Vlazhdumecta (language)
The common language family of the eponymous Human race in the “Human Client States” region.
- Location: Parts of Far Frontiers Sector, Fulani Sector, Tsadra Sector, Vanguard Reaches Sector, and Yiklerzdanzh Sector. Minor use as a secondary language within the Zhodani Consulate.
- Related Languages: Zdetl.
Originally, the Vlazhdumecta spoke numerous languages, each with a stylised ideographic written form. After contact with the Zhodani, from whom they acquired the jump drive, many studied the spoken and written forms of Zdetl (the Zhodani language). Before long, Zdetl became the lingua franca of the collective Vlazhdumecta clans. Some historians believe that the increased ability to communicate with each other was a factor in the sudden boost of Vlazhdumecta fortunes that followed Zhodani contact. As the Vlazhdumecta spread out into space, each colony used both an official language (derived from the part of the homeworld from which they came) and Zdetl (used to communicate with offworlders). The languages began to merge and evolve in different directions, particularly after the breakup of the Vlazhdumecta Colonial Sphere and influx from the Sky Raiders, Imperials, and other immigrant peoples. Pure Vlazhdumecta languages disappeared well before modern times, though many backwater villages speak tongues which in part descend from them.
Linguists are very interested in reconstructing the original languages, but no such attempt has gained wide acceptance. Vlazhdumecta linguists are famous for fierce arguments, attacking the theories of others and defending their own, to the point where all are stereotyped as fiery, larger than life characters. Archaeologist-linguists are well-known patrons of expeditions to obscure villages on obscure planets.
• Bakr: A high-protein, high-calorie beverage.
• Draj: "House" or "clan"; a descent grouping incorporating one, several, or many lineages, serving as a political unit.
• Hokhsda: In metaphysics, the "causal".
• Inzhan Hel: "Divine Wind".
• Ishikin: "Amalgamation of purpose"; a grouping of Draj brought together for a common pursuit. The group is considered one Draj for legal purposes for the duration.
• Itos: The understanding from within, accomplished by empathy, intuition, imagination, and/or divine inspiration. It rejects knowledge from without, as accomplished from observation and research.
• Izh Kriezhlal: Ruling body of the Izrats Kriezhlas state.
• Izrats Kriezhlas: "People of the New Beginning". The Vlazhdumecta faction that founded the only current intestellar, sovereign Vlazhdumecta state.
• Kethra: In metaphysics, the "sublime".
• Kishik: "Place of Contemplation".
• Lam Dre: "Proper action". The basic ideal to which all Vlazhdumecta strive.
• Vratsilshid: A food from Anchli (Yiklerzdanzh 2140), extremely popular locally but found vile by virtually all visitors.
• Zhupek: A concept of rebirth from devastation, similar to the Terran notion of the mythical Phoenix.
Local languages descended from Vlazhdumecta are common in Far Frontiers, Yiklerzdanzh and Tsadra sectors.
For example, several common languages of The Protectorate, including Danatic, Kitalla, and Thetric, have Vlazhdumecta roots.
This language family is used in the following locations:
References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]
- J. Andrew Keith. The Trail of the Sky Raiders (FASA, 1982), 53.
- Authors & Contributors: David Schneider & Grant Sinclair of the HIWG in Australia
- Dale Kemper. "The Far Frontiers". Ares Special Edition 2 (1984): 29-30
- Kevin Knight. Traveller Chronicle 09, Sword of the Knight Publications, 1996, Pages 18, 21. (Izh Kriezhlal Subsector)
- Kevin Knight. "Vlazhdumecta." Traveller Chronicle 08 (1995): 25-28.