District 268 Subsector

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Milieu 1116 

District 268 Subsector
AsteltineInchinSinger567-908AvastanKwai ChingFaldorBowmanSqualliaTarsusWalstonFlexosCollacePavabidDatrillianNirtonJudiceTrexalonMotmosNoctocolTarkineDalliaTalosDawnworldElixabethForineMertactorTalchekMilagroPagatonBingesMille FalcsSword Worlds SubsectorFive Sisters SubsectorGlisten SubsectorEgyrn SubsectorSpinward Marches SectorCronor SubsectorJewell SubsectorRegina SubsectorAramis SubsectorQuerion SubsectorVilis SubsectorLanth SubsectorRhylanor SubsectorDarrian SubsectorSword Worlds SubsectorLunion SubsectorMora SubsectorFive Sisters SubsectorDistrict 268 SubsectorGlisten SubsectorTrin's Veil SubsectorDistrict 268
Sector Spinward Marches
Capital Mertactor (Spinward Marches 1537)
No. of Stars 32
Stellar and Economic data data page
Majority Control Non-Aligned - 56%
2nd Control Client States - 38%
3rd Control Other - 16%
Map Key Map Key

District 268 is Subsector N of Spinward Marches Sector.

  • It is a turbulent frontier region.

Description (Physical Astrography)[edit]

District 268 is a region of Balkanized Space lying along the rimward edge of the Spinward Marches. It was defended by the Imperial 443rd Detached Squadron during the Fifth Frontier War[1]

  • The resources of the subsector are being exploited.

Astrographic Features[edit]

The following astrographic data has been determined regarding District 268:

Stellar Distribution[edit]

A basic map showing the distribution and size of stars within District 268.

  • The color corresponds to the visible color of the star, which links to its spectral classification.
  • The size as shown indicates both the physical size of the object and its relative brightness.

Subsector N District 268 Star Chart.png
(Chart sourced from Traveller Map)

Note that the stars as depicted are representative. Any star, no matter what its size, is a mere speck within the hex it occupies.

  • Ordinary main sequence stars can barely be seen from even a hex away.
  • Huge, intensely luminous giant stars can be seen from across the subsector and far beyond.


The Greater Collace Rift dominates the central-spinward edge of the subsector.

  • The rift's borders remain relatively indeterminate: astrographers differ about its exact physical boundaries.
  • It is an obstacle to interstellar trade and commerce.

Chart Greater Collace Rift Basic 2.png
(Chart sourced from Traveller Map)

Trade Routes[edit]

The Spinward Main[edit]

The Spinward Main is the arterial trade route within the Spinward Marches.

High cargo capacity, low jump rating vessels laden with goods, commodities, and luxuries move along it, bound for the thriving markets of its member worlds.

Chart Spinward Main Basic.png
(Chart sourced from Traveller Map)

Local Routes[edit]

The Spinward Main has three major branches within the region.

Chart Spinward Main District 268 Basic.png
(Chart sourced from Traveller Map)

World Listing[edit]

Comprehensive Second Survey data for all worlds lying within District 268 is available.

  • The primary source material is the T5SS data and Traveller Map.
  • Data is occasionally updated as new information becomes available.
  • Older, incorrect, or outdated data is retained for reference.

AAB library archives contain expanded data about the following systems:

32 Worlds in the District 268 Subsector in Era: Milieu 1116
567-908  •   Asteltine  •   Avastan  •   Binges  •   Bowman  •   Collace  •   Dallia  •   Datrillian  •   Dawnworld  •   Elixabeth  •   Faldor  •   Flexos  •   Forine  •   Inchin  •   Judice  •   Kuai Qing  •   Mertactor  •   Milagro  •   Mille Falcs  •   Motmos  •   Nirton  •   Noctocol  •   Pagaton  •   Pavabid  •   Singer  •   Squallia  •   Talchek  •   Talos  •   Tarkine  •   Tarsus  •   Trexalon  •   Walston

Verified updated data is constantly sought.

  • Scouting missions gathering reliable, verified data can receive substantial payment.

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

Comp-Prog-Dav-R-Deitrick-Starter-Trav-Page-16 16-July-2018a.jpg

In the early years of Marches exploration, the Spinward Main route through District 268 was the only viable route for jump-1 ships trading with the Imperial worlds in the Glisten Subsector. The Main forks into two branches at Talos (Spinward Marches 1436): the Collace Arm runs Spinward toward Five Sisters, while the Glisten Arm runs Trailing. Although jump-2 and jump-3 traffic is more economical, enough jump-1 ships plied these routes to create a trickle of settlement.

Polity Listing[edit]

The following polities can be found within this subsector:

Native Sophonts[edit]

The following races (sophont species) are believed to have originated in this area:

  • Non-Human Races
    • Otarri of Faldor. Primitive, largely aquatic, broadly humanoid carnivores with parallels to Terran amphibians and aggressive temperaments.
      They are facing extinction as their homeworld experiences massive climate change.
    • Shriekers of 567-908. Primitive, heavily built scavengers broadly resembling short-limbed Terran arachnids. They communicate via gestures and motions and by loud bellows and shrieks.


