Regina (world)

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Regina/Regina (Spinward Marches 1910)
Milieu 1116
StarportA Excellent: Starship Construction, Overhaul, Refined fuel
Size7 Medium (11,200 km, 0.70g - 0.94g)
Atmosphere8 Dense
Hydrographics8 Wet World 80%
Population8 Moderate (700 million)
Government9 Impersonal Bureaucracy
Law9 High Law (no weapons out of home)
Tech LevelC Average Stellar (robots)
See also UWP
System Details
Primary F7 V BD M3 V
Worlds 8
Gas Giants 3
Planetoid Belts 0
Cultural Details
Government Impersonal bureaucracy
Law Level High
Cultural Extension 9C6D
Army Size (BEs) 1200
Economic Details
Technology Level 12
Economic Extension
ResourcesDVery abundant
Labor7Moderate (70 million)
InfrastructureE Comprehensive
Efficiency+5Very advanced
Importance Extension 4
Resource Units 6,370
GWP (BCr) 6,563
World Trade Number 5
Trade Volume (MCr/year) 11,587
Starport Details
Classification Class-A
Port Size 5
Building Capacity (Tons) 804,999
Port employees 6,010
Port passengers (annual) 669,000

Regina is a rich world with a shirt-sleeve atmosphere and a balance of available surface water. The system supports a population in the 100's of millions, which makes it too urbanized to make an agricultural world. This world contains an archaeological site with artifacts suspected to be from the now-vanished Ancients. This system serves as the capital for the subsector. This world is a satellite of a gas giant or another planet in the system. It is a member of Third Imperium in the Regina Subsector of Spinward Marches Sector and in the Domain of Deneb. Regina, as a member world of the Third Imperium, holds the estates of an Imperial knight and a baronet, and the fiefdoms of a baron, a viscount, and the subsector duke. All five are members of the Imperial Nobility charged with overseeing the world. The system supports both an Imperial Naval Base and a Scout Base with the additional starship traffic. This is the homeworld of the Amindii, a Minor Race. They are 20% of the world's population. Less than 10% of the world's population is the Major Race Aslan. Less than 10% of the world's population is the Major Race Vargr.

Regina (world)/Regina (Spinward Marches 1910)
New Era
StarportA Excellent: Starship Construction, Overhaul, Refined fuel
Size7 Medium (11,200 km, 0.70g - 0.94g)
Atmosphere8 Dense
Hydrographics8 Wet World 80%
Population9 High (1 billion)
Government9 Impersonal Bureaucracy
Law9 High Law (no weapons out of home)
Tech LevelD Average Stellar (holo data)
See also UWP
Cultural Details
Government Impersonal bureaucracy
Law Level High
Cultural Extension 9D6G
Army Size (BEs) 10000
Economic Details
Technology Level 13
Economic Extension
ResourcesDVery abundant
Labor8Moderate (100 million)
InfrastructureE Comprehensive
Importance Extension 4
Resource Units 1,310
GWP (BCr) 5,860
World Trade Number 5.5
Trade Volume (MCr/year) 75,299
Starport Details
Classification Class-A
Port Size 5
Building Capacity (Tons) 1,150,000
Port employees 8,530
Port passengers (annual) 331,200

Era: New Era

Regina has an comfortably breathable atmosphere. The system has a population between 1 and 10 billion sophonts. This world contains an archaeological site with artifacts suspected to be from the now-vanished Ancients. The world has a colony on Jenghe (Spinward Marches 1810). This system serves as the capital for the subsector. This world is a satellite of a gas giant or another planet in the system. It is a member of Regency of Deneb in the Regina Subsector of Spinward Marches Sector. The system supports both a Regency Naval Base and a Scout Base with the additional starship traffic. This is the homeworld of the Amindii, a Minor Race. They are 20% of the world's population. Less than 10% of the world's population is the Major Race Aslan. Less than 10% of the world's population is the Major Race Vargr.

