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Base Information
Classification Omnivore
Status Minor Race
Locomotion Walker
Body Form
Confluence Non-humanoid
Bio-Identenoid Alien
Size 3.0 meters
Weight 100 kg
Languages Amisal
Social Structure
Technological Epoch TL:10-12
Psionic potential Standard
Origin World
Homeworld location Iesha (Dagudashaag 1712)
StarportC Routine: No Construction, Major Repair, Unrefined fuel
Size7 Medium (11,200 km, 0.70g - 0.94g)
AtmosphereA Exotic
HydrographicsA Water World 100%
Population8 Moderate (200 million)
Government8 Civil Service Bureaucracy
Law6 Moderate Law (no firearms except shotguns)
Tech LevelB Average Stellar (large starships)
Primary Star M1 V
Atmosphere Exotic
Off-world presence No
Zoetic individuals Yes
Reference Imperial Encyclopedia 29.
Canon Yes
Also see

The Eliyoh of Iesha (Dagudashaag 1712) are a technologically sophisticated Minor Non-Human Race with a Non-humanoid appearance.

Description (Specifications)[edit]

The Eliyoh are a bipedal race resembling large flightless birds. Their vision is centered in the far infrared. Eliyoh are ectothermic, and gonochoric (individuals are either male or female). They joined the Imperium in 247.


Eliyoh are omnivores. Notably, they are very fond of Amoa meat (itself a flightless avian, native to Elysium), but hate being near a live specimen, as it appears to remind them that they too could potentially be on the Human food chain.

Archaeological and Cultural Sophontology[edit]

The Eliyoh are noted in Imperial history as the reason why Imperial insignia have no official colors (although important colors are associated with such insignia by tradition). Since Eliyoh vision covers a different part of the spectrum to that of Humans, the standard color of the Imperial Sunburst is unimpressive to them. Upon their joining the Imperium it was decreed that there was to be no official color, to accommodate all member species.

Influence on Humans[edit]

Jesú Cordeiro, founder of the Church of Christ the Merchant (a Solomani offshoot religion) is suspected to have been influenced by Eliyoh philosophies. A number of religious scholars point to many similarities between his Church's teachings and the Eliyoh religion of Thaeloi'aei.

The Songs of Profit (958) by Lady Janii Ayesha Hoelst was modelled on Eliyoh legends. It is often considered her most important work, influencing many subsequent generations of writers and artists.


The Eliyoh primary language is Amisal, known also as 'trade song'. It is indeed a song-like language, where the same words mean different things according to the duration and tone in which they're expressed.


This race is primarily located in the following areas:

  • Dagudashaag Sector
    • Khandi Subsector: Despite the race being generally limited to their homeworld, Eliyoh mercantile and trading interests are found throughout the subsector and are generally run offworld through intermediates.


The homeworld of this race is:

World Listing: 1105[edit]

Significant communities of this race are known to dwell within the following systems and worlds:

1 of 1 World articles in Eliyoh
Iesha  •  
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References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

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