Fighter: Generally using a 10-ton hull, the fighter is capable of 6-G acceleration, carries 1.0 ton of fuel, and has a crew of one. [1] Small craft are boats of interplanetary (...though not interstellar) capability. Fighters are characterized as small spacecraft usually without jump capability.
- The hallmarks of a fighter are its speed, maneuverability, and small size relative to other combat craft.
- A fighter is, by definition, under 100 tons. This distinguishes it from a battle rider and SDB.
Library Data Referral Tree[edit]
Please refer to the following AAB Library Data for more information:
- Advanced Ship Classifications
- Ship Mission Code / Supraclass
- Ship Type Code / Superclass
- Ship Class Code / Class
- Model (TL)
- Bloc (Lot)
- Basic Ship Classifications
- Adventure Class Ship (Auxiliary Class Ship)
- Battle Class Ship (Bulk / Subcapital Class Ship)
- Capital Ship (Capital Class Ship)
- Fleet Class Ship (Capital Class Ship)
- Size-Role Classification
- Subcapital Ship (Small & Large Battle Class Ships)
- World Class Ship
- Light Speed (c)
- Astronomical Unit (AU)
- Light-second (ls)
- Light-minute (lm)
- Light-hour (lh)
- Light-day (ld)
- Light-week (lw)
- Light-year (ly)
- Parsec (pc)
Description (Specifications)[edit]
It includes a ship computer Model/1 and can mount only one type of weapon: one laser, up to three missile racks, or up to three sandcasters. It has one ton of excess space, and typically costs MCr18. [1]
- The lack of a jump drive and its accompanying fuel storage, enables designers of these ships to focus more on putting heavier weapon systems and better in-system drives. This characteristic makes them more of a threat on a ton per ton basis than similar ships with a jump capability.
- The Fighter is a small, highly manoeuvrable, armed small craft, usually capable of at least 4 Gs acceleration, carrying one or two crew, and displacing around 10 tons. Fighters generally have a small fuel tank (...usually less than twelve hours' fuel), and no cargo capacity.
- Fighters are invariably armed; usually with the heaviest armament the small craft can bear in a non-turret mount. Generally beam weapons are preferred because they are intended to operate at close range. In some cases a missile launch rack may be installed as well.
Image Repository[edit]
- An assortment of unidentified fighters sometimes seen on the fringes of Charted Space.
- Two Kia class Heavy Fighters approaching target on a coordinated strike mission.
- A sleek and deadly Tlatl class Fighter.
Strategy & Tactics (Doctrine)[edit]
The primary role of these craft is in-system offense and defense as part of a COACC system. Their primary operational area is space, but a number have been configured or have variants suitable to for in atmospheric operations.
- Although the role these ships are normally employed in is a system defense role, the shipborne fighters with their ability to be transported in jump capable carriers makes them an ideal addition for convoy duties, as well as scouting and reconnaissance. Once launched at their destination they can keep in-system defense busy and at bay while other ships complete their missions.
- On the other hand, based fighters are ideal vessels to control vital areas of a system such as gas giants, asteroid belts, and orbital installations. Their speed and weapon loads make them strong threats to most hostile vessels and few can ignore them with impunity. Because these vessels don't have jump capability and have very modest resource requirements even poorer system can afford to have them to protect their essential space assets.
☆ Fleet support role. Fighters light armament and armour limit their role in fleet engagements but they can be grouped in squadrons to cover flanks, screen gas giants,cover refuelling, extend the fleet's sensor coverage or drive off an enemy fighter screen. Although their light armament makes them ineffective against Capital Ships, concentrating the squadron fire onto a single target can be successful against enemy escort vessels. Using fighter squadrons as an anti missile screen has met with mixed success but their high speed means that they excel in the pursuit mode against a defeated enemy trying to disengage by reaching a sage jump diameter or hide in a gas giant..
