Gvaeae (world)
Gvaeae/Gadoeth (Gzaekfueg 2319) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Classic Era (1116) | A899744-8
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
See also | UWP | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
System Details | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Primary | G6 V K5 V | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Planetoid Belts | 3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gas Giants | 3 |
Gvaeae is a preindustrial world.
- As a preindustrial world, this planet cannot yet manufacture enough high-technology resources to support a modern, star-faring society. Having to import most manufactured and high tech goods drives the price up for these items at this world.
- This world hopes to one day be one of the subsector's industrial powerhouses, but hasn't yet realized that dream. The leaders of this world are regularly embarking on trade missions to attract more investment capital, worker-immigrants, and other necessary stepping stones to achieve this goal.
- It is a member of the Ruler of Five in the Gadoeth Subsector of Gzaekfueg Sector, which is part of the Vargr Extents.
- The world serves as the subsector capital with the significant extra trade and prestige associated with that role.
- It is a member of the Gadoeth Main.
Description (Astrography & Planetology)[edit]
Stellar Data[edit]
Gvaeae is a binary star system.
- The primary is a yellow main sequence.
- The secondary is an orange main sequence.
Binary Solar System
System Data[edit]
The worlds of the system have been surveyed. They consist of:
- The mainworld.
- x8 secondary rocky worlds.
- x3 planetoid belt.
- x3 gas giants.
Mainworld Data[edit]
Mainworld Size (S)[edit]
Gvaeae is a Meso World between 12,000km and 13,500km in diameter. The world has a standard gravity between 0.8G and 1.1G. The horizon will appear about 5.1km away. Vessels with 1G of thrust should check with local starport authorities before attempting to land using emergency power.
Mainworld Atmosphere (A)[edit]
Gvaeae has a pressure of 1.50 to 2.49 atmospheres. While a Dense Atmosphere requires no survival gear this atmosphere also contains an unusual taint such as such as disease, a hazardous gas mix, pollutants, or sulfur compounds which requires the use of a Filter Mask. Some taints may require more protective equipment. TL–3 or more advanced survival gear is required to settle this world.
Mainworld Hydrosphere (H)[edit]
Gvaeae has 85-95% of its surface covered by liquid water with a few small continents, and a number of islands and archipelagos. Dry land is limited. Wilderness refueling is possible.
Mainworld Geography and Topography[edit]
No centrally held map of the world exists within AAB Library Data records.
(Blank map, predominantly watery world.)
History & Background[edit]
Gvaeae is a member of the Gadoeth Main, a small Main lying at the center of Gzaekfueg Sector.
- High cargo capacity, low jump rating vessels move among its systems, carrying vast amounts of goods and commodities between its member worlds.
(Chart sourced from Traveller Map)
- Worlds lying within the Main are highlighted in tan.
World Starport (St)[edit]
Gvaeae has a Class A Starport, an excellent quality installation which includes all the expected amenities including refined fuel for starships, brokerage services for passengers and cargo, and a variety of ship provisions. There is a shipyard capable of doing annual maintenance, overhauls and other kinds of repair, and construction of both starships and non-starships. Most ports of this classification have both a Highport and a Downport.
- Vargr starports reflect the variety of Vargr architecture, with many disparate styles of building, each having their own unique ornamentation and gaudy colour scheme, and all competing for the attention of the onlooker. Emblems for the major shipping lines and port facilities abound.
World Population (P)[edit]
Gvaeae has a population of 50,000,000 sophonts (tens of millions).
- The population entirely consists of Vargr.
The territorial Urzaeng do not share the gregarious nature of other Vargr. Their communities tend to be quite spread out, with fences and walls marking their boundaries.
- The Urzaeng have a disdain for weakness. Runts, elderly, and the chronically ill are usually collected into separate communities. Someone with a temporary illness is wise to seclude himself from the public until he recovers.
World Technology Level (T)[edit]
Gvaeae possesses a Technology Level of TL–8.
- Common Communication technologies for this TL include: Fiber optics, improved telephones, and satellite communication and data networks.
- Common Power Generation technologies for this TL include: Improved geothermal and improved batteries.