Description (Astrography & Planetology)

Canon: The Regina system is actually a triple star system - the primary Lusor and its dwarf companion Speck form the major system, while dim Darida orbits at about 5,000 AU distance. Regina is only one of seven worlds in the systems which boast a breathable atmosphere, and only one of four habitable planets in the life zone of Lusor, in orbit around the gas giant Assiniboia. With the best conditions of the group, it was settled first and soon dominated the system.

Regina is a sizable moon circling the gas giant, Assiniboia. Homeworld of Archduke Norris and subsector capital, it is one of the most significant frontier worlds. Situated relatively near the border of the Zhodani Consulate and the Federation of Arden, Regina has been the site chosen for an ongoing series of diplomatic talks aimed at improving the Domain's foreign relations.

System details

Canon: Information about the Regina system can be found here.

Trinary Solar System

Regina Trinary Star System
Star Name Hierarchy Category Mass (Sol) Temp (K) Luminosity (Sol)

F7 V

Primary Main Sequence 1.21 6180 - 6280 1.94872
Unit Diameter Min Distance Hab Zone Jump Shadow M-Drive Limit
AU 0.0062 0.1158 1.29 - 2.24 0.62 6.2
Orbit #  * 0 4 2 6
Star Name Hierarchy Category Mass (Sol) Temp (K) Luminosity (Sol)


Secondary Brown Dwarf 0.0276 950 - 1250 0
Unit Diameter Min Distance Hab Zone Jump Shadow M-Drive Limit
AU 0.00092 0.00038 0 - 0.01 0.092 0.92
Orbit #  *  *  *  * 3
Speck (Near companion in close orbit to "Lusor".)
Star Name Hierarchy Category Mass (Sol) Temp (K) Luminosity (Sol)

M3 V

Tertiary Main Sequence 0.37 3270 - 3430 0.03081
Unit Diameter Min Distance Hab Zone Jump Shadow M-Drive Limit
AU 0.0017 0.0146 0.18 - 0.35 0.17 1.7
Orbit #  *  * 0 0 4
Darida (Far Companion) Subsystem. 5,000 AU distance from Regina system.

History & Background (Dossier)

Canon: Regina was originally settled in 75 by an expansion wave of the Third Imperium. It soon became a trade center within the Spinward Marches, and was established capitol of its subsector when it joined the Imperium in 250.

Second Frontier War- Baron Caranda was left in control of Regina to cement its ties to the Imperium. Because of his services in the war, he was elevated to the rank of Marquis. In 629 he was also made duke of the newly created Duchy of Regina.

Fifth Frontier War- The declaration of war by the Zhodanis on the Imperium was simultaneously announced on Regina and Jewell. During that war the 193rd Fleet defended Regina for the Imperium against the Zhodani 40th Fleet. Duke Norris, who had a prior background in naval intelligence, believed that the Imperial strategy was being badly managed and appealed to the emperor for command of the Spinward Marches forces. Although Strephon issued a communiqué appointing Norris commander in chief of those forces, the order was initially lost on an interdicted world. Norris succeeded in recovering the orders, and having taken charge of the Imperial forces, engineered the Zhodani defeat.

Imperial High (Landed) Nobility

Regina is the home of a member or members of the Imperial Nobility, a narrow class of persons at the upper strata of Imperial society who hold noble rank.

Governance Data

Canon: This subsector capital is an impersonal bureaucracy. The government has three branches of government of which the judicial branch is most prominent. The judiciary is several councils, the executive is an elite council, and the legislative branch is demos.

With its law level of 9, and an impersonal bureaucratic court system, being arrested on Regina is unpleasant to say the least. Suspects are rounded up en masse when a crime has been committed, and it may be weeks after a trial has convicted one of them before the rest are finally cleared. Meanwhile, those arrested must report their whereabouts and activities to the police every two hours. Notwithstanding this inconvenience, trials are usually fair.

The executive branch consists of four persons chosen by lot. Each year, four citizens are chosen at random to share the over-sight of the government's administration. Each has veto power over the other, providing a check against tyranny at the cost of inefficiency and no small degree of confusion. Once a citizen has served in this capacity, he is ineligible to serve again.

