Languages of Charted Space
Charted Space is filled with a vast variety of languages of every stripe and color, from conventionally-spoken oral-aural languages, to conventionally-written alphabets, to the tactile-visual (gestural) and haptic-palpative (touch) languages of the Hivers, to the psionic-telepathic languages of the Droyne and Zhodani... And more...
Please see the following AAB articles for related data:
- Language
- Linguistic Devices
- Language Translator
- Linguistic Logic Module
- Vodor
Description (Specifications)
Language is a word, and a concept, used to describe a variety of communicative mediums used by the advanced intelligent technology-using species known as Sophonts.
- The most commonplace linguistic expectation in Charted Space is for oral and/or aural languages that can be both spoken and heard.
- There is an additional common expectation that oral-aural languages will possess a written form using symbolic representation.
- However, non-oral languages, while uncommon, are certainly present within Charted Space in significant numbers:
- The Hivers are renowned as a race whose primary language isn't oral at all, but tactile-visual and haptic-palpative. Hiver Sign Language (HSL) is very common amongst the worlds of the Hive Federation although Hivers eventually found the necessity to adopt Gurviotic as an oral language standard. Hivers are known to use a technological solution to their lack of a physiological speech organ, the Vodor.
- The Eliyoh are another celebrated example of a sophont species that possesses sensory organs with ranges beyond common expectations. The various types of language employed by the Eliyoh stray far from the norms of the mainstream members of Humaniti.
- Many other examples of unconventional, or exotic languages exist.
Languages of the Major Races
The languages of the major races almost always function as default lingua franca's, or commonly-used trade languages, in Charted Space. They are:
Major Race Languages L-Name L-Hierarchy Associated Race/s Associated Polity/ies Medium/s Canon Remarks !xeng'ri AKA Supercentral K'kree Two Thousand Worlds Conventional Canon Raxkiir is the dominant dialect and also the most commonly-used term to describe the language of the K'kree, despite the fact that !xeng'ri is the more exact and correct term for the language. "Raxkiir" is beautiful language when used by naturalists and most linguists believe that it can convey information about a wider range of social relationships than any other with the notable exception of the concept of being alone. The word for being alone, pure misery, and the maximum evil of hell's hell all appear to be the same utterance. !xeng'ri is a sophisticated language and well-suited to most aspects of interstellar society. Anglic Hypercentral Humaniti (Solomani) Solomani Confederation & Third Imperium Conventional Canon Anglic possesses an incredible number of linguistic variations: dialects, pidgins, argots, cants, slang, etc. Anglic remains one of the primary official and most commonly-used languages of the Third Imperium and is used by many interstellar agencies such as the Imperial Starport Authority. Despite its many variations, Terran-standard Anglic remains one of the most sought-after prestige versions of the language. Terran-non-standard Anglic possesses a bewildering number of variants and related languages ("feeder tongues") largely due to the incredible diversity of the Terran culture. Gurviotic Supercentral Hivers & Gurvin Hive Federation Conventional Canon The language of the Gurvin sophont species is a flexible language capable of expressing a variety of sophisticated concepts and fairly easy to pronounce as far as spoken languages go. The Gurvin have strong aptitudes for both diplomacy and trade and their language, Gurviotic, is particularly well-suited to those pursuits. Hiver Sign Language (HSL) Supercentral Hivers Hive Federation Unconventional Canon Hiver Sign Language is one of the most ambiguous and yet exact languages used within Charted Space. Hivers are fond of saying, or at least communicating, that HSL can convey any concept used by any other language in at least twice as many forms... Being that the language is so fantastically complex, few non-Hiver species ever master fluency in it to the degree that Hivers are rumored to attain. Whatever HSL is, it's a fascinating language as any interstellar linguist will tell you... The written form of the language is known as Hiver Glyph. Marine Battle Language Sub-central Imperial Marines Third Imperium Unconventional Canon Marine Battle Language is gestural sign language designed for Imperial Marines to quickly and quietly convey basic ideas about battlefield conditions such as danger, types of