Four Worlds (FarF)

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Symbol Four Worlds.png

The Four Worlds is a small polity located within Far Frontiers Sector.

Astronavigational Codes

Polity Astronavigational Codes
Polity Survey Code Type Remarks
Four Worlds Pre-Imperial None None Not extant
Four Worlds 1st Survey (300) None None Not extant
Four Worlds 2nd Survey (1065) 4Wor 4-ltr code Formed in 788

Description (Specifications)

Far Frontiers Polities

The only pro-Zhodani state in Taemerlyk in Far Frontiers Sector, the Four Worlds has jurisdiction over (unsurprisingly) four worlds, with its capital at Uldor (Far Frontiers 1928).

In 788, a Zhodani-inspired insurrection took place in the Union of Garth, a region originally settled by Protectorate colonists. This rebellion resulted in the formation of the Four Worlds, a state which has maintained pro-Zhodani sympathies since gaining its independence from Garth.

Chart Union of Garth Four Worlds Basic.jpg
(Chart sourced from Traveller Map)

Government & Politics

The Four Worlds are governed by an impersonal bureaucracy headquartered on Uldor. Most of the population is satisfied with this arrangement and have no qualms about their friendship with the Zhodani.


Military & Intelligence

History & Background (Dossier)

Comp-Prog-Dav-R-Deitrick-Starter-Trav-Page-16 16-July-2018a.jpg

In 695 The Protectorate granted independence to its rimward colony worlds in Taemerlyk Subsector, which came together to form the Union of Garth.

A historical chart showing The Protectorate at its height.

Chart The Protectorate Historical.png
(Chart sourced from Traveller Map)

In 788, a Zhodani-supported insurrection of four Union worlds – Uldor, Dloshl, Hearth, and Zishilicti – threw the Union into civil war. Claims that this was due to the equal status given to Vlazhdumecta in relation to Solomani-Vilani settlers have never been proven. In any case, the so-called Four Worlds allied themselves in a secret pact with the Zhodani, who sent warships and weapons for future treaty considerations. In a well-coordinated assault, all Union installations on the four planets were captured and the Four Worlds broke free from the Union.


The symbol of the Four Worlds is four linked circles within a hexagon.

  • It represents the four member worlds, their separate status from the Union of Garth, and their mutual support.


Significant populations of the following sophont races reside within this polity:

Linguistic Topography

Worlds & Sectors (Astrography)

Chart Far Frontiers Sector Regional Basic.png

This polity is located in the following areas:

Charted Space:


The capital of this polity is located at:

World Listing

Comprehensive Second Survey data for all worlds lying within the Union is available.

  • The primary source material for all data is Traveller Map.
  • Data is occasionally updated as new information becomes available.

AAB library archives contain expanded data about the following systems:

4 of 4 World articles in Four Worlds (FarF)
Dloshl  •  Hearth  •  Uldor  •  Zishilicti  •  
startbacknext(4 listed)

Verified updated data is constantly sought.

  • Scouting missions gathering reliable, verified data can receive substantial payment.

References & Contributors (Sources)

This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.