The inhabitants of Regina as a whole make the laws for the world. Specific laws are proposed by the judicial and executive branches, and weekly elections are held to confirm or reject these laws. A complicated computer network is used to conduct these elections, and while in theory every law on the books or newly proposed is voted on, in fact citizens vote only on those laws most important to them. Unfortunately, it is easier to pass a new law than to repeal one. All native-born Reginans are eligible to vote in these plebiscites, with no other restrictions. This means that immigrants never have any voice in the government, but newborn babes, criminals, and the insane do, as long as they have Regina birth certificates.

Local Customs

Canon: Reginans believe strongly in a "gleaning custom", where the lowest class citizens are expected to clean the tailings from a harvested field for much of their food supply.

Other Data

Canon: The 4518th Lift Infantry Regiment, the Duke of Regina's Own Huscarles- was founded with Imperial Marines. It is still possible for personnel on active Imperial military duty to be temporarily detached for service with this regiment. This is usually a mechanism to provide the regiment with instructors that have current combat experience and training. The regiment has served the Imperium on various planets, in each of the Frontier Wars since it's establishment.



  • Human 63%
  • Amindii 24%
  • Vargr 06%
  • Aslan 03%
  • Other 4%

Social Data

Non-canon: Administratively Regina is divided into six provinces, each governed by a hexarch, that in turn are divided into districts called nomes, each governed by a nomarch (Some of the nomes still retain the words 'district' or 'county' in their names, leftovers from earlier administrative schemes). Each of the continents plus surrounding islands constitute a province, except for Ishkis and Queensland which together with various islands constitute the Province of Ishkis.

Regina has six primary cities, Credo, Kingsbury, Princeps, Corona, Regni, and Atora. It has 52 secondary cities with populations between 1.0 and 9.9 million. Of these, 17 are located in Noncredo, among them Imarsh, Marburg, Walker Heights, Shawhill, and Gooston; 7 are located in Madzaki, among them Ankukhur, Pomona City, Sopi, Harum, Khale, Gigish, and Bimbam; 9 are located in Feni in addition to the provincial capital of Kingsbury; 7 are located in Imsu, including Craben, St. Tirza, Dorcaster, Nah Zhal, Coverley, and Charlestown; 4 are located in Queensland, including the provincial capital of Chesara; and 7 are located on smaller continents and islands, including Ashrumar and Inkhar in Ishkis and Khakhurak in Ishimir. There are 85 tertiary cities with populations between 100,000 and 999,999.

The first settlers

Non-canon: Regina was first settled in 75 by an expedition from Aiere (1108 Core) financed by a religious order called the Sisters of St. Regina, which belonged to the New Catholic Faith. A wave of religious intolerance was sweeping Aiere at the time, and the order was one of the richest on the planet. Rather than wait for the government to strip them of their assets, the sisters elected to emigrate, taking with them a sizable number of devout lay people to support them in their new home. A large, aging freighter was bought and named the Matthew. Low berths were installed, equipment was purchased and loaded. When it became clear that there were more volunteers than there was room for, the richest colonists clubbed together to buy three small freighters and named them Mark, Luke, and John. The expedition left Aiere in 73 and reached Regina in 75.

The colonization of Regina followed the pattern typical of utopian settlements in the early days of the Third Imperium times in some ways, but not in others. Like other such groups, they sought a sanctuary far from outside interference and thus beyond outside succor in the event of problems, but thanks to the order's wealth, the expedition was exceptionally well equipped. The possession of three small starships was particularly unusual and eventually proved to be of pivotal importance.

The first colonists numbered around 9,000. They were all Anglic-speaking humans of Solomani ancestry. They established a community around the Matthew, which was turned into an abbey for the sisters, several kilometers upstream from the mouth of the New Tiber, a major river on the largest continent. The colony itself was named Credo.

The colony originally had no constitution. The community was free to conduct its own affairs as long as it provided the upkeep of the abbey. The colonists elected a chief administrator with the title Mayor of Credo and a board of advisors to help him govern. The first mayor was Veron Choald Menetry, the younger daughter of a minor noble family on Aiere and part owner of the Luke. The Menetries had converted to the New Catholic Church some generations before. Veron Menetry established a practice of close consultation with the Abbey and other community leaders in her decision-making. Nevertheless, the pragmatic concerns of day-to-day living kept coming into conflict with the rigid code of conduct insisted on by the Abbess.