threats, etc. Oynprith Supercentral Droyne Droyne Oytrip Yatroy & Third Imperium Conventional, Exotic Canon Oynprith is probably the oldest existing and yet still regularly-spoken language within Charted Space. It has an ancient and proud lineage and is still a language of common use despite the relatively low numbers of Droyne within Charted Space. Oynprith most certainly has a psionic aspect to it although this isn't well understood by Imperial scholars. Written Oynprith has never been fully or adequately translated by Imperial scholars, some suspect that it can only be written accurately with psionically-active materials. Trokh Supercentral Aslan Aslan Hierate & Third Imperium Conventional Canon Trokh is an epic language of poets, and skalds, and warriors... The Aslan love to say that from such language comes great feats (achievements). Perhaps in connection with the Aslan psyche, it attracts a certain type of sophont speaker to truly appreciate it. Few Imperials or Vilani ever truly master it although, for some odd reason, many Sword Worlders do. The vast expanses of the Aslan Hierate have yielded many dialects and varieties of the language, but basic Trokh has fundamentally changed very little since the days of the writing of the Codices of Aosoilte and Sakolusalo. Vargr Languages (Aekhu, Arrghoun, Gvegh, Irilitok, Logaksu, Ovaghoun, Suedzuk, Vuakedh)
Supercentral (Gvegh) (Various L-H)
(Other Vargr Languages)Vargr Vargr Extents & Third Imperium Conventional Canon Gvegh is probably the most commonly-spoken and heard language in the Extents, but true to Vargr nature, this sophont species has never standardized on one language and... Dozens, perhaps hundreds or even thousands, of Vargr languages exist within the greater area of the Vargr Extents. Almost all Vargr languages contain three aspects known as high, modal, and low versions. High versions possess sophisticated technical, and specialized language, often employing many loan words. Modal variants are functional languages designed for brevity of speech and concise, quick communication. Low or primal variants communicate many concrete concepts and emotions, but cannot express more complicated abstract thought. Vargr psyches mean that all but the primal variants of the language differ greatly, sometimes so much as to be incredible puzzles to historical linguists. It's unclear just how and when these many languages diverged or even whether they share common roots or a universal linguistic ancestor tongue. Vilani Supercentral Humaniti (Vilani)
Ziru Sirka & Third Imperium Conventional Canon The Vilani language was once the dominant hypercentral language of Charted Space, but after the Terrans conquered the Ziru Sirka, the use of the Vilani language began to decline. However, by no means, did it fall out of use within the spaceways. Anglic eventually eclipsed it in common usage when the Third Imperium began using Anglic as one of the official languages of the Imperial Bureaucracy. Vilani is still considered required study for members of the Imperial Nobility and the Emperor himself speaks Vilani in most of his formal addresses and has all of his official communiques translated and/or interpreted into Vilani. Zdetl Supercentral Humaniti (Zhodani) Zhodani Consulate Conventional, Exotic Canon Zdetl is an incredibly sophisticated and yet suave language. It is particularly well-adapted to expression of advanced scientific, philosophical, and psionic concepts. Some concepts that can be expressed in just a few specialized words in Zdetl require many sentences or paragraphs to be expressed in Anglic. Some sophontologists have conjectured that this linguistic symbolism helps to contribute to the relative strangeness of the Zhodani to mainstream interstellar society. Zdetl, in its present modern form, was adopted as their official language in the 300th Zhodani Olympiad, around the year -6055 Imperial.
Key Parameters
- L-Name: The name of a language or term by which the communicative medium is best known.
- L-Hierarchy: This is a linguistic term expressing cultural dominance of a language within interstellar society.
- Associated Race/s: This conveys the originating sophont species, who most often created the language and one or more of its most prolific users.
- Associated Polity/ies: This conveys one or more of the largest polities that use this language as an official or primary means of communication.
- Medium/s: The medium of a language convey the means by which the language is received and expressed. This practically means sophontic senses. Mediums are broadly grouped into conventional, unconventional, and exotic categories.
- Canon: Self-explanatory.
- Remarks: These remarks expand upon previously shared data to reveal other cogent factoids.
