David Burden

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David Burden is talented author and has contributed much to Traveller.

Description (Biography)[edit]

No information yet available.

External Link/s[edit]

This person has the following external links available:

Library Data Entries (Public)[edit]


  1. Choltonrul (world)
  2. Gushemege Sector
  3. Howarth (world)
  4. Shakhamash (world)
  5. Sidurii Cluster


  1. Sesh-Ifaen Freight Tractors


  1. Gianduja
  2. Gunby
  3. Vesu


  1. Kehuu
  2. Loes
  3. Ushi


  1. Lancian Confederation
  2. Lancian Cultural Region
  3. Shakhamash Psionic Institute


  1. Aklass Colti (Personage)
  2. Archon
  3. HIWG
  4. Ho Tia Zung (Personage)
  5. Imperial Calendar
  6. Lancian Movement
  7. Signal-GK


  1. Graytch
  2. Gumahl
  3. Hanen
  4. Jgd-ll-jagd
  5. Lancians
  6. Sidurii
  7. Vol*x


  1. Balaanii class Merchant Freighter
  2. Jump Gate
  3. Lintula class Survey Vessel
  4. Prosperity class Freighter

Image Repository[edit]

No information yet available.

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

David's old Gushemege fan-site contains much of his HIWG work on Gushemege Sector (much of which he hopes to transfer here), as well as a collection of published and unpublished Traveller articles he wrote for various fanzines, and his commentary on some of the MT4 books that he helped write.

  • David's current focus is on the overlap between Traveller and virtual worlds, and he has been involved in Traveller activity in Second Life and OpenSim, and now on Unity.
  • Gushemege Sector

Traveller RPG Wiki Participation[edit]

This is participates at the wiki.

This author has generously given permission to post some or all of their Traveller related work to the Traveller Wiki under the terms of
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) license.

Bibliography-Ludography (Published Products)[edit]

This person has authored, contributed, playtested, or otherwise participated in the publication of the following products:

Publications where this person is mentioned in the credits

References & Contributions (Sources)[edit]

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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.