The three small freighters were kept in repair and used for occasional trading ventures, first with the nearby low-tech world of Llaravi (Spinward Marches 1711, later called Extolay), then, as the surrounding worlds were settled, with Efate, Forboldn, Knorbes, and others. Each ship became the foundation of a business consortium named after it. As commerce along the Spinward Main developed, Regina's possession of repair and maintenance facilities for jump vessels led to increased contact with traders from the Mora, Lunion, Sword Worlds, and Darrian subsectors to rimward, the Zhodani Consulate to spinward, and remote Vargr worlds to coreward.

The well-equipped colony prospered. The agricultural output was enough to permit a large section of the population to concentrate on secondary and even tertiary occupations. In 98 the three business consortiums joined with a group of Moran businessmen to form the Llaravi Company, LIC and began exporting manufactured goods to Llaravi and getting fine textiles, exotic spices, delicate perfumes, and rare liqueurs in return. These were in turn sold to Mora and high-tech goods and replacement parts bought with the proceeds. The company set up factors and warehouses in many of the princedoms and a starport with repair facilities and a fuel purification plant in the Kingdom of Ekhsthollae. With the aid of company troops and arms the king of Ekhsthollae began expanding his kingdom. Regina also colonized the adjacent Jenghe system, but only to the extent of setting up mining outposts. As time went by, more people grew rich enough to buy second-hand starships from Imperial worlds in the Deneb sector and begin trading on their own.

As is always the case, some people prospered more than others. The Menetry family did exceedingly well, and by the time Veron Menetry stepped down as Mayor, she was the head of the wealthiest and most admired family on Regina. The Menetries were to maintain their position as the "First Family of Regina" for many centuries. A disproportionately large number of mayors and high ecclesiastical figures were to come from the Menetry family.

The Irreverence

Non-canon: During the second half of the Imperial Pacification Campaigns, Regina learned the problem with being successful and populous (and thus known by name to far-off Imperial officials) when, on four separate occasions -- in 110, in 113, in 115, and in 118 -- the Imperial Navy showed up with a load of involuntary exiles from one pacification campaign or another. In each case the original colonists refused to accept the newcomers, whereupon the IN unceremoniously deposited them on one of the other continents. The continents of Ishimir, Imsu, Ishkis, and Madzaki were all settled in this manner. Regina was far from the only world in the Marches to get involuntary exiles dumped on it, but it was the only one to get four loads.

The newcomers sparked a heated controversy in Credo. Some wanted to conquer them, some wanted to convert them, some wanted to trade with them, and some wanted to ignore them. The debate brought to a head a smoldering resentment towards abbatial rule among the new generation that had taken over the running of the colony, and after a small "palace revolution" in 119, the Abbess no longer had any say in the secular affairs of the colony, although she remained the leader of the Church on Regina as well as titular head of Regina. The original bone of contention, the settlements on the other continents, was forgotten and ignored for a while.

One consequence of the government change was the creation of a constitutional committee charged with writing a constitution for Regina. The resulting Great Charter, as it was called, drew heavily on the original constitution of the Sylean Federation and was adopted by popular vote in 123. Among other things, the charter regularized the position of those settlers who had carved out landholds away from Credo and the people of the four new settlements (the latter groups without bothering to consult them or allowing them to vote). Resentment against the Church ran high and although the Great Charter recognized New Catholicism as the official state religion, ecclesiastical law, which had governed the Church's operations and relations with its members with full force of law since the establishment of the colony, was reduced under the charter to an option for the parties in any case involving the Church and its members, or between Church members inter se. Moreover, a number of features of the ecclesiastical law, notably prohibitions against divorce, contraception, and abortion, were explicitly removed from Regina's secular law.