Well-known Languages of the Minor Races
Many of the languages of the minor races are particularly well-known and these include the following:
Significant Minor Race Languages L-Name L-Hierarchy Associated Race/s Associated Polity/ies Medium/s Canon Remarks Aaca Central Humaniti (Luriani)
Luriani Cultural Association Conventional Semi-Canon Standard Luriani (language) AKA Aaca AKA "Aaeebuany't' limmisdasca". Language of the Luriani Minor Human Race. The Luriani adapted well to Imperial society and quickly began absorbing vocabulary and concepts from Imperial languages into Aaca. Two functional pidgins developed: "Lurglic," a blend of Anglic and Aaca... And "Lurglani," a blend of Aaca and Vilani (language). Genosha Central Humaniti (Geonee)
Geonee Cultural Region Conventional, Exotic Semi-Canon Genosha, the language of the Geonee, has traveled Charted Space with the [[Geonee][. The language, interestingly enough, has many loan words particularly from Oynprith indicating a long association with the Droyne. The language is very adept with technical terminology, psionics, mathematics, music, and has one of the most complex and descriptive systems of verbs of action known. An increasing number of non-Geonee have been learning it to facilitate trade. Kadli Central Humaniti (Darmine)
Darmine Cultural Region Conventional Semi-Canon Kadli is the language of the Darmine, a minor human race, who experienced subjugation as the Vilani conquered Zarushagar Sector. Their culture, a largely pacifistic one was focused towards symbolic conflict and stood culturally opposed to violence. Kadli is a language of exacting ethics, deep philosophy, and gregarious social interaction. After the fall of the Ziru Sirka, the people and culture grew increasingly mercantile and trade minded. Kadli is still an important central language within the Darmine Cultural Region. Kehuu Central Humaniti (Lancians)
Lancian Cultural Region Conventional Semi-Canon Kehuu is the language of the Lancian peoples, a minor human race primarily located in the Gushemege Sector. Despite a relatively small native population and area of influence, Kehuu has achieved a central language position due to the pervasive and influential nature of Lancian culture. Lancian tradesmen and artists are famed throughout Charted Space and are perpetually in high demand. Some believe that Kehuu removes inhibitions, encourages creativity, and engenders innovation. Klatha'sh Sub-central Humaniti (Ziadd)
Zedan Cultural Region Conventional Semi-Canon Klatha'sh is the language of the Ziadd, a Minor Human Race (MHR), primarily residing in the Dagudashaag Sector. Like other MHR's the Ziadd are believed to have been geneered by the Ancients and then left to develop largely in isolation until the Vilani of the Ziru Sirka conquered them. The Ziadd are an aggressive species and have few qualms against violence as the greater body of Humaniti asserts. Klatha'sh is a complex language full of both subtle and blunt distinctions that lends itself to both war and trade. Ziadd sports, martial arts, and physical pastimes tend to be amongst the most physical and complex within Charted Space. The language is particularly studied by many interstellar militaries, mercenaries, and body builders. The Ziadd life sciences are particularly advanced with an incredibly complex vocabulary for nutrition and physical fitness. Na'ans Supercentral Suerrat Suerrat Republic Conventional Semi-Canon Na'ans is the language of the Suerrat people, a Minor Human Race. While the Suerrat may be atavistic in appearance, their language is anything but in function. Na'ans is a language that lends itself to astrographics, statistics, and just plain mathematics. It has a logic that Terrans find constructed or artificial, but it isn't. It's not a wonder that so many Suerrat are mathematical savants. Sagamaal Peripheral Humaniti Sword Worlds Confederation Conventional Canon Sagamaal is the language of the Sword Worlds and Sword Worlders. It is by no mistake that the Sword Worlder are so often referred to as "Vikings". Many Sword Worlders were once Terran refugees and exiles. Sagamaal has many of its roots in ancient Terran Scandinavian languages including Dutch, Icelandic, Norwegian, and Swedish. Modern Sagamaal has since taken loan words from many other languages, but the "Viking" character of the language persists. Sfuizia Central S'mrii S'mrii ConSentiency Conventional Semi-Canon The S'mrii are a race of insect-like centauroids with a distinguished and ancient culture. Their language Sfuizia contains a number of sounds not reproducible by many other sophont species so Vodors are recommended when communicating to the S'mrii in their native tongue. However, S'mrii vocal apparatuses can reproduce Anglic and Galanglic near perfectly so few other races even attempt to learn Sfuizia outside diplomats, enthusiastic linguists, and several of the race's old allies and neighbors, namely the Lancians and Ziadd. The language is known for its ability to relay non-linear chronologies in ways that translate well to few other languages. Te-Zlodh Peripheral Humaniti (Daryen)
Darrian Confederation Conventional Canon Te-Zlodh is the language of the Darrians or Daryen as they refer to themselves. Te-Zlodh is an incredibly interesting language that apparently developed in isolation from the vast majority of other languages except one: Oynprith. This lends credence to the Daryeni claims of progeniture from the Ancients whom many theorize might have been related to the Droyne. In the last few hundreds of years, Modern Te-Zlodh has absorbed increasing numbers of loan words from Anglic and Vilani. Te-Zlodh is a language particularly well suited to the study of science. Wawa-pake
keke-wawaSupercentral Bwap Grand Council of Crèches Conventional Semi-Canon Wawa-pakekeke-wawa is the language of the most-famed and skilled bookkeepers of Charted Space. It is a language of intense organization, order, logic, codes, ciphers, and functional hierarchies. Some other races have adopted it as a language of bureaucracy as well. Almost all governments of means will hire a few Bwap bookkeepers if at all possible. And while almost all Bwaps are talented linguists, where they go, so does Wawa-pakekeke-wawa and its many shorthand and coded variants.
Notes: All of these languages tend to be the better known ones with more commonly encountered hierarchies.
Lesser-known Languages of the Minor Races
This AAB database has not received an update in some time.
