Enaaka (world)

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Alien Moon 73b-0.jpg
Enaaka/Pretoria (Deneb 0203)
Milieu 1116
StarportB Good: Spacecraft Construction, Overhaul, Refined fuel
Size7 Medium (11,200 km, 0.70g - 0.94g)
Atmosphere7 Standard (tainted)
Hydrographics7 Wet World 70%
Population7 Moderate (90 million)
Government8 Civil Service Bureaucracy
Law6 Moderate Law (no firearms except shotguns)
Tech Level6 Pre-Stellar (nuclear)
See also UWP
Jump map from Travellermap.com [1]
System Details
Primary F5 V
Worlds 10
Gas Giants 2
Planetoid Belts 2
Cultural Details
Government Civil service bureaucracy
Law Level Moderate
Cultural Extension 6845
Army Size (BEs) 30
Economic Details
Technology Level 6
Economic Extension
Labor6Moderate (9 million)
Infrastructure8 Generally available
Importance Extension 1
Resource Units 432
GWP (BCr) 96
World Trade Number 4
Trade Volume (MCr/year) 2,150
Starport Details
Classification Class-B
Port Size 4
Building Capacity (Tons) 99,000
Port employees 160
Port passengers (annual) 1,000

Enaaka is an agricultural world with a tainted atmosphere but still a near-ideal environment for producing foodstuffs. The system supports a population of tens of millions of sophonts. This world contains an archaeological site with artifacts suspected to be from the now-vanished Ancients. It is a member of Third Imperium in the Pretoria Subsector of Deneb Sector and in the Domain of Deneb. Enaaka, as a member world of the Third Imperium, holds the estate of an Imperial knight and the fiefdoms of a baron and a marquis. All three are members of the Imperial Nobility charged with overseeing the world.

Enaaka (world)/Pretoria (Deneb 0203)
New Era
StarportA Excellent: Starship Construction, Overhaul, Refined fuel
Size7 Medium (11,200 km, 0.70g - 0.94g)
Atmosphere7 Standard (tainted)
Hydrographics7 Wet World 70%
Population8 Moderate (100 million)
Government8 Civil Service Bureaucracy
Law6 Moderate Law (no firearms except shotguns)
Tech LevelC Average Stellar (robots)
See also UWP
Cultural Details
Government Civil service bureaucracy
Law Level Moderate
Cultural Extension 6A49
Army Size (BEs) 120
Economic Details
Technology Level 12
Economic Extension
ResourcesDVery abundant
Labor7Moderate (10 million)
Infrastructure8 Generally available
Importance Extension 2
Resource Units 1,456
GWP (BCr) 586
World Trade Number 5
Trade Volume (MCr/year) 44,720
Starport Details
Classification Class-A
Port Size 6
Building Capacity (Tons) 110,000
Port employees 25,505
Port passengers (annual) 31,000

Era: New Era

Enaaka is a moderate-population world, with too many sophonts to be an agricultural world but not enough to be an industrial world. This world contains an archaeological site with artifacts suspected to be from the now-vanished Ancients. It is a member of Regency of Deneb in the Pretoria Subsector of Deneb Sector. This world is an Interface world, with a quarantine inspection facility for all ships. 10% of the world's population is the Major Race Vargr.

Description (Astrography & Planetology)[edit]

This world is located in the Marzian Loop, a cluster of worlds in the coreward reach of the Pretoria Subsector.

Stellar Data[edit]

Enaaka has a solitary primary star.
Solitary F Type.jpg Type Category Mass (Sol) Temperature (K) Luminosity
F5 V Main Sequence 1.33 6350 - 6550 2.71319
Unit Diameter Safe Distance Habitable Zone Jump Shadow M-Drive Limit
AU 0.0137 0.1366 1.49 - 2.6 1.37 13.7
Orbit #  * 0 4 4 7

System Data[edit]

The worlds of the system have been surveyed. They consist of:

Mainworld Data[edit]

This hot, humid world is perpetually overcast and has an ecosystem completely dominated by fungus, whose varieties number hundreds of times more than on most other worlds.