The period from 119 to 168 is known as The Irreverent Era or just the Irreverence. The resentment against the Church was slow to abate, and when the continents were named by a government committee, the continent on which Credo was located was named Noncredo in deliberate mockery of the Church. However, with the Church's interference in secular matters removed, or at least greatly reduced, it gradually reasserted its spiritual hold on the population. In 168, Ezekiel Gordon, the newly-elected 12th Mayor of Credo, inaugurated a "Back to Piety" campaign to restore the power of the Church. Gordon was ousted from office in 174 over his establishment of the Pomona Cove Exile Colony, and the struggle see-sawed back and forth for the next four decades until an acceptable balance was struck and the population united in the face of a serious agricultural disaster called the Great Blight which devastated crops from 205 to 210.

The Regina Defense League

Non-canon: During the next hundred years, the worlds in the Regina Cluster grew and built up their industries. As they did, they became increasingly tempting targets for Vargr raids. Fortunately the closest Vargr worlds that could support corsairs were so far away that the cluster's worlds mostly remained less attractive targets than a number of Vargr worlds closer to the corsairs. Nevertheless, optimistic corsairs from time to time tried their luck. Consequently, the cluster's worlds banded together in 189 under the auspices of its most powerful world, Regina, to form a defense league.

The wealth gained from trade and from the protectorate world of Llaravi allowed Regina to hire mercenaries to protect it and its trade planets from Vargr raids. League funds and ships were controlled by the Reginan government rather than the powerful Reginan merchant princes. The Llaravi Company was the only private enterprise that could afford its own patrol vessels, although all commercial traffic in the region at the time was heavily armed. Ties to Moran business interests that were developing at the time ensured occasional visits from Imperial patrols. In 199, Regina built its first jump-capable ship, a 400 T jump-1 patrol ship named the Paladin.

Church of Regina

Non-canon: In 208 a group of die-hard religious fanatics sent a deputation to the Vice-pope of Aiere to ask him for help in reversing the increasing secularization of Regina's government. The Vice-pope sent a legate who arrived in 212 and tried to impose his authority over the Abbess, much to the general resentment of population and leadership alike. The result was that Regina broke with the New Catholic Faith in 218 and established a Church of Regina instead. Church tenets remained substantially unaltered but were now referred to as Corinian.

The Kingdom of Regina

Non-canon: In 235, the Imperium offered membership to all the settled worlds of the Regina Cluster. Ruie declined immediately, but the rest expressed interest and negotiations about details followed. The Duke of Iilidu began extensive study of the worlds in advance of making a recommendation to the Emperor. Much lobbying and negotiation took place on all sides.

A significant number of Reginans, mostly descendants of original families, favored remaining outside the Imperium, which would have resulted in continued complete independence, but no support in terms of defense and economic cooperation from the Imperium. This group formed a political party called Libertas, which was a minor player in the negotiations. All other parties involved felt that there was no real possibility that the Imperium would leave Regina alone in the long run. The question was really only how favorable membership conditions Regina could obtain.

One difficulty was that the Imperium wanted Regina to give up its de facto rulership of Llaravi. The Imperium had a policy of discouraging multi-world member polities, though sometimes other considerations forced it to accept them. Such considerations did not apply here, so Regina had to agree to this. Eventually, Regina and the six other members of the Reginan Defense League all became full members of the Third Imperium in 250.

Regina's membership treaty followed the standard for such treaties. As with all member states, Regina was required to contribute to the upkeep of the Imperium and allow its citizens to serve in Imperial organizations, exempting all Imperial salaries and pensions from income tax. The contribution was based on the system's gross domestic product, and was made subject to review every 30 years.

The Imperium received the normal rights to conduct foreign affairs and maintain military forces in the system. Regina retained local autonomy and jurisdiction over the entire triple star system. Regina was added to the local and Imperial defense networks. The Reginan Defense League's fleet was broken up. Some vessels were transferred to the Imperial Navy and the rest distributed to the former members in proportion to their erstwhile contribution to the league budget.

Regina also agreed to sell a large island to Empress Porfiria who gave it in fief to the marquis she created for the world, the former Mayor of Credo, Raybon Iuda.

Regina moreover relinquished control of its colony of Llaravi. That world, which had by then been united under the kings of Ekhstholae, became an Imperial member world in its own right under the name Extolay.

Regina established a constitutional monarchy under the Menetry dynasty, with a subordinate level of local nobility, a bicameral legislature, and an independent judiciary.

