General Products

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General Products.jpg

General is a major heavy industry company known for inexpensive products of fair to adequate quality. The company was formed by merger of a number of smaller manufacturing concerns shortly after the end of the Civil War, in the period 620 to 622.

Description (Portfolio)[edit]

General Products is one of the thirteen Imperial megacorporations in operation in 1116.

The megacorporation uses many different symbols and logos.

Logo General Products Alternate.png Logo General Products Alternate 1.png

Commercial Competencies[edit]

  • Heavy Industry
  • Starship Manufacturing
  • Vehicle Manufacturing

General Products, LIC: Largely concerned with heavy industry, General is a manufacturer of starships, non-starships, and heavy machinery of all sorts.

Governance & Organization[edit]

No information yet available.


Stock ownership (1105):

Stock ownership (1126):


History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

General is known for inexpensive products of adequate quality, but of late its starship division (particularly its military products) has been plagued with disaster.

The corporation was formed by the merger of a number of smaller manufacturing concerns shortly after the end of the Civil War, in the period 620 to 622.

Trade Partners[edit]

No information yet available.

Trade Competitors[edit]

No information yet available.

Great Asset Swap[edit]

The Great Asset Swap of 1126 saw the shareholdings in General Products change considerably -- one of the saving graces for the corporation was that Hortalez et Cie divested itself of GP stock to fund its other acquisitions, and thus it was able to maintain its independence.

History-Era: New Era[edit]

Era: New Era

Worlds & Sectors (Astrography)[edit]

Deneb Sector[edit]

In the Deneb Sector, GP has commercial shipyards at important worlds with class-A starports and populations at TL-9 and up.

Reft Sector[edit]

General Products has found a market niche in the Islands, notably supplying what would be fairly basic items on a tech level 12 or 13 world in the Imperium, but which are quite advanced compared to what is made locally. These are shipped in bulk into the Islands, mainly to Colchis from where they are sold on. Even with shipping costs, GP makes a good profit on these items.

Note that Amondiage has a deal with Ling-Standard Products and does not like the competition.

Solomani Rim Sector[edit]

General Products took the lead in opening up new markets in the Solomani Rim in the wake of the Rim War. The company is known here for cheap but reliable industrial products and is the mainstay of local starship production. Its Rim operations are aided by a strategic partnership with Naasirka, which often provides computers and avionics. GP's heavy industrial divisions in the Solomani Rim are free of the problems that have plagued it elsewhere in the Imperium. Mangers and employees transferred to the Rim offices find that the company runs a much tighter ship here, and no hint of scandal is tolerated.

World Listing: 1116[edit]

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