Verran Subsector

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Verran Subsector
Khulikhu Steppe Dlan

map from

Edge (Il M)
Sector Ilelish
Capital Istvan (world)
No. of Stars 26
Majority Control Third Imperium - 100%

Verran Subsector is Subsector I of Ilelish Sector.

Description (Specifications)[edit]

The subsector is a bastion of largely Vilani values and is an economic powerhouse relative to other regions of the Imperium.

Astrographic Features[edit]

The following astrographic features and trade routes can be found within this subsector:

Stellar Distribution[edit]

A basic map showing the distribution and size of stars within Verran Subsector.

  • The color corresponds to the visible color of the star, which links to its spectral classification.
  • The size as shown indicates both the physical size of the object and its relative brightness.

Subsector I Verran Star Chart.png
(Chart sourced from Traveller Map).

Note that the stars as depicted are representative. Any star, no matter what its size, is a mere speck within the hex it occupies.

  • Ordinary main sequence stars can barely be seen from even a hex away.
  • Huge, intensely luminous giant stars can be seen from across the subsector and far beyond.

Trade Routes[edit]

Mains are chains of star systems, each lying 1 parsec from its neighbour. They are trade routes, with high cargo capacity, low jump rating vessels moving along them, carrying vast amounts of goods and commodities between their member worlds.

The Great Ilelish Main[edit]

Many of the worlds of the subsector lie on the Great Ilelish Main. The Main has 104 member worlds and runs between Verge and Ilelish Sectors.

Chart Great Ilelish Main Basic 2.png
(Chart sourced from Traveller Map)

The Ilelish Free Trade Group, a loose, decentralised alliance of smaller producers and manufacturers, has feuded here since the 1090s with Zagshiir Industries, a heavy industrial concern that has foundries and production facilities on several worlds in the subsector.

World Listing[edit]

AAB library archives contain expanded data about the following systems:

26 Worlds in the Verran Subsector
Agnald  •  Allanon  •  Allentown  •  Amerigo  •  Bridhid  •  Bronso  •  Chevrolet  •  Dorbyora  •  Fergie  •  Hannegin  •  Irvine  •  Istvan  •  Klean  •  Kyla (Il 0427)  •  Maddend  •  Mengerea  •  Minaforra  •  Moonshadow  •  Naga  •  Paige  •  Rekagun  •  Syndarra  •  Tyr (Il 0127)  •  Welles (Il 0128)  •  Willlelmo  •  Zodeeb  •  

Subsector Summary[edit]

Verran, subsector I of Ilelish, contains 26 worlds with an estimated combined population of 95 billion, a per capita income of Cr7,605, and a total economy of BCr729,788. These worlds originate an interstellar trade of BCr4,371 through 24 starports (9 Class A, 8 Class B, 3 Class C, 4 Class D) employing 826,725 people. Driving this interstellar trade are three Agricultural (Ag) worlds, six Non-Agricultural (Na) worlds, no Pre-Agricultural (Pa) worlds, three Pre-Industrial (Pi) worlds, no Rich (Ri) worlds, and four Industrial (In) worlds. The governments in Verran maintain four Naval bases, three Scout bases, and one Way station. The average technology level is 11 (with most between 8 and 14). The highest technology level is 15 at Klean (Ilelish 0526), Fergie (Ilelish 0724), Syndarra (Ilelish 0729), and Hannegin (Ilelish 0830).

Verran, subsector I of Ilelish, contains 36 stars and 283 identified planets; 16 monostellar systems, ten binary systems, no trinary systems, and no systems with four or more stars. 23 of the 26 systems (88%) have native gas giants. There are three Asteroid (As) belts, four Desert (De) worlds, one Garden (Ga) world, one Ice-capped (Ic) world, eight Poor (Po) worlds, three Vacuum (Va) worlds, and two Water (Wa) or Ocean (Oc) worlds.

Verran has an estimated population of 95 billion distributed across six High population (Hi) worlds, two Moderate population (Ph) worlds, nine Non-industrial (Ni) worlds, six Low population (Lo) worlds, and no Barren (Ba) worlds. The highest population worlds are Rekagun (Ilelish 0330) and Dorbyora (Ilelish 0821). The population consists primarily of 2 sophont groups including one native sophont.

2 identified sophont populations in Verran

Third Imperium, Domain of Ilelish[edit]

The Third Imperium, Domain of Ilelish has jurisdiction over all of the worlds with an estimated combined population of 95 billion, a per capita income of Cr7,605, and a total economy of BCr729,788. These worlds originate an interstellar trade of BCr4,371 through 24 starports (9 Class A, 8 Class B, 3 Class C, 4 Class D) employing 826,725 people. Driving this interstellar trade are three Agricultural (Ag) worlds, six Non-Agricultural (Na) worlds, no Pre-Agricultural (Pa) worlds, three Pre-Industrial (Pi) worlds, no Rich (Ri) worlds, and four Industrial (In) worlds. The governments in the Third Imperium, Domain of Ilelish maintain four Naval bases, three Scout bases, and one Way station within the subsector. The average technology level is 11 (with most between 8 and 14). The highest technology level is 15 at Klean (Ilelish 0526), Fergie (Ilelish 0724), Syndarra (Ilelish 0729), and Hannegin (Ilelish 0830).

The Third Imperium, Domain of Ilelish has an estimated population of 95 billion within the subsector, distributed across six High population (Hi) worlds, two Moderate population (Ph) worlds, nine Non-industrial (Ni) worlds, six Low population (Lo) worlds, and no Barren (Ba) worlds. The highest population worlds are Rekagun (Ilelish 0330) and Dorbyora (Ilelish 0821). The population consists primarily of 2 sophont groups.

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

The Verran Subsector is defended by 233rd Fleet.

Polity Listing[edit]

The following polities can be found within this subsector:

Native Sophonts[edit]

The following Sophont species are believed to have originated in this area:


Significant populations of the following races (sophont species) reside within this area:

Major Historical Events Timeline[edit]

References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

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