- 1. Anglic-derived Terran-Human Languages
- 2. Non-Anglic Terran-Human Languages
- 3. Non-Anglic Non-Terran Human Languages
- 4. Non-human Terran Languages
- 5. Non-human Non-Terran Languages
1. Anglic-derived Human Languages
Anglic-derived Human Languages L-Name L-Hierarchy Associated Race/s Associated Polity/ies Medium/s Canon Remarks Changlic Peripheral Humaniti Mercantile Concord Conventional Non-canon TBD. Terran Asian origins. Core Anglic Hypercentral Many races Domain of Sylea Conventional Semi-Canon Core Anglic has developed primarily in the Domain of Sylea as a prestige dialect of Anglic. Many speakers tend to use Vilani grammar and styling in a similar manner as English speakers once used Latin grammar. Galaach Peripheral Humaniti Ushran Trade Association Conventional Semi-Canon Galaach is one of the pervasive trade languages of Dagudashaag Sector and neighboring sectors. It is a highly inflected form of Anglic with an incredible array of loan words from the creche of diverse lifeforms that were birthed in Dagudashaag. The Ushran Trade Association was one of the first organizations to declare Galaach its official language. Gheldaght Peripheral Humaniti Principality of Caledon Conventional Non-canon Gheldacht is an ancient Celtic language related to Terran Scottish spoken in Reaver's Deep Sector and specifically in the Principality of Caledon. It began absorbing non-human vocabulary in the hundreds and can now sound quite strange to mainstream Anglic speakers. Kdaar Peripheral Humaniti
SaieGrand Duchy of Marlheim Conventional Non-canon Kdaar is the language of the Grand Duchy of Marlheim in Reaver's Deep Sector. Most linguists argue that it is an Anglic-derived language for its basic structure, but it possesses many components of Trokh, Reavers Cant, and a number of components from what many conjecture was the language of the ancient Saie precursors. The Anglic component of the language has been heavily influenced by the nearby Caledonian culture. Reavers Cant Peripheral Various races Reavers League Conventional Non-canon Reavers Cant evolved among the multi-species pirates in Reaver's Deep Sector during the Long Night. It is a multilingual pidgin of the languages of a number of regional sophont species. The Reavers League was eventually defeated, but elements of the culture still linger on. The language still remains in popular use on several worlds once frequented by the league. Rim anglic Semi-Central Humaniti Solomani Far Frontier Conventional Semi-Canon Rim Anglic developed along the rimward regions of Charted Space and is still widely spoken in the Solomani Far Frontier. Unlike many other dialects of Anglic, it is relatively free of Vilani influence. TBD Riftian Semi-Central Humaniti Domain of Deneb Conventional Semi-Canon Riftian Anglic is the name of the dialect of Modern Anglic developing primarily in the Domain of Deneb. It has absorbed much vocabulary and many concepts from neighboring cultures including the Asian, Vargr, and Zhodani. Transform Semi-Central Humaniti Domain of Antares Conventional Semi-Canon Transform or Transformic Anglic originally arose from non-Anglic origins, form the amalgamation of Vargr and Vilani languages and cultures under the First Empire. After the Rule of Man, Anglic entered into the picture after a solid new language had developed from Gvegh and Vilani. TBD Ushi (language) Semi-Central Various races Greater Gushemege
Trade AssociationConventional Semi-Canon Ushi and Galaach are related trade languages of Anglic derivation. Ushi dominates Gushemege Sector, while Galaach is better known in Dagudashaag. The Greater Gushemege Trade Association declared Ushi its official language many years ago.
Notes: Anglic is the dominant hypercentral language of Charted Space and all of these tongues are sub-languages that developed from a root Anglic tongue. Please note that several of these Anglic-offshoots later evolved under non-human tongues and cultures. Please note that while Anglic is a language descended from venerable Terran English, they are not the same language.
