Traveller 5th

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Traveller 5th or T5 is version five of the Traveller rules by FFE's counting.

For errata and rules clarifications, please see Errata-Traveller5.

Description (Specifications)[edit]

Marc Miller had several fresh ideas for the new version and included the following features:

  • "Life Pursuits" as a mechanism for gaining skill in a particular field, post-career.
  • Character generation preserves the Traveller life path feel, and fully accommodates nonhuman characters.
  • Materials technology and weapon design is based on data from earlier Traveller rulesets, but with less complexity than TNE/T4.
  • Power supplies are more like MT's than CT's or T4's.
  • Bits of CT and FFS2 are in starship design, which also takes a page from MT and extends down into smallcraft and vehicles. It's easier to build a small starship in T5 than Classic Traveller's High Guard, Traveller The New Era's Fire, Fusion, & Steel, or T4's Quick Ship Design System (QSDS), but more involved than Classic Traveller's Book 2 (Starships).
  • The TL range is similar to MT.
  • TNE's concept of Maintenance Points is evolved into a way to appraise equipment quality in general.
  • A description-based equipment design system allows things from other rulesets to be easily imported into T5 for use.

Overview Synopsis[edit]

No information yet available.

‎Popular Artists & Authors[edit]



World-building & Colonization[edit]

Worlds and Adventures (1977) created the UWP, which was later expanded with "Extended UWP Statistics", and was continued with the following products:

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

No information yet available.

Meta-history & Background[edit]

Marc Miller released a T5 draft as a CDROM in November 2008. He has also stated that he will direct it very closely and not trust others with production so much as before (T4).

  • In June 2012, Marc ran a successful Kickstarter campaign to fund the printing of a hardcover edition of the rules. These were published in March of 2013.
  • Please see T-5 Progress Report for more information.
  • Please see Far Future Enterprises for more information.

Bibliography-Ludography (Published Products)[edit]

This edition is best known for the following products:

External Links[edit]

References & Contributions (Sources)[edit]

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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.