Margaret Yetrina Tukera

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of the
Third Imperium
In office
1116 to 1170
of the
Delphi & Anaxias
In office
1099 to 1170
Preceded by Cassir Yumash Yetrina
Succeeded by Unknown

Born 1081
Died 1170

Margaret Yetrina Tukera, Princess of the Imperium and Duchess of Delphi & Anaxias.

Description (Biography)[edit]

Margaret, great-granddaughter of Emperor Gavin (946-1031) is a first cousin (once removed) of Strephon. She is married to Count Blaine Trulla Tukera (of the Tukera Lines megacorporation Tukeras).

She spends most of her time in Delphi and rarely visits Capital.

Image Repository[edit]

No information yet available.

Universal Personality Profile (UPP)[edit]

No information yet available.

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

No information yet available.

Personage Notes[edit]

Daughter of Cassir Yumash Yetrina and Anedon Iella

Rebellion Era (Click Expand to reveal)

Virus/Collapse (Click Expand to reveal)

Personage Timeline[edit]

No information yet available.

References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

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