2. Non-Anglic Terran-Human Languages
Non-Anglic Terran-Human Languages L-Name L-Hierarchy Associated Race/s Associated Polity/ies Medium/s Canon Remarks Arabic Semi-Central Humaniti Solomani Confederation Conventional Canon Arabic is the venerable language of a deeply religious people from Old Terra. With the Rule of Man, it was brought to the stars where it has tended to proliferate in coreward parts of Charted Space and specifically in the Antares regions. Chinese Central Humaniti Solomani Confederation &
Wuan Technology AssociationConventional Canon Chinese is the language of the Chinese people, a fantastically expansionistic people with a strong cultural identity. Chinese has flourishing in the Hinterworlds as well as the Glimmerdrift Reaches. Dutch Peripheral Humaniti Solomani Confederation &
Reformed Dootchen EstatesConventional Canon Dutch is the language of another small cultural group from old Terra. The Dutch people, much like many other cultural minorities, have managed to preserve their society and have established several polities in Solomani Sphere, the best known of which is the Reformed Dootchen Estates. English Central Humaniti Solomani Confederation Conventional Canon English was once the hypercentral language of Terra. When the Terrans conquered the Ziru Sirka and established the Rule of Man, English followed them along with hundreds of other Terran languages. English has contributed the most to modern Anglic, and is still spoken in a number of interstellar communities. English reenactment communities are popular throughout Charted Space recreating various historical communities from its three dominant branches, the Americans, Australians, and the British. Many Imperial citizens enjoy reliving the quaint customs of those venerable peoples. True historians sometimes chuckle at the terrible and inaccurate mixes of American, Australian, and British cultural elements jumbled at these English festivals. Grilled kangaroo-meat hot dogs Chicago-style on the barbie with crumpets are just one of these cultural faux pas. Farsi Peripheral Humaniti Solomani Confederation Conventional Canon Farsi is the venerated language of the ancient Terran Persians. It is a beautiful language full of poetry and philosophy. When the Rule of Man expanded throughout Charted Space, most Persians headed for the coreward regions where many of them are still found today in 1116. French Semi-Central Humaniti Solomani Confederation &
Third Reformed French Confederate Republic &
Joie De VivreConventional Canon French was the hypercentral language of old Terra before English took root. The French Language Academy fastidiously preserved the purity and cultural relevance of its language and French managed to successfully make the transition form a planetary society to an interstellar one. It is now found throughout the Solomani Sphere and is the official language of several polities. French cuisine is popular throughout interstellar space and many songs in the French language are still adored by many. Gaelic Peripheral Humaniti Solomani Confederation Conventional Canon Gaelic is the language of the Irish peoples of the historical Celtic group from Old Terra. Their language and culture are still used on some worlds in the Solomani Confederation. German Semi-Central Humaniti Solomani Confederation &
Boötean Federation &
Das Volken Worlds &
Dienabach Grüpen &
Kranzbund &
Theocracy of WeltschmerzConventional Canon German was another of the big languages of Old Terra, spread out amongst dozens upon dozens of micropolities and cultural subgroups. Modern Anglic is still packed with thousands of German loan words. The German peoples are known for their intense work ethics and pervasive scientific acumen. Hebrew Peripheral Humaniti Solomani Confederation Conventional Canon Hebrew is the ancient language of the Jewish religion and people. It prospered after the Terrans expanded to the stars and now is spoken in communities found throughout Charted Space. It has also found a calling in Hiver Space where the language and culture of Hebrew has become a popular Topical Hiver Club study subject. Interestingly enough, Hebrew and Vilani mysticism hold many commonalities, more than many academics assume could have occurred by chance. Hindi Semi-Central Humaniti Solomani Confederation &
Hanuman SystemsConventional Canon Hindi is one of the most widely spoken languages of Old Terra from an ancient land and planetary supra-polity once known as India. It made the transition to interstellar society and is now found throughout rimward space and especially in the Solomani Far Frontiers. The Hanuman Systems are one of the better known Hindi-speaking areas. Japanese Peripheral Humaniti Solomani Confederation Conventional Canon Japan or Nihongo, is a culture and language of philosophy, honor, naturalism, and keen business sense. Many a Japanese Terran has claimed that the Vilani Bureaux and their later megacorporation offshoots were really simply Japanese zaibatsu... Whatever they are or were, there is something in Japanese that nearly every major race appreciates. The Aslan admire the Samurai, fellow warriors of great honor, the K'kree admire the kami, and the Terrans put a man of partially Japanese descent into power with the Rule of Man. The Japanese still possess a cultural niche all of their own, even millenia after the Japanese left Old Terra. Nahuatl Peripheral Humaniti Amec Protectorate Conventional Canon Nahuatl was a minority language on Old Terra spoken only by backwards indigenes or so the powerholders of the Terran Confederation once said. Today in 1116, Nahuatl is the official language of the Amec Protectorate with significant enclave communities found throughout Imperial Space and the Solomani Sphere. It's a language with an ancient lineage, but a very pragmatic outlook of successful survivors. Many feel that it resembles Modern Zdetl although many Zhodani resent that inference. Navajo Peripheral Humaniti Solomani Confederation Conventional Canon Navajo is an ancient Terran language of North America, a language of Native-American peoples, sometimes called Amerinds. The culture and language are well known to interstellar linguists for its many interesting features: matrilineal descent, exogamous marriage, naturalistic spiritualism, both agglutinative & fusional elements, and a host of other fascinating characteristics. Navajo descendants of Terra are mostly found in the coreward regions of Charted Space where many of them are still found today in 1116. Russian Central Humaniti Solomani Confederation &
Kostov Confederate Republic &
New Slavic SolidarityConventional Canon Russian was another of the dominant languages of Old Terra that made a very successful transition to interstellar society. It is a language of cruelty and whim... And great pathos. It's verb system resembles Vilani with perfective and imperfective aspects. And the culture of the Russians resembles that of the Fteirle, lots of epics, heroes,and raw ambition. Many worlds throughout the former Rule of Man still bear Russian names. Spanish Central Humaniti Solomani Confederation &
Grand United States of QuesadaConventional Canon Spanish was one of the most widespread languages to have transitioned from Old Terra to an interstellar society. Whereever the Rule of Man once went, the odds are good that one will here Spanish words, and perhaps Spanish itself being spoken outright. Modern Anglic contains many loan words of Spanish origin. Welsh Peripheral Humaniti Cymraeg Free State Conventional Canon The Welsh came from the tiny nation-state of Wales, a minority group from Ancient Terra, that managed to preserve its culture despite subjugation from larger groups. The Welsh have been reestablishing themselves as a distinct cultural group within the Solomani Sphere.
