Atsah (world)

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Atsah/Atsah (Deneb 2913)
Milieu 1116
StarportA Excellent: Starship Construction, Overhaul, Refined fuel
Size6 Medium (9,600 km, 0.60g - 0.81g)
Atmosphere5 Thin
Hydrographics6 Wet World 60%
Population7 Moderate (70 million)
Government5 Feudal Technocracy
Law0 No Law
Tech LevelD Average Stellar (holo data)
See also UWP
System Details
Primary K4 V
Worlds 11
Gas Giants 3
Planetoid Belts 2
Cultural Details
Government Feudal technocracy
Law Level No law
Cultural Extension 2B18
Army Size (BEs) 100
Economic Details
Technology Level 13
Economic Extension
ResourcesEExtremely abundant
Labor6Moderate (7 million)
InfrastructureF Very comprehensive
Importance Extension 4
Resource Units 1,260
GWP (BCr) 492
World Trade Number 5
Trade Volume (MCr/year) 18,088
Starport Details
Classification Class-A
Port Size 5
Building Capacity (Tons) 66,500
Port employees 4,435
Port passengers (annual) 9,500

Atsah is an agricultural and garden world with an ideal environment for producing food from plants, animals, or other forms. The system hosts a population between 10 million and 100 million. This system serves as the capital for the subsector. It is a member of Third Imperium in the Atsah Subsector of Deneb Sector and in the Domain of Deneb. Atsah, as a member world of the Third Imperium, holds the estate of an Imperial knight and the fiefdoms of a baron and the Subsector duke. All three are members of the Imperial Nobility charged with overseeing the world. This world has a nearby Imperial Way Station.

Atsah (world)/Atsah (Deneb 2913)
New Era
StarportX No Starport
Size6 Medium (9,600 km, 0.60g - 0.81g)
Atmosphere5 Thin
Hydrographics6 Wet World 60%
Population7 Moderate (50 million)
Government5 Feudal Technocracy
Law9 High Law (no weapons out of home)
Tech Level6 Pre-Stellar (nuclear)
See also UWP
Cultural Details
Government Feudal technocracy
Law Level High
Cultural Extension 2518
Army Size (BEs) 300
Economic Details
Technology Level 6
Economic Extension
Labor6Moderate (5 million)
InfrastructureB Very extensive
Importance Extension -1
Resource Units 1,188
GWP (BCr) 30
World Trade Number 0.5
Trade Volume (MCr/year) 0
Starport Details
Classification Class-X
Port Size 2
Building Capacity (Tons) 26,599
Port employees 5
Port passengers (annual) 0

Era: New Era

Atsah is an agricultural and garden world with an ideal environment for producing food from plants, animals, or other forms. The system hosts a population between 10 million and 100 million. It is a member of Wilds in the Atsah Subsector of Deneb Sector. 10% of the world's population is the Major Race Vargr.

  • This world was once known as Khotsaka.

Description (Astrography & Planetology)

This system is part of the Atsah Cluster.

Monostellar System

Atsah Monostellar System
Star Name Hierarchy Category Mass (Sol) Temp (K) Luminosity (Sol)

K4 V

Primary Main Sequence 0.73 4440 - 4600 0.33238
Unit Diameter Min Distance Hab Zone Jump Shadow M-Drive Limit
AU 0.0033 0.0478 0.58 - 1.07 0.33 3.3
Orbit #  *  * 2 1 5

System Data

Lurent planetoid ships may be found in the inner system, trading; or else in the system’s Oort clouds, refuelling[2].

Mainworld Data

Atsah is a temperate world, with low gravity and native flora and fauna.

Mainworld Geography & Topography

Native Lifeforms

The fauna of the world is Vargr-edible.

History & Background (Dossier)

Atsah has had a jump-capable society since before the founding of the Third Imperium. In year zero, Vargr warlords had already built a civilisation on Atsah, which was then called Khotsaka.

Imperial High (Landed) Nobility

Atsah, as a member world of the Third Imperium, holds the estates of three members of the Imperial Nobility, who are charged with overseeing the world.

