Prospector Vessel

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A J-class Prospector Vessel is a specialized vessel that surveys systems for valuable resources.

Technical Data.jpg

Library Data Referral Tree[edit]

Please refer to the following AAB Library Data for more information:

  • Speed of Travel
    • NAFAL (STL) - (Not As Fast As Light) / (Slower Than Light)
    • Light Speed (c)
    • FTL - (Faster Than Light) - "Superluminal"
    » Imperial Standard Astronomical Unit
    » Solomani Parsec
    » Vilani Parsec ("Deshi")
    » Imperial Standard Parsec

    Description (Specifications)[edit]

    Prospector vessels are an important part of the economy as they do survey work, identify valuable resources, seek out accessible stockpiles, and later redirect significant mining and processing assets to the largest and most promising mineral and/or other valuable resources.

    Image Repository[edit]

    Prospector Vessel - Largecraft and/or Bigcraft:

    1. An Arzhent class Prospector/Surveyor.
      Arzent-class-Thomas-R-Peters-FAN-ART 03-Feb-2019a.jpg
    2. A Kteiroa class Seeker on route to potential resource-rich star system.
      Kteiroa-MGT-RESIZE-Aslan-pg-107 23-Oct-2019b.jpg
    3. This is a side view and a top view of a smaller layout of the modular ship known as the Roca Maestro class Modular Ore Hauler.
      Roca-Maestro-class-Modular Ore-Hauler--SIDE-VIEW-T5-Tom-Mouat 07-Aug-2019b.jpg
    4. A typical Type J class Seeker preparing to enter jumpspace.
      Jump-FTL-WH-Keith-CT-Starter-Trav-Pg-28 03-July-2018a.jpg

    Prospector Vessel - Smallcraft:

    1. Two Bathysphere class Prospector's Cutters making planetfall.
      Bathypshere-class-Boyd-Stone-T5-Jim-K 25-July-2019a.jpg
    2. A Tomar class Industrial Mining Launch equipped with two 15-ton Ore Pods, a kind of Cargo Container.
      Tomar-class-Ind-Launch-IMAGE-Tom-Mouat-Fan 20-July-2019b.jpg

    Strategy & Tactics (Doctrine)[edit]

    Prospectors and seekers perform the following missions:

    1. Resource Prospecting
    2. Resource Recovery ("Mining")
    3. Resource Surveying
    4. Other specialized uses

    They are noncombatants and are not intended to do anything other than run from hostiles.

    Supraclass Roles[edit]

    Prospectors AKA Seekers typically serve the following roles:
    Largecraft & Bigcraft:

    1. Asteroid Miner (JB)
    2. Asteroid Prospector (JB)
    3. Belter Craft (JB)
    4. Belter Ship (JB)
    5. Mining Vessel (JM & GM)
    6. Prospector Vessel (J) (Namesake)
    7. Resource Collector (J)
    8. Resource Hunter (JM)
    9. Resource Scout (JM)
    10. Seeker (J)
    11. Survey Scout (LU)
    12. Survey Ship (LU)

    Size-Class Roles for Transport Vessels[edit]

    1. Industrial Smallcraft (UG) (1 to 99 tons)
    2. Prospector Vessel (J) (100 to 2,499 tons)
    3. Light Industrial Vessel (GL) (2,500 to 99,999 tons)
    4. Medium Industrial Vessel (GM) (100,000 to 249,999 tons)
    5. Heavy Industrial Vessel (GH) (250,000 to 499,999 tons)
    6. Superheavy Industrial Vessel (GS) (500,000 to 999,999 tons)
    7. Ultraheavy Industrial Vessel (GU) (1,000,000 or more tons)

    Civilian Subcraft[edit]

    Civilian subcraft (...both smallcraft and bigcraft) are carried by some of these vessels:

    1. Barge (WB)
    2. Utility Craft (U)

    Supraclass Archetypal Roles[edit]

    These vessels typically serve the following archetypal roles:

    J-class Prospector Vessel Supraclass Archetypes
    Archetype Type Code Exemplar Remarks
    Resource Collector J Jackie class Seeker None
    Belter Craft JB Seeker class Asteroid Prospector Belter craft perform many of the same missions as prospectors, but are specialized to search planetoid or asteroid belts, requiring less ship performance and cost, but also adding more risk. Belting is a highly dangerous vocation. Many belters use non-jump capable boats.
    • B = Belter
    Mining Vessel JM Udzuekh class Mining Vessel Mining vessels follow prospectors and belters, doing extraction and processing at low to medium levels. Truly large resource quantities will attract industrial mining assets. Smaller yields can be handled by smaller, yet capable mining vessels.
    • M = Mining
    Prospector Vessel AKA Seeker JP Arzhent class Prospector/Surveyor Prosecutors or Seekers have a straight forward job: Enter un-assayed star systems and investigate, looking for valuable resources worthy of bringing industrial mining vessels or even mining stations for later widespread, industrial extraction, and processing.
    • P = Prospector, Seeker, etc.
    Survey Vessel LU Donosev class Survey Scout Survey scouts and other science vessels often perform the first data assays of a system, which later attract an array of prospecting, seeking, and belter attention. The missions of survey vessels and prospecting vessels overlap.
    • L = Laboratory
    • U = sUrvey
    Industrial Smallcraft UG Tomar class Industrial Mining Launch None
    • U = Utility
    • G = Great Industrial
    NOTES: There is semantic overlap between many of the classes and codes. Some codes organize by mission or capability, others by size and tonnage, and yet others by other characteristics.

    History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

    While all Prospectors are Belters, not all Belters are Prospectors, as it is a Prospector who identifies suitable targets for later Asteroid Miners.

    At minimum, a Propsector needs a way to get to their target asteroids, a way of assessing them and a way of recording their finds. These things are true whether the Prospector is a lone independant, or part of a Megacorporate survey team.

    Generally, Prospectors operate small spaceships or starships, going from rock to rock. Sometimes, Prospectors are dropped off by their mothership, and then survey the rock operating out of temporary shelters on the asteroid itself, with the mothership returning once the survey is complete. This allows multiple teams of belters to operate out of one mothership, allowing gains in economy.

    While more expensive, jump capable starships enable encounters with pirates to be avoided, making Prospecting a much safer operation. Many Prospectors use modified IISS Type S scouts, usually referred to as 'Seekers', as the IISS sensor package and robust life support and engineering systems are particularily suited to several month long survey expiditions.

    Assessment is done by a combination of sensors, scientific instruments and samples for later analysis by better equipment. Part of the skill of a Prospector is knowing what to survey, where and for how long - an experienced Prospector knows when to look for veins of intrusive material, when to sample randomly in a homogenous body and when to abandon an unprofitable rock for another target.

    Generally speaking, Prospectors simply record the location and orbit of their surveyed asteroids, as this will allow the target to be located at a future time. Sometimes, beacons are placed on particular rocks, but this is more commonly done to denote asteroids as the legal property of some entity. Some belters broadcast their results to base, but this is unusual in less secure Outsystems, as it may alert Pirates or claim jumpers to the presence of the Belter.

    Imperial systems often require a Belter to lodge a temporary survey claim on the asteroids proposed to be surveyed. This claim is generally for 90 days, and then either has to be upgraded to a more expensive Exploitation Licence or abandoned.

    Some Prospectors operate without ever entering their target system, by taking existing surveys and applying new techniques, or looking for now in-demand metals or compounds. Generally, once potentially profitable target is found, another Prospector is hired to resurvey the target asteroid and confirm the results. This technique extensively applied by Imperial Megacorporations, who in some systems have series of survey results stretching back hundreds of years.

    Prospectors can also operate on planetary surfaces.

