Eiaikeiar class Intruder Transport

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Eiaikeiar class Intruder Transport
Eiaikeiar-CT-THUMB-FASA-ACS-4 21-Oct-2019c.jpg
Type: IA Intruder Transport
Category BCS
Size 3,000 Tons
Hull Configuration Needle Hull
Streamlining Streamlined Hull
Tech Level TL–14
Computer Model 7/Fib
Jump J-3
Maneuver 4 G
Fuel Treatment Scoops, Purifier
Hardpoints 30
Offensive 2 50T Missile Bays
Defensive Armored Hull, Nuclear Damper
Staterooms 87
Low Berths 190
Crew 55
    Enlisted 43
    Marines 253
High/Mid Passengers 0
Low Passengers 190
Cargo 75 Tons
Fuel tank 1,110 Tons
Carried craft 2 20T launches, 8 10T vehicle bays, 8 4T air/rafs
Construction Time 34 Months
Origin Aslan Hierate
Manufacturer Larleaftea Hryawaowya
Cost MCr2,879.35
Universal Ship Profile IA-C1347G2-900500-45009-0
Blueprint Yes
Illustration Yes
Canon Published, non-canon design
Designer J. Andrew Keith
Design System High Guard
Era 1105
Reference Adventure Class Ships Volume 4

The Eiaikeiar class Intruder Transport is a TL–14 aslan designed Intruder Transport. It is also known as the Hero class Intruder Transport in Anglic.

Description (Specifications)[edit]

It is a vessel with 4-G and J-3 performance with a streamlined needle hull. In its role as a mercenary transport, however, delivering troops and supporting them in action, the ship performs quite well. While often employed singly, but can be encountered in the many of other ships where more force is deemed necessary. The Intruder Transport can carry 63 troops in cabins and bunkrooms, plus 190 individuals in low berth, for a total of 253. Mercenary troops carried on board vary from one unit to another.

Image Repository[edit]

  1. Several Eiaikeiar class Intruder Transports about to deploy planetside.
    Eiaikeiar-CT-RESIZE-FASA-ACS-4 21-Oct-2019b.jpg
  2. Deployed Aslan warriors and an Eiaikeiar class Intruder Transport in support during a planetary invasion.
    Eiaikeiar-CT-ORIGINAL-FASA-ACS-4 21-Oct-2019a.jpg
  3. A Tleiatre class Battle Leader and several Eiaikeiar class Intruder Transports preparing for invasion.
    Tleiatre-CT-ORIGINAL-FASA-ACS-4 21-Oct-2019a.jpg

Basic Ship Characteristics[edit]

Following the Imperial Navy and IISS Universal Ship Profile and data, additional information is presented in the format shown here. The small craft factor indicates the number of squadrons (...of ten subcraft) carried on the ship. Tonnage on the universal ship profile is shown in kilotons (...thousands of tons) where necessary. [1]

Basic Ship Characteristics [2]
No. Category Remarks
1. Tonnage 3,000 tons (standard). 42,000 cubic meters.
2. Crew 55 crew: 12 officers, 43 enlisted personnel.
3. Performance Jump-3. 4-G. Power Plant-7. 210 EP. Agility-4.
4. Electronics Model/7 fib computer.
5. Hardpoints Two 50 ton bays.
6. Armament Two 50-ton missile bays.
  • Six triple beam laser turrets.
  • Four double fusion gun turrets.
  • Turrets are separately controlled to allow independent fire.
7. Defenses Nuclear Damper (factor-5). Armored Hull (factor-9).
8. Craft Two 20-ton launches. 6 air/raft bays. Eight 10-ton vehicle bays.
9. Fuel Treatment Ship is equipped with fuel scoops and on-board fuel purification plant.
10. Cost MCr 2887.1 standard. MCr2309.68 in quantity.
11. Construction Time 34 months singly. 23 months in quantity.
12. Remarks Other Equipment:
  • Cargo Bay: Standard cargo capacity amounts to 75 tons.
  • Ship's Locker
  • Designed to transport and support a full company of mercenary troops and their equipment, the Eiaikeiar (usually translated as "Hero"; also "Honored Warrior", "Valorous Conqueror", etc. Valued part of the Aslan Navy.
  • The Intruder Transport can carry 63 troops in cabins and bunk rooms, plus 190 individuals in low berth, for a total of 253. Mercenary troops carried on board vary from one unit to another.

All officers in the unit —- from the company commander down to the leaders of each platoon —- remain awake at all times, as does the company NCO. Four medical people and ten mechanics are also kept on standby. All other troops, including additional non-combatant personnel, are kept in low berths until the ship arrives at a new destination.

The presence of an owner's agent on board will displace one of the ship's senior officers, causing a doubling up somewhere in the accommodations. Such an agent will be present any time the ship is operating away from the main unit.

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

In its role as a mercenary transport, however, delivering troops and supporting them in action, the ship performs quite well. It is often employed singly, but can be encountered in the company of other ships where more force is deemed necessary.

"The Aslan at War", an Intruder Transport normally carries the following personnel: One platoon (41 individuals) out of low berth far shipboard security duties, ready for combat and the three other combat platoons are kept in low berth. An additional unit - attached for support or additional firepower as needed - may also be present. All officers in the unit - from the company commander down to the leaders of each platoon - remain awake at all times, as does the company NCOIC. Four medical people and ten mechanics are also kept on standby., All other troops, including additional noncombatant personnel, are kept in low berths until the ship arrives at a new destination. The presence of an owner's agent on board will displace one of the ship's senior officers, causing a doubling up somewhere in the accommodations. Such an agent will be present any time the ship is operating away from the main clan bases.

Class Naming Practice/s & Peculiarities[edit]

Vessel Peculiarities: The vessel is built not just to transport troops to the field of battle, but also to give them support once they arrive. Intended for a broad range of mercenary duties, the ship is completely self-sufficient. It is not, however, well-suited for deep space combat situations. Against well-coordinated orbital or planetary defenses, or a fighting ship of the same size, the Intruder Transport fares very poorly indeed.

The vessel is built not just to transport troops to the field of battle, but also to give them support once they arrive. Intended for a broad range of mercenary duties, the ship is completely self-sufficient. It is not, however, well suited for deep space combat situations. Against well coordinated orbital or planetary defenses, or a fighting ship of the same size, the Intruder Transport fares very poorly indeed.

Class Naming Practice/s: Designed to transport and support a full company of mercenary troops and their equipment, the Eiaikeiar (usually translated as "Hero"; also "Honored Warrior", "Valorous Conqueror", etc.) class Intruder Transport is an excellent example of Aslan shipbuilding at its' finest.

Selected Variant Types & Classes[edit]

22 Representative Troop Transport (PQ) Classes[edit]


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Classic Traveller This ship was originally designed using one of the Classic Traveller ship design rules:
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