Combat Support Ship

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Line Combatants (Primary - Capital) Escort Combatants (Secondary - Subcapital) Military Auxiliary (Tertiary)
Combat Transport
Combat Support
Mercantile Commercial Ships (Trade & Profit) Non-Mercantile Commercial Ships (Industry & Profit) Non-Commercial Ships (Nonprofit) System Craft (Intrastellar)
Space Station

Q-class Combat Support Ships, also known as Military Auxiliaries form a support or tertiary element of combatant naval fleet forces.

Technical Data.jpg

Library Data Referral Tree[edit]

Please refer to the following AAB Library Data for more information:

  • Speed of Travel

  • Description (Specifications)[edit]

    A Military Auxiliary or Auxiliaries are Combat Support Ships:

    1. Capital Ships acting in a combat support role to warships.
    2. Smallcraft of various types that primarily perform utility functions as Utility Craft.
    3. A whole variety of other auxiliaries function in a combat support role as force multipliers.

    Image Repository[edit]

    No information yet available.

    Type UY Combat Support Smallcraft:

    1. An Aslan Yaeai class Recon Pinnace under spaceflight.
      Yaeai-Aslan-Pinnace-CT-THUMB-FASA-As-Merc-Ships-pg-7 15-Oct-2019c.jpg

    Strategy & Tactics (Doctrine)[edit]

    These craft have a wide variety of uses from cargo, fuel and passenger transport; policing; customs enforcement; to search and rescue operations and support.

    • This class of vessel includes a variety of smallcraft including militarized pinnaces, shuttles, cutters, ship's boats, and all other non-jump capable spacecraft of less than 100 tons. The exception to this are system defense boats whose role is system defense. Often the names are used interchangeable, but they are often classified by role and size.
    • These craft are tertiary combatants at best and are not intended to operate near the battlefront for any length of time. They are armed for self defense at best, and typically must evade line combatants to survive. Their mission tasking is to support and enhance the missions of primary and secondary combatants.

    Supraclass Roles[edit]

    Combat Support Ships typically serve the following roles:
    Auxiliary - Noncombatants:
    Largecraft & Bigcraft:

    1. Assault Tanker (QF)
    2. Auxiliary Merchant (QC)
    3. Bulk Ordnance Carrier (QT)
    4. Cargo Transport (QC)
    5. Combat Support Ship (Q) (Namesake)
    6. Degaussing Vessel (QZ)
    7. Electronic Warfare Ship (QZ)
    8. Fleet Auxiliary (Q)
    9. Fleet Logistics Ship (QR)
    10. Fleet Repair Vessel (QV)
    11. Fleet Replenishment Ship (QR)
    12. Fleet Replenishment Vessel (QR)
    13. Fleet Support Vessel (QR)
    14. Fleet Tanker (QF)
    15. Fleet Tender (QR)
    16. Fuel Tanker (QF)
    17. Light Transport (QT)
    18. Logistics Transport (QR)
    19. Logistics Vessel (QR)
    20. Military Cargo Carrier (QC)
    21. Military Replenishment Vessel (QR)
    22. Military Ship Repair Vessel (QV)
    23. Military Special Mission Ship (QZ)
    24. Military Specialty Ship (QZ)
    25. Military Tanker (QF)
    26. Military Transport (QT)
    27. Modular Light Fleet Auxiliary (Q)
    28. Ordnance Carrier (QR)
    29. Ordnance Vessel (QR)
    30. Passenger Transport (QC)
    31. Repair Ship (QS)
    32. Repair/Salvage Ship (QV)
    33. Replenishment Ship (QR)
    34. Replenishment Vessel (QR)
    35. Resupply Vessel (QR)
    36. Resupply/Replenishment Vessel (QR)
    37. Rift Tanker (QF)
    38. Military Specialty Ship (QZ)
    39. Salvage Ship (QV)
    40. Store Ship (QR)
    41. Stores Ship (QR)
    42. Supply Ship (QR)
    43. Tanker (QF)
    44. Tanker/Replenishment Ship (QF)
    45. Transport Tanker (QT)

    Smallcraft - Militarized Utility Craft:

    1. Armed Gig (UQG)
    2. Combat Support Smallcraft (UQ)
    3. Cutter (UQC)
    4. Fuel Shuttle (UQF)
    5. Gig (UQG)
    6. Lifeboat (UE)
    7. Lighter (UQ)
    8. Militarized Smallcraft (UQ)
    9. Militarized Utility Craft (UQ) (Namesake)
    10. Military Boat (UQ)
    11. Pathfinder (UQ)
    12. Patrol Cutter (UQC)
    13. Pinnace (UQP)
    14. Refueling Lighter (UQ)
    15. Runabout (UQC)
    16. Shuttle (UQS)
    17. Utility Craft (U)

    Size-Class Roles for Combat Support Ship Vessels[edit]

    1. Combat Support Smallcraft (UQ) (1 to 99 tons)
    2. Military Cargo Carrier (QC) (100 to 2,499 tons)
    3. Light Combat Support Ship (QL) (2,500 to 99,999 tons)
    4. Medium Combat Support Ship (QM) (100,000 to 249,999 tons)
    5. Heavy Combat Support Ship (QH) (250,000 to 499,999 tons)
    6. Superheavy Combat Support Ship (QS) (500,000 to 999,999 tons)
    7. Ultraheavy Combat Support Ship (QU)(1,000,000 or more tons)

    Military Subcraft[edit]

    Military subcraft (...both smallcraft and bigcraft) are carried by some of these vessels:

    1. Battle Rider (BR)
    2. Combat Barge (WBG)
    3. Combat Transport Smallcraft (UI)
    4. Fighters (F)
    5. Militarized Utility Craft (UQ)

    Supraclass Archetypal Roles[edit]

    These vessels typically serve the following archetypal roles:

    Q-class Combat Support Ship Supraclass Archetypes
    Archetype Type Code Exemplar Remarks
    Combat Support Ship Q (Namesake) Hummock class Replenishment Ship Combat Support Ships are the auxiliaries of interstellar fleets, the vessels that make sure there are enough beans and bullets to keep a fleet supplied, fueled, and combat ready. They range from supply ships, fuelers, tankers, replenishers, and a variety of other tertiaries that keep the combatants going.
    • Q = Quartermaster, Combat Support, Logistics, etc.
    Military Cargo Carrier QC AX-L class Modular Light Fleet Auxiliary None
    • Q = Quartermaster, Combat Support, Logistics, etc.
    • C = Cargo, Supply Carrier, etc.
    Military Tanker QF Dromedary class Tanker/Replenishment Ship None
    Heavy Combat Support Ship QH Iadiadlsiz class Fleet Tanker None
    • Q = Quartermaster, Combat Support, Logistics, etc.
    • H = Heavy
    Light Combat Support Ship QL Entremis class Military Transport None
    • Q = Quartermaster, Combat Support, Logistics, etc.
    • L = Light
    Medium Combat Support Ship QM Champa class Fleet Replenishment Ship None
    • Q = Quartermaster, Combat Support, Logistics, etc.
    • M = Medium
    Military Replenishment Vessel QR Workhorse class Ordinance Carrier None
    • Q = Quartermaster, Combat Support, Logistics, etc.
    • R = Replenishment, Logistics, etc.
    Superheavy Combat Support Ship QS Giant class Tanker None
    • Q = Quartermaster, Combat Support, Logistics, etc.
    • S = Superheavy
    Military Transport QT Workhorse class Bulk Ordnance Carrier None
    Ultraheavy Combat Support Ship QU Monstrosity class Fleet Tanker No information yet available.
    • Q = Quartermaster, Combat Support, Logistics, etc.
    • U = Ultraheavy
    Ship Tender / Mobile Spaceyard QV Panther class Repair Vessel Military Ship Repair Vessel TBD
    • Q = Quartermaster, Combat Support, Logistics, etc.
    • V = Ship Repair, Ship Salvage, etc.
    Military Special Mission Ship QZ Donskoy Kasak class Degaussing Vessel None
    • Q = Quartermaster, Combat Support, Logistics, etc.
    • Z = Special (...last letter of Anglic alphabet, a catchall category)
    Militarized Utility Craft UQ Yaeai class Recon Pinnace Noncombatant militarized smallcraft are relatively rare, but often perform important combat support functions such as communication relay points, sensory reconnaissance, logistics management, and a number of other important roles.
    • U = Utility, Multipurpose, etc.
    • Q = Quartermaster, Combat Support, Logistics, etc.
    NOTES: There is semantic overlap between many of the classes and codes. Some codes organize by mission or capability, others by size and tonnage, and yet others by other characteristics.