The first king was Isaac Menetry, family patriarch and CEO of the Luke Consortium, who turned over control of the company to his son Branj when he assumed the crown. The Menetries solved the classic problem of long-lived kings and bored, idle crown princes by alternating positions. The most suitable child of the king would be CEO of Luke; his or her most suitable child would be the next monarch; his or her most suitable child would be the next CEO of Luke; and so on.

The major landholders became nobles, either duci or baroni depending on the size of their estates. The baroni themselves were unofficial divided in two. Those who had acquired land under the Great Charter were called altibaroni, and those who had acquired their lands between 123 and 250 were the novibaroni. The families of the duci and baroni are often called the 'Old Colonials'.

Civil liberties of citizens were protected. Private ownership of personal property, land, and means of production was expressly established, but ownership of the latter two was limited to citizens of Regina and corporations owned and controlled by citizens. Citizenship was based on being able to trace lineage to any colonist who had arrived prior to 001-0110, a provision that disenfranchised a large section of the population and caused a lingering resentment, especially among the provincial population. The undeveloped regions were placed into a trust administered by a quasi-autonomous agency subject to the orders and oversight of the Crown.

The ground forces consisted of three infantry and one armored regiment in addition to the small, elite two-battalion Mayor's Guard. The forces were renamed the Royal Reginan Army and placed under the direct control of the king. Marquis Raybon called for volunteers from the Mayor's Guard to form his huscarles and the remainder became the new Royal Guard.

The Golden Age

Non-canon: The next 300 years are often looked upon as a golden age of Reginan Corinian culture. Regina grew in wealth and power in the cluster, art and literature flourished, the kings were just, the Church remained nearly universal, Imperial taxation was not onerous, and the Emperor was far away. Things were less tranquil in the provinces (as the other continents were known), but they didn't count.

The Iuda family became rich beyond its expectations during this period, and came to exert considerable influence on the royal family. The Iudas also dominated the space defense sector of the economy, particularly after they built a shipyard capable of building and repairing large vessels. They also managed to acquire full title to a large, as yet sparsely populated, island west of Noncredo.

The Iudas were zealously loyal to the Emperor and to the idea of the Imperium, and the marquesses appeared at the Moot more often than could be expected, given the great distance.

Internal Politics during the Golden Age

Non-canon: Church and state meshed more or less seamlessly for the next several hundred years. The growing numbers of immigrants meant an increase in their influence, and Reginan society had long allowed the practice of different faiths, particularly in the major cities. The role of the Iudas in assuring the security of non-Corinians should not be underestimated. The Iuda family maintained close association with the Menetries, and often provided assistance and connections in interstellar affairs.

The government at Credo had always claimed sovereignty of the entire world (as well as the rest of the system), but in practice it had mostly left the settlements on the other continents to their own devices. During the 4th Century, the government asserted its claim and sent governors out to administer all the settled continents. It took a number of limited military campaigns to get everyone to accept the idea, but by 393 Regina was truly a unified world.

External Politics during the Golden Age

Non-canon: In 424, following the publication of the First Survey, Emperor Martin III reorganized the Spinward Marches -- hitherto only one duchy (Mora) plus a hodgepodge of counties and marquisates answering to different dukes in the Deneb sector -- and created two more duchies, Lunion, and Trin (in that order of seniority). The Regina Cluster was made a county answering to the Duke of Mora. Knorbes and Efate both became marquisates under the Count of Regina and Alell a barony under Efate. Uakye, Forboldn, and Hefry were not assigned any nobles (nor, of course, were the interdicted worlds of Whanga and Ruie).

Emperor Jerome reorganized the Marches again in 552, creating three more duchies, Rhylanor, Bellion (later Glisten), and Arden (later Vilis). Regina County became part of the Duchy of Rhylanor. Among the many lesser changes Jerome made was separating out the Regina system from the honors of the Count of Regina Cluster and assigning it to a minor follower of his, a certain Estelle hault-Aledon, who became Baroness of Regina.

The 1st Frontier War

Non-canon: [More to follow.]

References & Contributors (Sources)

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