Notes: All of the Terran languages originated in the massive hyper-culture of Terra and from just one species, Humaniti. No other world has bred such diversity and been the home culture of so many different languages. There are literally thousands of Terran languages. Other races and cultures typically unite before such linguistic variegation takes place.
3. Non-Anglic Non-Terran Human-derived Languages
Non-Anglic Non-Terran Human-derived Languages L-Name L-Hierarchy Associated Race/s Associated Polity/ies Medium/s Canon Remarks Loes (language) Peripheral
(Loeskalth)Loeskalth Empire
(conquered)Conventional Canon Loes is the dieing language of the Loeskalth people, an ancient, aggressive, and warlike minor human race. Despite the language's endangered status, exolinguists keep finding traces of it throughout Charted Space leading researchers to believe that the Loeskalth may have had greater cultural influence than previously imagined. Some think that the Loeskalth eventually migrated spinward out of the Vilani core towards Zhodani Space. Sagamaal Peripheral Humaniti Sword Worlds Conventional Canon Please see entry above in Well-known Languages of the Minor Races section. Sylean language Peripheral Humaniti (Syleans)
Sylean Worlds Conventional Canon The Sylean language is the primary cultural vehicle of the Sylean people, an influential minor human race, whose vibrant society practically underwrote the founding of the Third Imperium. Sylean is used in a number of native philosophies regarding trade supremacy and the assertion of power.
Notes: Many of these non-Terran languages are sufficiently well-known that their data is presented elsewhere in this AAB article since they are the tongues of many of the better-known minor human races.
4. Non-human Terran Languages
Many of these languages were created for or by Terragen variant race species
Non-human Terran Languages L-Name L-Hierarchy Associated Race/s Associated Polity/ies Medium/s Canon Remarks Delphinic Trinary Peripheral Dolphin & Orca Solomani Confederation & Third Imperium Conventional Semi-Canon Dolphins and Orca still use this sophisticated language that originally evolved for use in an oceanic environment via a liquidinous medium. Whales also use this complex language despite the fact that few are considered more than Proto-Sophonts by the greater scientific community. TBD. GAL
(Great Ape Language)Peripheral Uplifted Ape Solomani Confederation Conventional, Unconventional Non-canon Primates, and more specifically the Great Apes, are probably the most successful extant relatives, perhaps cousins, of Humaniti. Well-meaning humans have long held a dream of uplifting these magnificent Proto-Sophonts to a more sophisticated sophont society. GAL was and is the result of early aboriginal language and human development of this revenant language. Uplifted Apes still use GAL in addition to Anglic. Ursotic Peripheral Ursa Solomani Confederation & Third Imperium Conventional, Unconventional Semi-Canon Ursotic began life as the language of the Terran bear species, a creature with high intelligence potential, but far short of a Proto-Sophont. As GenAssist company uplifted, the species, increased intelligence led to increased ursine language skills. As an animal language, it was a series of grunts growls, and assorted vocalizations that primarily expressed basic biological needs and concrete conceptualizations. As it grew, an increasing number of abstract ideas and concepts entered the language. By the time that GenAssist began genetically engineering ursine vocal cords to approximate human speech, they were surprised to find well-developed minds already developing. Modern Ursotic is a mix of a number of languages, Anglic, Yerkish, and the original animal speech of the Terran Bear. Yerkish Peripheral Uplifted Ape Solomani Confederation Unconventional Non-canon Yerkish was an artificial language originally created for the primates of ancient Terra. It was originally a lexigraphic language onto which many other elements were added such as a gestural sign language, a later vocalized variant, and many other developments. While Yerkish began as an artificial language designed for primates, it was later adapted to many other variant race species and remains a cornerstone or foundation language for many genetically engineered species or variant races.
