DSP Listing

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Distant Fringe Logo.gif

The DSP Listing is a published astrographic guide detailing a part of the Empty Stars, specifically those areas lying to coreward and trailing of the Distant Fringe.

  • The Listing also includes information on Shadow Rifts, clusters of stars, nebulae, anomalous signal sources, and other phenomena.
  • See also Deep Sky Program.

Published Data

The Deep Sky Program publishes and updates the DSP Listing, a widely available star catalog. This is most commonly called "Where The Stars End".

  • The name is traditional and refers to the Distant Fringe region's position on the edge of the Great Void – literally the point where the stars end. It also refers to the various Shadow Rifts lying within the Empty Stars, from the natural barrier of the Moat Rifts to the distant Laurentine Gulf. The absence of stars within these voids – again, the places where the stars end – would prove to be a major obstacle to interstellar travel, should any ship ever venture into those far-flung areas.


The DSP has accurately defined the positions and types of the stars and worlds that lie within 35 sectors that form part of the Empty Stars. These include:

Empty Stars Sectors

Central Sectors

Leiden Sector, Mageera Sector, Elysium Sector, Coraline Sector

Forge Sector, Garadin Sector, Median Sector, Tirell Sector

Phanic Sector, Burden Sector, Omicus Sector, Hollow Sector

Outer Sectors

Wraith Sector, Amarada Sector

Serenity Sector, Perfection Sector, Ledge Sector

Shandara Sector, Range Sector, Tarchon Sector, Revenant Sector

Rimward Sectors

Kataran Sector, Cauldron Sector, Kalash Sector, Turoman Sector

Valiance Sector, Toller Sector, Palatine Sector, Argent Sector

Samardin Sector, Pestilent Sector,

Moat Rifts Sectors

Fallow Sector, Extent Sector, Shadow Rift Sector, [[Bourne Sector] Divide Sector, Course Sector

Great Void Sectors

Abyss Sector, Chasm Sector, Gulf Sector, Deep Sector, Stand Sector

Void sectors lie within the Great Void, a vast expanse of mostly empty space extending many sectors to rimward. Although they are not considered to be part of the Empty Stars, Void sectors are included in the DSP Listing. These empty regions really are where the stars end.

System Details

Although detailed, accurate information is now widely available relating to the many and varied systems of the Empty Stars, this wasn't always the case. Prior to 5550AD, while details about star locations and types could found, there was relatively limited information available about the various planetary bodies that orbit them. The presence and numbers of gas giants were noted, though details about other types of worlds were not.

While the cutting-edge sensor arrays and advanced computing power employed by the DSP were certainly sensitive enough to detect the presence and nature of large rocky bodies and even large planetoids lying within those far off systems, that information was not made generally available.

There is some speculation over the reasons for this omission. Primarily, it was argued, it discouraged casual travel into the Empty Stars. Such travel, it was thought, could have chanced across Voyagers or the Vilani and alerted them to the presence of the surviving Terran culture of the Distant Fringe.

Physical Data

The stars and worlds lying within the far-off sectors of the Empty Stars have only been remotely surveyed. However, their basic physical properties have been repeatedly assessed by multiple independent sources and the vast majority of these organizations confirm one another's findings. Although the UWP can never be stated with absolute certainty until the system has been physically visited, the listed UWP values are considered reliable.

Social Data

Starport and Social Data for the worlds of the Empty Stars is not available.

These worlds are assumed to have the trade code Ba (Barren world).

  • It is extremely likely that native sophont species may exist on some worlds.

References & Contributors / Sources

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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.