Porozlo (world)

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Porozlo/Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2715)
Milieu 1116
StarportA Excellent: Starship Construction, Overhaul, Refined fuel
Size8 Large (12,800 km, 0.80g - 1.08g)
Atmosphere6 Standard
Hydrographics7 Wet World 70%
PopulationA High (20 billion)
Government7 Balkanization
Law4 Moderate Law (no light assault weapons)
Tech LevelB Average Stellar (large starships)
See also UWP
System Details
Primary M1 V M9 V
Worlds 11
Gas Giants 1
Planetoid Belts 0
Cultural Details
Government Balkanization
Law Level Moderate
Cultural Extension 8D39
Army Size (BEs) 120000
Economic Details
Technology Level 11
Economic Extension
ResourcesDVery abundant
Labor9High (2 billion)
InfrastructureE Comprehensive
Importance Extension 3
Resource Units 1,638
GWP (BCr) 73,200
World Trade Number 6
Trade Volume (MCr/year) 673,215
Starport Details
Classification Class-A
Port Size 7
Building Capacity (Tons) 20,000,000
Port employees 78,015
Port passengers (annual) 404,100

Porozlo is a high-population garden world with a billion or more sophonts in population size, a near-ideal utopian environment conducive to most sophonts. It is a member of Third Imperium in the Rhylanor Subsector of Spinward Marches Sector and in the Domain of Deneb. Porozlo, as a member world of the Third Imperium, holds the estate of an Imperial knight and the fiefdom of a count. Both are members of the Imperial Nobility charged with overseeing the world.

  • This world has the alternate orthography: Poroszlo [2]
  • The world is known to many as Warworld. [2]

Description (Astrography & Planetology)

The bright supergiant star Deneb is visible in Porozlo's sky even during the daytime.

Binary Solar System

Porozlo Binary Star System
Star Name Hierarchy Category Mass (Sol) Temp (K) Luminosity (Sol)

M1 V

Primary Main Sequence 0.5 3620 - 3660 0.08839
Unit Diameter Min Distance Hab Zone Jump Shadow M-Drive Limit
AU 0.0023 0.0247 0.31 - 0.59 0.23 2.3
Orbit #  *  * 1 0 5
Star Name Hierarchy Category Mass (Sol) Temp (K) Luminosity (Sol)

M9 V

Secondary Main Sequence 0.079 2350 - 2380 0.00014
Unit Diameter Min Distance Hab Zone Jump Shadow M-Drive Limit
AU 0.0005 0.001 0.01 - 0.03 0.05 0.5
Orbit #  *  *  *  * 1

IISS GURPS Astrographics Survey

2715 Porozlo (Imperial) - Green Zone

Starport: Class V (Class A) - None.

Diameter: 7,085 miles (11,300 km).
Atmosphere: Standard oxygen-nitrogen.
Hydrographics: 74%.
Climate: Normal.
Population: 21.5 billion.
Government: Balkanization (Multiple societies: 250+ states).
Control Level: 4.
Tech Level: GTL9 / TTL11.
World Trade Number: 12.

System Data

No information yet available.

Mainworld Data

No information yet available.

Mainworld Size (S)

No information yet available.

Mainworld Atmosphere (A)

Limerick has a pressure of 0.71 to 1.49 atmospheres. While a Standard Atmosphere does not require survival gear this atmosphere also contains an unusual taint such as such as disease, a hazardous gas mix, pollutants, or sulfur compounds which requires the use of a Filter Mask. Some taints may require more protective equipment. TL–3 or more advanced survival gear is required to settle this world.

Mainworld Hydrosphere (H)

No information yet available.

Mainworld Geography & Topography

No information yet available.

Mainworld Map

No information yet available.

Native Lifeforms

No information yet available.

History & Background / Dossier

Porozlo is a balkanized world that is bitterly torn on the issue of economic and industrial concentration. [2]

Imperial High / Landed Nobility

Porozlo, as a member world of the Third Imperium, holds the estates of two members of the Imperial Nobility, who are charged with overseeing the world.

World Starport

Porozlo has a Class A Starport, an excellent quality installation which includes all the expected amenities including refined fuel for starships, brokerage services for passengers and cargo, and a variety of ship provisions. There is a shipyard capable of doing annual maintenance, overhauls and other kinds of repair, and construction of both starships and non-starships. Most ports of this classification have both a Highport and a Downport.