Notes: These are languages developed by or for non-human species from Terra. Thus, they are the languages of variant or genetically-engineered races
5. Non-human Non-Terran Languages
These languages are distinctly Non-human in nature and most tend to be peripheral languages in influence.
Non-human Non-Terran Languages L-Name L-Hierarchy Associated Race/s Associated Polity/ies Medium/s Canon Remarks Ginsharian (language) Peripheral Ginsharian TBD Conventional, Unconventional, Exotic Non-canon TBD "Guy-Troy language" Peripheral Guy-Troy TBD Conventional Semi-Canon The Guy-Troy or Controlled have a very different throat structure and sound-generating organs compared to humans. Their language requires the use of a Vodor for most mainstream sophont species. Guy-Troy are flyers and their piercing language of whistles, clicks, and high frequency sounds carries well over great distances on their homeworld. Despite the significant presence of the Guy-Troy within Charted Space, the language is not better understood and the Guy-Troy themselves seem to have little interest in attracting greater attention to their language and culture. Guy-Troy are known for using universal translators and vodors with great frequency. Hhraki Peripheral Hhkar Hhkar Sphere Conventional, Unconventional, Exotic Non-canon TBD "Llyrnian language" Peripheral Llyrnian TBD Conventional, Unconventional, Exotic Non-canon TBD Virsashi Peripheral Virushi Virushi Pacifistocracy Conventional Semi-Canon The Virushi are amongst the largest sophonts in mainstream Imperial interstellar society and their society, language, and culture are markedly special and unique for many reasons. Their language retains many cultural elements of their individualist yet herdal tendencies as well as their strong identification with both anti-authoritarianism and pacifism. Physiologically speaking, the Virushi language uses many ultra low level frequency vocalizations designed to carry over great distances compared to more conventional languages. Few sophonts can duplicate these sounds without a Vodor. Vrynsyss Peripheral Eslyat Eslyat Magistracy Conventional,
ExoticApocryphal The Eslyat are a reptillianoid species, who have built a civilization in the Beyond Sector outside of the Third Imperium. Their rather large pocket empire is well known to travellers. Their language Vrynsyss is still being actively studied. Yiirabarhi Peripheral Shrieker TBD Conventional, Unconventional, Exotic Semi-Canon The Shriekers are amongst the youngest of the species known to the Third Imperium despite an ancient lineage. A misunderstanding led them to initially be identified as game animals, but Imperial explorers rectified the situation, made first contact with the sophont species and began the process of studying Yiirabarhi. The language is still poorly understood. Yohi Peripheral Eliyoh TBD Conventional, Unconventional, Exotic Semi-Canon TBD
Notes: These language are distinctly non-human in nature and originate outside of Terra and human cultures. Many of them possess unconventional and exotic natures.
History & Background (Dossier)
Sophisticated language is a hallmark of NILs, Sophonts, Sapients, or whatever other term is used to describe the lifeforms (species) who employ advanced technology.
- All advanced species use some form of language, without any known exceptions.
- And all advanced languages make use of abstract conceptualities.
- Less advanced languages are largely composed of concrete conceptualities.
Language & Proto-Sophonts
Not all species who develop language go onto become sophonts. Some stay at a pre-technology-using phase in which sophontologists refer to them as creatures.
- Others develop many to most of the hallmarks of a sophont species and reach a TL-0 Proto-Sophont "plateau stage," but never advance into more advanced uses of tools and technology that qualify as the TL-1 to TL-33 series by IISS sophontilogical standards.
- Almost all of the languages of Proto-Sophonts are nearly entirely composed of concrete conceptualities and few to no abstract conceptualities.
- At any rate, some species are known to develop very advanced languages and still not develop technology judged to be at an IISS TL-1 or greater standard.
Sapir–Whorf Hypothesis
The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis is a linguistic theory of language relativity or determinism. In short many believe that language helps to determine culture and vice versa. In other words, language favors certain kinds of thought and action. For instance, Aslan Fteirle culture is regulated by codes of honor and encourages orderly behavior and martial competency. Hiver culture, on the other hand, favors disorderly thought and action in comparison. Hivers place no premium on the use of force and find the pursuit of uplifted sophont species to be prestigious. Many of the languages of Charted Space seems to support the linguisticly determinative aspects of Sapir-Whorf theory.
