Virtual Crew Program

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The Virtual Crew Program is an Artificial Intelligence system that automates certain crew roles. (c.f. Intellect Program)

Description (Specifications)[edit]

Virtual Crew Programs allow simple tasks to be automated within a ship. The Auto-Repair Program, Virtual Gunner Program and Anti-Hijack Program are all (basically) specialist variants of Virtual Crew Program with their own abilities and limitations.

The Virtual Crew Program can be directed from within the ship or (with appropriate communications in place) externally. They can replace any role where the ship merely requires direction - e.g. Pilot (Called an Auto-Pilot), Astrogator (effectively an advanced Navigation Program), Sensor Operator or Sensor Operator, or (to a more limited extent) Medic, Loadmaster or Steward.

Virtual Crew Programs may use Expert Programs to enhance their capabilities - e.g. to operate cargo bots, janitor drones, etc.

The control systems of an Autodoc can also be seen as a form of Virtual Crew Program.

n.b. Virtual Crew Programs operate under the control of the Captain of the Ship and are his legal responsibility.

Selected Computer Programs[edit]

Offensive Programs:

Defensive Programs:

Routine Programs:

Other Programs:

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

Software within Charted Space is intentionally built to work under a number of different operating systems, different technology levels of computers, and to be extensively toughened for hard use under vacuum if necessary. [10]

The Software List: The computer software list, available at nearly any software vendor or port, indicates the various programs that are available. It shows space required by a specific program in CPU or storage, its price in MCr, and its title. Also shown is a brief overview of its effects. [2]

Software Authorship: Various requirements exist for individual characters producing existing or new programs. Such a course can save money, but may have some pitfalls. Program generation is explained elsewhere. [2]

References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]