Mirok (world)

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Alien Moon 106-0 Small.jpg
Mirok/Khulikhu (Verge 2725)
Classic Era (1116)
StarportD Poor: No Construction, Minor Repair, Unrefined fuel
Size1 Small (1,600 km, 0.05g - 0.09g)
Atmosphere0 Vacuum
Hydrographics0 Desert World 0%
Population6 Moderate (5 million)
Government6 Captive Government/Colony
Law3 Low Law (no automatic weapons)
Tech Level9 Early Stellar (fusion)
See also UWP
System Details
Primary G2 V
Planetoid Belts 1
Gas Giants 4
Jump map from Travellermap.com [1]

Mirok is a non-agricultural and nonindustrial vacuum world, which warrants hazardous environment precautions.

  • Life in a vacuum requires great discipline. After all, it only takes one forgotten seal on a vacuum suit to spell death. Those who survive tend to be very methodically-minded and attentive to small detail.
  • It requires extensive imports of outside technology to maintain a modern, star-faring society.
  • It is unable to produce quality foodstuffs and must import them.
  • It has few prospects for economic development.
  • It is a member of the Third Imperium in the Khulikhu Subsector of Verge Sector in the Domain of Ilelish.
  • It orbits in the outer system.
  • This world has an Imperial Scout base, capable of handling IISS starships and personnel.
  • This world is directly administered by Jhundale.

Description (Astrography & Planetology)[edit]

Mirok has a solitary primary star.

  • It is a yellow main sequence.

Solitary G Type.jpg

Mirok has a solitary primary star.
Solitary G Type.jpg Type Category Mass (Sol) Temperature (K) Luminosity
G2 V Main Sequence 1 5720 - 5770 1
Unit Diameter Safe Distance Habitable Zone Jump Shadow M-Drive Limit
AU 0.0094 0.0829 0.95 - 1.68 0.94 9.4
Orbit #  *  * 4 3 7
Remarks None

System Data[edit]

The worlds of the system have been surveyed. They consist of:

Mainworld Data[edit]

Mirok orbits in the outer system, far beyond the star's narrow habitable zone.

Mainworld Size (S)[edit]

Mirok is a Small World between 900km and 2,400km in diameter. The world has very low gravity between 0.05G and 0.09G. The horizon will appear about 2km away.

Mainworld Atmosphere (A)[edit]

Mirok has a pressure of less than 0.001 atmospheres which requires the use of a Vacc Suit. TL–8 or more advanced survival gear is required to settle this world.

Mainworld Hydrosphere (H)[edit]

Mirok has no free-standing water or ice on the surface. Wilderness refueling isn't possible on this world. Water for the inhabitants needs to be imported and extensively recycled. These worlds are classified Desert World or a Hell World depending on their atmosphere.

Mainworld Geography and Topography[edit]

No centrally held map of the world exists within AAB Library Data records.

Blank World Map Gray.png
(Blank map, vacuum world.)

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

Comp-Prog-Dav-R-Deitrick-Starter-Trav-Page-16 16-July-2018a.jpg

Mirok's immense mineral wealth initially attracted miners and settlers. The world came under the control of Mirok Mining, an efficient and ruthless Corporate Polity that exploited the workforce for centuries, eventually sparking a popular revolution that seized control but quickly disintegrated into squabbling rival factions. Military forces from Jhundale restored order and emplaced a puppet Interim Government to run the world: it is inefficient and corrupt and has failed to maintain the previously good infrastructure, placing the livelihoods and the lives of the population at significant risk.

A temperate but relatively resource-poor secondary world orbits wjtbin the stars habitable zone. It is home to a few hundred independent settlers, primarily small matriarchal family groups. They are not welcoming to strangers.

World Starport (St)[edit]

Mirok has a Class D Starport, a poor quality installation which has few of the expected amenities. There is unrefined fuel for starships and a limited variety of ship provisions. There is no shipyard of any kind, but there may be parts and technical support for doing minor services and repair. Ports of this classification generally consist of only a downport, unless this is a trade port or system with an hostile environment mainworld.

World Population (P)[edit]

Mirok has a population of 5,000,000 sophonts (millions).

  • This is a Nonindustrial World, too small to support the complete chain of production of most goods from start to finish.

World Technology Level (T)[edit]

Mirok possesses a Technology Level of TL–9.

  • Common Communication technologies for this TL include: Fiber optics and satellite communication and data networks.
  • Common Power Generation technologies for this TL include: Early fusion power.
  • Common Transportation technologies for this TL include:
    • Land: Ultra high-speed trains and early grav vehicles.
    • Water: High efficiency sailcraft, multihulled seacraft, improved artificial gills.
    • Air: Tiltrotorcraft, exotic VTOL's, PARWIG, and rocket-assisted suborbitals.
    • Space: SSTO spacecraft, early military spacecraft (System Craft), and interstellar STL starships
    • FTL: Prototype Jump Drive-1.

World Government (G)[edit]

Mirok has a Captive Government or Colony. The world is ruled by an external government, there is no self-rule. This is a colony or conquered area. The local government is an oligarchy appointed by, and answerable only to, the external government.

World Law (L)[edit]

Mirok has a low law level. There are few laws, covering only important areas. There may be few or no law enforcement officers, the expectation is citizens will bring law breakers to the attention of the Judicial system. Legal proceedings will be fast, with few people involved. For interactions outside of the framework of the laws, cultural norms dominate. Machine guns, other automatic weapons, portable energy weapons, and other military weapons, body pistols, explosives, and poison gas are typically regulated or prohibited.

Imperial High (Landed) Nobility[edit]

Mirok, as a member world of the Third Imperium has a member of the Imperial Nobility overseeing the world.

Trade Data[edit]

  • Importance: -2 (very unimportant)

World Economy[edit]

  • Resources: D (very abundant)
  • Labor: 5 (hundreds of thousands)
  • Infrastructure: 2 (extremely limited)
  • Efficiency: -5 (extremely poor)

World Culture[edit]

  • Heterogenity: 3 (monolithic)
  • Acceptance: 4 (extremely aloof)
  • Strangeness: 2 (typical)
  • Symbols: 6 (somewhat concrete)

World Timeline[edit]

Major events that have affected this world and the wider region that it lies within:

References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

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