Linguistic Forms
Conventional Linguistic Forms
Conventional linguistics forms are the most commonly encountered ones within Charted Space. Humaniti is probably the most numerous, or at least the culturally dominant sophont species within Charted Space. As such, human norms form many of the cultural folkways of the Third Imperium and surrounding astrographic regions. Due to these cultural norms, mainstream languages are most often considered to be:
- Spoken languages (sound, expressed by a voice)
- Written languages (vision, expressed through physical symbols of various types )
Unconventional Linguistic Forms
Some language forms, while not necessarily less common, have nevertheless taken a subordinant role to conventional written and spoken languages and these include:
- Body language (vision, expressed by a body)
- Haptic language (touch-palpative, expressed with manipulators from one to another)
- Visual language (vision AKA tactile gestural language AKA sign language, expressed with extremity manipulators from a distance)
- Computer language (electronic)
- Mathematical language (various)
- Musical language (sound)
- Symbolic language (mental AKA philosophical)
Exotic Linguistic Forms
And other language forms are of a sufficiently exotic nature, to not be well-understood or considered mainstream:
- Biochemical language (Pheremonal aka chemical aka biochemical, expressed using bodily organs)
- Psionic language (Telepathy, expressed using Psionics)
- Radioscopic language (EM, expressed using radio waves)
- Thermal language (EM, expressed using heat patterns)
- Other (various)
Language Hierarchies
Languages are frequently ranked by the Imperial Interstellar Language Society by their commonality of usage or sociological standing:
- Hypercentral
- Supercentral
- Central
- Sub-Central
- Peripheral
Interstellar Linguistic Hierarchies L-Hierarchy Commonality Convention Synopsis Remarks Hypercentral Very frequent Very High (Dominant diplomatic & trade language) Anglic is the hypercentral language of Charted Space, Species unable to use Anglic, use languages interpreted or translated into Anglic. Despite its many limitations and cultural baggage, its widespread use makes it a "go to" or chosen language for many sophont species. A hypercentral language is used throughout the vast majority of known civilization. Supercentral Frequent High (Frequently-used language of diplomacy and trade) Supercentral languages are ubiquitous throughout Charted Space. Any book or communique of note will be translated into one or more of these major languages, which include not only the languages of the Big Six Major Races, but also those of several other species with significant interstellar influence such as the tongue of the Bwaps. Supercentral languages are often used as connector languages between several central language speakers to have a common communicative tongue. Supercentral languages are almost always used throughout many sectors. Central Common Average (Commonly-used language for interstellar relations) Central languages are those that often possess significance that goes beyond frequency of encounter: national, official, or tongues of historical importance. Many multilingual sophonts speak a central national or racial language as well as one of the supercentral languages and/or the hypercentral one, Anglic. Central languages typically are used in more than a sector-sized area. Sub-central Uncommon Low (Uncommonly-used language) Sub-central languages are far less commonly encountered than central ones. They are the tongues of lesser actors on the interstellar stage. They are "languages of conversation and narration." Many of them are still being codified and recorded by Sophontilogical Ethnologists. Sub-central languages typically are used in an area smaller than a sector, but often larger than a subsector. Peripeheral Rare Very Low (Rarely-used language outside of cultural in-groups) Peripheral languages are tribal languages, or the variant languages of balkanized peoples, who have often not yet formed a unified World-State. They are often limited to native speakers and are passed over by younger sophonts wanting to gain greater access to interstellar society. Peripheral languages typically are used in just a handful of World-Systems and often on just a single planet.
Key Parameters
- L-Hierarchy: This is a linguistic term expressing cultural dominance of a language within interstellar society.
- Commonality: This indicates just how common or easily-encountered the language may be.
- Convention: This indicates the presence of vocabulary expressing commonly encountered galactic folkways and cultural expectations. The more central a language, the more likely it possesses concepts to express such thoughts or that its non-mainstreamed ideas become mainstreamed. Languages with lower levels of conventionality tend to be increasingly strange or exotic to the mainstream norms of Charted Space. They lack common cultural concepts.
- Synopsis: This term briefly explains the role the language plays within interstellar society.
- Remarks: These remarks expand upon the synopsis to reveal more information.
Linguistic Origins
The origins of various languages are often a useful tool for comparative research.
- Natural languages are thought to have evolved as evolutionary advantages for many lifeforms.
- Un-natural or academic languages were later developments from sophont societies seeking to further explore knowledge. They generally include mathematical and philosophical languages. Later computer languages also belong to this class.
- Constructed or artificial languages were the next step, attempts to custom design communicative mediums to fulfill specific needs such as data system communication protocols, bridging languages, or even as new communicative mediums for uplifted species.
Linguistic Typologies:
- Natural Language ("evolved")
- Wet Life Languages (organic)
- Dry Life Languages (inorganic)
- Exotic Life Languages (Neither organic nor inorganic)
- Un-Natural Language ("developed")
- Constructed Language ("imagined")
Language & IISS Senses
No information yet available.
References & Contributors (Sources)
- Author & Contributor: Lord (Marquis) and Master of Sophontology Maksim-Smelchak of the Ministry of Science