Course Sector

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Course Sector
Far Home Bourne Valiance

map from
Coriander Flann Kraakl
Boodiik Dexter Gnaus Lunatick
Evian Hotspur Otannic
Janadir Pledge
Sector Data
No. of Worlds 133
Population 70.66 million
Majority Control Unexplored (NaXX) - 91%
Secondary Control Non-aligned (NaHu) - 8%
Tertiary Control Sath Exploration (SaXX) - 1%
Domain Distant Fringe
Capital None
Gross Sector Product BCrTBD
Trade Volume BCrTBD
Imperial Coordinate 55 / -28
This sector has sector data

The Course Sector is considered to be a part of the Distant Fringe. It forms a part of the Empty Stars.

Meta-History & Background: 2019-0708[edit]

This sector was designed by Ade Stewart between 2016 to 2017 CE.

  1. It does not yet appear in published products.

Description (Specifications)[edit]

A sector located to trailing of the Distant Fringe proper. It is divided by the Moat Rifts, which run coreward-rimward through the center of the sector and join the Great Void. The settled spinward edge of Course Sector is a part of the Demon Cluster, the Distant Fringe: the rest of the sector is largely unexplored wilderness. The positions and types of its stars have been cataloged as part of the University of Tal Varisa Deep Sky Program.

Toponyms: 1105[edit]

This sector has been known by different names to different groups over its existence including the following:

Course Sector Names
Culture Toponym Polity
Third Imperium TBD Third Imperium
Aslan TBD Aslan Hierate
Droyne TBD Droyne Oytrip Yatroy
Hiver TBD Hive Federation
K'kree TBD Two Thousand Worlds
Solomani TBD Solomani Confederation
Vargr TBD Vargr Extents
Vilani TBD Third Imperium
Zhodani TBD Zhodani Consulate

Linguistic Topography: 1105[edit]

The following languages are among the most commonly used within this astrographic region:

Native Sophonts (NILs): 1105[edit]

The following races (sophont species) are believed to have originated within this area:

Demographics: 1105[edit]

Significant populations of the following races (sophont species) reside within this area:

Sector Sophont Demographics Table[edit]

0 Sophont articles for the Course Sector

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

The settled regions of Course Sector have a long and rich history. Very little information about its unexplored parts is available.

Historical Eras[edit]

Major Historical Events[edit]

Some of the important historical events that have affected Course sector include:

Politics & Diplomacy (Interstellar Relations)[edit]

No polities exist within Course Sector.


Significant populations of the following races (sophont species) are found within Course Sector:

Native Sophonts (NILs)[edit]

No native sophont species are known to have originated in the settled parts of Course Sector. There are very probably unknown NILs among its many unnamed and unexplored systems.

Linguistic Topography[edit]

The following languages are among the most commonly spoken within Course sector:

  • Fleet Anglic. Properly, it is called Old High Anglic. The language of the First Confederation and the Last Armada. It is no longer widely spoken outside of academic circles but is the root tongue of a number of other languages:
    • Anglish The language of the Firstworlds. A direct descendant of Fleet Anglic, widely spoken throughout the Distant Fringe. Most people know a few words and phrases of Anglish.
  • Orometi. The language of the Protectorate of Leset and the Worlds of The Leader, the language the Empire and a common language throughout the coreward-spinward quadrant of Far Home Sector. It is derived from Bengali and other south asian languages of old Terra.


Sandazar, a rich, agricultural garden world.

Interstellar Relations[edit]

No polities exist within Course Sector. The Sath Alliance assert their dominance over a number of worlds in the spinward-rimward quadrant of the sector.

Trade Routes (Physical & Socioeconomic Astrography)[edit]

The following astrographic features and trade routes can be found within this area:

Clusters & Traces[edit]

Rifts & Voids[edit]

Other Astrographic Features[edit]


  • Basilisk's Eye (1723 Tarchon Sector). The extremely luminous white supergiant star, lying around 80 parsecs to coreward-trailing, can be clearly seen from all of the worlds lying within Course Sector.
  • Demon's Eye (1621 Far Home Sector). The intensely luminous blue supergiant star, lying around 20 parsecs to spinward, can be clearly seen from all of the worlds lying within Course Sector.

Star Lanes[edit]

A single Star Lane lies within the sector:

Worlds & Sectors (Astrography)[edit]

This Sector is located in the following regions:
Uncharted Space:

  • TBD

Sector Summary[edit]

No information yet available.

Subsector Listing[edit]

The following subsectors can be found within this sector:

World Listing[edit]

The following systems and worlds can be found within this area:

30 Worlds in the Course Sector
Aasa'tha  •  Ai'akh  •  Cha'aika  •  Cha'aika Thaak  •  Chiatha  •  Cull  •  Eigh  •  Emderim  •  Fenn  •  Fox  •  Ha'asah  •  Ia'ihaa  •  Iakah  •  Ishler  •  Ixa  •  Ka'ha'si  •  Kaa  •  Kerr  •  Kith Aak  •  Kithak  •  Kush  •  MaplanMaplan  •  Mosant  •  Ouser  •  Ragol  •  Sandazar  •  Ssihaa  •  T'kaath  •  Thi'ais  •  Tironar  •  

References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

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