World Starport (St)

Atsah has a Class A Starport, an excellent quality installation which includes all the expected amenities including refined fuel for starships, brokerage services for passengers and cargo, and a variety of ship provisions. There is a shipyard capable of doing annual maintenance, overhauls and other kinds of repair, and construction of both starships and non-starships. Most ports of this classification have both a Highport and a Downport.

World Population (P)

Atsah has a population of 70,000,000 sophonts (tens of millions).

World Demographics

The population is 80% Aekhu Vargr, with most of the rest being Humans.

Linguistic Topography

The following languages are spoken here:


The downport is expensively designed to look rustic. Walls are simulated mud-brick. Aekhu Vargr ceremonial artefacts are on display in various starport museum nooks. The hiring hall looks as though it was originally a slave auction block. However, even that is a design element, calculated for effect.

World Technology Level (T)

Atsah possesses a Technology Level of TL–13 or TL-D in Hexadecimal Notation.

  • Common Communication technologies for this TL include: Holovideo recorders.
  • Common Power Generation technologies for this TL include: Miniature super-batteries, prototype collectors, advanced fusion plants.
  • Common Transportation technologies for this TL include:

World Government (G)

Atsah is governed by a Feudal Technocracy. Society divides itself based on the technical requirements of the society. Each of these functions are granted as a fief to an individual or group. Leadership of these fiefs determines the head of the government.

Atsah is part of the Atsah Cultural Region, and has a long history as a significant Vargr world. The Atsak Federation, a small Vargr interstellar polity, was centered on Atsah, originally known as Khotsaka.

  • The capital of the subsector and the Duchy seat, the world's number one employer is the subsector government. Every one of the 70 million inhabitants is part of the government. The world is a great producer of that unusual commodity of civilisation: red tape.

World Military

No information yet available.

World Law (L)

Atsah has no law in practice. It is an Anarchy. On many worlds, this by itself justifies an Amber Zone advisory. There are few laws, covering only important areas. There may be few or no law enforcement officers, the expectation is citizens will bring law breakers to the attention of the Judicial system. Legal proceedings will be fast, with few people involved. For interactions outside of the framework of the laws, cultural norms dominate.

World Economy

Tukera Lines operates offices and maintenance facilities on Atsah.

Trade Data

No information yet available.

World Demographics

No information yet available.

World Culture

The Atsah Cultural Region, of which Atsah is part, is made up of pro-Imperial Vargr, who are easily recruited to serve on patrols and diplomatic missions. Allegiances in these Vargr states shift constantly, and each time a world's government changes, so does its status within the Imperium.

Historical Data

Hard Times

Atsah formerly had been the capital of Atsah Subsector under Imperial administration. The world was an important trade and manufacturing center, and boasted of a high standard of living. Its prosperity became a casualty of the Vargr invasion of Corridor, which severed its trade links, and of Vargr raiding in the 1120s. The world was ceded by the Domain of Deneb, and it became a part of the DMZ created in Atsah with the Dzarrgh Federate. Atsah's population has always been fascinated with politics, particularly political intrigue.


In the wake of its double Abandonment, first to the Vargr, and then Virus, its political elites have become masters of survival.

The world splintered into several factions after the Collapse, generally city-states separated by vast regions of wilderness. Trade caravans of trucks and huge land trains connect these polities, bringing much needed goods and commodities. The masters of these caravans are the primary rulers of each city-state, and the economic struggles usually form the basis of all politics on the world. While the world is nominally balkanized, the worlds rulers usually meet every two years at the former capitol city of Melva to elect one of their number as the world's main ruler. This process is accompanied by much political jockeying, and sometimes sporadic skirmishing and strongarm politics. The social system is divided into extended family/clan systems that dominate entire neighborhoods. Trade and politics are the two most esteemed professions, every other worker on the world is subordinated to the clans that control these arenas. Intrigue permeates every corner of the world, and the average citizen keeps careful track of their relative status and safety in all social contexts.

References & Contributors (Sources)

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