Supraclass Roles[edit]
Fighters typically serve the following roles:
- Aerofighter (F)
- Atmospheric Fighter AKA Air Fighter (F)
- Attack Fighter (FA)
- Bomber (FBB)
- Close Support Fighter (FA)
- Dual Environment Interceptor (FI)
- Escort Fighter (FP)
- Fighter (F) (Namesake)
- Fighter/Bomber (FB)
- Fighter/Interceptor (FI)
- Fleet Defense Fighter (FP)
- Fleet Fighter (FP)
- Fleet Interceptor (FI)
- Grav Fighter (F)
- Ground Assault Craft (FA)
- Ground Attack Fighter (FA)
- Heavy Fighter (FH)
- Interceptor (FI)
- Interface Fighter / Spaceplane (F)
- Interface Interceptor (FI)
- Light Fighter (FL)
- Light Interceptor (FI)
- Medium Fighter (FM)
- Microfighter (FC)
- Missile Fighter (FS)
- Multi-role Fighter
- Patrol Fighter (FP)
- Patrol Torpedo Craft (FS)
- Point Defense Fighter (FI)
- Pursuit Fighter (FI)
- Assault Boat (FA)
- Snub Fighter (F)
- Space Fighter (F)
- Space Superiority Fleet Fighter (FP)
- Star Fighter (F)
- Strike Bomber (FS)
- Strike Fighter (FS)
- Torpedo Boat (FS)
- Turret Wing Fighter (F)
Fighter Classifications by Size[edit]
- Battlerider (BR): 100+ tons
- Bigcraft Fighter (BR): 100+ Tons
- Heavy Fighter (FH): 50-99 Tons
- Strike Fighter (FS): 01-99 Tons
- Medium Fighter (FM): 30-49 Tons
- Light Fighter (FL): 10-29 Tons
- Microfighters (FC): 01-09 Tons
NOTES: Noncombatant smallcraft and combatant utility craft are known as Utility Craft.
Fighter Classifications by Capability[edit]
Fighters are named by their capabilities:
- Fighter is a generic term encompassing all types of flying combat smallcraft.
- Spacefighters are limited to operations in open space or the vacuum and are systemic craft not capable of opening a transition to jumpspace.
- Starfighters are limited to operations in open space or the vacuum and are systemic craft, but are capable of opening a transition to jumpspace. Craft large enough to carry jump drives are generally pushing the definition of a fighter. Some just call them gunboats.
- Interface Fighters, are typically non-jump fighters, capable of operating in open space or within the atmosphere of a planet. They often have physical streamlining or the grav equivalent. Gravitic versions are often called Grav Fighters.
- Air Fighters are non-jump fighters only capable of operating within the atmosphere of a planet. They often have physical streamlining or the grav equivalent. As grav technology becomes more advanced, there is little difference between an aircraft and a gravcraft. In fact, composites of the two are often called grav speeders.
Note: G-Carriers are advanced grav craft capable of achieving limited spaceflight. Despite the similarity of capabilities, a G-Carrier is not a fighter. The difference between a G-Carrier and a Grav Fighter is that the G-Carrier is primarily an armored AFV and troop transport whilst G-Fighters are typically less armored and focus on air and near space, low orbit COACC space superiority missions.
Common Fighter Types[edit]
Fighters (F):
Type F class Fighter: Lead Primary Setter Type for combatant smallcraft
- Type FA class Attack Fighter: Attack Fighter
- Type FB class Fighter Bomber: Fighter Bomber
- Type FC class Microfighter: Microfighter
- Type FH class Heavy Fighter: Heavy Fighter
- Type FI class Interceptor: Interceptor
- Type FL class Light Fighter: Light Fighter
- Type FM class Medium Fighter: Medium Fighter
- Type FP class Patrol Fighter: Patrol Fighter
- Type FS class Strike Fighter: Strike Fighter
Bigcraft - Battle Rider - Fighter:
Supraclass Archetypal Roles[edit]
These vessels typically serve the following archetypal roles:
Selected F-class Fighter Archetypes | |||
Archetype | Type Code | Exemplar | Remarks |
Fighter (Stock Fighter) (Namesake) |
F | Grizzly class Heavy Fighter | This class of craft is consider as representative of the class as a whole. It is a balance of speed, maneuverability, weapons, and armor and constitutes the majority type of this vessel manufactured. Most classes of this fighter are built with both shipborne and base variants. As one of the most widely produced military spacecraft, ships of this type can be found in virtually all naval forces.
Atmospheric Fighters (Aircraft) |
F | Cheyenne class Jet Fighter | Non-jump fighters only capable of operating within the atmosphere of a planet. They often have physical streamlining or the grav equivalent. As grav technology becomes more advanced, there is little difference between an aircraft and a grav vehicle. In fact, composites of the two are often called grav speeders or grav fighters.