Significant populations of the following races reside within this area:

  • Humaniti (human races)
    • Mixed Heritage (Major Race): widespread across the region.
    • Solomani of Terra (major race): many individuals have Solomani ancestry.
      • A few worlds have small genetically distinct Solomani populations. These often exist as insular ethnic groups with their own traditions and cultures.
    • Vilani of Vland (Major Race): many individuals have Vilani ancestry.
      • A few worlds have small genetically distinct Vilani populations. These often exist as insular ethnic groups with their own traditions and cultures.
    • Zhodani of Zhdant (major race): principally merchants, traders, and wanderers.

Politics and Diplomacy[edit]

The District was formally added to the Imperial rolls in 610 (the neighboring Five Sisters Subsector, created at the same time, was originally District 267) as the 268th subsector to be considered for inclusion in the Imperium. [2]

As a district, its worlds are not members of the Imperium, but they do receive Imperial protection. Imperial affairs are administered from Glisten (Spinward Marches 2036) although a token capital is maintained at Mertactor (Spinward Marches 1537). [2]

Much activity in the subsector revolves around a "cold war" of sorts between pro-Imperial Collace, which hopes to one day be the subsector capital of an incorporated Imperial region, and the Trexalon Technical Consortium, which wishes the subsector to remain independent.

The Ag Worlds Combine is an alliance of agricultural providers that is also influential within the subsector.

Major Historical Events Timeline[edit]

These are some of the more important historical events that have affected this subsector and the wider region it lies within:

Subsector Summary[edit]

Symbol Neutral Worlds.png

Era: Milieu 1116[edit]

District 268, subsector N of Spinward Marches, contains 32 worlds with an estimated combined population of 10 billion, a per capita income of Cr4,518, and a total economy of BCr47,029. These worlds originate an interstellar trade of BCr317 through 22 starports (1 Class A, 9 Class B, 8 Class C, 4 Class D) employing 104,850 people. Driving this interstellar trade are three Agricultural (Ag) worlds, three Non-Agricultural (Na) worlds, two Pre-Agricultural (Pa) worlds, two Pre-Industrial (Pi) worlds, eight Rich (Ri) worlds, and two Industrial (In) worlds. The governments in District 268 maintain six Scout bases and three Naval bases. The average technology level is 7 (with most between 4 and 11). The highest technology level is 13 at Collace (Spinward Marches 1237).

District 268, subsector N of Spinward Marches, contains 44 stars and 315 identified planets; 20 monostellar systems, 12 binary systems, no trinary systems, and no systems with four or more stars. 18 of the 32 systems (56%) have native gas giants. There are one Asteroid (As) belt, one Desert (De) world, three Garden (Ga) worlds, three Ice-capped (Ic) worlds, five Poor (Po) worlds, four Vacuum (Va) worlds, and no Water (Wa) or Ocean (Oc) worlds.

District 268 has an estimated population of 10 billion distributed across two High population (Hi) worlds, four Moderate population (Ph) worlds, 13 Non-industrial (Ni) worlds, four Low population (Lo) worlds, and four Barren (Ba) worlds. The highest population worlds are Forine (Spinward Marches 1533) and Collace (Spinward Marches 1237). The population consists primarily of 4 sophont groups including two native sophonts.

4 identified sophont populations in District 268

Non-Aligned, Human-dominated[edit]

There are 17 Non-Aligned Human-dominated worlds in District 268 with an estimated combined population of 8 billion.

Client state, Third Imperium[edit]

The Client states of the Third Imperium in District 268 encompass ten worlds with an estimated combined population of 1 billion.

Non-Aligned, unclaimed[edit]

There are three Non-Aligned unclaimed worlds in District 268 with an estimated combined population of less than 1 million.

Third Imperium, Domain of Deneb[edit]

The Third Imperium, Domain of Deneb has jurisdiction over two worlds in the subsector with an estimated combined population of 10 million, a per capita income of Cr5,800, and a total economy of BCr58. These worlds originate an interstellar trade of BCr115 through 2 starports (0 Class A, 2 Class B, 0 Class C, 0 Class D) employing 36,940 people. Driving this interstellar trade are no Agricultural (Ag) worlds, no Non-Agricultural (Na) worlds, no Pre-Agricultural (Pa) worlds, no Pre-Industrial (Pi) worlds, one Rich (Ri) world, and no Industrial (In) worlds. The governments in the Third Imperium, Domain of Deneb maintain two Scout bases and one Naval base within the subsector.

The Third Imperium, Domain of Deneb has an estimated population of 10 million within the subsector, distributed across no High population (Hi) worlds, no Moderate population (Ph) worlds, one Non-industrial (Ni) world, no Low population (Lo) worlds, and no Barren (Ba) worlds. The highest population world is Mertactor (Spinward Marches 1537). The population consists primarily of 1 sophont group.

