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Religion is any cultural system of belief.

Description (Specifications)

It includes designated behaviors and practices, world views, worship practices, philosophical texts, sacred places, ethics, morals, or organizations, that relate sophonts to the supernatural or transcendental often as a cosmic "order of existence."

History & Background (Dossier)

Religion is part of many sophonts' lives, including many human cultures. by the year 1105 TI, many ancient Terran, Vilani, and Zhodani religious belief systems survived. Other species such as Aslan with their Violent Monoculturism and the K'kree with their Communal Anti-Carnivorism philosophies, have less religious diversity. Noone is quite sure what the Hivers really believe, but some of it may be religious. Hivers certainly seem to believe in forms of altruism commonly called Hiver Altruism.

Representative Religions

  1. Brotherhood of the Sphere - Around since Imperial year 900 its followers believe the universe is an infinite, selfaware sphere, and that other universes revolve around it. Their holy symbol is a spherical crystal (usually lapis lazuli) worn about the neck.
  2. Church of Divine Truth - Dating back to the First Imperium this religion is very popular with membership well into the billions. It believes that there is a Supreme Being that has at least one semidivine minion on each planet. Their holy symbol is a small, four-pointed star tattooed on the back of the right hand.
  3. The Children Trancendant - They are an outlaw religion whose followers believe the achievement of such psionic is another step on the road to a higher plane of being. To that end, each and every member is required to try to achieve maximum psionic potential sometime during his or her active career. Members identify each other by telepathy, or, alternately, by a special hand signal.
  4. The Followers of the Suns - The followers of this religion hold that each star is powerful sentient being who should be worshiped by those in their respective system. Due to their beliefs they will aggressively help colonize new worlds to provide the star deity with worshipers.
  5. The Three - "A religion surmised by Imperial scholars to have begun in Zhodani space long ago. It holds that there are three deities, each of equal power but with different outlooks. One deity is good, one is evil, and the third acts as a mediator between the two and between the gods and the Zhodani. A popular holy symbol is a group of three small, identical objects, preferably gems or crystals, which are worn about the head, neck, wrist, or waist (depending on the degree of devotion)."
  6. The Vekkur - This religion is similar to the Order of the Unicorn on Terra but take their belief to the next level being total pacifists and will not take life under any circumstances.
  7. The Mediators- This group is dedicated to the precepts of law and order; as such, members act as lawyers and minor law-enforcement personnel. The doctrines of this religion hold that there is a Supreme Being who set down a Universal Law and gave it to intelligent beings to use as they saw fit. A member's fate in the afterlife is based on how well the law is understood and utilized during life."

Terran religions - among the large number of religions on Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) there are some newcomers.

  1. The Disciples of Terran Purity. The Disciples mistrust and do no use technology believing it to have corrupted Terra and rendering her peoples' spirits impure. The exist at TL–1 or even TL–0.
  2. Order of the Unicorn - "a following of doctors and other healers who strive to preserve life and health in all sentient beings. The Order takes its name from a mythical Terra animal supposedly able to cure disease and poisonings."

Articles About Religions

Worlds & Sectors (Astrography)

This race (sophont species) is primarily located in the following areas:
Charted Space:

Homeworld: 1105

The homeworld of this race (sophontic species) is:

World Listing: 1105

Significant communities of this race (sophont species) are known to dwell within the following systems and worlds:

2 of 2 World articles in Religion
Oewni  •  Redemption (De 1722)  •  
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References & Contributors (Sources)

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