World Technology Level

Porozlo possesses a Technology Level of TL–11 or TL-B in Hexadecimal Notation.

World Government

Porozlo has a Balkanized Government. There is no central world government. The world has several governments competing for control of the world. These may be allies, cooperating, competitors, or at war with each other.

  • Major nations of Porozlo include Stepozhevac and Morovic (each on opposite sides of the Karamak Mountains). [2]
  • The Private Ownership bloc (PO-bloc), which comprises about two fifths of the nations and over half the population of the planet, severely limits the size of corporate concerns by intensive regulation, fearing the ability of large multi-world concerns to influence and dominate local governments. [2]
  • The Free Commerce bloc (FC-bloc) contains fewer nations, but is generally more industrialized and technologically advanced, and does not impose limits as do the PO-bloc nations. [2]

World Military

  • While all-out war has been avoided, constant brushfire wars erupt in the smaller nations of the world, as each side seeks to convert the other to its views. As a result, mercenaries have given Porozlo the nickname "Warworld". [2]
  • The system was the site of a major military engagement during the Third Frontier War: the Battle of Porozlo, which resulted in an important Zhodani victory.


In addition to Porozlo Startown, other major settlements on Porozlo include Geeka, Seka, Manier, Bargugu, Shununu, and Irmudad.

Historical Era: Rebellion

Historical-Era: Porozlo during the Rebellion and Regency (Non-Canonical) [3]
Porozlo System
Rhylanor/Spinward Marches 2715
Position Distance Name UWP
Primary Corusca M1 V
0 0.2 AU Porozlo A867A74-B
1 50   Jelorba G546467-B
1 0.4 AU --- (Empty Orbit)
2 0.7 AU Glint M7 V
1 0.2 AU   Czaczezhnia SGG (Size=60)
2 1   * (Ring 1) YR00000-0
3 2   * (Ring 2) YR00000-0
4 5   * Glyph Y300000-0
5 7   * Tybalt Y100000-0
6 13   * Aamed Y200000-0
7 55   * Padenton YS00000-0
3 1.0 AU Brazhorno Y1A0102-B
1 13   Alec YS00000-0
2 40   Cela GS00207-A
4 1.6 AU Mílano Y600000-0
5 2.0 AU Borges F410663-A
1 8   Blanca Y100000-0
2 35   Sinai HS00107-B
6 5.2 AU Calyph Orga G500636-B
7 10 AU Mandrigora H643437-B
Porozlo (Rhylanor:  Spinward Marches/2715) 
A867A74-B Hi Tn B201 RE    M1 V M7 V 
G=1.02, Day=23:26:42.01, Year = 22d 20:16:41.12 
Atmo=1.00, Weather Control
Temp= +16.8 (7/lat +21 to -49) (season +10.2 to -17.0, 17 deg lat) 
Daily temp range 38.00
Agricultural, Ores, Compounds; Agroproducts, Non-metals; Parts, Durables, Consumables, Weapons; Artforms
Progressive/Advancing, Competitive/Neutral, Fragmented/Aloof 
Legal: 4-54444     Tech  B8-BBBAB-B9BB-CB-F

Viewing the beautiful glowing orb of Porozlo from afar, who would suspect that this Terran Normal world is the site of some of the most vicious internecine warfare in the Regency?[4]

Porozlo's balkanization is the result of poor colonial planning. Due to its remarkable resemblance to Terra, Porozlo was a highly sought-after system. Colonization claims were filed by numerous private and public interests, most of whom were of Solomani origin and all of whom had legitimate claims. Roughly three quarters of the claims were made by colonists with corporate sponsors, the largest made by Transstar, the Terran shipping megacorporation. The remaining 25 percent were comprised of government-sponsored colonization programs and population-relief projects.[4]

Because of the high demand for rights to the system and conflicting legal claims, an impartial mediator was selected to resolve the conflict. The mediator determined that it was in the best interests of all involved to distribute Porozlan land to as many of the claimants as possible on a first-come, first-served basis. Strict head-count limits were imposed. Not surprisingly, a solution that was intended to make everyone happy made no one happy.[4]