New Era[edit]

District 268 Subsector
AsteltineInchinSinger567-908AvastanKwai ChingFaldorBowmanSqualliaTarsusWalstonFlexosCollacePavabidDatrillianNirtonJudiceTrexalonMotmosNoctocolTarkineDalliaTalosDawnworldElixabethForineMertactorTalchekMilagroPagatonBingesMille FalcsSword Worlds SubsectorFive Sisters SubsectorGlisten SubsectorEgyrn SubsectorSpinward Marches SectorCronor SubsectorJewell SubsectorRegina SubsectorAramis SubsectorQuerion SubsectorVilis SubsectorLanth SubsectorRhylanor SubsectorDarrian SubsectorSword Worlds SubsectorLunion SubsectorMora SubsectorFive Sisters SubsectorDistrict 268 SubsectorGlisten SubsectorTrin's Veil SubsectorDistrict 268
Sector Spinward Marches
Capital Mertactor (Spinward Marches 1537)
No. of Stars 32
Stellar and Economic data data page
Majority Control Non-Aligned - 56%
2nd Control Regencys - 38%
Map Key Map Key

Symbol Domain of Deneb.png

Plankwell Subsector is Subsector N of the Spinward Marches.

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

After it was absorbed into the Regency of Deneb (sometime before 1200), this subsector was renamed Plankwell Subsector.


Significant populations of the following races reside within this subsector:


Era: New Era[edit]

Plankwell, subsector N of Spinward Marches has 32 worlds, of which 18 have native gas giants. The estimated population for the subsector is 22 billion sophonts (not necessarily humans). There are three High population (Hi) worlds, six Moderate population (Ph) worlds, 13 Non-industrial (Ni) worlds, five Low population (Lo) worlds, and one Barren (Ba) world. There are three Agricultural (Ag) worlds versus two Pre-Agricultural (Pa) worlds, and three Non-Agricultural (Na) worlds. There are seven Rich (Ri) worlds versus two Industrial (In) worlds. There is one Asteroid (As) belt, one Desert (De) world, three Garden (Ga) worlds, three Ice-capped (Ic) worlds, five Poor (Po) worlds, four Vacuum (Va) worlds, and no Water (Wa) or Ocean (Oc) worlds. There are three Naval bases in the subsector, seven Scout bases, and no Way stations. In Plankwell there are two race homeworlds. The highest population world is Pagaton (Spinward Marches 1634). The highest tech level is E at Collace (Spinward Marches 1237) and Mille Falcs (Spinward Marches 1637). The average technology level is 9 (with most between 6 and 11).

Polity Listing[edit]

The Client States of the Regency of Deneb in Plankwell encompasses 14 worlds with a population of 2 billion. The highest population world is Pavabid (Spinward Marches 1238). The highest tech level is B at Avastan (Spinward Marches 1037), Kuai Qing (Spinward Marches 1040), Bowman (Spinward Marches 1132), Tarsus (Spinward Marches 1138), and Trexalon (Spinward Marches 1339). The average technology level is 8 (with most between 5 and 10).

The Regency of Deneb in Plankwell has jurisdiction over 13 worlds with a population of 20 billion. The highest population world is Pagaton (Spinward Marches 1634). The highest tech level is E at Collace (Spinward Marches 1237) and Mille Falcs (Spinward Marches 1637). The average technology level is 10 (with most between 7 and 12).

The Non-Aligned Human dominated worlds in Plankwell encompasses four worlds with a population of 23 million. The highest population world is Datrillian (Spinward Marches 1331). The highest tech level is 9 at Squallia (Spinward Marches 1133) and Datrillian (Spinward Marches 1331). The average technology level is 7 (with most between 5 and 8).

The Non-Aligned uninhabited worlds in Plankwell encompasses one world with a population of less than 1 million.

World Listing[edit]

Comprehensive survey data for all worlds lying within Plankwell Subsector is available.

  • The primary source material for all data is the T5SS and Traveller Map.
  • Data is occasionally updated as new information becomes available.

Regency data archives contain expanded data about the following systems:

32 Worlds in the Plankwell Subsector in Era: New Era
Asteltine  •   Avastan  •   Binges  •   Bowman  •   Collace  •   Dallia  •   Datrillian  •   Dawnworld  •   Elixabeth  •   Faldor  •   Flexos  •   Forine  •   Inchin  •   Judice  •   Kuai Qing  •   Mertactor  •   Milagro  •   Mille Falcs  •   Motmos  •   Nirton  •   Noctocol  •   Pagaton  •   Pavabid  •   Shvreeyiyi  •   Singer  •   Squallia  •   Talchek  •   Talos  •   Tarkine  •   Tarsus  •   Trexalon  •   Walston

Verified updated data is constantly sought.

  • Scouting missions gathering reliable, verified data can receive substantial payment.

References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

This article has metadata.
This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.