited a time of troubles and calmed the waters.
38. Tomutova II 836-908 Alkhalikoi Empress Tomutova II ruled over a time of revolt, but also growth.
39. Margaret II 908-945 Alkhalikoi Empress Margaret II reigned over a period of rising tensions with the Solomani.
40. Styryx 945-989 Alkhalikoi Emperor Styryx entangled himself with Solomani interests and his reign was known as a period of rising unrest.
41. Gavin 989-1031 Alkhalikoi Emperor Gavin was a hard man who dealt with hard times.
42. Paulo III 1031-1071 Alkhalikoi Emperor Paulo III wanted to leave his heirs with a stable peaceful Empire and pursued that goal with determination.
43. Strephon 1071-Present Alkhalikoi Emperor Strephon is the sitting ruler of the Third Imperium as of Holiday, 1116.
  • Long may he reign!


The Emperors and Empresses of the Third Imperium have been a varied lot: industrialists, admirals, generals, rich men, poor men, and everything in between. To be brutally honest, the Third Imperium has had its share of geniuses and madmen alike. In function, the dynasties have performed better than their individual counterparts. The Noble Houses provide a culture of competition and a dedication to service that non-dynastic Emperors have had a hard time matching.

  • House Alkhalikoi has now led for several hundred years with an increasing momentum of success. Only a great tragedy could end the Alkhalikoi chain of achievement.

Imperial Dynastic Family Trees[edit]

This sub-article details the family trees, lineage, and pedigree of the Imperial Dynasties and their pseudo-dynastic equivalent organizational categories.

Zhunastu Dynasty Family Tree[edit]

House Zhunastu was founded by a strong Grand Duke of immense vision, but the line has not withstood the test of time.

  • Family Tree article being retrieved.

Lentuli Dynasty Family Tree[edit]

House Lentuli is still regarded with great respect for the many farsighted measures it instituted to strengthen the Imperial Bureaucracy.

  • Family Tree article being retrieved.

Non-Dynastic Imperial Family Trees[edit]

The Non-dynastic Emperors and Empresses did much to expand the borders of a young Third Imperium.

  • Many of the Non-dynastic Emperors were both Imperial Nobles and possessed significant kinship relations to previous supreme leaders.
  • Their family trees are shared individually within the AAB articles dedicated to their dossier.

Emperors of the Flag Lineage[edit]

The Emperors of the Flag were a tragedy for the Third Imperium that few have ever chosen to dispute.

Alkhalikoi Dynasty Family Tree[edit]

House Alkhalikoi was founded by a very capable matriarch and has withstood the test of time.

Sorg hault-Plankwell
Duke Anton Royden Alkhalikoi
Maryam Plankwell Khatami of Zivije
Olav hault-Plankwell
Cassandra Caranda
Emperor Arbellatra Khatami Alkhalikoi
Sergey Torgyan Ashram
Emperor Zhakirov
Anton Ashram Alkhalikoi
Maryam Ashram Alkhalikoi
Emperor Margaret I
Emperor Paulo I
Emperor Tomutov I
Orn of Dyrnwyn
Emelia Charndon of Efate
Lord Ykea
Emperor Paula II
Miles Alan Charndon
The Twins
Emperor Tomutova II
Evant Ganadiirsha
Emperor Margaret II
Tomolin Alkhalikoi
??? Hakon
Emperor Styryx
Charmian Lykaois
Emperor Gavin
Antrin Jaellemo
Ashur Sirush Guuibataashullibaa
Celia Abartii
Elbet Osmanlia Aella
Emperor Paulo III
James Jaellemo Alkhalikoi
Asan Jaellemo Alkhalikoi
Marian Yetrina
Iolanthe Guuilbataashullibaa Alkhalikoi
Emperor Strephon Aella Alkhalikoi
Lydia Aella Alkhalikoi
Dresden Paulo Alkhalikoi
Cassir Yumash Yetrina
Anedon Iella Alkhalikoi
Ciencia Iphegenia Alkhalikoi
Avery Aella Alkhalikoi
Margaret Yetrina Tukera
Blaine Trulla Tukera
Caranda Aledon Alkhalikoi

See also[edit]

Imperial Nobility:

The Imperial Household:
The High Nobility (Peerage):
The Peerage:
The Baronage:
The Gentry: Untitled Nobility & Genteel Commoners:

Third Imperium[edit]

Emperors of the Rule of Man


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  1. T5 Noble Patent 8.5" x 11" forms (front side)