The majority of the lots were distributed among an astrographically isolated Solomani group in Daibei Sector. These Solomani were primarily descended from colonists who had originally come from Terra's Eastern and Southern European and North African regions during The Rule of Man. A large portion of the lots were distributed among ethnically diverse Solomani groups from throughout the rimward portion of the Imperium and the remaining lots (about 5 percent in all) were given to a handful of Vilani interests and Core-based colonists of mixed descent.[4]

The Imperium's attempt at generosity resulted in the system's perpetual state of conflict. After establishing footholds on the planet in 161-163, many colonial settlements quickly adopted isolationism as their credo and began to form their own individual governments on the planet.[4]

After permits were distributed to the second wave of colonists from Daibei and nearby Diaspora Sectors, the colonial administration encouraged an even distribution of ethnic populations among the nations of Porozlo to foster a more homogeneous political environment. Unfortunately, hundreds of micro-immigrations nullified the Imperium's efforts in the subsequent decade.[4]

Remarkably, the only ethnic group that did not geographically polarize itself was the Vilani. Vilani minorities can be found in most of Porozlo's nations. They are frequently the educated elite, holding jobs as physicians, attorneys, bankers and corporate executives. Not preoccupied by the ethnic conflict of the planet's other settlers, the Vilani have formed their own functional niche in Porozlan society. Conscious of their minority status (and the historical peril of those who have held such status), the Vilani settlers have been careful not to isolate themselves, so as not to incur the wrath of another Porozlan ethnic group or nationality. In fact, the dispersed Vilani minority are arguably the greatest philanthropists on the planet, contributing a disproportionate 22 percent of the planet's charitable donations in an average year, while they comprise only eight percent of Porozlo's current population. The Vilani minority speaks Anglic in the business community but continues to speak a Vilani dialect in the home and at cultural functions in order to preserve their heritage.[4]

Porozlo's resources were scattered enough that over the centuries, further political fragmentation occurred along economic lines. The final result was a world with upward of 80 independent nations. Porozlo became a textbook case on how to create a balkanized world. Though Porozlo's population was as diverse as any in the Imperium, for the most part the world avoided major wars until a dramatic event in its history.[4]

The Porozlan fragmentation and a growing awareness of the planet's limited resources gave birth to a grassroots political movement, which eventually became known as the Private Ownership (PO) bloc. The PO bloc came into being during a firestorm of debate about foreign investment and exploitation of Porozlo's resources. The status quo had been more or less pro-free trade.[4]

For two decades after the birth of the PO bloc, the majority of Porozlan nations underwent revolutions of one sort or another. It was during this extremely xenophobic period that the planet became registered by the Travellers' Aid Society as an amber zone to warn travellers of the danger posed by distrustful Porozlans.[4]

After 20 years of PO revolution, the pendulum began to swing the other way. Those who supported foreign investment and development united under the banner of the Free Trade (FT) bloc in reaction to radical PO movements. This political schism was to become the defining event in Porozlo's history. Historians debate the original date of the Porozlan Schism, but most place the date on either 1016, when the first domestically governed megacorporate labor union (thought to be the precursor of the PO bloc) formed in the nation of Stepozhevac, or on 1084 when the FT bloc came into being.[4]

PO movements spread like wildfire, affecting each and every national government on Porozlo. As the PO/FT division deepened, democratic governments' elected officials became almost exclusively drawn from either the PO or FT bloc. Many of the planet's more dictatorial governments resisted at first, but as public sentiment grew, even nations led by autocratic dictators began to align themselves under one banner or the other.[4]

The conflict has raged on for over a century now, with the balance of power frequently shifting between the two parties. During the last 80 years, the balance has settled, with the PO dominating about 30 percent of the planet's countries and just under half its population. The FT bloc dominates the more technologically developed and industrialized nations. Several underdeveloped countries have fled to the FT wing in recent years. Under the guidance of Chairman Augwynne Sorsi, the nation of Nemso has sponsored a ground-breaking new organization, called the Free-Trade Advisory Council (FTAC), to help these nations "get on their feet." Using programs like the FTAC, the Free Trade bloc has successfully swayed public sentiment to their side in the interstellar region.[4]

Wars are frequent on the soil of Porozlo, with an average of six going on at any one time. The perpetual state of conflict on Porozlo spurred the TAS to deny the Porozlo United Council's request for amber zone nullification in late 1148.[4]