Interface Fighter (Spaceplane) |
F | Daytona class Orbital Fighter/Interceptor | Interface Fighters are characterized by the fact that they are configured for use in atmosphere, as well as, space operations. They basically are streamlined and have sufficient shielding to support atmosphere entry at high speeds. This capability gives them much more flexibility then most typical fighters. They can also be found operating around gas giants as well, and they make a great ambush threat to refueling vessels.
Submersible Fighter (Submarine) |
F | Underfighter class Submersible Fighter | Taking the concept of an Interface Fighter one step further, Submersible Fighters are able (...due to pressure hulls or other specialized means) to operate somewhat deeper within gas giants and at significant underwater depths, as well as in atmosphere and space. This gives them an even greater ability to ambush refueling vessels, as well as enabling operations against and around underwater assets (...such as colonies on water worlds and ocean worlds, and certain mining and aquafarming operations). As they dedicate significant tonnage to this capability (by definition: those that do not are at most Interface Fighters), they are more specialized in their role, and are thus more often a defensive or ambush asset than used for offense - which means they can usually retreat beyond where attackers can follow, if they can reach the depths without taking too much damage.
Space Fighter | F | Gyro class Turret Wing Fighter | Space Fighters are optimized for vacuum space superiority warfare. They are intended to secure star system or related battle spaces.
Star Fighter (Bigcraft Fighter) |
F | Nolikian class Battle Rider | TL-15 technology cannot yet fit a jump drive into a smallcraft hull. So, they make subcraft out of larger frames, craft as big as a Type S class Scout/Courier or larger, such as a Battle Rider. In this sense, tenders function like carriers. Sometimes, these bigcraft are referred to as oversize fighters (...some weigh thousands of tons). Such craft are more typically called by a variety of Escort terms: Battle Riders, Brigs, FACs, Sloops, etc.
Attack Fighter | FA | Bombardier class Ground Attack Fighter | Attack Fighters is a tactical military craft that has a primary role of carrying out air or spacestrikes with greater precision than bombers, and is prepared to encounter strong low-level air defenses while pressing the attack. They are optimized to attack army targets, AFVs, tanks, infantry, battledress, etc.. They are meant to destroy ground and planetary targets. Gunships can be built under 100.0 tons and are a specific kind of attack craft.
Fighter Bomber or Bomber | FB | Likuurka class Bomber | Fighter-Bombers is a fighter craft that has been modified, or used primarily, as a light bomber or attack aircraft. It differs from bomber and attack aircraft primarily in its origins, as a fighter that has been adapted into other roles, whereas bombers and attack aircraft are developed specifically for bombing and attack roles. They blend a combination a air superiority with ground attack capabilities. Bombers are optimized for heavy duty attack capabilities.
Microfighter | FC | Gnat class Light Fighter | Microfighters are extremely small fighter craft, smaller than 10.0 tons. Just as starships can't be built under 100.0 tons, many regard fighters under 10.0 tons as ineffective and purposeless. But others disagree and have found tactical uses for such platforms. The very first fighter aircraft, typically created in the TL:4-6 tech epoch, tend to all be considerably under 10.0 tons in size.
Heavy Fighter | FH | Kia class Heavy Fighter | Heavy Fighters are designated so, due to heavier weapon suites and higher costs. They are often larger vessels then typical fighters and carry larger crews to support the operation of their weapon batteries. Their larger size does affect the number that can be carried on carriers and tenders and can impose a higher maintenance burden.
Interceptor or Fighter Interceptor | FI | Reno class Hypersonic Fighter/Interceptor | Interceptors are a type of fighter craft designed specifically to attack enemy smallcraft and ships, particularly bombers and reconnaissance craft, as they approach. Such craft are often designated due to their speed. Their relative cost, speed, and weapons have an often inverse relationship. The higher the speed the less one can carry. So fighter interceptors are normally more lightly armed sprinters. A force might have a few to support reconnaissance needs.
Light Fighter | FL | Rampart Class Light Fighter | The Light Fighter is normally more lightly armed and may also have less endurance than other fighter types. They may also be more lightly armored and they are often the cheapest vessels of this type to manufacture. In time of crisis, they may be equipped with weapon pods to increase their combat capability, but at the cost of range and maneuverability. They are usually considered as very highly maneuverable, and many have civilian use variants which find a active market with people who want a fast, maneuverable ship for in-system use. Some vessels of this type also find use as an in system courier capable of very small cargo loads.
