Heart of Canopus

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Logo Solomani Confederation Small.png

The Heart of Canopus is a cluster lying within Canopus Sector.

Description (Specifications)[edit]

The Heart of Canopus is a large cluster in central-rimward Canopus Sector.

  • It has 42 member systems.
  • It is named for its size and importance.
Chart Canopus Sector Clusters Basic Labelled.png

A basic overview of the Heart:

Chart Heart of Canopus Labelled Basic.png
(Chart sourced from Traveller Map)

Named Regions[edit]

The Heart contains four named regions:

Each region has its own distinct culture and flavor.

Logo Trade and Commerce.png

Commercial Data[edit]

The following commercial and economic data is available:


Corporations and organizations active within the Heart of Canopus include:

ConTech.jpg Logo Guardian Military Systems.png Logo Lamarck Minerals.png Logo Orion Metallurgy Corporation 2.png Panstellar.jpg

Logo Probable Technologies.png Logo SolMan.png Logo Solomani Shipping.jpg Transstar.jpg


Notable local commodities include:

  • (none currently listed)

Security & Defense[edit]

The worlds of the Heart are patrolled by the Solomani Navy. It defends Confederation territory, protects Confederation interests, suppresses piracy, and ensures interstellar trade and commerce.

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

Comp-Prog-Dav-R-Deitrick-Starter-Trav-Page-16 16-July-2018a.jpg

High cargo capacity, low jump rating vessels move along the Heart, carrying large amounts of goods and commodities between its member worlds.

Type TI WH Keith CT The Traveller Adventure p139 v01.jpg

During the Rim War the Confederation attempted to "relocate" a number of non-human races to other worlds, principally to fill gaps in the labor market caused by humans serving in the military. Large numbers of Zarn were moved to the Heart to assist with agricultural tasks, the majority being semi-intelligent but still useful members of the race. Their services remain in demand, they have integrated relatively well where they have settled, and generally they are thriving.

Solomani Security keeps a close eye on things to ensure the security of the Confederation and the well-being of its loyal citizens. Almost anyone could be a SolSec informant, passing on all sorts of useful information: some gain a reward or benefit for their actions, others are coerced, but many see it as an act of duty to help protect the Solomani state and its interests.


Significant populations of the following races (sophont species) reside within this area:

Zarn Sophont Comparison.jpg

Linguistic Topography[edit]

The most commonly heard languages are:


Major events that have affected this region and the wider area that it lies within:

Worlds & Sectors (Astrography)[edit]

Logo World Survey Data Gray.png

This astrographic feature is found in the following areas:

Charted SpaceSolomani Confederation:

World Listing[edit]

Comprehensive Second Survey data for all worlds that are members of the Heart of Canopus is available.

  • The primary source material for all data is Traveller Map.
  • Other sources may differ: some elements of the data may be contradictory or incorrect.
  • Data is occasionally updated as new information becomes available.

AAB library archives contain expanded data about the following systems:

42 of 42 World articles in Heart of Canopus
Alameda  •  Alberto  •  Ao Guang  •  Arad  •  Bijou  •  Brion II  •  CN867  •  Caravan  •  Corcyrea  •  Dimona  •  Essence  •  Flaxen  •  Fugit  •  Gaozu  •  Glace  •  Hyperia  •  Iblis  •  Katrine  •  Lidia  •  Londrina  •  Mammon  •  Mirny  •  Muscida  •  Nanfeng  •  Nikolai  •  Ningkang  •  Noctua  •  Norden  •  Perdix  •  Platinum  •  Pollard  •  Rephorm  •  Sephran  •  Shan (Ca 2038)  •  Shiori  •  Solace  •  Thrush (Ca 1832)  •  Tybalt  •  Variable  •  Vela 7  •  Yefram  •  Yuwen  •  
startbacknext(42 listed)

Note that some Second Survey data, though only 40 years old, may already be out of date.

  • Scouting missions gathering reliable, verified data can receive substantial payment.

References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.