Railroad Carriage

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It is a kind of Vehicle and Ground Vehicle

Description (Specifications)[edit]

Railroad Carriages are a form of Rail Vehicle that is designed to carry Passengers. Rail Vehicles will only run of the specific type infrastructure for which it is designed.

See also Maglev Carriage

Examples of Railroad Carriages[edit]

2 Railroad Carriage items[edit]

Item Type Mode TL Mass Cost
Fringian High Speed Carriage Railroad Carriage Ground (Rail) 7 17.6 Tons Cr765,000
Fringian Passenger Carriage Railroad Carriage Ground (Rail) 4 17.6 Tons Cr575,000

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

Railroad Carriages are forms of Wheeled Vehicle running on wooden, iron or steel rails. At higher technologies, they may run on just one rail (Monorail).

The general trade off is that the additional cost of the required infrastructure is offset by the increased weights and speeds that can be achieved by the resulting vehicles.

The presence of guide rails in the infrastructure makes the use of this technology relatively safe, especially in low-Gravity environments, or where the direction of travel for the vehicle is vertical (e.g. in a lift-shaft). Provided the motive power doesn't use air in its immediate provision, this technology allows early use of the sub-surface dimension for mass-transport on planets.

See also[edit]


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The line between Spaceplane and Spaceship is blurred.
If the design is described as a Vehicle then its a Spaceplane;
if it is described as a Ship its a Spaceship.

References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.