Khulikhu Subsector

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Khulikhu Subsector
Likagemika Miruu Verran

map from

Sector Verge
Capital Jhundale (Verge 2625)
No. of Stars 61
Majority Control Third Imperium - 100%

Khulikhu Subsector is Subsector L of Verge Sector.

Description (Specifications)[edit]

The subsector is the part of Verge most closely tied, due to a large cross-border Main, to Dlan in Ilelish Sector, this subsector is more a cultural and economic part of the Domain than average, though still a backwater. This reality shows in the relative paucity of Imperial Nobility of Viscount rank or above. Half of the 38 systems are represented at the Imperial level by only a Knight Resident.

  • It is considered to be an Imperial heartland.
  • It has been settled for millennia.

Astrographic Features[edit]

The following astrographic features and trade routes can be found within this subsector:

Stellar Distribution[edit]

A basic map showing the distribution and size of stars within Khulikhu Subsector.

  • The color corresponds to the visible color of the star, which links to its spectral classification.
  • The size as shown indicates both the physical size of the object and its relative brightness.

Subsector L Khulikhu Star Chart 2.png
(Chart sourced from Traveller Map).

Note that the stars as depicted are representative. Any star, no matter what its size, is a mere speck within the hex it occupies.

  • Ordinary main sequence stars can barely be seen from even a hex away.
  • Huge, intensely luminous giant stars can be seen from across the subsector and far beyond.

Trade Routes[edit]

Mains are chains of star systems, each lying 1 parsec from its neighbour. They are trade routes, with high cargo capacity, low jump rating vessels moving along them, carrying vast amounts of goods and commodities between their member worlds.

The Great Ilelish Main[edit]

Many of the worlds of the subsector lie on the Great Ilelish Main. The Main has 104 member worlds and runs between Verge and Ilelish Sectors.

Chart Great Ilelish Main Basic 2.png
(Chart sourced from Traveller Map)

World Listings[edit]

Comprehensive Second Survey UWP data for all worlds lying within the subsector is available.

  • The primary source material for all data is Traveller Map.
  • Other sources may contain contradictory or incorrect information.
38 Worlds in the Khulikhu Subsector
Adik  •  Amol  •  Argaithe  •  Beless  •  Creagh  •  Elian  •  Erasim  •  Ethessa  •  Gallejat  •  Hummil  •  Inan (Ve 2627)  •  Jhundale  •  Joslins  •  Kajmakkalan  •  Kalkar  •  Korik (Ve 3124)  •  Kuungu  •  Mallerb  •  Mekkar  •  Mirok  •  Mukali (Ve 2826)  •  Naris  •  Nayi (Ve 2526)  •  Nazareno  •  Nestos  •  Ningshia (Ve 2928)  •  Nyamboo  •  Oyelun (Ve 2927)  •  Parditi  •  Perralt  •  Phen  •  Rakhasan  •  Serai (Ve 2723)  •  Sirrahn  •  Suuthon  •  Tatos  •  Thaist  •  Tiawan  •  

Note that some Second Survey data, though only 40 years old, is likely to be out of date.

  • Data is occasionally updated as new information becomes available.
  • Scouting missions gathering reliable, verified data can receive substantial payment.
  • Verified updated data is constantly sought.

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

Comp-Prog-Dav-R-Deitrick-Starter-Trav-Page-16 16-July-2018a.jpg

The part of Verge most closely tied, due to a large cross-border Main, to Dlan in Ilelish Sector, this subsector is more a cultural and economic part of the Domain than average, though it is still a backwater. This reality shows in the relative paucity of Imperial Nobility of Viscount rank or above. Half of the 38 systems are represented at the Imperial level by only a Knight Resident.

Lone Star Haulers, an Imperial transport and logistics company, operates within the subsector.

The Khulikhu Subsector is defended by 275th Fleet.

Polity Listing[edit]

The following polities can be found within this subsector:

Native Sophonts[edit]

No Sophont species are believed to have originated in this area.


Significant populations of the following races (sophont species) reside within this area:

Politics & Diplomacy[edit]

The more prominent members of the Imperial heirarchy of Khulikhu Subsector include:


  • Duchess Mirile Rodrigues of Jhundale was assigned to Jhundale in 1090 after its prior Duke died without a clear heir. Now an accepted part of the noble ranks, she has committed to seeing that her son Zamuel be fully prepared to take her place, and sooner rather than later. He and the eldest son of the Count of Tiawan have recently launched something of a charm offensive into neighboring Ilelish Sector attempting to draw Ilelish money into Verge.


  • Count Aral Telva of Tiawan is the oldest of the High Nobles in the region, and is deep into training Aron, his son and heir, to take on the role. Both are close friends to the Subsector Duchess and her son.