    History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

    A timeless military strategem has been the concept of fighting forces as dragons, mythical monsters with very dangerous, fighting front end conceptualized as teeth and a support, logistics end conceptualized as a tail. The ratio of fighting forces to support forces is called the teeth-tail ratio. Many elite forces maximize the ratio, famously forcing cooks and clerks to employ the weapons of war when pressed for manpower.

    However, most fighting forces are not elite and are optimized at the other end of the teeth-tail spectrum with many logistics and support forces for every front line combatant. For every first line naval capital ship, a very wide variety of secondary and tertiary combatants exist including I-class Combat Transports and Q-class Combat Support Ships, which include repair vessels, replenishment ships, recovery ships, intelligence vessels, scouts, couriers, assault transports, and all nature of other vessels that function as the "tail" to the spinal mount-carrying "teeth" of ship-killing capitals...

    Selected Variant Types & Classes[edit]

    Military Ship - Auxiliary - Combat Support Ship:

    1. Type Q class Combat Support Ship
      1. No specific ship currently available.

    Civilian Vessel - Smallcraft - Life Boat:

    1. Type UE class Life Boat
      1. Deliverance class Lifeboat
      2. Interstellar Lifesaver class Lifeboat
      3. KSbA Model A-23 class Lifeboat
      4. Longevity class Lifeboat
      5. Marrel Veckor class Lifeboat
      6. Model 292 class Life Boat
      7. Reliant class Lifeboat
      8. Reprieve class Escape Pod
      9. SK-3 class Lifeboat
    2. Type UF class Fuel Shuttle
      1. Bubble class Fuel Cutter
      2. Last Armada class Fuel Shuttle
      3. Louis & Clark class Fuel Pinnace
      4. Parthenopinnace Fuel Shuttle
      5. Sternplatz class Refueling Pinnace
      6. Tadpole class Fuel Shuttle
      7. Zheug class Fueling Shuttle
    3. Type UQ class Militarized Utility Craft
      1. Yaeai class Recon Pinnace

    Ship Summary List[edit]

    Some of the most commonly used vessels in this role include:

    1 Representative Combat Support Ship (Q) Classes
    Class Mission Code TL Tons Jump G Origin Canon Quick ship profile
    Class Mission Code TL Tons Jump G Origin Canon Quick ship profile
    Yesta class Fleet Logistics Ship QR 15 50,000 5 5 Third Imperium No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD

    0 Representative Military Cargo Carrier (QC) Classes
    No results

    0 Representative Military Tanker (QF) Classes
    No results

    0 Representative Heavy Combat Support Ship (QH) Classes
    No results

    0 Representative Light Combat Support Ship (QL) Classes
    No results

    0 Representative Medium Combat Support Ship (QM) Classes
    No results

    1 Representative Military Replenishment Vessel (QR) Classes
    Class Mission Code TL Tons Jump G Origin Canon Quick ship profile
    Class Mission Code TL Tons Jump G Origin Canon Quick ship profile
    Yesta class Fleet Logistics Ship QR 15 50,000 5 5 Third Imperium No. Unpublished, non-canon fan design. TBD

    0 Representative Superheavy Combat Support Ship (QS) Classes
    No results

    0 Representative Military Transport (QT) Classes
    No results

    0 Representative Ultraheavy Combat Support Ship (QU) Classes
    No results

    0 Representative Ship Tender / Mobile Spaceyard (QV) Classes
    No results

    0 Representative Military Special Mission Ship (QZ) Classes
    No results

    0 Representative Lifeboat / Escape Pod (UE) Classes
    No results

    0 Representative Fuel Shuttle (UF) Classes
    No results

    0 Representative Combat Support Smallcraft (UQ) Classes
    No results

    References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

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    This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.