Varian Alkhalikoi Alkhalikoi

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Varian Alkhalikoi Alkhalikoi, Prince of the Imperium and Duke of Sanches.

Varian (Personage) Description[edit]

Elder of twin nephews of the Emperor Strephon, son of Duke Dresden and Princess Lydia. Varian was born in 1094, five minutes before his brother, Prince Lucan. He is second in line to the Iridium Throne, after the Grand Princess Ciencia Iphegenia. Upon his father's death in 1108, Varian assumed the title of Duke of Sanches.

Varian lived in the Imperial Palace on Capital (Core 2118) since his parents' death in 1108. He was elevated to the title of Duke of Sanches upon reaching his majority (the age of 20) in 1114.

Varian and Lucan are often feuding with each other.

Varian (Personage) History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

Varian (History) Milieu: Rebellion[edit]

Following the assassination of Emperor Strephon by Archduke Dulinor, Prince Varian was found dead in his apartments. It is believed that he died in the struggle for the Imperial Palace. It has been rumoured that he was killed by his brother, Prince Lucan.

Varian (History) Milieu: 1120[edit]

Since Emperor Strephon was never assassinated, the Civil War never occured. Prince Varian is alive and well and Prince Lucan never descends into madness. Since the Grand Princess is not only alive but has children to succeed her, Varian and Lucan are no longer in the direct line of succession.

In 1116 Varian and Lucan got into a fight over a woman they were both involved with. Strephon summoned the both of them to his presence and discussed the matter in private. Although the substance of the conversation was never revealed, the two princes left the meeting greatly shaken.

Varian left on a Grand Tour of the Imperium in 1117. He has become one of Strephon's most trusted envoys and is known for his tact and diplomacy. He is often carrying out special missions for Strephon and is usually found in the background when important events are unfolding.

Varian (Personage) References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.