With scant axial tilt or orbital eccentricity, there are no seasons on Enaaka. Temperature and climate vary by altitude and latitude, but not from one part of the year to the next. Electrical storms are common. Temperatures at the poles hover around freezing, but the continual circulation of moist, warm air from the lower latitudes guarantees that snowfalls, while common, don't accumulate. At the equator temperatures soar, and these regions can be entered by Humans only if they're wearing special protective gear. Many of the equatorial areas -- known as hotlands by the locals -- remain unexplored except from orbit.

Mainworld Atmosphere[edit]

Enaaka has a pressure of 0.71 to 1.49 atmospheres. While a Standard Atmosphere does not require survival gear this atmosphere also contains an unusual taint such as such as disease, a hazardous gas mix, pollutants, or sulfur compounds which requires the use of a Filter Mask. Some taints may require more protective equipment. TL–3 or more advanced survival gear is required to settle this world.

Mainworld Geography & Topography[edit]

  • Two equatorial continents
    • Chloan Equatorial, a vast, largely unexplored stretch of desert, mountain, and jungle in the heart of the larger equatorial continent.
  • Southern continent
    • Euphoren Mountains
  • Valpasin Continent (northern hemisphere)
    • The largest city and principal cultural and trade centre on Enaaka is Aton, located in the A'kell Valley of central Valpasin, a few kilometers from the Emerald Gulf and the warm waters of the Vasting Ocean.

Mainworld Map[edit]

No information yet available.

Native Lifeforms[edit]

Enaaka is completely dominated by fungus, whose varieties number hundreds of times more than on most other worlds. The ecosystem includes tall, tree-like mushrooms.

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

Enaakan fungi represent both the greatest danger of Enaaka and its greatest potential. Risking many fungus-related conditions and diseases, Human enterprise on Enaaka is primarily concerned with the harvest and processing of species valued for their pharmacological or gourmet commercial worth.

Unknown to modern settlers, the so-called Fuzzy -- a creature or being akin to a yeti or sasquatch -- is in fact a population of Vilani-descended Humans afflicted with a fungal infection.

Imperial Landed Nobility[edit]

Enaaka, as a member world of the Third Imperium, holds the estates of three members of the Imperial Nobility, who are charged with overseeing the world.

World Starport[edit]

Enaaka has a Class B Starport, a good quality installation which includes all the expected amenities including refined fuel for starships, brokerage services for passengers and cargo, and a variety of ship provisions. There is a shipyard capable of doing annual maintenance, overhauls and most kinds of repair, and construction of non-starships. Most ports of this classification have both a Highport and a Downport.

World Population (P)[edit]

Enaaka has a population of 90,000,000 sophonts (tens of millions).

World Demographics[edit]

The "Fuzzies" are not included in the census.

World Languages[edit]


The largest city is the golden-domed planetary capital, Aton (population 9,750,000), located on the northern continent of Valpasin.

Other cities include Akaaghu (population 8,400,000), reputed to date back to the earliest Vilani colonies, and Vlest (population 4,000,000) in the shadow of the Euphoren Mountains.

World Technology Level[edit]

Enaaka possesses a Technology Level of TL–6.

World Government[edit]

Enaaka is governed by a Civil Service Bureaucracy. The leadership of the government takes another form (democracy, dictatorship, oligarchy), but the bureaucracy leadership influences policy. The government leadership may select the bureaucracy leadership, but not its membership. Usually the governmental leadership is divided, or incapable of setting policy, and the bureaucracy provides a stabilizing influence. This ruling bureaucracy may be the full government bureaucractic apparatus or a section with limited jurisdiction but considerable influence, like the military.

  • The Aton High Council is the ruling body.

World Law Level[edit]

No information yet available.

World Military[edit]

No information yet available.

World Culture[edit]

Mistrustful of outsiders, disdainful of those who use elaborate protective devices or appear afraid of the Enaakan environment, the friendship and loyalty of Enaakans, once earned, are unquestionable.

World Economy[edit]

No information yet available.

Trade Data[edit]

No information yet available.

World Infrastructure[edit]

No information yet available.

Historical Data[edit]

No information yet available.

World Timeline[edit]

No information yet available.

UWP Listing[edit]

No information yet available.

References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.