Utility Vehicle

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It is a kind of Commercial Vehicle

Description (Specifications)[edit]

This Commercial Vehicle is a Vehicle, most often a Civilian Vehicle but also used by military and para-military forces for miscellaneous purposes.

Examples of Utility Vehicles[edit]

7 Utility Vehicle items[edit]

Item Type Mode TL Mass Cost
Convertible Air Raft Air/Raft Flight (Grav) 15 3 dTons Cr 751,090
Imperial Recovery Sled Air/Raft Flight (Grav) 15 30 dTons MCr 4.4
Imperial Utility Grav Sled Air/Raft Flight (Grav) 15 12 dTons MCr 2.24
M6 class Parathan Medium Helicopter Utility Vehicle Flight (Helicopter) 6 ~15.7 dton 641,069.97
Oxwain Truck Utility Vehicle Ground (Wheeled) 5 Loaded 15.8 tons, Unloaded 10.8 tons Cr980
PinderToro Armored Truck Utility Vehicle Ground (Wheeled) 5 TBD Cr19,705
Rissian Light Utility Tractor Utility Vehicle Ground (Tracked)/Water 10 279.67 tons Cr587,459.32

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

Utility Vehicles are often initially Wagons that are later Ground Vehicles and still later Gravcraft.

References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.