Royal class Interstellar Liner

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Royal class Interstellar Liner
Type: M Liner
Category BCS
Size 5,000 Tons
Hull Configuration Close Structure Hull
Streamlining Unstreamlined Hull
Tech Level TL–11
Computer Model/2
Jump J-2
Maneuver 1 G
Staterooms 614
Crew 185
High/Mid Passengers 514
Cargo 12 Tons
Fuel tank 1,000 Tons
Carried craft 1 100t shuttle
Origin Third Imperium
Cost MCr1,392.6
Blueprint No
Illustration Yes
Canon Published, canon design
Designer Lewis Roberts
Design System Marc Miller's Traveller
Era Milieu 0
Reference Starships 26-27.

The Royal class Interstellar Liner is a TL–11 Liner.


It is a vessel with 1-G and J-2 performance. The Royal class has 414 standard High passage rooms plus 100 luxury suites that have twice the space and the passengers are even more pampered than the other guests. It is designed with luxury in mind. It is how the nobles and the super rich of the new Imperium travel to the stars.

Each Royal ship is equipped with a state of the art defense grid, and all member of the staff are cross-trained in security matters to assure passenger's safety. The ship carries a 100-ton shuttle to load and unload passengers.

It has a crew of 185.

History & Background[edit]

The Royal is outfitted with every conceivable luxury: a Grand Ballroom with one of the finest Sylean-style chamber orchestras (42 piece) in the sector; a high rollers casino where the wealthy can try to be come even wealthier; sports center with a small swimming pool and variable gravity weight lifting equipment; the holo-movies shown each night in the Grand Salon; twenty of the finest chiefs from the Imperium create masterpieces of culinary delight each and every night; an excellent sickbay with expert physicians in the case of medical emergencies. In addition, the entire staff is hightly trained and taught how to deal with the rich and famous with the utmost discretion.

Class Naming Practice/s & Peculiarities[edit]

Each ship is named for members of the Imperial Family.

Selected Variant Types & Classes[edit]

36 Representative Liner (M) Classes[edit]


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Marc Millers Traveller This was originally designed using Marc Miller's Traveller ship design rules.
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