Gashka class Assault Craft

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Gashka class Assault Craft
Wiki Navy.png
Type: UIB Assault Craft
Category Smallcraft
Size 20 Tons
Hull Configuration Needle Hull
Streamlining Streamlined Hull
Tech Level TL–10
Computer Model/1 Flt
Jump J-0
Maneuver 4 G
Hardpoints 1
Staterooms 0
Crew 2
    Officers 1
    Enlisted 1
    Marines 10
High/Mid Passengers 0
Cargo 7.5 Tons
Fuel tank 0 Tons
Origin Ziru Sirka
Year Operational Unknown
End of Service Still in active service.
Cost MCr28.0
Architect fee MCrDavid Pulver, Jon F. Zeigler
Quick Ship Profile UIB-2S40
Blueprint No
Illustration No
Also see Combat Transport - Boarding Craft - Smallcraft
Canon Published, fan design
Era Interstellar Wars
Reference Interstellar Wars 202, 211.
Starships are designed with the Classic Traveller format, using High Guard.

The Gashka class Assault Craft is a combatant smallcraft.

Description (Specifications)[edit]

It is a vessel with 4-G and J-0 performance with a streamlined needle hull.

STANDARD 20-DTON ASSAULT CRAFT: This small craft was used by both Imperial and Terran forces for a particular mission: the “opposed boarding” of potentially hostile vessels. Patrol cruisers often used the assault craft to support customs inspections, while other vessels used them to deliver Marines to capture enemy ships in battle. [1]

Image Repository[edit]

No information yet available.

General Description & Deck Plans[edit]

No information yet available.

Basic Ship Characteristics[edit]

Following the Imperial Navy and IISS Universal Ship Profile and data, additional information is presented in the format shown here. The small craft factor indicates the number of squadrons (of ten craft) carried on the ship. Tonnage on the universal ship profile is shown in kilotons (thousands of tons) when necessary. [2]

Basic Ship Characteristics [3]
No. Category Remarks
1. Tonnage / Hull 0-99 tons.
2. Crew x1 crew.
3. Performance / Engineering Propulsion:
4. Electronics Model/TBD fib ship computer.
5. Hardpoints xTBD hardpoints.
6. Armament / Weaponry The normal weapons fit-out for it is:
7. Defenses Defensive Equipment:
8. Craft / Drones None
9. Fuel Treatment Fueling Equipment:
10. Cost MCrTBD.
11. Construction Time TBD months to build, TBD months in quantity.
12. Remarks Other Equipment:

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

While it was best known it its TL:10-12 versions, the Vilani of the Ziru Sirka even had an early TL-9 prototype version. [4]

Class Naming Practice/s & Peculiarities[edit]

Vessel Peculiarities: No information yet available.

Class Naming Practice/s: No information yet available.

Selected Variant Types & Classes[edit]

Military Ship - Military Auxiliary - Boarding Craft - Smallcraft:

  1. Type UIB class Boarding Smallcraft
    1. Barrister's Gavel class Boarding Gig
    2. Gashka class Assault Craft AKA Agatha class Assault Craft
    3. Generic Modular Cutter with a Modular Cutter Module
    4. Great Eastern class Troop Transport
    5. Paulos class Troop Transport

References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

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