- Common Transportation technologies for this TL include:
- Land: Advanced automobiles.
- Water: Triphibians and early artificial gills.
- Air: Improved helicopters and hypersonic jets.
- Space: Space shuttles, early space stations, and improved interplanetary spacecraft (System Craft).
World Government (G)[edit]
Gvaeae is governed by a Representative Democracy where government leadership is by representatives elected by eligible voters. What determines an eligible voter varies. The representatives determine policy, including selecting members of the bureaucracy. There can be referenda, votes by eligible voters on specific subjects.
World Law (L)[edit]
Gvaeae has a moderate law level with laws covering many areas of government and interaction. These laws are simple enough that most people can act as their own advocate, though for serious issues a professional is recommended. Law enforcement officials will be present, but not in great numbers. Light assault weapons, and anything more destructive, are typically regulated or prohibited.
Trade Data[edit]
- Importance: 0 (unimportant)
World Economy[edit]
- Resources: D (very abundant)
- Labor: 6 (millions)
- Infrastructure: 7 (generally available)
- Efficiency: +1 (average)
World Culture[edit]
- Heterogenity: 4 (harmonious)
- Acceptance: 8 (friendly)
- Strangeness: 4 (somewhat distinct)
- Symbols: 7 (somewhat concrete)
World Timeline[edit]
Major events that have affected this world and the wider region that it lies within:
- -3810: the Vargr discover jump technology and begin an era of expansion.
- -3700s onwards: waves of Vargr settle worlds across the region.
- -2404 to -2215: the human Interstellar Wars rage to rimward.
- -1998: the First Empire of Gashikan is formed.
- -1776 to 0: the Long Night. There is widespread regression within the area and some worlds become barren.
- -1700 onward: Vargr expansion and settlement gradually ceases.
- -1658: the Sack of Gashikan, an atrocity known throughout the coreward parts of Charted Space.
- -1483 to -321: the Gashikan Race Wars rage between human and Vargr extremists across the Extents.
- -1427: the Wolvesbane plague is released in Gashikan Sector, decimating Vargr populations.
- The Year 0: to rimward, the Third Imperium is founded.
- circa 26: to spinward, the Empire of Varroerth is founded.
- circa 30: the earliest precursor states that later become the Ruler of Five Confederation emerge.
- circa 170: the various Ruler of Five precursor states begin a centuries-long war of dominance.
- 175 to 191: the Julian War.
- 300 to 420: the Imperial First Survey charts the world.
- circa 500: the Ruler of Five Confederation draws up its charter, establishing the state in its current form.
- 995 to 1065: the Imperial Second Survey charts the world.
- 1065: the Second Survey is published. Information about the world becomes widely available.
- 1070: the Second Empire of Gashikan is shattered by civil war.
- 1078: the Third Empire of Gashikan forms.
References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]
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- John Harshman, Marc Miller, Loren Wiseman. Classic Traveller Supplement 8 Library Data (A-M), (Game Designers Workshop, 1981), various pages. (Library data entries)
- John Harshman, Marc Miller, Loren Wiseman. Classic Traveller Supplement 11 Library Data (N-Z), (Game Designers Workshop, 1982), various pages. (Library data entries)
- J. Andrew Keith, Marc Miller, John Harshman. Classic Traveller Vargr (Game Designers Workshop, 1984), IBC. (Sector named but no world data provided)
- James Holden, Joe D. Fugate Sr., Terrance McInnes. Vilani & Vargr (Digest Group Publications, 1990), pages 11, 48, 49. (Dot maps and charts indicating the location of the world and its political allegiance)
- David Burden, Stuart Dollar, Andy Lilly, Joseph Walsh. T4 Aliens Volume 1 (Imperium Games, 1998), pages 91-182. (The Vargr)
- David L. Pulver. GURPS Traveller Alien Races 1 (Steve Jackson Games, 1998), pages 64-99. (The Vargr)
- Simon Beal. Mongoose Traveller: Vargr, (Mongoose Publishing, 2009), various pages. (Background for the Windhorn Rift region)
- Author & Contributor: John G. Wood (Generated data)
- ↑ "Jump Map API" and map location from Travellermap.com