Spinward Drift Subsector

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Spinward Drift Subsector
Jarnac Zydar Ghost Rift

map from Travellermap.com

Sector The Beyond
Capital Efflung
No. of Stars 24
Majority Control Hefrin Colony - %
2nd Control Zydarian Codominium - %

Subsector M of The Beyond Sector.

Description (Specifcations)[edit]

The Hefrin Colony controls seven systems, and half a million live on the three Zydarian Codominium worlds, nearly all on Zydanar. Besides Apparos, there are four other independent systems of little note; only Haes has a significant population. Three systems are uninhabited.

This sparsely populated subsector represents a frontier of Humaniti's advancement in the spin-rim direction.

Subsector Summary: 1116[edit]

Spinward Drift, subsector M of The Beyond, contains 18 worlds with an estimated combined population of 84 million. These worlds originate an interstellar trade through 14 starports (0 Class A, 6 Class B, 3 Class C, 5 Class D). Driving this interstellar trade are two Agricultural (Ag) worlds, no Non-Agricultural (Na) worlds, no Pre-Agricultural (Pa) worlds, one Pre-Industrial (Pi) world, no Rich (Ri) worlds, and no Industrial (In) worlds. The governments in Spinward Drift maintain one Naval base. The highest technology level is 12 at Efflung (Beyond 0335) and Teldarra (Beyond 0336).

Spinward Drift, subsector M of The Beyond, contains 24 stars; 12 monostellar systems, six binary systems, no trinary systems, and no systems with four or more stars. 14 of the 18 systems have native gas giants. There is one Asteroid (As) belt, no Desert (De) worlds, no Garden (Ga) worlds, one Ice-capped (Ic) world, five Poor (Po) worlds, three Vacuum (Va) worlds, and no Water (Wa) or Ocean (Oc) worlds.

Spinward Drift has an estimated population of 84 million distributed across no High population (Hi) worlds, no Moderate population (Ph) worlds, five Non-industrial (Ni) worlds, nine Low population (Lo) worlds, and three Barren (Ba) worlds. The highest population world is Apparos (Beyond 0739). The population consists primarily of 1 sophont group.

1 identified sophont populations in Spinward Drift


There are eight Non-Aligned worlds in Spinward Drift with an estimated combined population of 80 million.

Zydarian Codominium[edit]

The Zydarian Codominium has jurisdiction over three worlds in the subsector, with a combined population of less than a million.

Hefrin Colony[edit]

The Hefrin Colony has jurisdiction over seven worlds in the subsector, with an estimated combined population of 3.5 million. The governments in the Hefrin Colony maintain one Naval base within the subsector.

Astrographic Features & Trade Routes: 1116[edit]

  • Broken Chain, a string of jump-2 accessible systems across the rimward portions of the Spinward Drift, Ghost Rift, and Siren subsectors.

World Listing: 1116[edit]

14 Worlds in the Spinward Drift Subsector
Apparos  •  Bartinil  •  Efflung  •  Eromnek  •  Gonzo  •  Hactor  •  Haes  •  Khiiszarbi  •  Kuuna  •  Teldarra  •  Trend  •  Zydanar  •  Zydexnar  •  Zydoquir  •  

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

As of 1105, the Jarnac Pashalic has threatened retaliatory action against Zydarian Codominium Star Legion tithing in this subsector.

Polity Listing: 1116[edit]

Native Sophonts: 1116[edit]

The following species are believed to have originated in this area:

  • No information currently available.

Demographics: 1116[edit]

Significant populations of the following sophont races exist within this subsector:

Major Historical Events Timeline: 1116[edit]

These are some of the more important historical events that have affected this subsector:

  • 745: United Spinward Worlds (Hefrin Colony) founded by Joachim and Jennifer Hefrin after the failure of the Corellan League Federal Constitution
  • 754: Death of Joachim Hefrin. Jennifer Hefrin becomes in effect the sole ruler of the United Spinward Worlds, and concentrates her authority on building up Khiiszarbi
  • 930: Duality Prophet Zydar seizes control of Tirost (subsequently named Zydar)
  • 936: Expansion of Zydar's realm begins

References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

Alternate Versions:

  • Sunbane (Jeff Zeitlin)
  • Paranoia Press (1991)
  • T5 Atlas of the Imperium: Second Survey (FFE)

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