Esai'yo Sector

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Esai'yo Sector
Hkakhaeaw Faoheiroi'iyhao Waroatahe
Esai'yo style="width: 250px; height: 350px; border: solid 1px black;"
map from
Ekhtaoe Ktehlaahkyo Ealehyalokhi Orletroi
Hie Ktiya'eai Kikekheirol Ftalea
Eahiheiar Eaaufua Eaheouya
Hkeiui Fikheihe'eal Wiaiaw
Sector Data
No. of Worlds 170
Population 397,435 million
Majority Control Aslan Hierate - 99%
Secondary Control Other - 1%
Province ?
Capital ?
Gross Sector Product BCr1,506,041
Trade Volume BCr957
Imperial Coordinate -7 / -3
This sector has a trade map
This sector has economic data
This sector has sector data
This sector has a climate file

Esai'yo style="width: 250px; height: 350px; border: solid 1px black; float: right; clear: left"

The coreward half of this sector is part of the Great Rift. The non-rift rimward subsectors are claimed by the Aslan Hierate.

Description (Specifications)[edit]

No information yet available.

Toponyms: 1116[edit]

This sector has been known by different names to different groups over its existence including the following:

Esai'yo Sector Names
Culture Toponym Polity
Third Imperium Esai'yo Third Imperium
Aslan Esai'yo Aslan Hierate
Droyne Droyne Oytrip Yatroy
Hiver Esai'yo Hive Federation
K'kree Two Thousand Worlds
Solomani Esai'yo Solomani Confederation
Vargr Esai'yo Vargr Extents
Vilani Esai'yo Third Imperium
Zhodani Esai'yo Zhodani Consulate

Linguistic Topography: 1116[edit]

The following languages are among the most commonly used within this astrographic region:

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

No information yet available.

Native Sophonts (NIL): 1116[edit]

The following races (sophont species) are believed to have originated within this area:

  • Terragens (Non-Human Terran Races)
    • None

Demographics: 1116[edit]

Significant populations of the following races (sophont species) reside within this area:

  • Terragens (Non-Human Terran Races)
    • None

Historical Eras[edit]

No information yet available.

History: General Overview[edit]

No information yet available.

History-Era: Milieu 1100[edit]

No information yet available.

Major Historical Events Timeline: 1116[edit]

These are some of the more important historical events that have affected this sector:

  • No information yet available.

Politics & Diplomacy (Interstellar Relations)[edit]

No information yet available.

Polity Listing: 1116[edit]

The following polities can be found within this sector:

  • Other Powers
    • None

Polity Descriptions: 1116[edit]

Here are several synopses of the polities found in this sector:

  • No information yet available.

Imperial Territory: 1116[edit]

This sector is not an Imperial possession.

  • 0.00% is controlled by the Third Imperium.
  • 100.00% is controlled by non-Imperial powers.

Trade Routes (Economic Astrography)[edit]

The following astrographic features and trade routes can be found within this area:

Greater Mains (Blue & Cyan Lines: 51+ destinations)[edit]

  • No information yet available.

Lesser Mains (Green & Yellow Lines: 11-50 destinations)[edit]

  • No information yet available.

Micro Mains (Red & Pink Lines: 0-10 destinations)[edit]

  • No information yet available.

Rifts, Voids & Jump Bridges[edit]

Traces & Clusters[edit]

  • No information yet available.

Other Astrographic Features[edit]

  • No information yet available.

Worlds, Systems & Sectors (Political Astrography)[edit]


No information yet available.

Capital: 1116[edit]

  • No information yet available.

Sector Summary: 1116[edit]

The Esai'yo sector has 170 worlds with an estimated population of 397 billion, a per capita income of Cr3,876, and a total economy is BCr1,538,909. These worlds originate an interstellar trade of BCr1,040 through 135 starports (27 Class A, 25 Class B, 58 Class C, 25 Class D) employing 117,655 people. Driving this interstellar trade are 31 Agricultural (Ag) worlds, 12 Non-Agricultural (Na) worlds, no Pre-Agricultural (Pa) worlds, no Pre-Industrial (Pi) worlds, ten Rich (Ri) worlds, and 13 Industrial (In) worlds. The governments in Esai'yo maintain 51 Scout bases, and 25 Naval bases. The average technology level is 7 (with most between 4 and 10). The highest technology level is 15 at Iy (Esai'yo 2740).

The Esai'yo sector contains 245 stars and no identified planets; 108 monostellar systems, 55 binary systems, one trinary system, and six systems with four or more stars. 138 of the 170 systems (81%) have native gas giants. There are three Asteroid (As) belts, nine Desert (De) worlds, no Garden (Ga) worlds, four Ice-capped (Ic) worlds, 20 Poor (Po) worlds, nine Vacuum (Va) worlds, and 12 Water (Wa) or Ocean (Oc) worlds.

Esai'yo has an estimated population of 397 billion distributed across 19 High population (Hi) worlds, no Moderate population (Ph) worlds, 113 Non-industrial (Ni) worlds, 44 Low population (Lo) worlds, and two Barren (Ba) worlds. The highest population worlds are Railr (Esai'yo 1433), Eaoar (Esai'yo 2134), Uiseawo (Esai'yo 2812), Ureikheilr (Esai'yo 3214), Laosihea (Esai'yo 2522), and Yakhea (Esai'yo 0640). The population consists of 2 sophont groups.

2 identified sophont populations in Esai'yo


Aslan Hierate[edit]

The Aslan Hierate has jurisdiction over 168 worlds with an estimated population of 397 billion, a per capita income of Cr3,876, and a total economy is BCr1,538,909. These worlds originate an interstellar trade of BCr1,040 through 135 starports (27 Class A, 25 Class B, 58 Class C, 25 Class D) employing 117,655 people. Driving this interstellar trade are 31 Agricultural (Ag) worlds, 12 Non-Agricultural (Na) worlds, no Pre-Agricultural (Pa) worlds, no Pre-Industrial (Pi) worlds, ten Rich (Ri) worlds, and 13 Industrial (In) worlds. The governments in Aslan Hierate maintain 51 Scout bases, and 25 Naval bases. The average technology level is 7 (with most between 4 and 10). The highest technology level is 15 at Iy (Esai'yo 2740).

The Aslan Hierate has an estimated population of 397 billion distributed across 19 High population (Hi) worlds, no Moderate population (Ph) worlds, 111 Non-industrial (Ni) worlds, 42 Low population (Lo) worlds, and one Barren (Ba) world. The highest population worlds are Railr (Esai'yo 1433), Eaoar (Esai'yo 2134), Uiseawo (Esai'yo 2812), Ureikheilr (Esai'yo 3214), Laosihea (Esai'yo 2522), and Yakhea (Esai'yo 0640). The population consists of 1 sophont groups.

Non-Aligned, Human-dominated[edit]

There are two Non-Aligned Human-dominated worlds in Esai'yo with an estimated population of less than 1 million.

World Listing: 1116[edit]

The following systems and worlds can be found within this area:

No world articles for this Esai'yo Sector

Subsector Listing: 1116[edit]

The following subsectors can be found within this sector:

  • No information yet available.

Territorial Overview: 1116[edit]

The following table details the subsectors within this area:

  • No information yet available.

Territorial Chart Key[edit]

No information yet available.

References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.