Medium Fighter | FM | Sath class Medium Fighter | Very large number of light and heavy fighters are employed, and most fighting forces do not favor the medium fighter size limits, yet such platforms can be very effective.
Patrol Fighter | FP | Kirchner class Patrol Fighter | Patrol Fighters are craft designed to operate for long duration over space or atmosphere in patrol roles, in particular combat air patrol (CAP), reconnaissance roles (Recon), anti-ship warfare (AShW), and search and rescue (SAR). A combat air patrol is a patrol provided over an objective area, over the force protected, over the critical area of a combat zone, or over an aero defense area (COACC), for the purpose of intercepting and destroying hostile craft and ships before they reach their target/s.
Strike Fighter | FS | Nolrrgarrai class Strike Fighter | Strike Fighters are designated "Strike Fighters" normally due to their long range weapon payloads. An Interdictor is a specific type of attack craft that operates far behind enemy lines, with the express intent of interdicting the enemy's military targets, most notably those involved in logistics. The interdiction prevents or delays enemy forces and supplies from reaching the battlefront.
NOTES: There is semantic overlap between many of the classes and codes. Some codes organize by mission or capability, others by size and tonnage, and yet others by other characteristics. |
Mission Basing Types: There are two broad divisions with this ship type:
- Shipborne fighters: Characterized by features to enable the easy storage, maintenance, launch and retrieval by tenders and carriers.
- Based fighters: Although base type fighters are very similar they lack features which make them more difficult to use in the confined spaces of carriers.
A number of manufacturers do offer mod kits which support conversion of ships between the several types, and many of these craft are produced in multiple variants.
- Selected Fighter Classes: Fighters come in many sizes and types including the following:
History & Background (Dossier)[edit]
Fighters serve a variety of combat roles and come in a variety of sizes although the more standard 10-ton models are often the most useful in their indicated roles. It has become one of the eight most popular and commonly encountered smallcraft designs found within Charted Space.
Most Common Standardized Smallcraft Types[edit]
- Cutter (50-ton)
- Fighter (10-ton) (Light Fighter)
- Launch (20-ton)
- Pinnace (40-ton)
- Ship's Boat (30-ton)
- Shuttle (95-ton)
- Slow Boat (30-ton)
- Slow Pinnace (40-ton)
Selected Variant Types & Classes[edit]
- Type F class Fighter
- Type FA class Attack Fighter
- Type FB class Fighter Bomber
- Type FC class Microfighter
- Type FH class Heavy Fighter
- Type PA class Heavy Fighter (Obselete Code)
- Type FI class Interceptor
- Type FL class Light Fighter
- Type PL class Light Fighter (Obselete Code)
- Type FM class Medium Fighter
- Type FP class Patrol Fighter
- Type FS class Strike Fighter
Ship Summary List[edit]
Some of the most commonly used vessels in this role or these roles include:
13 Representative Fighter (F) Classes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 Representative Attack Fighter (FA) Classes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0 Representative Fighter Bomber (FB) Classes | |
No results |
1 Representative Microfighter (FC) Classes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 Representative Heavy Fighter (FH) Classes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0 Representative Fighter/Interceptor (FI) Classes | |
No results |
1 Representative Light Fighter (FL) Classes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 Representative Medium Fighter (FM) Classes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0 Representative Patrol Fighter (FP) Classes | |
No results |
3 Representative Strike Fighter (FS) Classes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0 Representative Bigcraft Fighter / Battle Rider Fighter (BRF) Classes | |
No results |
References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]
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This page uses content from Wikipedia. The original article was at Fighter_aircraft. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. The text of Wikipedia is available under the Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. |
- This article is an amalgamation of many different materials published since 1977.
- Marc Miller. Starships (Game Designers Workshop, 1977), 18.
- Marc Miller, Frank Chadwick. Lightning Class Cruisers (Game Designers Workshop, 1980), 40-41.
- Timothy B. Brown. Fighting Ships (Game Designers Workshop, 1981), 26.
- Marc Miller. Imperial Encyclopedia (Game Designers Workshop, 1987), 81.
- Terrance McInnes. COACC (Game Designers Workshop, 1989), All.
- Don Perrin. Starships (Imperium Games, 1996), 62-67.
- Gareth Hanrahan. Core Rulebook (Mongoose Publishing, 2008), 136.
- ↑ Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Marc Miller. Starships (Game Designers Workshop, 1977), 18.