While most Porozlan wars are of the brushfire variety, many escalate to full-scale conflict with occasional threats of biological and nuclear weapon use made by opposing countries. The presence of neutral Rhylanor curbs the use of such weapons, however. The Rhylanori senate's unequivocal position is non-intervention unless the war escalates to the point where such weapons are used. One Rhylanori senator, who requested anonymity, brashly stated, "If the Porozlans start nuking each other in our backyard, we're going to bring the sky down on their heads."[4]

The frequency of international conflict on Porozlo has made the planet a nexus for mercenary activity. "Warworld" is the name many regional mercenary units use for the besieged planet. Because of its adverse political environment, Porozlo has acquired the distinction of being a "mercenary magnet" over the past three centuries.[4]

While several offworld peace initiatives and summits have been sponsored by neighbors Rhylanor and Zivije, most of them have ended with the representative Porozlan national delegates walking away from the table in frustration. The divisiveness between the nations of Porozlo has thus far proven irresolvable.[4]

Despite the pervasiveness of warfare on Porozlo, the planet as a whole is rather economically successful. Nemso, the richest and most dominant nation on Porozlo, has the population and resources of many entire systems in the subsector. The Free Trade party has dominated the nation's parliament since the 1107 overthrow of King Syzygy, the former hereditary monarch. Many other nations, most notably Morovic, New Dalmatia, Zenerabi, M'Dwailei and Hauvania, have also prospered under the auspices of the Free Trade party.[4]

Although the FT nations have been models of economic success, the downside of foreign industrial exploitation is also evident in their cities. Visible signs of blight and homelessness are much more prevalent in FT cities than they are in the more socially democratic PO cities and countries.[4]

The main PO nations of Porozlo, including Almarac (the most populous nation on Porozlo with six billion inhabitants), Anisinta, Turin, Digliotti and Vyben, tend to be more militant. Local militias, created for the purpose of defending their homesteads from "invading offworlders," are common in PO nations. While PO nations are not nearly as prosperous as the FT nations, it can accurately be said that for the most part, their citizens live on a more economically egalitarian scale. The majority of their citizens could be classified as lower middle class.[4]

Porozlo is home to a multitude of fascinating cultures and traditions. The artistic community flourishes in most nations on Porozlo. Political and cultural strife on a planet often fosters an active artistic community and Porozlo is no exception to this rule. Porozlan poets, painters and sculptors are revered for the level of emotion that their works elicit and for the quality of their craftsmanship.[4]

Porozlo remains a glorious example of a Terran Normal world. The breathable air, lush landscape, majestic mountain ranges and rich blue oceans make Porozlo a top tourist attraction for travellers who are smart enough to look beyond the political instability of the planet. Tourists tend to choose the more politically stable countries for their visits, far away from the raging fields of war.[4]

All but one of Porozlo's A-quality starports are located in FT-controlled nations, with the most traffic at Nemso Down Starport. Nemso maintains the planet's sole orbital facility as well, Nemso Orbital. Among PO nations, only Almarac maintains an A-level starport facility at great expense to the populace. In order to uphold the virtues of the PO bloc, Almarac spares no expense to make its primary port a jewel among common stones. Though the facility is arguably the most modern of all Porozlo's starport facilities, traffic at Almarac Starport is somewhat sparse.[4]

Free traders should be warned that legal cargo in one Porozlan nation is contraband in another. Be wary of the trade laws in each nation you intend to visit. More than one trader has had his ship impounded for carrying goods from an FT nation into a PO nation and vice versa.[4]

Industry is alive and well on Porozlo. Boisterous international competition for interstellar markets has fostered a progressive planetary culture. In the 20 years prior to 1105, Porozlo advanced from TL–10 to TL–11 in the Imperial technological profile system, and has reached TL–14 by the year 1200 under the Regency. [4]

Historical Era: New Era

Historical-Era: Porozlo in the New Era under the Regency

References and contributors

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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.
  1. "Jump Map API" and map location from Travellermap.com
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Frank Chadwick. Mercenary (Game Designers Workshop, 1978), 21.
  3. Information provided to the library by Christopher Griffen in RICE Paper SM 2716
  4. 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20 4.21 4.22 4.23 4.24 Information provided to the library by Christopher Griffen in RICE Paper SM 2715