    Typical Resource Exploitation Process[edit]

    Typical Mining Sequence:

    Selected Variant Types & Classes[edit]

    Civilian Vessel - Seeker / Prospector:
    Type J class Prospector Vessel:

    1. Type JB class Belter's Ship
      1. Seeker class Asteroid Prospector
    2. Type JM class Mining Ship
      1. Udzuekh class Mining Vessel
    3. Type JP class Prospector Vessel AKA Type J class Seeker
      1. Arzhent class Prospector/Surveyor
      2. Jackie class Seeker
      3. Khazad class Seeker
      4. Kteiroa class Seeker
    4. Type UG class Industrial Smallcraft
      1. Bathysphere class Prospector's Cutter
      2. Prospector class Remote Fuel Scavenger
      3. Tomar class Industrial Mining Launch

    Ship Summary List[edit]

    Some of the most commonly used vessels in this role or these roles include:

    30 Representative Prospector Vessel (J) Classes
    Class Mission Code TL Tons Jump G Origin Canon Quick ship profile
    Class Mission Code TL Tons Jump G Origin Canon Quick ship profile
    Arzhent class Prospector/Surveyor JJ 15 180 2 2 Third Imperium No
    Arzhent class Prospector/Surveyor JJ 15 180 2 2 Third Imperium No
    Arzhent class Prospector/Surveyor JJ 15 180 2 2 Third Imperium No
    Arzhent class Prospector/Surveyor JJ 15 180 2 2 Third Imperium No
    Assistance class Commercial Tender JR 11 3,500 2 2 Third Imperium
    Bathysphere class Prospector's Cutter J 14 60 0 1 Third Imperium R-6S10
    Bowman class Mining Platform JJ 12 5,000 0 1 Third Imperium Yes
    Cortez class Salvage Ship JU 10 800 2 1 Third Imperium No
    Grovestone class Smallcraft Tender JV 13 300 2 3 The Borderland Subsector GV-DB42
    Gunsan class Orbital Dockyard JW 11 90,000 0 1 Distant Fringe
    Icepick class Fuel/Ice Harvesting Drone JJ 12 10 0 7 Second Imperium JJ-1P70
    Iron Monarch class Mining Vessel J 12 400 1 2 Old Earth Union JM-DU21
    Jackie class Seeker JJ 12 100 2 1 Third Imperium Yes JP-AL22
    Kteiroa class Seeker JJ 14 200 2 2 Aslan Hierate Yes JJ-BS22
    MCS class Mobile Asteroid Base J 13 10,000,000 0 1 Third Imperium
    Mint class Mining Drone JJ 12 10 0 1 Third Imperium JJ-1P10
    Ocklosh class Salvage Ship JU 13 400 2 3 Third Imperium Yes
    Quarter Hammer class Construction Drone J 12 10 0 1 Second Imperium J-1C10
    Roughneck class Frontier Fuel Harvester JG 6 200 0 1 New Era Yes JG-BP10
    Seeker class Asteroid Prospector JJ 11 100 2 1 Distant Fringe
    SI-049 Company Store class Mining Tender JV 14 4,000 1 2 Third Imperium JV-04U21
    Sproutstone class Mining Drone JJ 13 10 0 5 The Borderland Subsector JJ-D150
    Tomar class Industrial Mining Launch JJ 10 20 0 1 Third Imperium No JJ-2S10
    Type A2J class SICP Miner JJ 14 200 2 1 Solomani Confederation
    Type J class Seeker JJ 10 100 2 2 Third Imperium Yes J-AL22
    Type VJ class Seeker JJ 9 200 1 1 Vargr Extents Yes
    Udzuekh class Mining Vessel JJ 11 400 2 1 Vargr Extents Yes
    VCS 891 class Resource Scout JJ 10 100 1 6 Viyard Concourse
    Wobbegong class Seeker JJ 12 100 1 3 Third Imperium No
    Zukseg class Seeker JJ 10 200 1 1 Vargr Extents No JJ-BU11

    0 Representative Belter Craft (JB) Classes
    No results

    0 Representative Mining Vessel (JM) Classes
    No results

    0 Representative Prospector Vessel (JP) Classes
    No results

    0 Representative Survey Vessel (LU) Classes
    No results

    0 Representative Industrial Smallcraft (UG) Classes
    No results

    References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

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    This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.