Empress Marava class Far Trader

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Empress Marava class Far Trader
Far-Trader-WH-Keith-MT-Imp-Encyclo-Pg-44 03-July-2018a.jpg
Type: AF Far Trader
Category ACS
Size 200 Tons
Hull Configuration Close Structure Hull
Streamlining Streamlined Hull
Tech Level TL–10
Computer Model 1/bis
Jump J-2
Maneuver 1 G
Fuel Treatment Scoops, Intakes
Hardpoints 2
Staterooms 10
Low Berths 4
Crew 3
High/Mid Passengers 7
Low Passengers 4
Cargo 61 Tons
Fuel tank 44 Tons
Carried craft Air/Raft
Origin Third Imperium
Year Operational Unknown
End of Service Still in active service.
Cost MCr59
Architect fee MCr0.59
Quick Ship Profile AF-BS12
Universal Ship Profile AF-21211R1-000000-00000-0
Blueprint Yes
Illustration Yes
Also see Far Trader
Canon Published, canon design
Designer Marc Miller
Design System Book 2, T5
Era 1105
Reference Starships 19.
Starships are designed with the Classic Traveller format, using High Guard, Book 2 and Traveller5.

The Empress Marava class Far Trader is a mercantile starship and one of many standard 200-ton Far Trader designs known to Charted Space.


Using a 200-ton, TL–10 hull, the Empress Marava class Far Trader ranges far and wide, and deals with every world it finds. Even amber zones and red zones are not considered off limits by its captains, provided there is profit to be made and the risk of being caught is slight.

It is capable of 1-G acceleration and jump-2. Fuel tankage supports jump-2 and one month of operation, and the ship incorporates fuel scoops and intakes for wilderness refueling. The bridge is standard and has a computer Model/1bis installed. There are two hardpoints, but no weapons are mounted. The ship has ten staterooms (three for the crew; seven for the passengers) and four low berths. A single air/raft is carried (in a fitted hull compartment) for various surface duties. The ship is streamlined, and can land on uneven terrain. Cargo capacity is 61 tons, plus a one ton mail vault.

The far trader requires a crew of three: pilot/astrogator, engineer, and steward. It costs MCr 59 (including fees and the 10% discount for standard designs). [1]

Dimensions: 49.3 meters long by 28.5 meters wide by 8.7 meters high. [2]

Image Repository[edit]

  1. A prototypical Far Trader.
    Far-Trader-WH-Keith-MT-Imp-Encyclo-Pg-44 03-July-2018a.jpg

Basic Ship Characteristics[edit]

Following the Imperial Navy and IISS Universal Ship Profile and data, additional information is presented in the format shown here. The small craft factor indicates the number of squadrons (...of ten subcraft) carried on the ship. Tonnage on the universal ship profile is shown in kilotons (...thousands of tons) where necessary. [3]

Basic Ship Characteristics [3]
No. Category Remarks
1. Tonnage / Hull 200 tons.
  • Tonnage: 200 tons (standard displacement). 2,800 cubic meters. [2]
  • Dimensions: 49.3 meters long by 28.5 meters wide by 8.7 meters high. [2]
  • Gravities: Adjustable 0.1 to 2.0 floor fields. Inertial compensators. [2]
2. Crew Crew: Three. Pilot/navigator, engineer, and steward/medic. In addition, two gunners may be carried as needed. [2]
3. Performance Propulsion:
  • Jump-2
  • 1-G acceleration
  • Power Plant-2
  • 200-EPs
  • Agility-0

Acceleration: 1-G. Normal operations and cruising at 1-G. [2]

4. Electronics x1 Model/1 bis ship computer.
  • Electronics: Model/I bis ship computer or equivalent. Entertainment consoles. [2]
5. Hardpoints x2 hardpoints.
6. Armament Armament: Port and starboard hardpoints, each with a dual laser turret standard. Optional weaponry available. [2]
7. Defenses No Defensive equipment is normally instealed except for evasion software.
8. Craft Ship's Boats: No auxiliary vessels. One four-passenger air/raft carried over the forward cargo loading ramp with interior boarding and access. Used for errands and has limited sub orbital capability. [2]
9. Fuel Treatment The ship incorporates fuel scoops for gas giant skimming.
10. Cost MCr 66.175.
11. Construction Time 8 months.
12. Comments Other Equipment:

History & Background[edit]

The Far Trader[edit]

The far trader ranges far and wide, and deals with every world it finds. Even amber zones and red zones are not considered off limits by its captains, provided there is profit to be made and the risk of being caught is slight. [4]

THE FAR TRADER: The basic ship involved in free trade is called the free trader. Variations on the basic ship have resulted in variations in the name. The subsidized merchant, partly because of its size, and partly because of its subsidy, is called the fat trader. Some well-equipped high-G traders employed beyond the Imperial border are called fast traders. The type A2 far trader derives its name from its jump capability: its drives are capable of Jump-2, twice what the standard free trader can do. The far trader can be encountered anywhere in the Imperium. It ranges far and wide, and deals with every world it finds. Even amber zones and red zones are not considered off limits by its captains, provided there is profit to be made and the risk of being caught is slight. [1]

The Empress Marava Name and Lineage[edit]

Empress Marava was born on Kaskii, and there was a great deal of excitement about it there during her short reign as one of the many Emperors of the Flag. A small and struggling starship architecture firm on Kaskii called Bilitig und Dottir commemorated Marava’s rise to power with the design of the Empress Marava Class. Bilitig und Dottir banked its entire firm on the project and went bankrupt when a second run failed to materialise the interest of the first following Marava's defeat. However, with the ascent of Arbellatra to the role of Regent, the Empress Marava-class found a solid market. Its specifications were made available as open source, and several starship-construction companies began to manufacture it.

Class Naming Practice/s & Peculiarities[edit]

The design of the far trader has ship security in mind, and so all passengers are segregated onto a passenger deck. Their access to the bridge and to other areas of the ship is limited. Unfortunately, when a seventh passenger is carried, he or she is berthed adjacent to the bridge. Original specifications did not envision more than six passengers, but the profit motive has led to them being overridden. [5]

Selected Variant Types & Classes[edit]

56 Representative Free Trader (AF) Classes[edit]

§ == ( Please refer to the following AAB Library Data for more information: ) == §


This article has metadata.
Classic Traveller This ship was originally designed using one of the Classic Traveller ship design rules:
GURPS Traveller This ship was originally designed using GURPS Traveller ship design rules.
Mongoose Traveller This ship was originally designed using Mongoose Traveller (1st Edition) ship design rules.
Traveller 5th This ship was originally designed using Traveller 5th edition ship design rules.
This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.