Traveller 5:Core Rules

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T5 Core Rules
T5 Cover.jpg
Traveller 5th edition
Author Marc Miller
Publisher Far Future Enterprises
Version Traveller 5th
Edition 1st
Format Book (Hardback) / CD-ROM
Language English
Pages 658
Year Published 2013
Canonical Yes
Available from FFE Home
ISBN 978-155878000-2
Table of Contents

The T5 Core Rules book is the 5th of the direct line of the Traveller game system.

  • It is ambitiously intended as the ultimate science fiction role-playing system covering nearly everything in role-playing and capable of managing situations across a variety of eras and technology levels.
T5 Core Rules
Edition Hardback CD-ROM Electronic Remarks
5.00 Yes Yes Yes Circa 2013 CE. Kickstarter edition. Original production. Possesses typos. Still, great content. Electronic updates available. Please contact FFE.
5.09 No Yes Yes Circa 2016 CE. Available to all 5.0 owners in electronic edition. Please contact FFE. Includes an index, updated contacts, and different pagination. No hardback edition exists at this time.
5.10 TBD TBD TBD Errata in playtest and review as of 2018 CE.

NOTES: All pagination on this page is with the T5 5.00 hard back edition.

Description (Specifications)

The T5 Core Rules are the ultimate development of the Traveller RPG system, a compilation and grand development of Marc Miller and the ultimate expression of his OTU.

Table of Contents

Traveller 5th Edition:
T5 Core Rules
Section Page/s
T5-001 Character Card IFC
Coat of Arms of the Third Imperium
(Book Plate)
Signum Imperius
Definition of Deraabelar 1
Cover Sheet 3
Edition Guide 4
Dedication 5
Title Sheet 7
Contents 9
Introductions 10 to 21
Absent Friends 10
Traveller is About... 11
Traveller is a Role-Playing Game 12 to 13
The Galaxy 14
A Brief History of the Universe 15 to 17
Foundations of the Universe 18 to 21
Basic Information 22 to 57
Dice 22 to 33
Ehex 34
The Ton 35
Range and Distance 36 to 47
Benchmarks 48 to 51
Costs 52
Values 53
Size 54
Hot and Cold 55
Money 56
Humanity 57
Characters and Life 58 to 209
Characteristics 58 to 67
Characters 68 to 77
Careers 78 to 95
Craftsman 83
Scholar 84
Entertainer 85
Citizen 86
Scout 87
Merchant 88
Spacer 89
Soldier 90
Agent 91
Rogue 92
Noble 93
Marine 94
Functionary 95 to 109
Life Pursuits and Experience 110 to 111
Genetics 112 to 117
Clones 118 to 121
Chimeras 122 to 123
Androids and Synthetics 124 to 127
Tasks 128 to 141
Skills 142 to 183
Personals 184 to 189
QREBS 190 to 196
The Senses 197 to 209
Combat 210 to 303
Personal Combat 210 to 235
The Armory 236 to 239
GunMaker 240 to 260
ArmorMaker 261 to 279
VehicleMaker 280 to 303
Starports and Starships 304 to 417
Starports 304 to 311
Starship Design 312 to 351
ShipSheets 352 to 357
Adventure Class Ships 358 to 359
Fuel Benchmarks 360 to 362
How Starships Work 363 to 403
Maneauver 363 to 365
Jump 366 to 376
Power Systems 376 to 378
Sensors 379 to 385
Weapons 386 to 393
Defenses 394 to 403
Starship Combat 404 to 417
Stars and Worlds 418 to 526
Sectors and Subsectors 418 to 419
Charting the Stars 420 to 425
Star Systems and Worlds 426 to 443
Mapping Worlds 444 to 476
Trade and Commerce 477 to 496
Technology 497 to 513
Computers and Consoles 514 to 521
Personalities and Brains 522 to 526
Adventures 527 to 640
Psionics 527 to 536
Sophonts 537 to 559
Robots 560 to 573
BeastMaker 574 to 585
BeastMaker Events 586 to 587
The Beastiary 588 to 595
ThingMaker 596 to 607
ThingMaker Equipment 608 to 630
Adventures 631 to 634
EPIC Adventures 635 to 640
The Traveller's Guide to Starships
(Color Insert)
641 to 656
Map of Charted Space IBC

Library Data Entries (Public)

  1. Adventure Class Ship (ACS)
  2. Android [1]
  3. Aslan
  4. Aslan Border Wars
  5. Armor
  6. The Armory
  7. Astrography
  8. Battle Class Ship (BCS)
  9. Beast
  10. Brain
  11. Charted Space
  12. Charting the Stars
  13. Chimera
  14. Climate [2]
  15. Clone
  16. Computer
  17. Console
  18. Consolidation Wars
  19. Credit (Cr) [3]
  20. Dakhaseri [4]
  21. Deraabelar [5]
  22. Droyne
  23. First Contact
  24. Fuel Benchmarks
  25. FTL [6]
  26. Fusion Power
  27. Galaxy / Galaxias [7]
  28. Gas Giant
    1. Ice Giant
    2. Large Gas Giant
    3. Small Gas Giant
  29. Genetics
  30. Grandfather [8]
  31. Gravitics [9]
  32. Gun
  33. Habitable Zone
  34. Hiver
  35. Humaniti
  36. Inertial Damper
  37. Inferno World
  38. Interstellar Wars
  39. Jump Drive
  40. Kursae [10]
  41. Lifters
  42. Long Night
  43. Maneuver Drive
  44. MegaCredit (MCr) [11]
  45. Mileau [12]
  46. Money
  47. NAFAL [13]
  48. Personality
  49. Power Systems
  50. Psionic Supressions
  51. QREBS [14]
  52. Psionics
  53. Rad World
  54. Resource Unit (RU or Aryu) [15]
  55. Robot
  56. Rule of Man
  57. Sensors
  58. Solomani [16]
  59. Solomani Rim Wars
  60. Sophont [17]
  61. Sophontoid [18]
  62. Star
  63. Star System
  64. Starport
  65. Starship
  66. Starship Design
  67. Storm World
  68. Strangeworld [19]
  69. Synthetic
  70. Technology
  71. Terran
  72. Terran Confederation
  73. Third Imperium
  74. Tool
  75. Trade and Commerce
  76. Traveller [20]
  77. Vargr
  78. Vehicle
  79. Vilani [21]
  80. Vilani Empire
  81. World
  82. Yaskoydray [22]
  83. Zhodani [23]
  84. Ziru Sirka