  • Viscountess Avalyn DuMalth of Nayi is an inveterate schemer, and recognized by her peers as more self-centered than is perhaps healthy. A focused and competent leader in her youth, middle age has threatened to distract and mellow her somewhat. One of her current recurring schemes involves showing off her younger daughter to the Duke's heir as often as possible, in the hopes of attracting the young bachelor into marriage. Her daughter, Samintha, is already tired of the show, but earnestly hopes it might work. Samintha wears her heart on her sleeve, though perhaps a little too openly for her mother's liking.
  • Viscount Andiir Smith-Sakaar of Ethessa is a sometime co-conspirator in the economic plans of Duchess Mirile's and Count Aral's heirs, as his world sits on the border of the sector and within the Great Ilelish Main. A bit older and more seasoned than the two young men, his goals are also both simpler and longer-ranged, as he is spending a great deal of effort trying to get the StarPort Authority to invest in upgrading Ethessa's port facilities.
Ilelish Interstellar Information.jpg

News Coverage
Ilelish Interstellar Information Interchange (I4), the leading news and media organization within the sector, keeps close tabs on the activities and personal lives of the rich and titled and their various courtiers. Shows, broadcasts, and articles covering all of the politics, gossip, and scandal are widely available across a variety of formats. It is in open competition with other smaller media companies to be the first to get the top stories.

  • While I4's style of jounalism is generally considered intrusive and sensationalist, the organization broadly supports the Imperial nobility, recognising the importance of the revenue stream that it generates.
  • There are rumors of "understandings" between various parties and of some troubling stories being quashed.

Major Historical Events Timeline[edit]

Major events that have affected this subsector and the wider region that it lies within:

Subsector Summary[edit]

Khulikhu, subsector L of Verge, contains 38 worlds with an estimated combined population of 21 billion, a per capita income of Cr2,862, and a total economy of BCr62,000. These worlds originate an interstellar trade of BCr588 through 32 starports (9 Class A, 7 Class B, 8 Class C, 8 Class D) employing 111,050 people. Driving this interstellar trade are eight Agricultural (Ag) worlds, four Non-Agricultural (Na) worlds, four Pre-Agricultural (Pa) worlds, five Pre-Industrial (Pi) worlds, three Rich (Ri) worlds, and no Industrial (In) worlds. The governments in Khulikhu maintain three Naval bases and three Scout bases. The average technology level is 9 (with most between 6 and 12). The highest technology level is 15 at Naris (Verge 2827).

Khulikhu, subsector L of Verge, contains 61 stars and 392 identified planets; 16 monostellar systems, 21 binary systems, one trinary system, and no systems with four or more stars. 37 of the 38 systems (97%) have native gas giants. There are one Asteroid (As) belt, one Desert (De) world, two Garden (Ga) worlds, no Ice-capped (Ic) worlds, two Poor (Po) worlds, four Vacuum (Va) worlds, and six Water (Wa) or Ocean (Oc) worlds.

Khulikhu has an estimated population of 21 billion distributed across one High population (Hi) world, three Moderate population (Ph) worlds, 21 Non-industrial (Ni) worlds, eight Low population (Lo) worlds, and no Barren (Ba) worlds. The highest population world is Tiawan (Verge 2828). The population consists primarily of 1 sophont group.

1 identified sophont population in Khulikhu

Third Imperium, Domain of Ilelish[edit]

The Third Imperium, Domain of Ilelish has jurisdiction over all of the worlds with an estimated combined population of 21 billion, a per capita income of Cr2,862, and a total economy of BCr62,000. These worlds originate an interstellar trade of BCr588 through 32 starports (9 Class A, 7 Class B, 8 Class C, 8 Class D) employing 111,050 people. Driving this interstellar trade are eight Agricultural (Ag) worlds, four Non-Agricultural (Na) worlds, four Pre-Agricultural (Pa) worlds, five Pre-Industrial (Pi) worlds, three Rich (Ri) worlds, and no Industrial (In) worlds. The governments in the Third Imperium, Domain of Ilelish maintain three Naval bases and three Scout bases within the subsector. The average technology level is 9 (with most between 6 and 12). The highest technology level is 15 at Naris (Verge 2827).

The Third Imperium, Domain of Ilelish has an estimated population of 21 billion within the subsector, distributed across one High population (Hi) world, three Moderate population (Ph) worlds, 21 Non-industrial (Ni) worlds, eight Low population (Lo) worlds, and no Barren (Ba) worlds. The highest population world is Tiawan (Verge 2828). The population consists primarily of 1 sophont groups.

References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

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