Selected Corporations

  1. TBD

Selected Form/s & Terms



  1. ACS [25]
  2. BCS [26]
  3. Ehex AKA Expanded Hexidecimal Notation
  4. Flux [27]
  5. FTL
  6. G-Drive
  7. Ehex [28]
  8. J-Drive
  9. M-Drive
  10. MSL AKA Master Ship List [29]
  11. NAFAL
  12. NIL
  13. P-Drive
  14. QREBS [30]
  15. QSDS AKA Quality Ship Design Scheme [31]
  16. Sapient
  17. Sentient
  18. Sophont
  19. Strangeworld [32]
  20. TNAS AKA Travellers' Naval Architecture Society [33]
  21. Ton [34]
  22. Universal Personality Profile (UPP) [35]
  23. Universal World Profile (UWP)

Selected Major Race Polities

Big Nine:

  1. Aslan
    1. Aslan Hierate
  2. Droyne
    1. Droyne Oytrip Yatroy
  3. Hiver
    1. Hive Federation
  4. Imperials
    1. Third Imperium
  5. K'kree
    1. Two Thousand Worlds
  6. Solomani (Humaniti)
    1. Solomani Confederation
  7. Vargr
    1. Vargr Extents
  8. Vilani
    1. Ziru Sirka (subsumed)
  9. Zhodani
    1. Zhodani Consulate

Selected Organizations

  1. The Merchant Service
  2. Travellers' Aid Society
  3. Travellers' Naval Architecture Society

Selected Sophonts

Big Nine (Major Races):

  1. Aslan
  2. Droyne
  3. Hiver
  4. Imperials
  5. K'kree
  6. Solomani (Humaniti)
  7. Vargr
  8. Vilani
  9. Zhodani

All Other Sophonts: (Minor & Other Races):

  1. Abbysal [36]
  2. Amindii
  3. Ancients
  4. Bwap AKA Newt
  5. Darrian AKA Daryen
  6. Essaray [37]
  7. Geonee
  8. Kisthdra [38]
  9. Llellewyloly
  10. Kursae
  11. Mirani [39]
  12. Plexxan [40]
  13. Qliq
  14. Suerrat
  15. Sylean
  16. Tahavi [41]
  17. Tripod AKA Threep
  18. Virushi

Selected Traveller Versions

Selected Worlds

Meta-history & Background (Dossier)

T5 was developed with huge fan participation and through the use of a Kickstarter.

  • It is a living project and still in development even though the core rules have been released.

Credits (Primary Sources)

Credits (Primary Sources)
Credit Authors & Contributors
Authors Robert Eaglestone, Don McKinney, and Marc Miller
Shipwrights Craig A Glesner, Andrew Hartman, and Michael Morgan

External Link/s




  1. EXTERNAL LINK: Zhodani Base
  2. EXTERNAL LINK: The Douchey DM
  3. EXTERNAL LINK: Traveller Character Generation… Perfected
  4. EXTERNAL LINK: Traveller 5 review: second impressions
  5. EXTERNAL LINK: Is Traveller 5 ship building compatible with Mongoose Traveller?
  6. EXTERNAL LINK: Traveller 5 anyone?
  7. EXTERNAL LINK: Traveller 5 Review
  8. EXTERNAL LINK: Traveller-5: How is it different from Mongoose Traveller?


  1. EXTERNAL LINK: VIDEO How to generate a character in Traveller 5

References & Contributions (Sources)

This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.
  1. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 19.
  2. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 55.
  3. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 56.
  4. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 14.
  5. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 1.
  6. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 15.
  7. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 14.
  8. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 15-16.
  9. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 19.
  10. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 16.
  11. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 56.
  12. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 15.
  13. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 15.
  14. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 190-196.
  15. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 56.
  16. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 20.
  17. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 15.
  18. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 19.
  19. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 38, 42.
  20. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 1.
  21. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 20.
  22. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 15-16.
  23. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 20.
  24. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), IFC.
  25. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 36.
  26. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 36.
  27. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 33.
  28. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 34.
  29. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 276.
  30. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 190-196.
  31. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 276.
  32. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 38, 42.
  33. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 272, 276, 766.
  34. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 35.
  35. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 59.
  36. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 417.
  37. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 417.
  38. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 502.
  39. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 57.
  40. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 276.
  41. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 16.
  42. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 4.
  43. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 4.
  44. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 4.
  45. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 4.
  46. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 4.
  47. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 4.
  48. Marc Miller. T5 Core Rules (Far Future Enterprises, 2013), 4.